oon realise that the ribbons would be
> difficult if not impossible to implement with VO anyway. As it is, their
> insistence on these awful things is one of my key drivers for making the
> switch, though there are many others too. Mike, the podcast where you
> install Snow Leopa
agraph in a document as a separate edit box. Also
> you couldn't select using vo commands and you couldn't select whole blocks
> of text because you couldn't select line by line, which makes it hard when
> selecting long pieces of text.
> /Krister
> 27 sep 2010 kl. 00.02
You can not boot a power pc mac, which is what this is, from a USBZ
drive, you will need to use fire wire.
Original message:
hello guys,
I m working on a friends mac mini G4 (yeah I know, its old), and I need
to install OS X 10.5 on it from a USB stic. There is no DVD Drive
available on this
Have they improved the voice quality? Last I heard these voices, they were very
choppy, and yes, very buggy with the mac.
On Jun 6, 2013, at 6:22 PM, "BBS" wrote:
> Hi guys. I got an email from Cepstral today saying that they have released
> version 6 of their voices. At first I thought they we
We really don't, especially with the out of box accessibility that is
provided by IOS and Android. There's simply no need for specialty phones.
Original message:
Does anyone know anything about these phones or this project? Seems
pretty pointless if you want more than just a phone, and the full
on, and integration
into our communities at every level.
On Jun 7, 2013, at 11:54 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
We really don't, especially with the out of box accessibility that is
provided by IOS and Android. There's simply no need for specialty phones.
Original message:
phone: (888) 351-5289 Ext. 704
Fax: (480) 535-7649
On Jun 7, 2013, at 9:54 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
We really don't, especially with the out of box accessibility that is
provided by IOS and Android. There's simply no need for specialty phones.
Original message:
Does an
d services accessible. This perpetuates the idea that we
require marginalized goods and services as well, which has
ramifications for education, employment, recreation, and integration
into our communities at every level.
On Jun 7, 2013, at 11:54 AM, Mike Arrigo <mailto:n0...@charter.ne
On android, you can choose what your default keyboard is. So, if you made
fleksy your default keyboard, it would appear any time you needed to enter
text. And you could enter it directly in to an application, no need to enter
the text, then copy and paste it. I have not done much of this yet, bu
you the hardcopy page in
many instances, I have yet to find a way to select text that needs to be
quoted, etc.
Again, thanks a million,
On 7,Jun,2013, at 3:25 PM, Nicholas Parsons
> Hi Mike,
> I was just reading a Kindle book on my iPhone and realised that you can g
I would love to know which voices these were, Nuance has purchased a few other
TTS providers, it could be voices from loquendo. As far as I know, Apple still
has not provided a way to change the default keyboard, so Fleksy will work the
On Jun 10, 2013, at 4:36 PM, "Michael Babcock, Market
I would be interested in hearing the new voices, see if I could figure out
which ones they are.
On Jun 10, 2013, at 4:48 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone be able to upload the IOS portion of it somewhere?
> Thanks.
> On 2013-06-10, at 5:45 PM, Tyler Thompson wrote:
>> yes,
After looking at the new features of IOS 7, a few things are missing that I was
hoping Apple might have considered. Perhaps some of these are there and were
just not mentioned, or these could be things Apple will never include because
of the experience they want to provide. I will list what I th
For the google TTS, the british one is much better. These 2 voices are great
quality, I don't think I have heard them before. The male one sounds somewhat
like Tom, but a bit different. Hopefully these will become available on the mac
as well.
On Jun 10, 2013, at 10:10 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
Hope springs eternal.
On 11,Jun,2013, at 8:03 AM, Nicholas Parsons
> Apple also announced today that they will be introducing iBooks for the Mac
> in the new OS X coming out later this year called Mavericks. One of its
> features is that when you quote text from th
and useful.
All the best from rain-soaked Vienna, Austria,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegr
I'm also on the android list. These are just features I wish Apple
would have included.
Original message:
Is it just me, or is it at all possible you're on the wrong mailing list?
I'm sure there's an Android list around somewhere that would be happy to
have you.
Perhaps you don't understa
I remember experiencing this on my mac mini. I think the program could
handle this better though. It should either allow you to do audio only
calls, or if it requires a camera, it should bring up a dialog box
explaining this, then exit after clicking ok.
Original message:
Hi Pam, I sure do, yes
every single point you placed in below, this is the
> primary reason why I am highly considering reverting back to android, over
> the next day or so. I am excited about the voices, that are coming out in the
> new operating system, however still disappointed with all of the factors you
or my mobile platform, but for the
desktop platform, it's the mac all the way.
