Re: How accessible is Google Hangouts on an iPhone?

2015-03-17 Thread Mike Busboom
ther membwers > may have good or bad news on this issue. > > On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Mike Busboom <>> wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I just went to a Google page that discussed some of the accessibility > features of Hangouts and

VoiceOver very sluggish when changing languages

2015-03-30 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, I have been meaning to bring this up for quite some time, but I keep forgetting. I have been noticing that whenever I switch from one language to another, VoiceOver is very, very slow to load the new language and voice it. When I switch from English to German, for example, I

Re: VoiceOver very sluggish when changing languages

2015-03-30 Thread Mike Busboom
> > I experience the same issue. In my opinion it started in Mavericks and got > worse in Yosemite. Fortunately I normally use Acapela voices and there’s no > sluggishness if I change voices. > > All the best > Jürgen > >> Am 30.03.2015 um 14:45 schrieb Mike Busboom

Voice Dream Reader - Bug in latest Version?

2015-03-31 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, One of my favourite apps, if not !the! favorite one, is Voice Dream Reader, which I use every day. I am using the latest version of the app which, according to the Help documentation is version 3.30. I am also using the latest version of iOS8 on an iPhone 6 with 64 GB. I seem

Re: Voice Dream Reader - Bug in latest Version?

2015-03-31 Thread Mike Busboom
@VoiceDreamApp on Twitter, will usually get you a response. >> On Mar 31, 2015, at 4:39 AM, Mike Busboom > <>> wrote: >> >> Hello everyone, >> >> One of my favourite apps, if not !the! favorite one, is Voice Dream Reader,

Re: Voice Dream Reader - Bug in latest Version?

2015-04-01 Thread Mike Busboom
:33, Alex Hall wrote: > > I don't use the dictionary so haven't run into this, but I can say that > emailing <>, or > mentioning @VoiceDreamApp on Twitter, will usually get you a response. >> On M

Re: VoiceOver very sluggish when changing languages

2015-04-01 Thread Mike Busboom
to Dutch. I did get a new and faster >> Mac though so maybe that's why it's better. >> >> Lisette >> >>> On 31/03/2015, at 1:45 am, Mike Busboom wrote: >>> >>> Hello everyone, >>> >>> I have been meaning to brin

Re: Voice Dream Reader - Bug in latest Version?

2015-04-01 Thread Mike Busboom
actually > <> > > The Twitter handle is correct, which is what threw me off. That's what I get > for not double checking before sending. >> On Apr 1, 2015, at 8:37 AM, Mike Busboom > <mailto:mbusb...@gmail

Voice Dream Reader Prob. resolved. This may help others.

2015-04-02 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, A few days ago, I posted a note to this list in which I thought I may have encountered a bug in the latest version of Voice Dream Reader. The problem was that I was unable to look up words in the dictionary. After writing to Voice Dream support, the issue was speedily resolve

Re: Voice Dream Reader Prob. resolved. This may help others.

2015-04-03 Thread Mike Busboom
d by the way, it’s good hearing from you, Mike > On 3,Apr,2015, at 00:51, Mary Otten wrote: > >> On Apr 2, 2015, at 8:51 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hello everyone, >> >> A few days ago, I posted a note to this list in which I thought I may have >&

Re: office preview for mac?

2015-04-24 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I am wondering why the product is referred to as Office Preview. Is it because it isn’t yet available as a full-fledged functioning program? Does anyone know if Word works on an iPhone with a bluetooth keyboard, or does it just work on the Mac? Best to all, Mike > On 22,Apr,2015, at 19:2

Re: OT: interesting application: aipoly, artificial intelligence for the blind

2015-09-03 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. Is this app available in any of the App stores? I looked in the Austrian store, and it wasn’t available. The Youtube link didn’t seem to indicate whether this app was available anywhere or if it was still in beta. I use TapTapSee all the time and love it. Nevertheless, if there is somethi

Re: OT: interesting application: aipoly, artificial intelligence for the blind

2015-09-03 Thread Mike Busboom
My apologies for posting questions that this message answers. A lesson learned: Instead of just looking at the end of a thread that looks interesting, start from the beginning. Mike > On 3,Sep,2015, at 06:06, wrote: > > Hi, > I read about an interesting App called aipoly. >

How do I enable AirDrop on my Mac?

