Amazon Subscribe and Save Weirdness

2011-09-11 Thread Dan Roy
Ok, this is odd indeed. I am using Lion 7.1. when I go to amazon subscribe and save, I can't change or edit any of my orders. The links are there, but, when I attempt to click on change, edit billing and or shipping info etc. nothing happens. However, if I turn off VO, then, they work just

Re: Amazon Subscribe and Save Weirdness

2011-09-12 Thread Dan Roy
I tried quick nab but, I don't understand the arrow up and down thing? clicking the links with quicknav on had no effect at all. On Sep 12, 2011, at 7:19 AM, Rachel magario wrote: > dan, > > I am not sure if this will work, but when I run in to this problems, usually > it is

Re: Amazon Subscribe and Save Weirdness

2011-09-13 Thread Dan Roy
Thanks for the help, let me know. On Sep 13, 2011, at 8:30 AM, Rachel magario wrote: > Dan I was using snow, let me try with lion and I get back with you. > oh and the up and down is when you are with quick naves and it says for > example crea new and save I have to use the up or d

Item Chooser Under Lion

2011-09-22 Thread Dan Roy
I know this has ben discussed before, but, I bet, by now, someone has figured this out. the Item chooser doesn't seem to work under Lion using either Safari or Webkit. It comes up, but, the letter navigation doesn't work properly. It shows some vary odd results. I know about VO-F for finding

Re: Item Chooser Under Lion

2011-09-23 Thread Dan Roy
I know all about the rotor, but, in many cases, I am looking for a particular word or phrase, not necessarily a link. I will drop accessibility an email as you suggested. On Sep 23, 2011, at 2:08 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote: > Dan, > > The problem is caused by I am not exa

Re: Item Chooser Under Lion

2011-09-24 Thread Dan Roy
t sound to indicate failure. > Hth, > Paul. > On Sep 24, 2011, at 6:30 AM, Dan Roy wrote: > >> I know all about the rotor, but, in many cases, I am looking for a >> particular word or phrase, not necessarily a link. >> >> I will drop accessibility an email

Re: working with recovery partition

2011-09-24 Thread Dan Roy
Yes, VO works almost like it did when using a startup disk with SL. On Sep 24, 2011, at 5:01 PM, Anouk Radix wrote: > Hi > I am just slightly curious, if you need to use the recovery partition of your > mac when running lion with pressing cmd+r while booting, will vo work there? > I hear you

Re: Trouble with moving items dock

2011-10-13 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi Tracy, i'm assuming you're wanting to do this on the mac. IF you want to put anything on the doc, find the folder, application, or whatever it is you want to put on there, and hit command shift-t, hope this helps. On Oct 13, 2011, at 10:12 PM, Traci wrote: > Hi all, > > Lately, I'm havi

Re: Basic item chooser question

2011-10-19 Thread Dan Roy
Have you found that item chooser doesn't work as well since Safari 5.1? I haven't yet tried it with 5.11 however, it certainly wasn't finding all the data when using 5.1 as opposed to 5.0. On Oct 18, 2011, at 12:46 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: > I LOVE Items choosier, but usually use it

Re: Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term Presidency'

2011-10-23 Thread Dan Roy
Yes, I want this book in audio, but, all I see on amazon is an abridged book, I will never buy and abridged book ever! I might have to just get the ibook version of it for now. On Oct 21, 2011, at 8:39 AM, Hai Nguyen Ly wrote: > A glimpse in to the life of a man who changed the life of so man

Re: Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term Presidency'

2011-10-24 Thread Dan Roy
It's on audible, now. It must have appeared sometime during the night or vary early this morning. Unless I just totally missed itk, there was no mention of it last night. Well, it does;n't matter anyway, it wasn't released officially until this morning. Anyway, I snagged it first thing. On

Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-29 Thread Dan Roy
Doesn't adobe digital addition do it as well? I have tried it here, I know it works with PDF, and, it's supposed to do epub books as well. On Oct 29, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote: > Hi Teresa. > You said that Stanza would read pdf files. Would that let you do pdf forms on > the Mac o

Re: Lion, a lemon?

