Hi Simon,

I will try to give an overview over the MObileMe service....

First of all, the main settings for MobileMe is found if you go to  
System Preferences and press the MObileMe button there. You will find  
settings for the account, sync, iDisk and BackToMyMac. All settings  
here are fully accessible.

The sync settings is for syncing your contact and calender data, your  
mail prefs and mail boxes, your key chains and other preferences on  
your Mac so that you can imagine that you have a copy of all this  
stored in your MobileMe area on the internet, and each time you hook  
up your Mac, another Mac, an iPhone etc etc. and this unit has your  
MobileMe username and password set, they will be synced. If you change  
the data on one place, the same data will be changed on all the other  
units. Be aware, that you can decide exactly what to sync and what to  
not sync, so you have full control here. You can sync the data  
manually or automatically. Enough about sync for now...

The iDisk is just like a home folder on the internet. It contains all  
the folders you know so well from your home folder, like Documents,  
Pictures, Movies, Music, Public etc. etc. If you like, you can  
organize your data the same way you organize them on your Mac, with  
the difference that you can access your data from anywhere. The idea  
is that you can browse your data just like if you browse in Finder.

The public folder is the only folder that is available to other  
people. The rest of your data is secure, only accessible with your  
username and password, but the content you put in the public folder,  
may be accessed via internet - either with a separate password if you  
decide it to be setup that way - or open to anyone that knows your  
username, if you decide it to be setup that way. The password you  
choose should be different than your MobileMe password, since you may  
give it to friends, co-workers etc etc.

Finally, you can use your iDisk in two different ways on your Mac. If  
you check a checkbox in your MobilMe/iDisk preferences named "keep a  
local copy" or something like that, your Mac will create a disk image  
stored locally on your Mac, so that you can access your iDisk data on  
your Mac, even when you are not connected to internet. If you use  
iDisk this way, the content on the disk image will be automatically  
synced with the content on internet. You may call this an automatic  
backup of your work, and if you would like a local backup, you can  
simply drag a copy of the disk image over to an external drive.
You asked about the image on your desktop, and here is the answer; if  
you do not run a local copy of iDisk, this drive is actually the iDisk  
on internet. If you use the alternative with a local synced copy of  
your iDisk, this will be the local drive, and the backup is processed  
in the background.

BackToMyMac is simply a way to reach your Mac from anywhere on the  
internet in a safe and quick way. You can reach your Mac at home from  
your Mac at work much easier than with other methods.
Nothing of this part of the service, depends on the web interface. You  
can control all this right from your Mac.
Sorry for a long explanation, but I currently do not have a link to  
documentation here. The staff at the MobileMe service, is however very  
nice and quick in their response, so if you find the support link on www.me.com 
  - they might be able to help you even better.

HOpe this was at least of some help..... ;-)
Take care,
John André

On 25. juni. 2009, at 11.24, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Simon Cavendish <simoncavend...@me.com>
>> Date: 25 June 2009 10:20:38 BST
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Mobileme and a novice
>> Dear Listers,
>> Is there some comprehensive knowledge article or a series of  
>> articles on mobileme? I've just taken out a trial subscription but  
>> I'm not sure from the reading I've done I actually understand its  
>> potential.
>> Also, Public folder is a part of mobileme and so the IDisc. I don't  
>> quite understand how they work and whether it is better to have my  
>> public folder password-protected or not?
>> Having subscribed to mobileme, I now have an icon on my desktop  
>> with my mobileme ID as title. Does this folder actually reside on  
>> my Macbook, or is it situated somewhere in cloud computing? If it  
>> is somewhere on the internet, is it safe?
>> Mobileme interface is not particularly compatible with Voiceover  
>> when accessed through the Internet. Has anyone got any suggestions  
>> or strategies?
>> If there's been a discussion on our group on these subjects, can  
>> anyone provide some directions? I feel a bit of a dummy asking such  
>> basic questions but a lot of the stuff on the Internet is full of  
>> IT vocabulary and hence somewhat opaque.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> With best wishes
>> Simon
> >

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