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi, The subject line pretty much says it all. I would like to enable AirDrop on my Mac so that I can quickly share files between my iPhone and my Mac. On the Mac side of things, I turned on BlueTooth. I also went into the preferences and checked anything I could find that made reference to

Re: How do I enable AirDrop on my Mac?

2016-04-28 Thread Mike Busboom
; [Sent from my iPhone] > >> On Apr 27, 2016, at 10:41 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> >> Hi, >> >> The subject line pretty much says it all. I would like to enable AirDrop on >> my Mac so that I can quickly share files between my iPhon

Re: How do I enable AirDrop on my Mac?

2016-04-28 Thread Mike Busboom
issues with some of the conductivity between > Mac and iPhone, because they don't have Bluetooth 4.2. I am not sure if > that's getting in your way. > > Best wishes, > > Jonathan Cohn > >> On Apr 28, 2016, at 4:58 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >>

Frustration with AccessNote

2016-01-22 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello. The American Foundation for the Blind created a simple wordprocessing program called AccessNote, and this is the app to which my subject line is referring. Yesterday, I spent several hours taking some notes on a book I was reading, and to do this, I used AccessNote. Unfortunately, I los

Re: Frustration with AccessNote

2016-01-23 Thread Mike Busboom
> "writer" from voice dream a try. Its a cool accessible app. > Jim > >> On Jan 22, 2016, at 1:33 PM, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hello. >> >> The American Foundation for the Blind created a simple wordprocessing >> program cal

Disconcerting DropBox issue

2016-01-26 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I have a DropBox account with 1 TB and love it! I have DropBox on my Mac, as well as on my iPhone 6. A disconcerting problem that I have only recently started experiencing is that not all of the folders I created are appearing on my Mac. The DropBox on my iPhone shows all twenty folders,

Re: Disconcerting DropBox issue

2016-01-26 Thread Mike Busboom
eft side of each > folder to see which are checked and unchecked. It's possible that something > went wrong there and that many of your folders are not checked for > synchronization. Good luck > > > Sent from my IPhone > > >> On Jan 26, 2016, at 9:54 AM, Mike

Pasting DropBox links into e-mails

2016-02-09 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello. As most people who use DropBox probably know, it is possible to copy a link that Dropbox creates to your clipboard and share that link with other people via e-mail or WhatsApp, etc. Here is my question: When sharing the link on my clipboard via e-mail, do I first need to type Command-K

Re: Changing languages with a bluetooth keyboard

2016-02-25 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello Ben, I’m not sure what the make and model of my keyboard is, but it is bluetooth, and I bought it from the Apple store. Like you, I work in a multilingual environment. I also regularly use my bluetooth keyboard to switch input and output languages on my iPhone 6. What you need to do is

Creating a new line in an iMessage

2016-02-25 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, Ever since the most recent major iOS upgrade, it has not been possible to create new or blank lines in iMessages. Whenever I hit the Enter key, my iMessage is automatically sent. Does anyone know of a way to create a blank line within a text since using the Enter key simply se

Spell checking notes and messages on the iPhone

2015-11-03 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I am wondering how to make VoiceOver alert me to spelling errors when entering text on my iPhone 6 with a bluetooth keyboard. Prior to upgrading to OS9 and beyond, VO would alert me to spelling errors as soon as I hit the space bar or entered punctuation. Unfortunately, this is no longer

Reading iBooks with Voice Dream Reader?