2011-11-11 Thread Dan Roy
I know, tech support told me this as well. However, after doing the clean install, things went a lot smoother in all areas. I am not sure why many of us seem to be experiencing better results with a clean install, but, it does seem to be the case. On Nov 10, 2011, at 8:52 PM, Missy Hoppe wro

Re: How to use terminal?

2017-06-30 Thread -dan d.
. /A 29 juni 2017 kl. 15:52 skrev -dan d. : I use terminal almost exclusively. The gui destop runs terminal based programs under the hood. For example finder runs mdfind to perform its functions. One can just use mdfind in terminal or one of the other file search programs of unix/linux. present

Re: How to use terminal?

2017-06-30 Thread -dan d.
Grep is a text search utility. If one has a person's name for example in a text file it can spot it, the result appears just above the command line. So for example: grep williams file This would return any line with "williams in the file. It is very powerful and can do much more then simple te

Re: mac HTML editor suggestion?

2017-07-24 Thread -dan d.
If that is all you want to change a simple text editor is the perfect tool. A html editor would be overkill. Html coding is plain text encased within a set of text characters to render function and format when a browser encounters them. On Sun, 23 Jul 2017, Karen Lewellen wrote: To the best

Resources for Adaptive TechnologyRe: Refreshable Braille devices?

2017-07-24 Thread Dan Rathburn
A list of grant and loan programs. Dan 1. Members of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) & Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) Members of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) can join the Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) to take advantag

Re: Resources for Adaptive TechnologyRe: Refreshable Braille devices?

2017-07-24 Thread Dan Rathburn
Compiled by a government web site and shamelessly plaguerized. They'll get over it. (Smile) Dan The nice thing about science is that it's true whether you believe in it or not. From: Les Kriegler Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 4:21 PM To: S

Re: Dragon Dictate for the Mac and VoiceOver

2017-08-06 Thread -dan d.
At least in the early days the dictation in the mac os10 was a flavor of this software. Depending on your goals the current dictation is quite good. It can serve for text input. It can also trigger apple script, prform commands, and do just about any task you might want using it. You might w

Re: Strange happenings when trying to install VOCR

2017-08-29 Thread -dan d.
What is vocr and where can one find it? Google doesn't bring it up by that spelling. On Mon, 28 Aug 2017, Krister Ekstrom wrote: Hello and sorry for the cross posting to many lists, so those who have seen this before don?t need to read it again. I?m trying to install the VOCR macros and have

Mod request, was "how to fix control+F3 so it opens the dock again"

2017-08-31 Thread -dan d.
Hmm, why would the mods allow this particular theology rant also, given the nature of the request of what to "allow"? On Wed, 30 Aug 2017, Scott Granados wrote: You know the Mods really need to get these tag lines under control. I don?t know why I have to read this religious garbage on a tec

Microsoft tells some Mac Office users to pass on Apple's High Sierra

2017-08-31 Thread -dan d. XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or

Do key commanders have a seperate preference file

2017-09-21 Thread -dan d.
When setting up key commanders is there a seperate preference file in the library preference folder which storess them? If so which file is it please? Or are they kept in the main voiceover preference file? I'm trying to restore some old key commanders, having them in a file of their own would

Not happy with the latest? Here's how to downgrade from iOS 11 to iOS 10

2017-09-24 Thread -dan d. XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please con

How worried should you be about the security flaw in Apple's new macOS?

2017-09-26 Thread -dan d. -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or i

Re: Circumventing reading PDFs on the Mac?

2017-10-05 Thread -dan d.
In place of preview I use skim which is a free open source pdf reading app. It is being actively developed and updated. It is smaller in size and faster and does a better pdf presentation in my experience then does preview. Once the pdf file is loaded into it; one can use the cmd-a and cmd-

Re: Circumventing reading PDFs on the Mac?

