Re: How Do You Mute the Chat In A Zoom Meeting

2020-04-15 Thread Ryan Mann
I think you can go into VoiceOver Utility and assign a key stroke to it. I just looked in the voiceOver commands help and there does not seem to be a key stroke assigned by default. Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 15, 2020, at 11:15 PM, Joy Cyr wrote: > > Thank you! Is there a way to do this

Re: How Do You Mute the Chat In A Zoom Meeting

2020-04-15 Thread Ryan Mann
Command F5 totally turns off VoiceOver, but I guess that would work to. Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 15, 2020, at 11:28 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: > > I think it's command-f5 > >> On Apr 15, 2020, at 10:14 PM, Joy Cyr wrote: >> >> Thank you! Is there a way to do this with a keyboard? I don'

Re: Orbit Reader 20 Plus

2020-05-16 Thread Ryan Mann
I got this Orbit 20 a few weeks ago. I've been using it with my iPhone and it has been working pretty well. I just got the original instead of the plus. I didn't feel like I needed the alarm and calculator. The calculator I can just ask SIRI the answers I need for math problems. The alarm

Re: Moderator Note - The Next Generation of VIPhone

2022-01-27 Thread Ryan Mann
have you considered moving over to groups. Io instead of using Google? Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 27, 2022, at 11:44 AM, Cara Quinn wrote: > > Hi Michael, > > Neither do we! > > As I said, neither Mark nor I had gotten any notice whatsoever from Google. > Even before I’d had a chance to l

Re: To Joseph Hodge, video on loading iPhone apps onto the new Macs?

2021-01-19 Thread Ryan Mann
Just to clarify, you can still run iPad apps if they are in the App Store, but if the developer does not support it, that is what Apple stopped. Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 19, 2021, at 10:50 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Not to mention that the ability to run iPhone a

Re: To Joseph Hodge, video on loading iPhone apps onto the new Macs?

2021-01-19 Thread Ryan Mann
ies > wrote: > > Yeah, but they shouldn't have stopped it. > Cheers, > Donna > > >> On Jan 19, 2021, at 9:26 PM, Ryan Mann wrote: >> >> Just to clarify, you can still run iPad apps if they are in the App Store, >> but if the developer does not support

Re: Microsoft Excel on IOS.

2021-02-16 Thread Ryan Mann
Are you subscribed to Microsoft 365? I believe you need a Microsoft 365 subscription to be able to edit Excel and Word files on IOS. With that being said, I don’t think Excel is as accessible on IOS. Numbers can open Excel files. Maybe you could use that instead. Sent from my iPhone > On

Re: Microsoft outlook on the Mac

2020-07-05 Thread Ryan Mann
What is the advantage of using Outlook instead of the Mail app? > On Jul 4, 2020, at 2:09 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote: > > Hello, > I checked things out on my Outlook, and you can use a hot spot safely for the > contacts window. Therefore, there should be no need to create a script for > this. >

Re: Full Keyboard in iOS 14

2020-09-23 Thread Ryan Mann
With VoiceOver, you can already control your phone with a Bluetooth keyboard. This option just benefits people who don’t use VoiceOver, correct? Get Outlook for iOS From: on behalf of Danny Keys Sent: Wedn

Re: The Psychology of technology

2020-12-10 Thread Ryan Mann
IPad as laptop replacement? I guess it depends on how you define a laptop. Xcode, Apple’s development environment is not available on an iPad, but it is available on a Mac. Since I use Xcode, I couldn’t replace my Mac with an iPad. If you have a laptop that you just use for simple things suc

Re: The Psychology of technology

2020-12-12 Thread Ryan Mann
I have an iPad mini 4. I have an orbit Reader 20. Get Outlook for iOS From: on behalf of Traci Duncan Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 10:41:12 AM To: Subject: Re: The Psychol

Re: Simple Text Editors

2023-01-29 Thread Ryan Mann
What app do you use for the terminal? I tried ISH and VoiceOver seems sluggish. Also, I remember trying Nano with it and had trouble figuring out where my cursor was using VoiceOver. Ryan Mann Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist 386-383-5175 > On

Re: Bookmarks

2023-10-31 Thread Ryan Mann
When you are in the Bookmarks Menu, one option in that menu is to add bookmark. There is also a key stroke, but I don’t remember what it is. Ryan MannCertified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialistrmann0...@gmail.com386-383-5175On Oct 31, 2023, at 5:06 PM, Rebecca Sabo wrote:Hi ,I was won

Re: TeamViewer for remote tech-support while using VoiceOver?