2015-11-03 Thread Mike Busboom
Greetings to all of you, Does anyone know if it is possible to read iBooks I have purchased with Voice Dream Reader? To my way of thinking, Voice Dream Reader runs rings around anything else I have ever used on the iPhone for reading. On a similar topic, does anyone know if there is a maili

Re: Spell checking notes and messages on the iPhone

2015-11-04 Thread Mike Busboom
the setting to off. > > David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA > Email: > Mobile: +64 21 2288 288 > Sent from my iPhone > >> On 4 Nov 2015, at 07:38, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hi. >> >> I am wondering how to make VoiceOver alert me to spel

Looking for an old MacVisionaries podcast

2015-11-20 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, Quite some time ago, an individual did a podcast in which he use an Apple Bluetooth keyboard, and moved apps into various folders on his iPhone or iPad. When I went onto the Applevis site, the place where I believe the podcast was located, I was unable to find it. Perhaps I mi

Installing El Capitin on an older Macbook

2015-11-22 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I am currently running Yosemite on a Macbook that I purchased in 2009. A couple of years ago, I installed two additional GB of RAM, giving me a total of 4 GB. I am wondering how prudent, or even possible, it would be to install El Capitan on this Mac. I haven’t encountered anything f

Changing spell checking languages in Text Edit

2015-11-22 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I need to do some basic work in Text Edit and need to change my spell checker from British English to American English. Is there any way to accomplish this quickly? Thanks in advance, Mike -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you h

Re: Changing spell checking languages in Text Edit

2015-11-22 Thread Mike Busboom
gt; where there is a popup button that says 'automatic by language". > Activate it and you can arrow down through the available spellchecking > languages. Choose the one you need and it should be fine. Remember to > change it back to the original language you normally

Forcing Wi-Fi on my Mac to default to my home network

2015-11-22 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. For the past several years, whenever turning on and booting my MacBook,my secure network in my apartment was automatically logged on to. Recently, however, people near by have set up open networks, and my Mac automatically logs on to these systems, as opposed to my secure network. In the E

Re: Installing El Capitin on an older Macbook

2015-11-23 Thread Mike Busboom
Thank you for sending that link. It confirmed what people on this list said. Best regards, Mike > On 22,Nov,2015, at 22:31, E.T. wrote: > > This link should settle all these questions. Google is ever so very > helpful, isn't it? (smiles) > >

Re: Forcing Wi-Fi on my Mac to default to my home network

2015-11-23 Thread Mike Busboom
em. > > Andrew >> On 22 Nov 2015, at 19:08, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hi. >> >> For the past several years, whenever turning on and booting my MacBook,my >> secure network in my apartment was automatically logged on to. >> >> Recently, howev

Moving a file in DropBox to iCloud

2015-12-04 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I am tutoring someone in English who just sent me a textbook as a PDF. The book currently resides in my DropBox folder. I would like to peruse the content of the book using Voice Dream Reader, assuming that program can deal with the PDF. While Voice Dream Reader lets you download a book f

Re: Moving a file in DropBox to iCloud

2015-12-04 Thread Mike Busboom
s the > first option listed. > Cheers, > Donna > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Dec 4, 2015, at 5:10 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hi. I am tutoring someone in English who just sent me a textbook as a PDF. >> The book currently resides in my DropBox f

Re: Moving a file in DropBox to iCloud

2015-12-04 Thread Mike Busboom
that you can either enable or disable. Tap Dropbox. > It will then say, Enable This Account, Off. Tap that to turn it on. You > should then be prompted to enter your Dropbox username and password. > Cheers, > Donna >> On Dec 4, 2015, at 5:58 AM, Mike Busboom > <mailto:mb

Arrowing around the screen under El Capiten

2015-12-11 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, I am trying to help a blind friend who is using El Capiten. He is a relatively new Mac user. He told me that before upgrading to El Capiten, he could arrow or cursor around documents and e-mails a character at a time, just using the right and left arrow keys. When I told him

Re: Arrowing around the screen under El Capiten

2015-12-11 Thread Mike Busboom
all wrote: > > This should already work, no matter your OS version. Be sure Quick Nav is > off, or you might run into problems. >> On Dec 11, 2015, at 13:33, Mike Busboom > <>> wrote: >> >> Hello everyone, >> >> I am tryi

Automatic language switching on the Mac?

