Hi all,
I duplicated a vo activity because it seamed the fastest way to create a new
one with minimal differences from the old one but cannot find a way to change
its name to something else than copy of the old vo activity.
Thanks for your help!
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandra
Hi all,
I am not sure how to reproduce this problem but wondered if any of you have had
issues with this so I can make a better feedback report to apple.
I have received an Email with a phone number but even after interacting with
message text, the data detector was not shown as a link. I navig
Hello everyone,
I have tried looking for resources on thee macvisionaries list about how to
change playing order of tracks in a playlist manually but could not find
anything specific. I do not want to do sort by number or alphabetic just
manually move up or down a certain song in the playlist.
I am trying to create an email from address book. In help I understood that I
have to click on the email header of the email in the card view and select
send message from pop-up menu.However I cannot click with vo space on that
header. I could only make it work by routing mouse to vo cur
HI all,
I have already reported this to apple but am curious if you have found similar
things in other languages or on different braille displays. Here is my problem:
I select romanian braille table and input character ț and ș. I have 6dot mode
on. THe characters appear correctly but followed by
> On Mar 25, 2012, at 4:57 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am trying to create an email from address book. In help I understood that
>> I have to click on the email header of the email in the card view and select
>> send mes
HI everyone,
I would like to have wireless headphones that I can use with the mac and with
the iPhone. Ideally earbuds so they are more portable if I decide to bring them
with the iPhone. Mic would be nice too but main thing is wireless so I am not
tied to my mac mini.
THanks for your suggesti
Hi all,
Until recently I have used classic layout to avoid downloading messages in the
pre-view pain because I was on a limited data plan. I have now officially
joined the ranks of advanced people and thought I would try out the 3 column
I have preview list set to 1 line and classic la
9 minute episode is
> still valid in terms of overall navigation concept.
> Click Here to go to the post containing the link to the episode.
> Good Luck,
> Mark
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegr
cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
On Mar 29, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> Thanks Mark,
> I did all the suggested steps but nothing worked until I entered full screen.
> Don't know if this was the trigger of tins clarifying but it cer
HI all,
An other mail question from a newly with lion mail layout:
IS there a way to see the status of reply being sent or not in this view? In
classic layout you would have a column that would say if reply was sent.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and
Hello again,
THanks to all the useful tips in mattering the lion mail layout.
I have now one more question for you helpful soles.
As I said earlier, I can only use the ctrl tab etc in full screen mode. I find
however that if I have several open messages I cannot cycle throughout he
windows wi
HI there,
I tried to follow your instructions about deleting the list address from the to
field but I only have that one appearing so if deleted I am left with nothing.
Still the best way for me is to go to headers field and find the from field and
from the shortcut menu select reply to sender.
I have turned message preview to none in view preferences. However, wen I vo
through the list of messages if they are not part of a conversation, the
messages are marked as read. Can I avoid this? It makes sifting through mail
confusing since often I am looking for urea messages and some
eckbox: "Mark all messages as read when opening a conversation." This is
> assuming you have your messages grouped into conversations.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
HI there,
I am going to create some controversy probably with my post.
I think the mac has some amazing features like being able to use the trackpad,
having easy access to many different languages, using any mac you encounter on
equal footing, having a stable system, etc.
I will say that the
ou'll get there faster."
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> HI Teresa,
>> I am afraid I don't get it. What you say would mark all messages read as I
>> open a conversation. This would not solve my problem rather make it wor
t;>> I don't even know how to get to the To: field of the message. To navigate
>>> messages, I simply see the list and then use VO J to get to the message.
>>> I could still use some help.
>>> Thanks so much for your patienc
Hi all,
I set a location reminder when I arrive at my work address is about 2 myles
away from home and every once in a blue oon it starts at home I am not sure but
maybe when I turn off or on the wii. GOt fed up and remove that reminder.
Are you happy with it?
Please check out
DId you solve your mail problem? As far as I know the all mail folder is not
something ou can delete messages from. It is a folder that keeps track of all
your messages in all folders
If you want write on or off list with more specific folder problems you are
When in list view and entering select mode I would love vo to say selected
before telling me the name of last item. e.g. in mail if I select a message it
reads the message headers and then says selected. Is there a way to get vo to
do this?
