OK. Do your command key work as expected in other situations, or can  
there be a material disfunction going on? Do you use Logitech keyboard  
or QuicKeys software? In that case, you might need to check the  
settings in the LOgitech software or QuicKeys shortcuts.....

Just a couple of suggestions.... ;-)

Take care,
John André

On 9. mai. 2009, at 14.00, David Hole wrote:

> Hmmm...
> It's not the spotlight-thingy that opens.
> It is the search-thing in finder.
> Mvh David
> A-Pro Studio skrev:
>> Hi David,
>> If the search box you get is the one for Spotlight, here is two
>> alternative ways you can fix this:
>> 1) Open System Preferences and select the Spotlight panel. There will
>> be two boxes for selecting hot keys for Spotlight. If one of them is
>> set to command-tab you have found the reason for the issue, and can
>> change it to the default setting command-space..... This should make
>> command-tab work for you again.....
>> 2) Hereis an alternative way to do the same thing: Open System
>> Preferences and select the Keyboard and Mouse panel, and the Keyboard
>> Shortcut tag you will find there. In the list below, find the
>> Spotlight line and press the rignt arrow to open the shortcuts for
>> Spotlight. If one of them is set to command-tab you can change it to
>> command-space here as well.....
>> Hope this helps.....and have a great weekend!
>> John André in Bergen
>> On 9. mai. 2009, at 13.18, David Hole wrote:
>>> Hello folks.
>>> When I press command+tab, I only get the search box instead of next
>>> application.
>>> Who can I get this to normal?
>>> -David
> >

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