Original message:
Well thought out comments. Have you considered broaching these ideas
with Apple? They might not listen, but nothing ventured…nothing
gained. They stop listening to the customers &
The newest official release seems to work ok, though it presents some things
differently than safari does. Voiceover says leaving row quite a bit. I'd say
it's usable but still a bit ruff around the edges.
On Jun 15, 2013, at 10:51 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> 21 is the latest stable version. Fire
Chrome works pretty well, the only part that doesn't work is list boxes, you
can use chromevox, or use it with voiceover.
On Jun 15, 2013, at 1:31 PM, shane christenson wrote:
> While we seem to be on the subject of web browsers, although I haven't tried
> it in quite a few months, I'm curious
Try command shift c, I think that opens the computer window.
Original message:
Hi listers. What's the Mac equivalent of the windows 'my computer', and
how do I get to it from desktop? Thanks.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "MacVisionaries
You may need to reset the smc, there should be an article on the apple support
site describing how to do this
On Jun 21, 2013, at 4:47 PM, Ray Foret jr wrote:
> Okay, This is really weird. Ever since my OS reinstallation back a couple
> of weeks ago, I noticed that every time I do anything wi
In order to reset the SMC, shut down the computer and plug in the charger. Hold
these keys on the left side of the keyboard, shift, control and option then
press the power button. Release them all at the same time, then press the power
button to power up. Hopefully that will solve it.
On Jun 21,
full accessibility for the blind
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>> On Jun 21, 2013, at 8:52 PM, Ray Foret jr wrote:
>>>> Many tha
How do you charge the battery itself? Can you use USb for that or does it use a
separate wall charger?
On Jun 23, 2013, at 6:44 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
> I spent a lot of time looking at these, whilst I didn't want to under
> purchase, in that I wanted at least 1 full charge+ out
How about a version for android? That would be awesome, and you would not have
to include a TTS engine with it since Android allows the built in tts to be
used. We need more developers to spend time on android the way they do on IOS,
especially because more and more blind people are starting to
This confused me at first too. When you get to the search box, just choose the
search option without typing anything.
On Jul 5, 2013, at 7:53 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi there
> How do you search for points of interest? That is, I can't figure out how to
> get a listing under a category. When
Actually this command starts selecting something such as text. You then move
the cursor to the end of what you want to select and press the command again,
it should select all items between the start and end point.
On Jul 6, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> If you start keyboard h
I really enjoyed reading your posting, and I have one question:
Before using BlindSquare, do you need to have an account with 4Square? I had
heard that this was necessary, but I don't know for sure.
Thank you very much,
On 29,Jun,2013, at 8:06 AM, Vivianna wrote:
> i absolut
Hello Matt,
Since I have never used BlindSquare or 4Square, I do not know what you mean
when you talk about "checking in" to a place. Could you clarify or refer me to
some explanatory information.
Thanks and best regards!
On 8,Jul,2013, at 5:25 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
This leads to a question, when launching the third party apps for
navigation, is it specified what type of root to create, driving,
walking, etc? Or does the third party app use whatever is set as the default?
Original message:
1) Kind of. It itself has this getting warm, but it supports many 3r
With kind regards,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To post t
If my acquaintance were to go this route, is it easy to transition from
ZoomText to VoiceOver? Can the two programs be used simultaneously?
Kind regards,
On 15,Jul,2013, at 3:05 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi there
> I have known a number of people with situations simi
Hello Erik,
I will tell my acquaintance about your company. He lives in Western Canada.
Thank you.
On 15,Jul,2013, at 2:50 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi mike, You could refer him to Ebony consulting. I'm based out of toronto
> Ontario and have some experience in this re
That should work fine, I also don't use snap shots, just back up the
file on another hard drive.
Original message:
Now that my Win7 VM is working great, I want to protect it. I know
there are snapshots that I can take on a scheduled basis, but I don't
like that option and I understand that snap
It's still in the works, will hopefully be out later this year.
Original message:
Hey all, I remember several months ago that NLS Bard was testing their
iPhone app in Beta and that it was scheduled to be released in July.
Well, July is almost over, has anyone heard anything further about NLS
A button is just something you select, such as ok or cancel. A pop up
button usually opens a menu of choices, much like a drop list in windows.
Original message:
hi. could someone tell me, what is the difference between a button and
a pop-up button?
You received this
It's useable, but does not provide the information as cleanly as safari
or chrome does yet.
Original message:
Just wondering if anybody out there is using the latest stable Firefox
and if it's any better than it was accessibility wise. Ready for prime
time yet?