2024-06-18 Thread Ryan Mann
Yes you can take full control. Once they download the program, all they will need to do is type a keyword in a box. This key word will be one you come up with. Ryan Mann Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist 386-383-5175 > On Jun 18, 2024, at 6:28

Re: Do Ray-ban AI glasses require a subscription? (was Solved: Meta Glasses on iPhone)

2024-09-05 Thread Ryan Mann
I was asked to sign into Meta when I was setting up my Meta Glasses. I had the option to use my Facebook account. Ryan Mann Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist 386-383-5175 > On Sep 5, 2024, at 9:36 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionar

Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-15 Thread Ryan Mann
Another thing I like about community college is that the general classes are a lot smaller, at least at my community college. Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 15, 2016, at 2:57 PM, Katie Zodrow wrote: > > I went to a community college too for my first semester of college after I > graduated high

Re: Very creepy experience with Siri

2016-08-07 Thread Ryan Mann
The thing I worry about with artificial intelligence is job loss. If robots are smart enough to do the job, corporations will use them instead of paying humans. Sent from my iPhone > On Aug 7, 2016, at 8:52 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > > Wow, so Siri is programmed to respond with information

Re: how to type network path on macOS

2016-08-20 Thread Ryan Mann
Hit Command K. Then type //network path. For example if your drive was on and you want to access a folder called mp3 you would type // Sent from my iPhone > On Aug 20, 2016, at 5:45 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > > Hi all, > I just got my hard drive connecte to my rou

Re: Shutting Down with Lion

2012-03-12 Thread Ryan Mann
One way to shut down is to hit Control+Option+Command+Eject. Hit all of those keys at the same time. Sent from my iPhone On Mar 12, 2012, at 6:03 PM, Emilio Hernandez wrote: > Hello folks, > > I have installed Lion (I know a little late, but its running well). > I have been able to make mo

Re: Using Siri to activate FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Ryan Mann
I have been using Syri to make Face Time calls for a few weeks. I just say Face Time name mobile. For example, I would say "Face Time Pamela Mann mobile" and the call goes through. Sometimes it takes a minute. Sent from my iPhone On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:22 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: > Hi all, >

Re: pairing apple wireless keyboardd questions

2012-07-25 Thread Ryan Mann
If you want to pair an Apple bluetooth keyboard with an IOS device, do the following: 1. Open settings. 2. Open General. 3. Open Bluetooth. 4. You should see a list of bluetooth devices and one of them will be your keyboard. It will probably be called either Apple Wireless Keyboard or Christina

Re: pairing apple wireless keyboardd questions

2012-07-25 Thread Ryan Mann
nd the > keyboard. Hmm, I'm not sure what to try next. > Sent from Christina's iMac :) > > On Jul 25, 2012, at 8:23 PM, Ryan Mann wrote: > >> If you want to pair an Apple bluetooth keyboard with an IOS device, do the >> following: >> 1. Open settings

Re: A Question About Using OCR On The Mac for the First Time

2012-01-26 Thread Ryan Mann
st to this group, send email to > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > For more options, visit this group at > > Ryan Mann Follow m

Re: Bluetooth keyboard recomendations regarding the IPhone.

2012-02-18 Thread Ryan Mann
I use the Apple Bluetooth keyboard with my iPhone and I love it. I've tried a couple of the mini bluetooth keyboards and I just don't like typing on those. I like being able to put my hands on the home row and you definitely can't do that with the mini bluetooth keyboards. Sent from my iPhone

[no subject]

2014-02-21 Thread Ryan Mann
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Re: First thoughts 10.9.2 much improved for VoiceOver

2014-02-26 Thread Ryan Mann
You don't see an option to show details or anything like that? I could have sworn there was an option to show details and that would give you information about the updates. Sent from my iPhone > On Feb 26, 2014, at 9:31 PM, Jessica Moss wrote: > > Wound I just go to software update to downlo

introduction to Garage Band with VoiceOver?