2017-10-06 Thread -dan d.
2017, Mary Otten wrote: If you don't want to make it and text file, thereby losing formatting I assume, does this app deal with tables and voiceover, such that you can do rows and columns in a table mode? If not, bummer. Mary Sent from my iPhone On Oct 5, 2017, at 12:44 PM, -dan d. wrote

Shortcuts to terminal applications

2017-11-01 Thread dan d.
Hello, Is it possible to set an alias,ie. a keyboard shortcut to run an application in terminal? If so, how might one do it? Thnks. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this

Re: You Tube downloader?

2017-11-07 Thread dan d.
This terminal commandwill download a youtube video and extract the vidio in mp3, following the command will be an explanation of each part of the commmand: youtube.dl --restrict-filenames -x --audio-format mp3 --youtube-skip-dash-manifest --audio-quality 0 url After the commandname the restric

Re: Free data recovery software for damaged memory card?

2017-11-13 Thread dan d.
Try this, it might do the trick; it is said to recover image files and is free: On Sat, 11 Nov 2017, Alex Hall wrote: > Hi all, > I'm looking for data recovery software that's low cost or free and works on > macOS. My mother uses a high-end di

This simple hack using aluminium foil could improve your home Wi-Fi

2017-11-14 Thread dan d.
I do this to good effect. Read the article link below for why it works. Place the foil a few inches away from the wifi antenna oppisite the direction you wish to direct and increase the signal. If possible, put the antenna in a corner with the foil on both sides behind it in a v shape for the

Change voiceover key commands

2017-11-17 Thread dan d.
Is it possible to remap the vo key commands. For example, to change vo+l to some other combination. Thanks. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that

How to unlock your iPhone on Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Virgin Mobile

2017-11-29 Thread dan d. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list,

Re: Info about youtube downloader

2017-12-05 Thread dan d.
Youtube-dl can be gotten here: It is also available from macports. It can download audio or video from most web sources not just youtube. It can extract the audio only from videos. On Mon, 4 Dec 2017, Devin Prater wrote: > Youtube-dl, from Home-brew, is acce

iPhones start slowing down after a year of use, and that's way too soon

2017-12-20 Thread dan d.
Ios software starts to slow cpu and gpu speeds. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about t

How to: Check iPhone battery health, DIY replace, and speed up performance

2017-12-21 Thread dan d. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappr

Re: OT: Mac Mini audio out via headphone jack while HDMI is connected

2017-12-24 Thread dan d.
For 3 years or so the latest generation of the mac mini works fine without a screen or dummy device for one installed. I have a screen to plug in when sighted help is needed. On Sun, 24 Dec 2017, Mike Arrigo wrote: > Yes, this will work fine. I don't have a screen connected but I use an > ada

Re: Tidger -PDF viewing.

2017-12-25 Thread dan d.
Helllo, I assume you are using preview with a pdf file. I as a blind user have found the free skim better in many regards for pdfs. It can use apple script and access remote pdfs. Here: On Mon, 25 Dec 2017, Stan ZA wrote: > Hi Jonathan, > Thanks for re-assign

Watch out! macOS High Sierra could format your Time Machine drive using APFS, and that's not good

2017-12-26 Thread dan d. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the r

iPhone battery health: How to check it on your own

2018-01-03 Thread dan d. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropri

How to check if Apple is slowing down your iPhone

2018-01-03 Thread dan d. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inap

Swap-apocalypse: Upcoming iOS update will swarm Apple Stores with iPhone battery replacements

2018-01-04 Thread dan d.
Author says if apple trained all of its store's staff how to replace the battery, it would take 2.5 years for all those out there. The new ios update will only make customers more aware of possible battery problems and increase demand at stores.