Sent from my mac, th
I can't believe the FCC would even consider that. They should say,
absolutely not. These devices must be made accessible, end of story.
Original message:
Hello all:
In follow-up to Karen's post last night, I am posting information
regarding FCC's request for comments on this issue. I hope tha
all use iPads etc.!
On Aug 7, 2013, at 10:02 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
I can't believe the FCC would even consider that. They should say,
absolutely not. These devices must be made accessible, end of story.
Original message:
Hello all:
In follow-up to Kar
Original message:
Right. But why does that let Amazon off the hook?
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 8, 2013, at 9:08 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
There are other choices. The newest versions of android are just as
accessible, and these are made by several manufacturers.
Original message:
rials that Mike Arrigo
Did on blindcool tech they are no longer available on blindcooltech
thanks in advance.
Corey --
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[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <http://googlegroups.com>] On
Behalf Of Scott Rumery
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 12:54 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Cc: Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility
Subject: Re: Mike Arrigo 's mac
Have not heard of this site. Is it popular, I thought the blind geek
zone was the main place where pod casts were going now.
Original message:
Hey Mike,
Have you given any consideration to submitting your new Mac podcasts to:
You contact them, and, provided you
You could switch to full screen mode, or, press V O tilda which is the
window resize menu, choose to resize to the entire screen.
Original message:
Just as the subject line says, how do I do this, especially while in
Safari so sighted people can watch a youtube video utilizing the
entire scree
-tilde brings up some menus for this purpose, vo-command-tilde moves
> the current item (as opposed to the current window), and vo-shift-cmd-tilde
> resizes the item with the same menus as the window resize menus.
> On Aug 28, 2013, at 3:59 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> You cou
I actually use GPS more for telling me streets and places than
directions. While it's certainly no substitute for a cane or guide dog
and good travel skills, for me it's just as important. I remember back
in 2009, this was when I was using way finder on a Nokia Symbian phone,
I had gone out for
I actually use GPS more for telling me streets and places than
directions. While it's certainly no substitute for a cane or guide dog
and good travel skills, for me it's just as important. I remember back
in 2009, this was when I was using way finder on a Nokia Symbian phone,
I had gone out for
There are some things you can do to increase battery life. Unless you are using
these services, I would disable them. Wifi, bluetooth, cell data and location
services. I keep all of these off unless I am using an application that
requires them. Also, if you use email, disable the automatic check
moved from Settings/General/Accessibility/VoiceOver. Does
anyone know if this feature still exists and where one can find it?
Thanks too all,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Thank you very much. At least I can copy the link to my home screen, and this
is a big help!
Thank you very much!
On 2,Oct,2013, at 6:40 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> You can find the latest iPhone manual here:
> http://support.apple.com/manuals/#iphone.
> The new
Out of those 2 I would probably use navigon, my favorites are motionx gps drive
and google maps actually.
On Oct 3, 2013, at 5:39 PM, "John D. Lipsey" wrote:
> Hi list:
> Just wanted to get some thoughts on this. I have, and use, both Apple's
> built-in Maps and Navigon. I'm not really lean
I'm dealing with a similar issue. Are you part of the html 5 trial? if Not, try
joing that, go to youtube.com/html5
I think what has happened is that the volume has been turned all the way down,
and unfortunately, because flash is not accessible, we cannot fix this with
On Oct 5, 2013
Yes, I have noticed this too, unfortunately, if you play a video that requires
flash, there will be no way to change this, the question is, why is the volume
all of a sudden defaulting to the lowest setting?
On Oct 5, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Ray Foret jr wrote:
> Watch out for the volume playback of
Yes, I am having the exact same issue, same thing for chrome. Nice to know I am
not the only one.
On Oct 5, 2013, at 2:47 AM, Ray Foret jr wrote:
> It seems that if a video is not an HTML 5 video, it will not play in Safari
> anymore. I do have the latest flash player. Also, I discovered that
Another option is youtube-mp3.org, it will allow you to make an mp3 file of a
video, and it works on all platforms.
On Oct 5, 2013, at 9:41 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> For those who cannot get Youtube to work, which seems to be everyone at the
> moment, give Mactubes a try. It's free, and
where can you get it? If it fixes the volume issue, I may just use it for that,
then go back to using my browser.
On Oct 5, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Ray Foret jr wrote:
> Yep, I use it too. The only drawback I can see is that there seems to be no
> way to access one's account using it.