2014-03-17 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. I am helping somebody learn the Mac and they want to know how to use Garage Band with VoiceOver. I don't know anything about Garage Band or audio editing in general. Are there any tutorials that give an introduction to using Garage Band with VoiceOver? I Googled tutorial Garage Band Voic

Re: iSSH or other ssh app for iPad

2014-05-02 Thread Ryan Mann
I have used Prompt to connect to a telnetable server and VoiceOver read the screen automatically. Sent from my iPhone > On May 2, 2014, at 12:50 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote: > > iSsh does appear to work. It connects with no problems and I can read what is > on the screen/in the terminal with bra

Re: Comparing VO Keystrokes in OS X and iOS?

2014-06-18 Thread Ryan Mann
A lot of the IOS key strokes are similar. For example, you can hit Left and Right Arrow together to turn Quick Nav on and Off. You can hit Left and Up Arrow together to switch between rotor settings then Up/Down Arrow to move to the next or previous rotor item. One thing you can't do on IOS is

Tandom equivalent for the Mac

2014-07-04 Thread Ryan Mann
For those that don't know, Tandom is a feature in the JAWS screen reader that allows a JAWS user to connect to another JAWS user's computer, hear what is going on and even control that person's computer. Neither person needs to know the IP address. Is there a way to do this with VoiceOver? S

Re: External hard drive Time Machine

2015-08-22 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. I like this hard drive. The only thing I'm wondering is if there are drives that have 7200 RPM instead of 5400. Other than that, I'm going to save this email in case I want to purchase another hard drive. Sent from my iPhone > On Aug 22, 2015, at 7:01 PM, Traci Duncan wrote: > > Hi

accessible typing tutor for Mac OS?

2015-08-24 Thread Ryan Mann
For the PC, there is a program called Talking Typing Teacher. This program has about 40 lessons that cover all of the keys on the keyboard. For each lesson, it tells the user where the keys are then gives practice drills. Does anybody know of a program like this for Mac OS that either works with V

Re: Anyone else disappointed with the "big" apple event

2016-03-25 Thread Ryan Mann
If that's what this person is saying, it is not accurate. Windows is still very much alive in businesses. Sent from my iPhone > On Mar 25, 2016, at 7:57 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > Wait, I'm confused. Are you saying that Windows based desktops are no longer > going to exist? >

Re: Three Questions About The Apple TV 4th Generation

2016-04-02 Thread Ryan Mann
I will put my responses below your questions. > On Apr 2, 2016, at 3:03 AM, M. Taylor wrote: > > Hello All, > > I went to an Apple Store, earlier today, to take alook at iPhone S.E. > > I left the store with an Apple TV 4th Generation 64GB. (smile) > > I just spent a couple of hours settin

Re: FYI: DRM is Evil. Very, Very, Very Evil

2016-02-15 Thread Ryan Mann
DRM stands for digital rights management. If music or audio files are protected by DRM can only be played on computers that are authorized to play them. This means that you can't just copy these files to a flash drive and copy them to another computer. Does this make sense? PS, did you go to t

Re: Safari on the Mac worse than ever?

2015-10-16 Thread Ryan Mann
NVDA is free and it keeps improving. Sent from my iPhone > On Oct 16, 2015, at 12:18 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > > The only problem is that Jaws costs a lot of money and Voice Over comes with > the Mac and has no ILM life. I have thought about getting a small windows lap > top but haven't d

Re: Partition an external drive

2015-12-13 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. You need to open Disk Utility. When you are in Disk Utility, find the drive. Then select the partition tab. Sent from my iPhone > On Dec 13, 2015, at 8:17 PM, Patricia Solis wrote: > > Hello All: > > How do I partition a 2tb external drive? I wanted to partition it into 2 > pa

can anybody figure out how to play these videos?

2011-07-02 Thread Ryan Mann
The web site that has flash videos. I have the Click to Flash extension installed. When I open the site, VoiceOver says "flash" then a web address. I thought I read on the list that you could interact with a scroll area and press a Play button. When I go through the pa

Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-11 Thread Ryan Mann
I used to use OpenBook as an excuse to keep using Windows, but no more. There is a program called DocuScan that can be used on both Windows and Mac. To me, it seems so easy to use a 10 year old could use it. There is one drawback. That is that it requires Internet access. -- Email services

Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Ryan Mann
When I used it a few months ago, Solona worked on the Mac. Original message: Nope. Webvisum only works on Windows. On Jul 11, 2011, at 10:35 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote: wait, there has to be a way to access captcha with a mac. some utility that cuts and pastes or something?