2015-12-18 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. Like several people on the list, I work in more than one language on a daily basis. On my iPhone 6, the language being displayed is automatically detected and spoken by VoiceOver. Is this feature available on the Mac and if so, How can it be turned on? Thanks in advance, Mike -- The

Re: Automatic language switching on the Mac?

2015-12-18 Thread Mike Busboom
you find the voice you want for the language > you need, and then repeat the process to get back to English. That's the best > we can do for the moment. >> On Dec 18, 2015, at 12:17, Mike Busboom > <>> wrote: >> >> Hi. >&g

Re: Automatic language switching on the Mac?

2015-12-19 Thread Mike Busboom
>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>> El 18/12/2015, a las 18:20, Alex Hall >>>> <>> escribió: >>>>> >>>>> It's not. I ran into this the other day, and wrote an email to Apple >>>

Re: requesting help using Google translate with Safari

2015-12-21 Thread Mike Busboom
Greetings from Vienna, Austria, While I can’t answer your question, I might be able to help you with your translation. E-mail me privately, and perhaps I can help you. Best regards, Mike > On 20,Dec,2015, at 02:41, Michael Marshall wrote: > > hey all, > I am ripping my hair out trying to do

Using the BrailleNote Apex as a Bluetooth keyboard

2013-11-30 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, I am wondering if it is possible to use a querty BrailleNote Apex as a bluetooth keyboard for my iPhone. I would like to use this combination of equipment to take extensive notes at lectures. Here are my questions: 1. Is it possible to invoke VoiceOVer commands from the quert

Re: Using the BrailleNote Apex as a Bluetooth keyboard

2013-11-30 Thread Mike Busboom
x. > > I don’t know if this has changed. > > Kawal. > On 30 Nov 2013, at 19:54, Mike Busboom wrote: > >> Hello everyone, >> >> I am wondering if it is possible to use a querty BrailleNote Apex as a >> bluetooth keyboard for my iPhone. I would like to

Has anyone tried WriteToGo Pocket on their iDevice?

2014-01-12 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, After listening to David Woodbridge's podcast on bluetooth keyboards with the iPhone, I went out and bought a bluetooth keyboard from the Apple Store. I love it and only wish that I had purchased one earlier on. Now, I am trying to determine which text editor might be a good fi

Re: Has anyone tried WriteToGo Pocket on their iDevice?

2014-01-12 Thread Mike Busboom
VO users and also try Evernote too. > > Enjoy! > Daniel Hawkins > - Posted from my Macbook Pro > > 2012 15in. Macbook Pro > 2.3 Quad-core i7 > 4GB DDR3 > 500GB HDD > > Dual Boot: > Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit > > On Jan 12, 2014, at 3:04 AM, Mike

Archiving and retrieving notes from Notes app

2014-01-18 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. For medical reasons, I daily make short entries in the Notes app in iOS7. Since I will need to refer to these notes in the future, I regularly back up my iPhone and have indicated that notes should also be backed up. While I still have all the notes on my iPhone, I am concerned that if I

Deleting apps from an iPhone using the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard

2014-01-18 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi, I recently purchased a Bluetooth keyboard from the Apple store, and I love it. I am using it to work more efficiently with my iPhone. I was wondering if there was a way to delete apps by invoking keyboard commands. You can delete text from within a document, but I have not found any way

Re: Deleting apps from an iPhone using the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard

2014-01-18 Thread Mike Busboom
gt; hth! >> Angelo >> >> >> >> >> On Jan 18, 2014, at 6:19 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> I recently purchased a Bluetooth keyboard from the Apple store, and I love >>> it. I am using

Re: Deleting apps from an iPhone using the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard

2014-01-19 Thread Mike Busboom
at 8:43 PM, Angelo wrote: > hi Mike, I haven’t played around with the kindle app, I think the VO and dash > will start and stop the reading of the book, maybe I should download it and > play a little. Do you like it? > > Angelo > > > > > On Jan 18

Annoying issue with sending message to certain contacts under iOS7

2014-01-20 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello listers, Ever since installing iOS7, I have had extreme difficulties in sending text messages to recipients in my contacts that have more than one number listed there. Whenever I initiate a message and try to send it to a contact's mobile phone, the message is always sent to the landline

Re: Annoying issue with sending message to certain contacts under iOS7

2014-01-20 Thread Mike Busboom
one 5 user! > > On Jan 20, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Mike Busboom wrote: > >> Hello listers, >> >> Ever since installing iOS7, I have had extreme difficulties in sending text >> messages to recipients in my contacts that have more than one number listed >>

Re: Annoying issue with sending message to certain contacts under iOS7

2014-01-21 Thread Mike Busboom
e five. > > David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA > Email: > Mobile: +64 21 2288 288 > Sent from my iPhone > >> On 21 Jan 2014, at 20:57, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> No, I haven't reported it yet and hadn't planned to do so until I had heard

Re: Express VPN -

2014-07-26 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi, Traci, I have never used Express-VPN, but I have tried out and used others. For two years or so, I used Strong VPN and it worked flawlessly. I only used it with my iPhone, not with my PC or Mac. The only time it went down was when Hurricane Sandy hit NYC, but they were only offline for ab

Re: using batch processing in Amadeus Pro

2014-08-08 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi everyone, I am considering purchasing Amadeus Pro for the digitization of many, many cassette and reel-to-reel recordings. Since I would be using batch processes to accomplish this task, I was wondering if Amadeus Pro also has filters for the removal of hiss which is very noticeable on some

Creating the Section Symbol on a Mac

2014-08-13 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I recently received a text in German which I need to translate into English. In the German text, the Section symbol appears frequently and will need to appear equally frequently in the English translation. Can someone tell me how to create the Section symbol on a Mac? I am using an Ameri

Re: using batch processing in Amadeus Pro

2014-08-13 Thread Mike Busboom
supports Audio units, so I imagine you may be able to add other options if > what Amadeus offers isn't satisfactory. > Jonathan Mosen > Mosen Consulting > Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training > > > On 9/08/2014, at 3:35 am, Mike Busboo

Accessibility of Hangouts on the iPhone

2014-09-17 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I recently received a note from a friend in which I was told about Hangouts, apparently a Google service, which he frequently uses. There is a free Hangouts app in the iStore, so I downloaded it. I don't want to install it until I get some list feedback, however. If I use Hangouts on my i

Re: Accessibility of Hangouts on the iPhone

2014-09-17 Thread Mike Busboom
call. Lastly, on a less positive note, it can be a serious drain on > battery. > > Respectfully, > Aser Tolentino, Esq. > >> On Sep 17, 2014, at 6:55, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> >> Hi. I recently received a note from a friend in which I was told about >

Accessibility of Canvas E-Learning Platform

2014-10-06 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, I hope to soon be taking some graduate level courses from a US-based university. They told me that their e-learning platform was canvas. Can anyone tell me how accessible Canvas is with Safari and the Mac? Would I be better served if I used Chrome or Internet Explorer in a Wi

Re: Accessibility of Canvas E-Learning Platform

2014-10-08 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. To my knowledge, it is not. My understanding is that it is an entirely different e-learning platform. Mike On 6,Oct,2014, at 17:26, erik burggraaf wrote: > Hi, Is this powered by blackboard? > > Best, > > Erik Burggraaf > > > > On Oct 6, 2014, at 10

Re: Bibliographically citing material when using eBook readers

2013-06-10 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello Nic, This is very encouraging, and I would like to thank you for checking this out for me. I am currently leading a discussion of a book that is available as a Kindle book, but prior to the Kindle app being made accessible, it was also available in the Blio bookstore. While Blio gives

