Hello.  You can use option+s to Open Safari and option+m to open  
Mail.  If you want, you can assign commands for other applications.   
For example, I've assigned option+e to open TextEdit.

On Nov 9, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> Good advice here, what other uses can be had with keyboard commander?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ryan Mann
> Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 7:07 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: I've done it.
> Hello.  If you have Keyboard commander turned on in Voiceover
> Preferences, you can check the time by hitting the right option key
> and the letter T together.
> To enable Keyboard commander do the following:
> 1.  Hit control+option+f8 to open VoiceOver utility.
> 2. Interact with the categories table and navigate down to the
> commanders category.
> 3. Stop interacting with the Categories table and vo+rightarrow a
> couple times and you should hear the keypad and keyboard tabs.  On the
> Keyboard tab, hit vo+space to select the keyboard tab.
> 4.  Vo+rightarrow again and you should hear a checkbox to enable
> keyboard commander.  Check that box with vo+space.
> You should also tell VoiceOver to allow itself to be controled by
> Applescript.  I think you can find in the general category in
> VoiceOver utility.
> On Nov 8, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Daniel Rowe wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Yes, I bought an imac last friday.  So far, I love it.  it's amazing
>> how
>> fast it is to get things done, and*most* things work fine.
>> I have my phone sinced with iCal and address book, been doing a bit  
>> of
>> web brouzing with safari, used front roe, gotten voice over saving my
>> settings on a usb drive, all the usual stuff.
>> I still need to add my music to iTunes though.  most of the ID3 tags
>> in
>> my mp3s are messed up.  some of them have both the artist and  title
>> duplicated in both the artist and title fields.  I'll have to run  
>> them
>> through mp3 tag studio on windows first as nearly all the file names
>> are
>> done as  artist - title.mp3, so that should sort mmost things out. .
>> But can itunes fill in all the other tags?
>> one thing I can't get to work is e-mail.  I've switched both my phone
>> and pc to imap with no problems at all.  but the mac doesn't want to
>> know.  the incoming server has an invalid certificate and it can't
>> connect to the smtp server.  it's really frustrating.
>> I have e-mailed the tech support guys so they should hopefully have  
>> an
>> answer.
>> I still keep forgetting how the cursor works.  I understand what's
>> happening, I just keep reverting to windows habbits.  I'll get it
>> eventually.  then I'll be expecting windows to behave like the mac.
>> While editing text on a webpage, say in a reply on a message board,
>> the
>> home and end keys don't seem to do what they're supposed to do.   
>> also,
>> if I do vo shift m to bring up the menu of misspelled words, it  
>> clicks
>> on the wrong word.  do I have to move the vo cursor onto the word I
>> want
>> to change?  I was just using the arrow keys before.
>> is there a command to read the current time rather than hopping over
>> to
>> the status menus?  I know it's possible.
>> To whoever it was who uses XMarks on the mac, did you try it on snow
>> leopard?  I downloaded the snow leopard package, ran it and it says
>> that
>> it requires leopard.  I'm running 10.6.1.
>> I'll also need to get it to write to ntfs drives, say if I want to
>> copy
>> some music I bought in itunes over to my windows machine,.
>> I'm planning on buying superdooper or whatever it's called.  that
>> sounds
>> like a fantastic backup solution.
>> Finally, has anyone had any luck using the dashboard?  I can bring up
>> the different widgets ok, they're just confusing to wirk with.
>> particularly the weather one.
>> I'm sure I'll come up with more questions to keep you lot busy. :)
>> so like I said, if it wasn't for it not playing ball with my e-mail
>> provider, I'd be totally happy and for most things, I can see myself
>> using the mac exclusively.
>> Bye for now,
>> Dannie
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