Re: the mac osx terminal and tinyfugue

2011-07-14 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. The terminal works decently. I have used the shell to telnet and SSH to other machines and VoiceOver reads the output. Once in a while, I need to use the VoiceOver review keys to review the screen, but the output is read automatically most of the time. Original message: My husband a

Re: navigating tables on the web with my new mac

2011-07-19 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. You use Control+Option+Left or Right Arrow to move by column. You use Control+Option+Up or Down Arrow to move to the previous and next row. To put it another way, you use Control+Option+Left or Right Arrow to move left or right and Control+Option+Up or Down Arrow to move up or down.

Re: Lion has potential, but...

2011-07-21 Thread Ryan Mann
, c, i, t, y, > that normally alex says "verbocity" just like before, but that if you go into > the activity area of the Vo utility he'll say it more verbawlcity? Why! Is > that not bazaar? > > Anyway, so those are my first impressions. > > Chris. > -- > You re

Re: scanning software question

2011-07-25 Thread Ryan Mann
sit this group at > Ryan Mann Follow me on Facebook. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To p

Re: shortcut key for opening documents folder

2010-07-14 Thread Ryan Mann
If you're going to use Spotlight to quickly find documents, make sure the "documents" category is checked under Spotlight preferences. I kept wondering why it didn't find my grocery list, then I opened Spotlight preferences and saw that the "documents" category was unchecked. On Jul 14, 2010,

Re: DTB players and thumb drives again.

2010-08-03 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. It's strange that your flash drive would stop working after only a few months. Do you eject your thumb drives or do you just pull them out? On a mac, you command+tab to the finder window, find your flash drive, then do command+e. You should only take your flash drive out after you do

Re: Logging On to My College's Wi-Fi

2010-08-20 Thread Ryan Mann
Did you try using the tab key? Sometimes, when I'm on a site where I have to enter a username, I have to enter my username, then hit tab to get to the password field. If that doesn't work, try using the web roader by hitting control+option+u. Right arrow over to forms. Then up or down arrow

Re: the unix shell and mac terminal

2010-08-29 Thread Ryan Mann
>>> -- >>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups >>>>> "MacVisionaries" group. >>>>> To post to this group, send email to >>>>> To unsubscribe from this

had to restart on Macbook, but not on Imac

2010-09-04 Thread Ryan Mann
one computer than the other. Why would this be? Ryan Mann Follow me on Facebook. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group,

Re: had to restart on Macbook, but not on Imac

2010-09-04 Thread Ryan Mann
y Macbook and my wife's iMac and did not need to reboot either. However, > the security update I mentioned did require a reboot. > > On Sep 4, 2010, at 12:35 PM, Ryan Mann wrote: > >> My Macbook and Imac both run Mac OS 10.6.4. When I ran Software Update to >> get

Re: IOS 4.1, blutooth keyboard and the iPod Touch as a notetaker for school?

2010-09-12 Thread Ryan Mann
this group, send email to > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > For more options, visit this group at > > Ryan Mann

Re: tc conferenceing application

2013-01-15 Thread Ryan Mann
I see from your signature that you have an iPad. There is a TC Conference app in the App Store. Sent from my iPhone On Jan 15, 2013, at 6:56 PM, Kerri wrote: > I hate to say this but he's right. I did roll my mac java back and I still > cannot access virtual community rooms like blind cafe.

Re: Command for moving to the status bar with bluetooth keyboard

2013-03-30 Thread Ryan Mann
Escape will take you back to the app you were in before you went to the notification center. For example, I just went to the notifications center before I started typing this message. Then I hit escape and I was back in the message area ready for me to type. Follow me on Twitter @progressivecat

Re: copying and pasting to a USB drive?

2012-10-21 Thread Ryan Mann
Do you know if the USB drive is formatted as a Windows NT file system? If so, there is a driver that you need to download to allow Mac OS to write to the drive. You can do this by doing Command+i to get information about the drive. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 21, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Kliphton w

Re: copying and pasting to a USB drive?

