Re: scanning PDF

2009-03-02 Thread A-Pro Studio
the Output settings and check the OCR text checkbox...and press the Scan button 4) Your TextEdit app will open with an OCR scan of your jpg file. Hope this helps... ;-) Take care, John André Netland, A-Pro Studio Norway On 2. mars. 2009, at 15.15, william lomas wrote

Re: IWork and ILife

2009-03-06 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi, Such reports are possible for each and everyone to give Apple for every Apple product to - and those of us who are involved in ADC or other portals aimed at developing software for Mac, both inside and outside of Apple, should use their ability to report VO iss

Re: IWork and ILife

2009-03-06 Thread A-Pro Studio
veryone contributed with what they felt needed improving? I dunno, i > just sorta think aloud here. > /Krister > > > 6 mar 2009 kl. 14.07 skrev A-Pro Studio: > >> >> Hi, >> >> Such reports are possible for each and everyone to give Apple for >> eve

Re: Time Zone

2009-03-07 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Eliza, Try this: In the Date and Time panel in System Prefs, select the second tab named Timezone. Navigate using VO until you hear "Closest city:" and write your city in the combo box to the right. When I write Oslo, the rest is automatically, and I can simply leave the panel. Hope th

Re: Time Zone

2009-03-07 Thread A-Pro Studio
. 2009, at 11.21, Eliza Cooper wrote: > > I did try that, but because the wrong time zone is selected, when I > type in my city, it doesn't come up. What a trivial but annoying > quirk this is. >Eliza > On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:13 AM, A-Pro Studio wrote: > >> >>

Re: sources?

2009-03-12 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Will, Maybe you have checked the checkbox in VO Utilities that turns on the option to read text under the mouse? Just a suggestion. Take care, John André On 12. mars. 2009, at 18.11, william lomas wrote: > > hi when I am in itunes 8.1 voice over keeps saying sources

Re: Something weird with Finder...

2009-05-09 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi David, If the search box you get is the one for Spotlight, here is two alternative ways you can fix this: 1) Open System Preferences and select the Spotlight panel. There will be two boxes for selecting hot keys for Spotlight. If one of them is set to command-tab you have found the reas

Re: Something weird with Finder...

2009-05-09 Thread A-Pro Studio
suggestions ;-) Take care, John André On 9. mai. 2009, at 14.00, David Hole wrote: > > Hmmm... > It's not the spotlight-thingy that opens. > It is the search-thing in finder. > Mvh David > > A-Pro Studio skrev: >> Hi David, >> >> If the search box y

Re: Using a mac

2009-05-14 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi, Try the tutorial on this page: and take a look at this page: Lots of great info here, listen and learn! John André On 14. mai. 2009, at 12.43, Simon Fogarty wrote: > > H

Re: Ghost in my Mail program? This is odd.

2009-05-17 Thread A-Pro Studio
create an iMap account, see the pop-up in the account setup wizard in the Mail app. Just a little tip Take care, John André A-Pro Studio in Norway On 18. mai. 2009, at 03.27, rayna424 wrote: > > Ok great, I will use Command W. As far as the ghost, mail didn't have > an

Re: Localizing Voiceover Utility as part of ISpeak

2009-05-20 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi, We all want norwegian localization of VO Utility, but it will have to come from the hands of Apple. Anything else would be illegal. Take care, John André A-Pro Studio in NOrway On 20. mai. 2009, at 20.58, Alex Jurgensen wrote: > > Hi, > > Are you interested in do

Re: Localizing Voiceover Utility as part of ISpeak

2009-05-20 Thread A-Pro Studio
: 1800 658 388 (Australia only) > Email: > > On 20/05/2009, at 1:05 PM, A-Pro Studio wrote: > >> >> Hi, >> >> We all want norwegian localization of VO Utility, but it will have to >> come from the hands of Apple. Anything else would be ill

Re: Localizing Voiceover Utility as part of ISpeak

2009-05-20 Thread A-Pro Studio
from Apple, but again - I might as well be wrong. On 20. mai. 2009, at 21.26, Alex Jurgensen wrote: > > Hi, > > Why would it be Elegal? > > Thanks, > Alex, > > > On 20-May-09, at 12:05 PM, A-Pro Studio wrote: > >> >> Hi, >> >> We a

Re: reply re voice over frustration

2009-05-25 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Renee, First, you might know that if you and your partner creates two accounts on your Mac, one for you and one for him, you can both enjoy your very personal settings both in VoiceOver and everywhere else on your Mac,without any problems. You can set it up so that you can switch betwee

Clarification of legal agreements related to VoiceOver

2009-05-27 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi, First of all, I am not posting this to "crash the party" for everyone - including myself, who would like their own localization of VoiceOver. But since none of us use to read all legal agreements included with all software we use, and since we might get into trouble by breaking such ag

Re: Need a program

2009-06-03 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Louie, Try using Smultron, ( ) Smultron has several options for doing such things, if you for example set up a search/replace command and include the spaces in the search box and the tab in the replace box, you should be done. Hope this helps!