> Sent f
Hey everyone. Ok, for those who were having the issue with youtube videos being
muted in the browser, turns out it was an issue with youtube. Unfortunately, we
will not be able to change the volume slider, so, you need to completely remove
the flash player from your system and reinstall it. To d
Hello Gigi,
I just logged on to the BARD website and had no problems. Mind you, probably
because of the partial US government shutdown, the most recent DTB editions are
from September 30. In principle, however, the site is up and running.
Best regards,
On 12,Oct,2013, at 4:24 AM
It was my pleasure to be of assistance. Even though new books aren't currently
being added, there are still thousands of Braille and DTBs to choose from. And
for some people (in reference to the magazines) old news might be the best
news! :-)
Take care,
On 12,Oct,2013, at 10:
Depending on which mac you have, 64 bit windows should work. This may
require that the mac use 64 bit firmware, which most recent ones do.
Depending on what you're doing though, there may not be any advantage
to running 64 bit windows, and in some ways it's more complicated, for
example there a
One thing you might try if you have speech, if not, connect a USB head
set if you have one and use narrator, windows has built in drivers for
that. Turn off the user account control feature, I've seen that cause
more weird issues than I can count.
Original message:
Hi Mike and all.
usion will automate the install of windows for you and you don't
have to reboot to switch operating systems. Also, virtual machines are
much easier to back up. The only disadvantage of using a virtual
machine is that it's slightly slower, but in most cases this isn't even
The fact that the volume is not labeled shouldn't matter, at least in theory.
Original message:
Hi Phil.
I did the exact same thing but when i run the setup file, it says that
bootcamp has encountered an error and cant continue.
The only option is a finish button. One thing i have noticed is tha
Hey all,
Can anyone recommend an accessible FTP client?
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Some may disagree with me on this, but it's my opinion that any time
you install a new release of an operating system, whether the mac,
windows, or anything else, it's always best to do a clean install. Not
only does this give your system a fresh start, but it also clears out
any left over clut
having the issue? If so then I
guess I will have to learn the terminal tricks to do it.
On Dec 7, 2012, at 8:44 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> It is not a client, but I just mounted the server I need by pressing cmd-k in
> Finder. Now I need only open that volume to list all the files and f
Hey all,
I am cross posting this to both Mac and iPhone lists.
I have just launched a new section on my website which consists of
short to the point guides and tutorials on Mac and IOS.
There are almost 20 recordings you can listen to right on the website
and as of now, si
I picked it up a few hours ago and must completely agree.
It is a breeze and quick! Thank you very much!
On Dec 7, 2012, at 10:51 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
> It's normal, but just use Transmit. Save yourself a headache. It's really a
plan to start a PC section as well and that isn't exactly on the
Applevis radar.
Thanks much!
On Dec 7, 2012, at 10:59 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Have you considered submitting your material to Applevis.com? They offer very
> similar services (podcasts and app reviews
I'm not sure what this is based on, if it's hardware of software specific. I
prefer to deauthorize the computer and authorize it again after the install,
this certainly won't hurt anything.
On Dec 9, 2012, at 10:59 AM, "Martin Brown" wrote:
> Hello everyone again.
> I am giving serious consider
This is true, however, they also do not deliberately prevent you from
installing other operating systems. Once you create the second
partition, you can install whatever you want. The firmware on the mac
does provide basic bios emulation for operating systems that require it.
Original message:
This depends on the bank site, but I access mine all the time using
mountain lion and safari, works great.
Original message:
I have done a clean install of Mountain Lion. Sadly, I no longer seem
to be able to access my bank account on line. Of course, Java is used
to give a secure connection. I
Congradulations on the new mac, I'm sure you will ejoy it.
On Dec 12, 2012, at 9:30 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> This is my first message on my MacBook Air 11 in the middle of the Portland
> Apple store.
> Many more to come.
> Finally, I'm it's Win-blows, bye-bye.
> Regards,
It's an extender cable, you can plug the charger in to it and then plug that
cable in to the wall, I've actually never used mine.
On Dec 14, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just got an Air for my business, so I can't use it for personal stuff, but
> I can still play with it! I'
I would not get the upgrade, usually this requires that a previous
version of windows be installed. One thing you might look for is an OEM
version, these are usually much cheaper, they just don't include
support or documentation.
Original message:
Hi all,
I need to set up bootcamp on the MB Ai
Hey everyone,
I have a brailliant B80 that I use with my Mac but one of my kids ran
of with the USB cable and I can't find it anywhere.
I have tried to search online for a replacement but haven't had any
luck yet.