2012-10-21 Thread Ryan Mann
inal Message- > From: > [] On Behalf Of Ryan Mann > Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2012 8:11 AM > To: > Subject: Re: copying and pasting to a USB drive? > > Do you know if the USB drive

Re: ZoomText on the Mac Coming Soon

2012-11-29 Thread Ryan Mann
If somebody has purchased ZoomText for Windows and they want to switch to the Mac, will they have to buy ZoomText again or would their serial number for the Windows version work? I'm asking since I'm an assistive technology instructor and somebody might ask me this in the future. Thanks. Sent

Re: searching in iTunes11?

2012-12-01 Thread Ryan Mann
I noticed that in iTunes 11, after I put a song in the search box, I need to press Enter after I finish typing the name. I don't know why, but that's the only way I can get a song to play. Sent from my iPhone On Dec 1, 2012, at 9:16 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > Hi all, > I'm trying to search for a

Re: searching in iTunes11?

2012-12-01 Thread Ryan Mann
After I find the name of the Album, I need to do VO+M to open the context menu. Then I need to Down Arrow to Play and press Enter. Sent from my iPhone On Dec 1, 2012, at 9:26 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > Well, I feel kind of stupid. As Ryan said, pressing enter seems to do the > trick and filter t

Re: Apple's event next wednesday

2010-10-15 Thread Ryan Mann
gt;> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to >> >> For more options, visit this group at >> > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: getting to the drop box on my Mac

2010-10-23 Thread Ryan Mann
ions, visit this group at >> >> > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "MacVisionaries" group. > To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googlegro

Re: getting to the drop box on my Mac

2010-10-23 Thread Ryan Mann
/macvisionaries?hl=en. >>> >> >> -- >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups >> "MacVisionaries" group. >> To post to this group, send email to >> To unsubscri

Re: Microsoft Office 2011 period

2010-10-29 Thread Ryan Mann
t;> "MacVisionaries" group. >> To post to this group, send email to >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to >> >> For more options, visit this group at >>

See if these videos work with Click to Flash

2010-11-07 Thread Ryan Mann
doing something wrong. Thanks in advance. Ryan Mann Follow me on Facebook. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to ma

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-07 Thread Ryan Mann
options, visit this group at >> >> > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "MacVisionaries" group. > To post to this group, send email to &g

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-07 Thread Ryan Mann
So when the next OS after Snow Leopard comes out, you could ask for the OS on a USB flash drive instead of DVD? On Nov 7, 2010, at 8:36 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote: > comes with a usb drive with the os on it for restore. > On 2010-11-07, at 8:32 PM, Ryan Mann wrote: > >> Since you

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-07 Thread Ryan Mann
e I read that the new air came with a flash drive version, > but not certain if they had the plans to extend it to other places or not... > On 2010-11-07, at 8:39 PM, Ryan Mann wrote: > >> So when the next OS after Snow Leopard comes out, you could ask for the OS >> o

Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
quot; group. > To post to this group, send email to > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > For more options, visit this group at > > R

Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
"MacVisionaries" group. > To post to this group, send email to > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > For more options, visit this group at >

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
aries" group. >>>>>>>>> To post to this group, send email to >>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to >>>>>>>>> >>>

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
nd > its over 7 years old. of course, its a phillips (which may explain things). > > -Eric > > On Nov 13, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Ryan Mann wrote: > >> Rewriteable CD's won't work in CD players, so if you need to burn music that >> will play in all CD players,

adding web page to desktop with VoiceOver

2010-11-21 Thread Ryan Mann
desktop. How would I do this using VoiceOver and the keyboard? In case anybody is inerested, the web page I want to add to the desktop is Thanks. Ryan Mann Follow me on Facebook.