Re: Bibliographically citing material when using eBook readers

2013-06-11 Thread Mike Busboom
Hope springs eternal. Mike On 11,Jun,2013, at 8:03 AM, Nicholas Parsons wrote: > Apple also announced today that they will be introducing iBooks for the Mac > in the new OS X coming out later this year called Mavericks. One of its > features is that when you quote text from the book it autom

Kudos to AFB and their AccessWorld App

2013-06-11 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, Yesterday, while reading some of the postings on this list, I ran across a message in which the AccessWorld app was mentioned. This app can be downloaded for free, and it allows you to quickly peruse issues of AFB's AccessWorld offerings. The app is 100% accessible, and jumping

Re: blind square

2013-07-08 Thread Mike Busboom
I really enjoyed reading your posting, and I have one question: Before using BlindSquare, do you need to have an account with 4Square? I had heard that this was necessary, but I don't know for sure. Thank you very much, Mike On 29,Jun,2013, at 8:06 AM, Vivianna wrote: > i absolutely love th

Re: blind square

2013-07-08 Thread Mike Busboom
> Hi Mike. > No, you do not need an account with 4square to use the app. The only reason > you would need it is if you anted to check in at the place you were going to. > On 2013-07-08, at 11:11 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: > >> I really enjoyed reading your posting, and I have on

Assisting someone with Macular Degeneration who is considering VoiceOver

2013-07-15 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, >From time to time, I assist people via Skype who would like to become familiar >with VoiceOver. Thus far, all of those whom I have assisted have been unable >to avail themselves of any visual cues from the screen, i.e. they depend >exclusively on speech, Braille or both. I re

Re: Assisting someone with Macular Degeneration who is considering VoiceOver

2013-07-15 Thread Mike Busboom
lar to what you describe. > I wonder if it would help him to do the trial version of ZoomText text for > the Mac. A lot of people seem to like this a lot. > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Jul 15, 2013, at 7:19 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: > >> Hello everyone, >> &g

Re: Assisting someone with Macular Degeneration who is considering VoiceOver

2013-07-15 Thread Mike Busboom
t; ontario disability support program at > Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194 > or on the web at > > On 2013-07-15, at 8:19 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: > >> Hello everyone, >> >> From time to t

VO documentation for iOS 7?

2013-10-02 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I am looking for the documentation for VO running under iOS7. In previous versions, you could launch Safari and read it there. Unless I am doing something wrong, I can't locate it. On a similar note, it appears that the feature that lets you go into a gesture help mode has been removed f

Re: VO documentation for iOS 7?

2013-10-02 Thread Mike Busboom
one has the accessibility stuff berried in the appendix. > > On Oct 2, 2013, at 10:54 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: > > Hi. > > I am looking for the documentation for VO running under iOS7. In previous > versions, you could launch Safari and read it there. Unless I am doing >

Re: Bard

2013-10-12 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello Gigi, I just logged on to the BARD website and had no problems. Mind you, probably because of the partial US government shutdown, the most recent DTB editions are from September 30. In principle, however, the site is up and running. Best regards, Mike On 12,Oct,2013, at 4:24 AM, Eugen

Re: Bard

2013-10-13 Thread Mike Busboom
ongress gets its act together, the NLS people can go back and work > again on it. In the meantime, we can read the old books. > > Regards, > Gigi > > On Oct 12, 2013, at 9:25 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: > >> Hello Gigi, >> >> I just logged on to the BARD website

Are my messages making it to the list?

2013-01-20 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello. I recently subscribed to the Macvisionaries list, but I have not been receiving any list postings. Having been a member of this list earlier on, I know that there is a lot of traffic. Could someone please let me know if this message gets through? Thanks and best regards, Mike -- You

Re: IOS 6.1 is available

2013-01-30 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello Ricardo, Thanks for the info about the iOS 6.1 update. I downloaded it, and the installation went fine. There is one thing that might be helpful for people to know while installing this update. After the software has been downloaded and verified, you will be told that the system will

Are my messages making it onto the list?