Re: Multi finger jestures and desktop Macs

2009-06-10 Thread A-Pro Studio
Well, for all we know there might be a change coming up, where the current keyboards delivered with a mouse with the desktop Mac, is replaced with a new keyboard containing a trackpad. Just a guess, you know ;-) but a thrilling one. On 11. juni. 2009, at 00.10, Dean Wilcox wrote: > >

Re: Problem signing up to mobile me

2009-06-19 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Simon, A long time since I did this myself, but if you interact with the group refering to the "agree to terms..." etc., there might be a checkbox there you have to check. Also, if you pay with VISA, I think you should press the first of the payment images, I think the images have a na

Re: Problem signing up to mobile me

2009-06-19 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi, Just for the record, as a MobileMe user for quite some time now, I am not using the web interface of MobileMe very much, but the automatic syncronization of items, the iDisk feature that works like automatic backup of my work over the internet, and Back To My Mac that gives me simple

Re: Mobileme and a novice

2009-06-25 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Simon, I will try to give an overview over the MObileMe service First of all, the main settings for MobileMe is found if you go to System Preferences and press the MObileMe button there. You will find settings for the account, sync, iDisk and BackToMyMac. All settings here are fully

Re: FTPing..

2009-06-28 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Mike, The bad news here are that when using Finder, you are only able to read the content of a FTP server, not able to delete, upload or move files. To do so you have to use a FTP client, like Cyberduck, Yammi FTP, Captain FTP etc etc. or use a MobileMe account with iDisk. Hope this hel

Re: Jumping to top/end of tables

2009-06-29 Thread A-Pro Studio
Yes, try control-option-home or control-option-end Take care, John André Den 29. juni 2009 kl. 22.31 skrev Pierre Heim: > > Hi, > > is there a short key for jumping to the top or end of a table e. g. in > an iTunes playlist, a mailbox or the finder? In Windows I can do this > with home/pos1 an

Re: keyboard layout

2009-07-21 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Wendy, •Open System Preferences •Go to International •Go to the Language to set your overall system language, and to Input Menu to select what will show in your Status menu as optional keyboard sets. Hope this helps... John André in Norway On 21. juli. 2009, at 11.29, Wendy wrote: > >

Re: Merging duplicate contacts in Address Book

2009-07-23 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi David, There is both a "Look for Duplicates" and "Merge Selected Cards" option under the Card menu in Address book, that you might want to play around with. Merge Selected Cards works just fine, but you need to select each couple of cards that you would like to merge. Also, if you

Re: Merging duplicate contacts in Address Book

2009-07-24 Thread A-Pro Studio
very much guys. > This helped a lot! > Having many devices in sync isn't that easy. > Btw, can one find duplicate events in iCal? > Kind regards David > A-Pro Studio skrev: >> Hi David, >> >> There is both a "Look for Duplicates" and "Merge Se

Re: Logic 9

2009-07-24 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hello again David, Logic 9 is being sent out now, and I will be able to report more on VO compatibility next week. The update from V8 is NOK 1.790,- or $199. Thanks, John André On 24. juli. 2009, at 17.24, David Hole wrote: > > Hello folks! > Does anyone of you know if Logic 9 is out now? >

Re: Logic 9

2009-07-24 Thread A-Pro Studio
ur concerns along with your > support > of Apple's work on the accessibility front for the operating system. > What is > it they say about bees and honey? > > Cheers! > > > - Original Message - > From: "A-Pro Studio" > To: > Sent: Fr

Re: Making special characters

2009-07-28 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Scott, Since I have this letter in my name, I suppose I should try to help you out here... ;-) On my norwegian keyboard, I press the key just to the left of the delete key, and then the e key. If you use control-option-K I think you will find it pretty fast. Hope this helps, HTH John A

Re: Making special characters

2009-07-28 Thread A-Pro Studio
e the input and maybe > you can tell me what key that is on your keyboard and I can then > figure out what it is for me. > > Thanks, > > On Jul 28, 2009, at 6:41 AM, A-Pro Studio wrote: > >> >> Hi Scott, >> >> Since I have this letter in my name, I suppos

Re: gesturebased navigation on safari for themac?

2009-08-05 Thread A-Pro Studio
To control VoiceOver and Safari with gestures, you will have to wait for Snow Leopard. This is one of the many great features you will find in the new VoiceOver version coming with Snow Leopard in September/ October, a way to control VoiceOver and all your Mac software by using gestures. Yo

Re: stopping an Audio Hijack session

2009-08-09 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Anna, If you have the checkbox in Record enabled, AHP is recording, to stop recording, disable the checkbox for Record. When you enable the Record checkbox, HiJacking will automatically be enabled, so you do not need to press them both to start recording. You can also set AHP up to sta