Re: Double-Spacing and changing font with TextEdit

2010-12-04 Thread Ryan Mann
ecause you are subscribed to the Google Groups >> "MacVisionaries" group. >> To post to this group, send email to >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to >> >> For more options

Re: A few questions for this Imac newbie

2009-10-02 Thread Ryan Mann
I would like to add that in SnowLeopard, if you turn Quick Nav on, you don't have to hold down the control and option keys to navigate web pages. What I mean is that instead of holding down the control and option keys with the arrow keys, you can just use the left and right arrow keys by

Bookshare and Olearia

2009-10-11 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. There is a mac Daisy reader called Olaria. I thought it it supported Bookshare books, so I downloaded it and tried it on a Bookshare book I just downloaded. Whenever I try to open the Bookshare book with Olaria, a dialog box pops up that says that the book is missing an audio fil

Bookshare and Olearia again

2009-10-11 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. I had copied the files for the book to another folder and I found out that I didn't copy all of the files. Therefore, I unzipped the files to the folder and tried to use Olearia again to read the book. I still get the message about not being to load an audio file. The files for

tip for reading Bookshare books on Mac OS 10

2009-10-17 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. I thought some people might want to know that I found a way to read Bookshare books on Mac OS 10. You could do the following: 1. Unzip the book. I just use the unzip command from terminal. 2. From Finder, go into whatever folder you unzipped the Bookshare book into. 3. There shoul

Re: installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. All I did to install Snow Leopard is: 1. With Leopard running, put the Snow Leopard DVD in. 2. Run the application on the DVD that was called Install Mac OS 10 or something like that. 3. After the install was finished, the computer restarted. I didn't lose any of my applications, musi

Re: installed sl

2009-10-20 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. You usually can open the VoiceOver utility by hitting control +option+f8. You may have to add the FN key, so in that case it would be fn+control+option+f8. You can also change some speach settings on the fly by holding down the control+option+command with the arrows. For example,

Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-21 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. Whenever you want to find some text on a web page, you can press control+option+f to open the Voiceover find dialog. Then type what you want to find and press enter. On Oct 21, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: > > Hi Anne, > > Thanks for these tips. I do use the web rotor and t

Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-21 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. If you're running Snow Leopard and you have Voiceover set to allow it to be controled by Apple Script, you can hit option+t to check the time. On Oct 21, 2009, at 8:16 PM, peter apgar wrote: > > well said all, > > there are several cool factors for the mac os. one of which is

Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-21 Thread Ryan Mann
. n Oct 21, 2009, at 10:50 PM, May McDonald wrote: > > Hmm, that's really good to know. Is there a place where I can find > other commands the apple script has? I guess I'll go check that > option now. > On 2009-10-21, at 7:27 PM, Ryan Mann wrote: > >> >> H

Re: Reading Braille files with the Mac

2009-10-26 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. You say that you are trying to read Bookshare books. I previously posted instructions on how to read the Daisy versions of Bookshare books. Let me know if you want those instructions again. Ryan On Oct 26, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote: > > Thanks for the suggestions.

Re: burning isos on the mac?

2009-10-29 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. I know that Disk Utility allows one to burn an Iso to a CD. For Audio CD's, you can use Itunes or Softcon Audio Burn. On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:23 PM, a radix wrote: > Hello, Is there any cd burning software available on the mac htat > works with snow leopard, voicover and allows me to

Re: ftp server

2009-11-04 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. Mac OS has a built-in FTP server. You should be able to enable it by doing the following: 1. Go to System Preferences. 2. Once you are in System Preferences, go into "sharing." 3. Interact with the services table. 4. Arrow through the list of services until you get to file sharing,

Re: I've done it.

2009-11-08 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. If you have Keyboard commander turned on in Voiceover Preferences, you can check the time by hitting the right option key and the letter T together. To enable Keyboard commander do the following: 1. Hit control+option+f8 to open VoiceOver utility. 2. Interact with the categories table

Re: I've done it.

2009-11-09 Thread Ryan Mann
be had with keyboard commander? > > -Original Message- > From: > [] On Behalf Of Ryan Mann > Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 7:07 PM > To: > Subject: Re: I'

Re: Question about adding folder to dock with command shift T

2009-11-11 Thread Ryan Mann
It's good that you can add a folder to the dock, but then, how does one view it? I just added a folder to the dock, but I can't view it like I normally would view a folder. After I hit vo+space to open the folder, I'm still on the dock. On Nov 11, 2009, at 4:41 PM, Esther wrote: > > Hi Bret

Safari 4.0.4 busy on Macbook

2009-11-12 Thread Ryan Mann
I have an Imac and a Macbook. Both computers run Mac OS 10.6.2. I updated to Safari 4.0.4 on both computers. This version of Safari seems pretty stable on my Imac. However, on my Macbook it seems to be getting busy a lot. It is pretty consistent on the blog If I