Please check out my cd on www.i
Hi all,
I previously mentioned that I was having trouble reordering tracks in custom
playlist in iTunes. I called accessibility and they could not find a way to
drag the songs around. I have the personal email of adviser and he asked me to
get back if I find a way to get it to work and keep him
to hear them.
I copied this text by using the cool vo command vo +shift +c. Nice workaround
when selecting on web pages does not work well.
But back to the guide itself.
I cannot find any such popup menu and customizable options.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Best regards,
Hi all,
I just found a command I had overlooked that can help with the tricky and
unreliable selecting on webpages. If stuck it is always possible to copy last
spoken phrase with VO +shift +c.
Thought I would remind some others about this feature since it had slipped my
Don't remember such behavior when I had the headers on but now I turned them
off in mail preferences and only look at them whe I need them hth
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com, on iTunes or most online
Sent from my phone
On Apr 6, 2012, at 11:53 PM, Les Krieg
ders and all headers.
> Thanks.
> Les
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:22 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Don't remember such behavior when I had the headers on but now I turned them
>> off in mail preferences and only look at them whe I nee
Do you have all your music in the default library folder? DO you have iTunes
set to make copies of everything you add to your library? To avoid problems I
would delete the songs you do not want out of your library first. This will
prompt iTunes to ask if you want it to put the music in tras
HI there,
Thanks for a fascinating work!
How do I import your script text in a script? Tried pasting it in an untitled
script editor window but got syntax error.
BTW, any tips for complete beginners to learn how to scripts? I would like to
start with recording repetitive tasks sequences but w
HI all,
I am playing around with speech verbosity settings and found an interesting way
to customize order of info being spoken by VO. I got checkboxes to say
unchecked or checked before the actual info of the checkbox. Some controls are
very obscure to me like drawers or list markers but it is
Hi all,
I was giving speech recognition a test drive. I remember it has been discussed
on the list. I unfortunately found that it does not work on my mac mini with
bose headset when VO is on. Do any of you have this problem? I calibrated it
and it works fine with vo turned off.
Thanks for your
ed speech recognition
> while wearing headphones.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Apr 13, 2012, at 9:22 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was giving speech recognition a test drive. I remember it has been
>> discussed on the list. I unf
you can create groups in address book. Go to file and then to new group. You
dan select from all contacts the people you want and copy them.
then go to the new group and paste them.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com, on iTunes or most online
Sent from my phone
On Apr 1
I am playing around with Braille display verbosity settings and a trying to
understand the symbols in the first cel of my pb40.
I pressed the router button on first cell and got a whole list of info that
aces ore or less sense to me tending towards less. (smile)
For ex, as I type first c
> Hi all,
I have submitted a bug to apple and they say that they cannot re-produce it.
Now I am wondering if I did not explain it clearly to them or if I just don't
get how things are supposed to work. Would appreciate your insight so I avoid
sending them reports about what might be nonexistent
HI all,
I had a strange behavior with Esther's procedure. I placed mouse pointer on
vertical splitter, turned mouse keys on and when pressing I key just heard a
ding. It worked when I performed the FN +i on my keyboard to get the numpad 5
but only after turning vo off. What ever works as they
Hi all,
Thanks to your great tips I got the preview pain out of my way and don't get
messages marked as read as I pass through them. What is the best way in this
case to read messages? Pressed command+o but when I delete messages in a thread
I find they appear reappear as if they were duplicate
Hi all,
I am trying to read a mail message using only Braille. I opened it in a
separate window since I have preview turned off and panned right on my
Brailliant40 somehow the display jumps as if it is trying to move some cursor
and I find myself having to pan back to review skipped text. Is th
f the "Oops!", people who have full keyboards with NumPad
> Commander activated can use their numpad to click on the splitter for the
> Preview pane in Mail by pressing Control+"5" in Snow Leopard and Lion. The
> "5" is the key on the numpad. No need to turn
, 2012, at 2:48 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> Hello,
> I am playing around with Braille display verbosity settings and a trying to
> understand the symbols in the first cel of my pb40.
> I pressed the router button on first cell and got a whole list of info that
> aces ore o
Hi all,
Just noticed today that I started not being able to close menus with escape.