Finding current page url

2018-01-10 Thread dan d.
Hello, I know when on a link vo+shift+u will read the url of that link. When on a page already, is there a key command to announce the url of the current page? Thanks. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or

Apple answers MacBook Pro battery gripes -- by yanking time-remaining estimate

2016-12-14 Thread Dan D. XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running

MacBook Pro is the first Apple laptop to lack a recommendation from Consumer Reports

2016-12-23 Thread Dan D. XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running o

MacBook Pro buyers freaking out about battery life may want to try this tip

2016-12-23 Thread Dan D.
In short, dump safari for chrome. XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or c

Re: My Macbook Pro 2010 battery and HD

2017-01-01 Thread Dan D.
Why only a couple of years more? It is highly improbable that anything you do now on a computer will change in future. The keepping up with the os update rat race usually has little impact on the majority of what one does in reality on a computer. In principle unless some hardware problem ari

Re: changing voices

2017-01-14 Thread Dan D.
Make sure with the voice attributes menu, ctrl-opt-cmd + left or right arrow; tom is chosen. I very much prefer tom to alex on many levels too. On Fri, 13 Jan 2017, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: Hi: I have switched voices to Tom. The problem is Alex will read when I type, and read some other it

Re: iPhone glucose meter recommendation

2017-01-15 Thread Dan D.
A google with: iphone glucose meter will get a ton of responses. They work by sending the result to the iphone/ipad where the app can voice and/or store the result. Make sure the app is voice accessable. One from the above google appears to be an apple product. One factor is the cost of

Re: Editing PDFs?

2017-01-24 Thread Dan D.
Why not convert it to text. Any editing would be eassy and audio output with the say command a breeze. With the pdf , cmd + a to choose all and cmd + c to copy will put the text into the clipboard from which it can be pasted into a text file. Chopping it into chapters and annotation should b

Re: Naming Your Personal Digital Assistant

2017-01-29 Thread Dan D.
Currently the only choices for each individual ecco type device trigger is: alexa ecco amazon On Sun, 29 Jan 2017, Chris G wrote: Yes, you would change it per device if you have say 2 dots, one could be called Alexa and the other can be called computer. Chris Grabowski Mystic Access Whe

Re: Naming Your Personal Digital Assistant

2017-01-29 Thread Dan D.
Hal. On Sat, 28 Jan 2017, M. Taylor wrote: Hello Everyone, As some of you know, there are plans in the works to allow some popular digital assistants to respond to custom named prompts. While, as far as I know anyway, Apple as not yet disclosed plans to allow for this, it is my hope that som

Re: Installing a softrware on another HD

2017-01-30 Thread Dan D.
One possible solution is in terminal. One can create a symbolic link for an application or folder to another which resides at another location. This is done using the "ln" command in terminal. When the link is established the name of an app will appear in the applications folder but point t

Re: Installing a softrware on another HD

2017-01-31 Thread Dan D.
I creat this? Thanks On 1/30/17, Dan D. wrote: One possible solution is in terminal. One can create a symbolic link for an application or folder to another which resides at another location. This is done using the "ln" command in terminal. When the link is established the name of a

When (and How) to Enable Safari Reader View

2017-02-16 Thread Dan D.
For reading purposes, removes much clutter leaving mostly text only on many web pages. XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns

Deal, free or paid vpn that works with Voiceover on Mac and iOS?

2017-04-04 Thread -dan d.
Current deal, $29 lifetime membership. ScienceAlert deal: TigerVPN can help protect your browsing history from ISPs XB -- The following information is important for al

Silently toggle voiceover

2017-04-08 Thread -dan d.
Hello, Is it possible to toggle vo on and off without the announcement? cXB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, plea

Re: Frustrating issue with the Daniel voice, and how do I get rid of it?