Re: Safari 4.0.4 busy on Macbook

2009-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
sue you are > having with this site. THe only thing I did notice is that if I ended up in > the password field, I had to make a greater effort to move away from it. I'm > going to check into this a bit more. > On Nov 12, 2009, at 10:33 PM, Ryan Mann wrote: > >> >> I

Re: reading entire document with speech

2009-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
If you're at the top of your document, you can hit vo+a. That will read from the cursor to the end of the document. On Nov 13, 2009, at 10:43 PM, anouk radix wrote: > > HEllo, now that I have discovered Infovox's uk speech, i wonder if there is a > key to read an entire document without me h

Re: downloading a mp3 file from a web page?

2009-11-15 Thread Ryan Mann
When you are on the link for the .mp3, do the following: 1. Hit vo+shift+m. 2. Arrow down to download linked file and press enter. On Nov 15, 2009, at 11:11 PM, Maurice Mines wrote: > > hi all of you. I am having a vary intresting quistion I quite offen > have to lissen to podcast's for sch

Re: renaming a folder (or changing it in max)

2009-11-15 Thread Ryan Mann
Hello. To rename a folder, you can do the following: 1. When the cursor is on the folder you want to rename, hit command+i. 2. vo+rightarrow until you find an edit box with the name of the folder. 3. Type the new name for the folder. 4. Hit command+w to close the window. On Nov 15, 2009, at

Re: iphone

2009-11-16 Thread Ryan Mann
Doesn't the Iphone have Safari? If it does, you should be able to open .xml files just like a web page. I posted instructions about opening Bookshare books in Safari a few weeks ago. On Nov 16, 2009, at 5:00 PM, Jim Fettgather wrote: > > Email was exactly what I was going to suggest, but re

Re: Kindle reader for the Mac

2009-11-18 Thread Ryan Mann
Will the ebook reader have a version for Mac OS or just Windows? On Nov 18, 2009, at 8:45 AM, william lomas wrote: > is that out yet? > > On 18 Nov 2009, at 13:29, Buddy Brannan wrote: > >> Keep dreaming. The Windows version isn't accessible either. I think >> our best hope so far for mainstre

Re: Formatting thumb drives in Boot camp for use by Mac users

2009-11-24 Thread Ryan Mann
If these drives are U3, they may show up as two drives. One drive is read-only, and the other can be read and written to like normal. On Nov 24, 2009, at 3:04 PM, Scott Howell wrote: > Kevin, > > If I understand you correctly, you have drives formatted for windows and your > wife can read, bu

Re: Mounting ISO images

2009-11-24 Thread Ryan Mann
What happens if you hit command+o on the .iso image? On Nov 24, 2009, at 6:26 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote: > Hi guys, > > I'm curious to know if anyone knows of mounting ISO images on the Mac without > having to burn them? I know this is possible in Windows, and I'm sure it's > possible to do

Re: Getting VLC to play folders

2009-11-27 Thread Ryan Mann
Open terminal and type the following: 1. cd folder_name 2. ls >folder_name.m3u. This will create a playlist of all the .mp3's in a folder. On Nov 27, 2009, at 12:52 PM, James & Nash wrote: > Hi list, > > Is there a way to get VLC to play folders in order please? The old way of > selecting it in

Re: Furtherto geting vlc to play folders

2009-11-27 Thread Ryan Mann
I don't understand. I used this trick about a year ago when I used VLC to play music. The files played fine. On Nov 27, 2009, at 8:54 PM, James & Nash wrote: > Hi, > > At first glance, I thought that Ryan's command would work, but the ls > command just lists the files or folders in a given d

Re: copying current url to clipboard?

2009-11-29 Thread Ryan Mann
Hit command+l to get to the address bar. Then hit command+a to select all. That will select the URL. Then hit command+c to copy to clipboard. On Nov 29, 2009, at 8:16 AM, anouk radix wrote: > Hi, I todl you guys that on the apple accessibility site the old 10.5 vo > manual is listed. I was r

Re: copying current url to clipboard?

2009-11-29 Thread Ryan Mann
Yes. I'm sorry I forgot that command. On Nov 29, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > Will Command V paste the URL where you want it to go? > > > -Original Message----- > From: Ryan Mann [] > Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 11:14

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