THought it might e a problem with my keyboard but I tried the scrub gesture on
the trackpad and it did not work either. In keyboard help it works but in other
menus such as spellcheck suggestions or just main m
I used to love typing braille on y pc with that program and have to found any
way to do this on mac. I am getting by typing the qwerty equivalents but if
there is anything out there would love to find it.
Thanks for your help.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes an
Hi all,
Maybe this is old news but I could not find this in official apple
documentation anywhere so thought nI'd share.
When music is playing pressing command option left or right rewind or forwards
the audio.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most onl
Pressing once skyps a bit. Holding them pressed sounds like rewinding or fast
forwarding cps.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
On Apr 18, 2012, at 4:41 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:
> Thanks Ioana! I was just about to ask this question.
>>> Well rest assured there will be a version of the DBT braille translator for
>>> the Mac hopefully with in the next six months or so and then of course
>>> perky duck for the mac.
>>> Just hold on.
>>> Don
don't think
>>> the modified NumPad Commander keys will work on this, such as using the
>>> Control key. I can't be sure, because I don't use this keyboard with my
>>> laptop, and only checked out its pairing behavior to learn what it could do.
Hi al,
Tried everything I can think of and cannot sync my address book to gmail
I enabled it in the address book preferences with username and password , etc.
I even went to sync menu and pressed sync now. I check in my gmail contacts in
safari and no contacts are there.
Any ideas? I
highlight the paragraph you want to center and press command shift vertical
line this is to the right of right bracket. Alternatively go to format menu and
then text submenu open that one and find the paragraph allinement I think and
there you have center. I am not 100% sure because I'm away fro
I tried this when editing a plain text format and it did not work. I changed to
rtf and it worked there. Maybe this does it?
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com, on iTunes or most online
Sent from my phone
On Apr 20, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> E
Hi all
After more searching I found a way to install on the net posted on this list
earlier. Sorry for redundant questions. Works now but shame that they really
miss out on accessibility.
Will write them too soon.Best,
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most
HI all,
DO you know any way to stream video from iPhone to mac via wifi? It is not Jb.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post
HI all,
Tried to use sendspace wizard and after enabling voiceover compatibility still
all I could see was unknown labels. a
Anybody makes it work? Any tips appreciated as usually.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
You receive
t; fields reads well, like how much has downloaded already, how much left to go,
> etc. that's never worked for me on the mac.
> hth,
> Caitlyn
> On 2012-04-26, at 6:31 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> HI all,
>> Tried to use sendspace wizar
hen I tried this. I suggest instead that you export your address
> book and then import into Google unless you have a very specific need to keep
> the two in constant sync.
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> jonc...@cox.net
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Ioana G
HI all,
In sendspace wizard I see the list of remote files but cannot find a way to
find link to the file so I can send it again to people.
THanks for helping me out here.
In windows it was possible with a keyboard shortcut to add it to clipboard.
Please check out my cd on www.ioan
qQuick commeh
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com, on iTunes or most online
Sent from my phone
On Apr 28, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Okay, thanks. I'll try vo-j, but I figured out I can just hit enter to read
> the message, then cmd-w the window when I'm done.
Hi all,
Is there a shortcut to go to specific page in a document or to go to next or
previous page?
I am working with a plain text .txt file.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
You received this message because you are subscribe
I assume we are talking about iPhone apps? What seting would one change to stop
backing them up?
I found it useful to have them if an update should brake accessibility. It was
comforting to find the old versions in trash.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes
HI all,
FOr iPhone there are a host of apps to track apps that go on sail. I would love
something similar for the mac. I know of macupdate but I I understand this
correctly to be able to watch apps or get updates about apps that go on sail
you have to have a payed membership. IS this correct?
HI all,
This is a bit less mac oriented but still hopefully relevant.
It is time for me to get hard drives to back up our 2 macs in the studio.
Can one partition a drive to be used by both computers? If so would it be
connected wirelessly or how does it go on the network?
Thanks for helping me g
Are we talking mac or iPhone?