2019-01-12 Thread dan d.
One thought, I chose the announce time each quarter hour using the daniel voice. This was done in the configuration area where that time choice is made, there was also a voice option there. This was to make it sound distinct fromn the default voice so it was brought to my attention in the def

Keyboard Maestro

2019-01-20 Thread dan d.
Hello, Has anyone experience using this app? Is it usable with voiceover? Is there a mailing list group? Thanks. -- XB m -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you

KeySteal: huge macOS vulnerability can be exploited to reveal keychain passwords

2019-02-06 Thread dan d. -- XB m -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running o

Re: COpying from PDf book

2019-02-07 Thread dan d.
Do cmd+a to select all of the text of the document.. Then cmd+c to copy it into the clipboard as text, including any page numbering present. Then paste the clipboard into textedit where the part wanted can be extracted. I also suggest trying the free pdf viewer skim to compare with preview, it

Popular iPhone apps caught recording your screen without permission - here are the offenders

2019-02-07 Thread dan d. -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropri

Which os10 to choose

2019-02-16 Thread dan d.
Hello, After Yosemite what is considered the most stable os10 with the least changes in voiceover? -- Thanks. XB m -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel th

Re: Mueller reportc

2019-04-20 Thread dan d.
One approach to capture a link url is to be on the link, then do: vo + shift + u This announces the url, then option +c will capture it on the clipboard as the last spoken item which can be pasted elsewhere. On Fri, 19 Apr 2019, Sarah Massengale wrote: > I have the one from the Times. Prob

Plain text source of Mueller report

2019-04-20 Thread dan d.
Here is a web page with the report in plain text: -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel

Re: Plain text source of Mueller report

2019-04-21 Thread dan d.
Someone requested help with getting text from a scanned pdf version of it. On Sat, 20 Apr 2019, CHUCK REICHEL wrote: > Hi dan, > What does this junk have to do with using a mac with voiceOver? > This is totally off the mac VoiceOver topic! :(! > Chuck > > > On Apr 20, 201

Re: apple mail question

2010-12-08 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi marlaina, there absolutely is. Try the address panel, which you can access from the window menu in mail. This should give you what you're looking for. HTH. On Dec 8, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: > In Outlook and Outlook express, i could visit my address list and choose

Re: remote support and remote control clients for mac?

2010-12-08 Thread Dan Eickmeier
hi, the screen sharing in iChat works very nicely for this, if he's also on a mac. On Dec 8, 2010, at 7:53 PM, trahern culver wrote: > hey all does any one know of a good accsesabel remote support client > for mac one that will alow a friend of mine to control my mac so he > can help me with th

Re: WMA fileson the mac

2010-12-08 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi, try vlc from This will play .WMA files just fine. So long as they aren't protected WMA files. As far as playing protected WMA's, not sure what you could do about that. On Dec 8, 2010, at 4:23 PM, Christina wrote: > Hello, > > Is there a way to play or convert a

Re: mudding on the mac

2010-12-09 Thread Dan Eickmeier
mudding is playing text adventure games. WHich i never did on WIndows and don't really care for at all. Certainly for those that like to do it, there clearly isn't an accessible solution for the mac yet. On Dec 9, 2010, at 4:26 AM, Oriol Gómez wrote: > Hello! > Has anyone found a proper

Maximizing Windows?

2010-12-09 Thread Dan Roy
I was working with my wife who is fully sighted. I was trying to get her to visually describe some images on a site. She was continuously frustrated because, Finder was covering up most of the web sites window. She couldn't figure out what to do about that. Meanwhile, VO was performing just

Re: My Eyepal demo is here.

2010-12-12 Thread Dan Roy
So, if I go out and buy an Epson TX110 and Abby I should be able to use it without VuScan? On Dec 12, 2010, at 1:00 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote: > My Epson TX110, standard at 100 dollars does the job perfectly With abbey > fine reader. > > > I don't want to insist with a dialogue which may jeopard

Re: My Eyepal demo is here.