2013-02-13 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello. Could someone please tell me if my messages are making it on to the list? Many thanks! Mike Busboom -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an

Re: Are my messages making it onto the list?

2013-02-13 Thread Mike Busboom
straightened out. Do you know who the list owner is? Kindest regards, Mike On 13,Feb,2013, at 5:38 PM, Red.Falcon wrote: > Hi this one did! *smile* > Colin > > On 13 Feb 2013, at 16:34, Mike Busboom wrote: > >> Hello. Could someone please tell me if my messages are making

Navigating through long message threads in WhatsApp

2013-02-18 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. Several friends and associates correspond with me using WhatsApp. I have an iPhone 4S and, although the interface isn't comfortable for me, it is important that I stay in touch with these people. In one particular situation, I do not wish to erase any of the dialogue I am having, because

Re: Navigating through long message threads in WhatsApp

2013-02-19 Thread Mike Busboom
nnett wrote: > Hello, > > You could try doing a 4-fingered tap near the bottom of the screen, Then > flick left to go from the bottom up. > > Blake > > ---------- > From: "Mike Busboom" > Sent: Monday, February 1

Re: Navigating through long message threads in WhatsApp

2013-02-19 Thread Mike Busboom
.info > Twitter:@apple2thecore > > > On Feb 18, 2013, at 12:25 PM, Blake Sinnett wrote: > >> Hello, >> >> You could try doing a 4-fingered tap near the bottom of the screen, Then >> flick left to go from the bottom up. >> >&g

How accessible is Magix AudioCleaner Pro for Mac?

2014-11-05 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I need to do some audio clean-up on cassettes that I have digitised, and someone recommended Magix AudioCleaner Pro for the Mac. Unfortunately, there is no version that I know of for the Mac version, though there is one for Windows. Has anyone had any experience with this program and if

Doodle for the Mac and iPhone

2014-11-11 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I was recently approached by a research group that wishes to do some extensive collaborative work on various projects. They would like to use a program called ‘Doodle’ for everyone to coordinate their appointments schedules. >From an accessibility standpoint, does this program work with Sa

Re: Doodle for the Mac and iPhone

2014-11-12 Thread Mike Busboom
gt; >> Long time no chat, hope all is well with you and yours. >> >> Doodle is a Google service and is supposed to be accessible, though I've >> not much experience with it. It's intended to help people coordinate >> scheduling. You access with your browser. &g

Moving files from one folder to another

2014-12-28 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I am using Mac OS 10.9.5. Does anyone know of a way to move files from one directory to another? At present, I copy the files nto the new directory, but then I have to go back into the original folder and delete them. Is there a shortcut that lets you copy the files to the intended folder

Re: Moving files from one folder to another

2014-12-28 Thread Mike Busboom
Thanks so much to you and the others who also answered my query. Kindest regards to all of you; you were very helpful. Mike On 28,Dec,2014, at 14:05, Jason White wrote: > Mike Busboom wrote: >> I am using Mac OS 10.9.5. Does anyone know of a way to move files from one >&g

Audio restoration of old cassettes

2014-12-29 Thread Mike Busboom
Greetings to all of you, I have a large cassette library of recordings that I started making in the early 70s, and I want to digitize them. I have already transferred many of them to .wav files but for storage constraints, I already have converted many of them, hiss, crackles and all, to MP3.

Re: reading bookshare xml files

2015-01-05 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. Normally, I use Voice Dream Reader on my iPhone to read books from Bookshare. However, I have heard that if you read XML renderings of the text, you get important information such as accurate hardcopy page numbers, etc. Since I will soon be using Bookshare content for graduate courses, th

Keeping a journal, both on Mac and iPhone?

2015-01-11 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, For the past two years or so, I have been keeping sort of a journal on my Mac, using the Notes app. The reason this works for me is that I can also add notes from my iPhone, and they will appear on my Mac. I have amassed thousands of notes and don’t know how I will ever import

Re: Keeping a journal, both on Mac and iPhone?