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
On May 14, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Go into settings/general/accessibility/voiceover/language rotor and enable
> your language. Then set your rotor to language
HI all,
I understand it is possible to share drive for time machine backup and use
different partitions for different computers. SO here is my question:
What is the best way to share a drive? IS there a way to have some wired
connection to both macs? I imagine that wireless on the network might b
HI all,
With jaws it would say rss available when you were on a page that had feeds. IS
there a way to quickly know if you are visiting a page with feeds on the mac?
Not really using rss for now but if I knew when they were there I might be
induced to table them.
Please check out
In my case I found that while the apps in the iTunes library are always the
last version the old ones get pushed to trash. SO, if I don't like the current
version I go to trash and find it there. Then I can delete the app from phone
and put back the older version and reinstall it.
Hope this mak
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> s...@coolfortheblind.dk
> Website:
> http://www.coolfortheblind.dk/
> Den 15/05/2012 kl. 19.05 skrev Ioana Gandrabur:
>> Are we talking mac or iPhone?
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd
sure. I didn't got any responce on my last reply so that might
>> be the right answer I wrote.
>> However, the same goes on a Macbook. Just change the language in the
>> Voiceover settings.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> s..
Hi all,
I sometimes find that I perform vo find on safari and it returns no results but
in item chooser it shows up.
Could you please tell me on or off list if you have experienced such a thing?
They asked if I can find a page where this happens and, just like when your
symptoms go away when at
I tried on my mac and it works here.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
On May 16, 2012, at 6:52 PM, Jesus Garcia wrote:
> Yes I am running the latest update, glad to know this is not just my issue.
> I wish to refer to the getting s
I have a recording I would like to split in 2 parts. DO not yet have amadeus
but was wondering if I can do this in garageband and if so can I split m4a?
Any tips on how to get started if this is indeed possible would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabu
Hi I am re-sending this since the subject had a typo
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
Begin forwarded message:
> I have a recording I would like to split in 2 parts. DO not yet have amadeus
> but was wondering if I can do this in g
gt; pressing command T at the spot you wish to split. And yes, Garageband works
> fine with the M4A format.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On May 17, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
I know I have asked this before and have even received an answer but it does
not make sense somehow at the moment.
I am trying to create aligned columns of text I textedit.
What is the best want o go about it?
SOmeone suggested I delete unwanted tab stops but I interacted with coole
I am experimenting with recording myself playing classical guitar on mac and
on iphone and would like to buy a good microphone that works with both iphone
and mac. I have iphone 4 and mac mini. Will upgrade with iphone 5 as soon as it
comes out.
Thanks to all of you audio pros for suggest
I had to add it to my braille commander. Let us know if you need help with
that. Also, if you have a trackpad, you can use same gesture like on iOS 3
finger double tap.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
On May 22, 2012, at 4:35 PM,
HI all,
TOmorrow I am participating in an aple accessibility event in the main apple
store in Montreal.
I told them I would like to demo me using the iPhone and the apple guy said
that we would stream content from my iPhone on an iMac screen. I thought this
is not possible. Is the guy misinform
HI all,
I wondered if I can open a movie file and extract the audio with garageband. I
know there are other programs like ameadeus that do this but hoped to not have
to buy anything new if it can be done with included programs.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on
Hi all,
SUbject says it. I am deleting files on a removable usb flash drive and unless
I empty trash I don't gain disk space. I do not always want to empty trash
since there are items I want to keep in the main trash and they get dumped
also. In windows I see some files .trashes that I can de
HI all,
I found somewhere some suggestions for script code for hiding and showing files
but have no idea how to get that text into a script. Incidentally they
recommend you save it as an app this makes it even more confusing.
Thanks for outlining some steps for me. I suppose I go to script edit
HI all,
Red som instructions about having library pop up in go menu in finder.
Can't find equivalent method with vo. Here are the instructions:
CLlick on go menu and hold down option key and then the library option pops up
in the go menu.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandra
ped a few
> people on this list with other scripts.
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> jon.c.c...@gmail.com
> +1 *(703) 573-6956
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/JCCohn
> On May 28, 2012, at 9:17 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> HI all,
one: - +44 844 999 4199
> On 28 May 2012, at 19:30, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> SUbject says it. I am deleting files on a removable usb flash drive and
>> unless I empty trash I don't gain disk space. I do not always want to empty
>> trash
I have noticed tat sometimes the shortcut menu does not work for some links but
have4 not found a reproducible situation I could report to apple.