2010-12-13 Thread Dan Roy
Thanks, however, I was lead to believe that On Dec 12, 2010, at 8:21 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote: > Hi Dan: > There are two and actually 3 programs in this thread: > The first is a scanning device known as the eye-pal, which works inhich I > don't! > conjunctionn with a pc o

Re: anyone using skype 5 beta with os10 having this issue

2010-12-14 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi Sarah, i'm experiencing this as well, and I find it happens after i've cleared my recent conversations, and I get a chat after that. I've found that going back and forth a bit between that conversation, and the next item above or below that, and then stoping interaction with the sources list

Re: IPad questions

2010-12-26 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Carolyn, regarding the bluetooth keyboard, when I got one, i had used it with my 3rd gen iPot touch, and then I wanted to use it on my Mac. The mac was never seeing it as an available device. Finally, I went into settings, on hte iPod, and then bluetooth, and told the iPod to forget the device

Strange Issue with Macbook Pro

2010-12-26 Thread Dan Roy
This isn't Vo related, however, it is definitely Apple! This might be a bit off-topic fir this list. However, this type of thing has come up before and people have been willing to help. I hope, in this case, someone has an answer. Recently, there was a thread on battery maintenance, and, just

Re: very peculiar behavior change with

2011-01-01 Thread Dan Roy
Are you finding the toolbar next to each audio book, it is usually right after the title. If so, you have to interact with that toolbar a play/pause, mute, rewind 30 seconds and 1 other button will then appear. I hope this helps. On Jan 1, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: > I have t

Re: very peculiar behavior change with

2011-01-02 Thread Dan Roy
Sorry, I have no idea, it works for me here! On Jan 2, 2011, at 8:59 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: > No; I see no toolbar, just the word sample. > On Jan 1, 2011, at 10:52 PM, Dan Roy wrote: > > Are you finding the toolbar next to each audio book, it is usually right > after th

Re: 1password for Mac is now even more accessible

2011-01-03 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hey that's great. I'd gotten this app before, and not really made any use out of it due to the issues it had, and couldn't really understand how to put stuff into it. So took it off and haven't installed it since. wanted to wait until accessibility improved. And from your email here Bret,

Date received column only showing the date, and not the time as well?

2011-01-15 Thread Dan Eickmeier
HI, I noticed that in my inbox particularly, that my date received column, is only showing as yesterday, or if I go further back, January 13, 2011, and not the time as well. In other mailboxes, the time is showing as well, like it should. COuld I somehow ahve acccidentally resized the date re

Re: adium and adding contacts?

2011-02-07 Thread Dan Eickmeier
HEy jOhn, so I'm not alone. Good to hear that. . I'm getting the same hting here with a contact of mine, and they can't seem to add me either. On Feb 6, 2011, at 5:53 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote: > Hi guys: > > I've been using Adium forever, well since I got my mac, and am over all happy > w

Re: Can voiceover speak Kurgish or Russian?

2011-02-18 Thread Dan Eickmeier
I'd have a look at the assistiveware site, , or maybe Cepstral would have voices in those languages, if Assistiveware doesn't? On Feb 18, 2011, at 12:33 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote: > Hey folks. An instructor in training here at the Louisiana Center for the > Blind is from Kurgistan. She was curiou

Re: testing brailledisplays for mac and iphone4

2011-02-24 Thread Dan Roy
Ahmed: can you input from the keyboard on the focus in to your iPhone and Macbook? I have an old pacmate 40 display that only works with USB. I can get it to display braille fine, but, I can't get any of the routing buttons to work on the display, they do absolutely nothing. The Focus 40 blue

1 Password

2011-03-25 Thread Dan Roy
I thought I read on this list that the 1 password software was accessible with voiceover? Well, I downloaded the trial version last night. It actually downloaded as an .app file. However, when I open it, VO says it has no windows. the only way I could close this app was by doing a force quit

Re: 1 Password

2011-03-26 Thread Dan Roy
t of welcome screen. I have reported this issue to Agile Software > and they said that they would fix the problem. In the meantime, if you can > get someone sighted to help with those two screens, you will be in business > with VoiceOver after the initial time. > > Robert Carter

Re: cleaning out mac hard drive?

2011-04-03 Thread Dan Eickmeier
I've heard a lot about Drive Genious in a lot of hte Main stream mac podcasts. Exactly how accessible is this App? On Apr 3, 2011, at 2:33 PM, Scott Howell wrote: > Yes it does. I picked up a copy of Drive Genius more for its capabilities to > repair damaged drives etc. An expensive program,

Re: cleaning out mac hard drive?