Does anyone have and ideas of what do try? I need to find o
So if MainStage isn't accessible can one still use the loops through
Garage Band or will none of it work at all?
On Dec 16, 2012, at 11:45 PM, Nicholas Parsons
> You can buy Apple's Main Stage app from the Mac app Store which is around $30
> and co
No question here, fusion is the way to go. Parallels is completely
inaccessible. People have been asking them to fix that for years, and
they have no interest in doing so. Go with fusion.
Original message:
My Girlfriend has a macbook pro that she is willing to let me use as a
secondary machine
Outstanding! I am going to go pick this up now.
Let me know if you have any issues or anything so I can know what to
On Dec 17, 2012, at 3:56 PM, "Phil Halton" wrote:
> Mike, I'm in the process of downloading all the GarageBand jam packs now. I
> don
Hey all,
I have recently installed X-11 and Wire shark. unfortunately it appears
that it is completely inaccessible.
Does anyone know of any alternative ways to sniff some packets?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
I appreciate the help. I got it all done and have spent the last few
hours going through all the new stuff. It's a little overwhelming but it's
great stuff.
thanks again.
On Dec 20, 2012, at 4:23 PM, "Phil Halton" wrote:
> Hey Mike, did you get my
Any ideas on how to troubleshot and fix this problem? I have no idea
what has changed since the 7th of December which ws when the lest show went up
without a hitch.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo
Actually, I think skype on the mac is more accessible than windows. After the
tool bar, you will have a table, interact with that and you can select what
shows on the rest of the screen.
On Jan 8, 2013, at 4:56 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello.
> I've switched on my I Mac this evening and
There are a couple options here. Adium work with windows live
messenger, however, Microsoft will be discontinuing this soon because
they have combined it with skype. So, the best thing to do is use skype
for this.
Original message:
Hey all,
I was wondering if anyone could point me towards a
You have a few options. You can use boot camp which allows you to
either boot the mac in to windows or the mac operating system. If you
want to use virtual machine software, fusion is the only option since
parallels is not accessible with voiceover, and the company seems to
have no interest in
One thing you can also do to avoid this is diable the tool bar in your
apps. In most cases, there are keyboard commands for doing the same
thing, and disabling the tool bars means less clutter on the screen.
It's a personal preference of course, but I much prefer it this way.
Original message:
Hello. I recently subscribed to the Macvisionaries list, but I have not been
receiving any list postings. Having been a member of this list earlier on, I
know that there is a lot of traffic.
Could someone please let me know if this message gets through?
Thanks and best regards,
short, the rebooting process takes almost ten minutes, or at least it did
on my 4S with 64 GB/RAM.
Once the phone has rebooted, you will be taken to the iCloud settings where you
will need to configure your phone for messages and contacts for iCloud, etc.
Best regards to all,
On 28,Jan
Who knows how much longer pulsar will work though. Siriusxm is discontinuing
allowing third party apps to access their content. Pulsar is using a stream
that may be taken off line at any time, and even now, it doesn't always work.
On Feb 8, 2013, at 7:49 PM, David McLean wrote:
> It's an app th
Hello. Could someone please tell me if my messages are making it on to the
Many thanks!
Mike Busboom
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straightened out. Do you know who the list owner is?
Kindest regards,
On 13,Feb,2013, at 5:38 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi this one did! *smile*
> Colin
> On 13 Feb 2013, at 16:34, Mike Busboom wrote:
>> Hello. Could someone please tell me if my messages are making
most recent message sent. Is there a way to export an entire
message thread to a file? I have looked at the settings, but I have struck out
thus far.
Kindest regards to all and thanks,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
n and practicing quite a bit, my
phone frequently registered three fingers, not four, although it sure did feel
as if four fingers were touching the glass part of the phone. I may have to
get used to using WhatsApp in landscape mode.
Thanks again,
On 18,Feb,2013, at 6:25 PM, Blake Si
what to enter in the search field. :-)
Nonetheless, thanks for your thoughts on the matter.
On 18,Feb,2013, at 11:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just about to suggest the same. haha. I would also like to suggest
> using the item chooser. For example, if you know
so, how good
are the clean-up results, and how easy is the program to use with VoiceOver?
By the way, if anyone is interested in checking out the program, you can learn
more by going to www.magix.com
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et this group’s needs?
Thanks in advance,
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To post
Hello, and thanks for your response to my question about Doodle.
Do you remember if you used the mobile version with Safari, or did you use the
regular version?
Thank you,
On 11,Nov,2014, at 18:59, Gabe Griffith wrote:
> Hi,
> I can tell you that doodle is compatible wi
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