I can just say that when you are on a link and hold down option and press enter
it should download it. THe way to know if it does is to press comm
It much depends what you want to do and what equipment to use.
DO you want to record yourself with your mac or with an other device? DO you
want to make the download available to anybody or just to people you invite etc.
GIve us ore details and I am sure you will sort things out
Good luck.
HI all,
For anyone interested I managed to extract soundtrack movie with garageband.
Basically you paste movie file from finder into an empty project. IT will
create a media track and a instrument track called soundtrack. If you delete
media track after making sure you are interacting with its
Hi all,
Maybe you know about this but since I was happy to make it work thought I would
I use Brailliant 40 and it does not have a pre-assigned command for displaying
history of vo announcements. I liked this in jaws but did not use it often so
did not miss it so much. Ow I took the time
HI all,
I am downloading the keynote from the apple keynotes podcasts and will attempt
to extract audio with garageband. If successful I can share a senspace link for
Please confirm if there is a demand.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
HI all,
Hoe you are enjoying summer wherever you are.
I tried to install overdrive to make use of the great info Esther shared about
those free audiobooks for the summer but am having the following problem:
I downloaded the odmediaconsolesetup.dmg it shows it is 5 mb. I go to finder
and try to o
cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
On Jun 18, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> HI all,
> Hoe you are enjoying summer wherever you are.
> I tried to install overdrive to make use of the great info Esther shared
> about those free audiobooks f
Hi all,
When I I started downloading audiobooks to the mac they used to automatically
download after purchasing and then I am pretty sure they would automatically
start playing in iTunes. I disabled that at the time but have absolutely no
idea how to access this kind of preferences. Any help is
I have some dvds with conferences about music but really the image is
secondary. I would love t extract only the audio to listen to it on my iPhone.
Any idea how to do this, ideally with apps included with mac?
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and m
HI all,
I would love to see contents of zip archive without extracting them. Is this
possible? I have the unarchiver installed.
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
HI all,
I recently got a great recommendation off list from Esther. Informative as
usually. I learned I could go to next or previous message in the mail-archive
page using ctrl n and ctrl p respectively. I tried looking up this shortcut in
the safari help menu and could not find any reference t
HI all,
I coppied something from the web into a mail and it made a mess of formatting
I tried to check for color change with vo command k but it stops in the middle
of a word for no reason. By checking text attributes with vo +t got same
standard color and font there. I went to an o
> Usually, the results you want will come up in the first few links, but if you
> decide to revise your query, I just go back to a previous page and modify my
> search terms, then press return again. If you want to force the results to
> be displayed in chronological
HI all,
I found answers to most of my questions in trouble with mail formatting.I
changed verbosity to announce style changes.
I also found out one can copy and paste a style. Also if copying text and
pasting in mail one can chose paste and match style. All these pasting options
are found in st
HI all,
I might have detected bug but would love to hear any of you confirm this before
I submit it.
In lion latest version address book I created a smart group with one condition:
Cards that are not members of a group x that was previously defined. I checked
the number of cards in this new sm
www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
On Jul 19, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> HI all,
> I might have detected bug but would love to hear any of you confirm this
> before I submit it.
> In lion latest version address book I created a sm
HI all,
I would love to buy ml and install it also on my husbands computer without him
buying it too. What is the best way to go about it?
Should I download it and copy it to an other drive and start it on his? He is
authorized on my id.
THanks for your help,
Please check out my cd on
I use brailliant 40 with lion on mac mini. Is this one of the displays you are
talking about?
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com, on iTunes or most online
Sent from my phone
On Jul 25, 2012, at 8:58 AM, "Shanna" wrote:
> I have a BI 40, and it does wo
Hope you can reasure me here.
I started ml install Fred came on fine and said installing and a progress
indicator. It reached 100% but nothing else happens. The time left keeps
increasing now. Is this normal?
What is the next thing supposed to happen now?
Thanks for your help!
On Jul 27, 2012, at 3:04 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> Hi,
> Hope you can reasure me here.
> I started ml install Fred came on fine and said installing and a progress
> indicator. It reached 100% but nothing else happens. The time left keeps
> increasing n
1 - 100 of 448 matches
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