2011-04-04 Thread Dan Eickmeier
it > shortly. > On Apr 3, 2011, at 11:43 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote: > >> I've heard a lot about Drive Genius in a lot of hte Main stream mac >> podcasts. Exactly how accessible is this App? >> On Apr 3, 2011, at 2:33 PM, Scott Howell wrote: >> >&g

Re: Reading text in Pages and TextEdit

2011-04-11 Thread Dan Roy
Well, this is a good suggestion, however I myself have not been able to do anything in verbosity that would stop the speaking of blank lines using the word newline. this is a rather trivial thing, but, does get quite annoying. This isn't only true in text edit, but, just about any type of docu

Fwd: Interesting read! Look what is forthcoming to assist us who are blind or visually impaired

2011-05-13 Thread Dan Roy
Begin forwarded message: > Phone app lets the blind see through the crowd's eyes > > 16:09 11 May 2011 > Yasmina, a student at the University of Rochester in New York, is in the > mood for some soup. > She opens her cupboard where she knows the coconut milk she needs is > sitting on the shelf

Apple reportedly plans to discontinue the first-gen iPhone X later this year

2018-01-22 Thread dan d. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate,

Your iPhone X/8 battery could wear out in about 18 months

2018-01-22 Thread dan d.
On Mon, 22 Jan 2018, dan d. wrote: > > >> -- XB -- The following information is important for

RE: Apple's $349 HomePod speaker is now available to preorder - The Verge

2018-01-28 Thread dan d.
I don't know about nz but in us 2 sonus speakers with the amazon echo system built in are now $349. On Sat, 27 Jan 2018, Simon Fogarty wrote: > $500 in austrailia and not even available here in nz. > > Think I'd go for the amazon version rather than the home pod. > > > -Original Message---

Re: Migrating to a new iMac

2018-01-31 Thread dan d.
Wih the backups in place wait until the current machine breaks. For the vast majority of whatt people do that machine is fine, which can also be said for an osx older then that one. The constant urge to have the latest beyond what one needs has always been in my mind somewhat irrational. On

Location of data on a hard drive

2018-02-14 Thread dan d.
Hello listers, I have a 1t mac hardrive which I split into two partitions. With the first partition containing the os and other data is the data stored nearer the center or the edge of a platter?. How is this os location affected if there are multiple platters? Thanks. -- XB -- The followi

Re: Location of data on a hard drive

2018-02-15 Thread dan d.
nd that. This is to give the drive the quickest > access to the system files when needed. Since the first partition contains > your MacOS, then this behaviour should be maintained. > > Later... > > Tim Kilburn > Fort McMurray, AB Canada > > On Feb 14, 2018, at 20:23, da

RE: Location of data on a hard drive

2018-02-17 Thread dan d.
he middle or the edge of a fusion drive? > > Trick question by the way. > > -Original Message- > From: > [] On Behalf Of dan d. > Sent: Friday, 16 February 2018 8:49 AM > To: Tim Kilburn >

Re: How do you edit markup? e.g. html?

2018-02-20 Thread dan d.
The nano text editor that comes by default in terminal with a mac works fine for html markup and other coding. Many of its features are intended for markup. For the sighted it has color coding for markup coding generally. There are more recent versions of nano one can get from macports and hom

Re: Mark on Echo

2018-02-20 Thread dan d.
Alexa can create custom music play lists also from individual recordings, these were called custom mixes in the days of cassette tape. Amazon has a general music service and a more advanced one with the prime users music service. There is in addition to that a paid service for access to all am

Another warning: Don't convert your Time Machine volume from HFS to APFS

2018-02-23 Thread dan d. -- XB -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you

RE: I cut the cord

2018-02-25 Thread dan d.
There are a number of devices and some tv's which allow streaming netflicks and hulu and amazon video content and some other sources. These have tv shows and movies. They all have speech. These streaming services are done on demand for around $10 per month each so recording them is not requir

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