2015-01-12 Thread Mike Busboom
; Also, I know you can create multiple Journals but I don’t know about nested >>> journals. I don’t know what that is and how in the world you are doing that >>> with notes. :) >>> >>> Good Luck, >>> Christina >>>> On Jan 11, 2015, at 4:07 AM, Mik

Copying and printing a long list of filenames into a document

2015-01-20 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, For work purposes, I need to keep a log of files that I edit. Is there a way to copy just the list of filenames, not the files themselves into a document? I suppose that I could go into the folder, interact with each file and copy each individual filename, but that seems a lit

Re: Copying and printing a long list of filenames into a document

2015-01-20 Thread Mike Busboom
paste in the filenames. > > Job done. > > David Griffith >> On 20 Jan 2015, at 14:04, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hello everyone, >> >> For work purposes, I need to keep a log of files that I edit. Is there a >> way to copy just the list of

Re: Copying and printing a long list of filenames into a document

2015-01-20 Thread Mike Busboom
ng command C. > 2. Open TextEdit. > 3. Press command shift T to force the format in TextEdit to text only. > 4. Press command V to paste in the filenames. > > Job done. > > David Griffith >> On 20 Jan 2015, at 14:04, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hello everyone

Using a BrailleNote Apex with an iPhone 4S

2015-01-20 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I recently had my BrailleNote Apex repaired and I have been unsuccessful at getting it to communicate with my iPhone 4S. A Humanware distributor said that in order for pairing to work, I’d have to turn on the Hot Spot function in my iPhone 4S. I have gone into Settings, but I have thus fa

Re: Using a BrailleNote Apex with an iPhone 4S

2015-01-21 Thread Mike Busboom
u running the most recent version of KeySoft? The order > that you need to take is to turn > On Jan 20, 2015, at 11:11 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: > >> Hi. >> >> I recently had my BrailleNote Apex repaired and I have been unsuccessful at >> getting it to c

Re: Keeping a journal, both on Mac and iPhone?

2015-01-21 Thread Mike Busboom
bought macjournal because i have to keep several different journals >>>>> some for a class, personal, and some other things. I found it definitly >>>>> useable with no real problems. I have one journal that’s locked and it >>>>> took me a few minutes to fi

Be My Eyes: Information needed for potential sighted volunteer

2015-01-21 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi. I have been using Be My Eyes for the past few days and, in general, I have been more than satisfied. However, I have encountered several situations in which I had to wait ten minutes or so before I was able to speak with a sighted volunteer. Some of my sighted friends would like to become

Re: Using a BrailleNote Apex with an iPhone 4S

2015-01-21 Thread Mike Busboom
tap it. Type in on the phone . >> On Jan 21, 2015, at 4:36 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hello. >> >> Unfortunately, your message got chopped off at its beginning. However, to >> answer the one question which arrived, I am using Keysoft version 9

Re: Using a BrailleNote Apex with an iPhone 4S

2015-01-21 Thread Mike Busboom
o, and tap Forget Device. After that, > go back to VoiceOver's braille settings and try the pairing again. >> On Jan 21, 2015, at 12:08 PM, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hi Sarai, >> >> Your suggestion did not work for me. When I typed , I was unable to

Re: Using a BrailleNote Apex with an iPhone 4S

2015-01-21 Thread Mike Busboom
display to respond, but it will. HTH. > > Bast, > Eileen > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Jan 21, 2015, at 9:08 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: >> >> Hi Sarai, >> >> Your suggestion did not work for me. When I typed , I was unable to >>

Problems with Voice Dream Reader on an iPhone 6

2015-02-11 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone, I am having a rather unusual problem with Voice Dream Reader on my recently-purchased iPhone 6. The iPhone is running the latest iOS software and has 64 GB of memory. The phone is unlocked. When I backed up everything from my iPhone 4S, all of the Voice Dream Reader stuff app

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