
VMWare fusion 7.2 fixes a bug in detection of USB HID devices where they do not 
come up in the device menu. Passing it on for anyone who cares.

Also I have been speaking with VMWare on the whole issue of how the keyboard 
isn’t fully passed into the host machine. Early days on this one. I want to see 
what VMWare says since Apple states it is a VMware issue. 

Under windows you do not have the issues where eVoice-over is still 
intersecting keystrokes. If it is at a very low level then this could end up 
being an Apple issue after all.

> On 16 Jun 2015, at 8:10 pm, Sean Murphy <> wrote:
> The two options I can see:
> 1. Remap the Mac host  keystroke to something else, if this can be done under 
> keyboard prefence.
> 2. Use another keyboard and modify the VMWare config file so the 2nd keyboard 
> is fully controlled by the guess OS (your Test Mac os). This is what I do for 
> Windows  in the past. When using 7.1 Pro I have had issues with it not 
> working as it is documented. Looking into it still.
> Sean 
>> On 16 Jun 2015, at 9:01 am, Tom Moore <> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I use VMware every day for both windows and Linux machines have
>> basically got everything worked out as far as accessing most of their
>> functions.
>> The big question left for me is now that VMware supports running
>> virtual mac os's how can this be done so that a person can hit command
>> f5 with out starting up the Voiceover on the host?
>> If this can be made to work a virtual mac can be installed for testing
>> purposes and run along side the host os.
>> Thanks for any tips you guys may have.
>> Tom
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