I noticed after upgrading to Mavericks a couple weeks ago that all my mail box
folders are sorted in reverse alphabetical order under each IMAP account. This
always used to be in ascending alpha order and not backwards like it is now.
Has anyone else experienced this? Also, is there a way to tel
I noticed for the first time tonight that when I send messages from my
steve.holme...@gmail.com account, mail keeps trying to send them from
my other address, st...@holmesgrown.com. I checked both accounts in
system and mail preferences to make sure they have the right account
hooked to the smtp se
I noticed after upgrading to Mavericks a couple weeks ago that all my mail box
folders are sorted in reverse alphabetical order under each IMAP account. This
always used to be in ascending alpha order and not backwards like it is now.
Has anyone else experienced this? Also, is there a way to tel
Well, I think I got 'er fixed. Since I have two email accounts, I need to keep
each one on a separate smtp server and somehow wires got crossed in that area.
I ended up deleting both smtp server set-ups and doing them over again
separately. Here's to hoping my messages to this list come up OK wi
Hi all,
Attached is a very simple little AppleScript to speak the word count of the
selected text in any application. It's great for TextEdit, Safari, or anywhere
you can enter text. It's even easier, in my opinion, than using the word count
feature of Pages.
download this script;
save i
Okay, wondering if there has been any improvements with scanners and oct for
the mac. The last time I checked was 3 or 4 years ago. Eye-pal looked
promising, but I need a solution soon as I don't own a windows machine and
would prefer privacy for reading my own mail:).
You received this mes
The best OCR for the Mac is ABBYY FineReader Pro. As for a scanner, it all
depends on how much scanning you intend to do. I use a Canon Lide 110 portable
On 26 Apr 2014, at 16:31, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> Okay, wondering if there has been any improvements with scanners an
I can only answer one of your questions. :)
I just took a look and I have 149 processes going.
On Apr 25, 2014, at 9:00 AM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> Hi all!
> I thought my computer was running a bit slow so took a look at Activity
> Monitor under Utilities. It says I have 158 processes go
Hi list,
I use the mobile version of Facebook quite a bit and prefer it to the standard
I've tried a couple of different way of tagging people in posts and comments on
the mobile site and none of them seem to work. On the standard site, I know
Voiceover gives me some indication there's a
I used to tag merely by writing a friend's name in a status, but it doesn't
seem to work any more. Very frustrating.
On Apr 26, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> Hi list,
> I use the mobile version of Facebook quite a bit and prefer it to the
> standard site.
> I've tried a couple o
On the standard interface, once you type your message, if you navigate with
vi-right or flicking right on the trackpad, there's a tag button. If you hit
that, a text box will pop up and VO will be focused there. You can start typing
someone's name, and then press down arrow and it will read thro
Also, on both sites and in the command-line interface, you can type the at
symbol @ (shift-2 on most keyboards for US) immediately followed by the name.
You can even write as much of the name as you consider to be unique and it will
be completed for you. So, to recap; at symbol, @, immediately f
I'm on the standard interface and everything seems to work when I click the Tag
People in this Post button. However, it seems to default to "with John Doe"
instead of "John Doe." So now my post reads "Thank you with John Doe for XYZ."
Also, up and down arrow doesn't read the name in the edit com
Teresa, what's this command line interface you're talking about here?
Also I'll have to try again but I thought the @name syntax didn't work for me.
On Apr 26, 2014, at 12:45 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Also, on both sites and in the command-line interface, you can type the at
> symbol @ (shift
So, I can type @Theresa C, hit enter and my post will say
"Thanks Theresa Cochrane for being awesome"?
On 2014-04-26, at 12:45 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Also, on both sites and in the command-line interface, you can type the at
> symbol @ (shift-2 on most keyboards for US) immediately
Those voices do not appear to be available for download. Maybe I have to
reboot for stuff to fix itself. Did you actually have success downloading
voices again? They seem to have disappeared from the list in the customize tab,
but maybe a reboot will change that.
Mary Otten
I just tried it and it failed miserably. How do I delete a post? :)
On 2014-04-26, at 12:50 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
> Teresa, what's this command line interface you're talking about here?
> Also I'll have to try again but I thought the @name syntax didn't work for me.
> On Apr 26,
Hit options under the post, press down arrow until it gets to delete and hit
And yeah I didn't think that worked.
On Apr 26, 2014, at 12:53 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> I just tried it and it failed miserably. How do I delete a post? :)
> Kevin
> On 2014-04-26, at 12:50 PM, Brandon Oliv
:) Yes, it should.
"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman
On Apr 26, 2014, at 9:50 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> So, I can type @Theresa C, hit enter and my post will say
> "Thanks Theresa Cochrane for being awesome"?
> Kevin
> On 2014-04-26,
Odd. That worked for me a couple of weeks ago. The person you tagged has to be
on your friends' list, i'm pretty sure.
as for command-line, it's a php script and not for the faint-hearted. I don't
use it much, but sometimes when I just want to do a quick check of my newsfeed
or do a drive-by po
Hello everyone,
I am reading through the Super Duper manual, but with little success of
understanding how to create a script.
Basically, I want to set a script, which when selected will only smart copy my
"documents" folder.
I am aware that I need to first select my "backup" script as the primar
Just an added note on the tagging with the at symbol: you won't be able to see
a tag link in the edit box as you review before posting. You won't see the tag
till you've posted your status. It'll say the name with a menu popup or
something similar.
"Everything is interesting if you
I just tried it and it works. It just posts the name and no link in the edit
field, but when I post my status, the link shows up.
On the other hand, there are different fingers.
On Apr 26, 2014, at 10:25 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Just an added note on the tagging with the at symbol:
Hi since were talking about youtube. :)
What are the other key commands for using youtube?
I know the "j" key is rewind, the "k" key is pause play, & the "l" key is fast
Are there more key commands for youtube such as "play next video" or play
previous video" or so forth?
Is your mail stuck in repeat mode? This is the 4th repeat this week. ;)
Quote of the nanosecond . . .
If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh
at when you're old.
--Will Rogers
Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
On 4/26/2014 1
Hello Mary,
Some voices have indeed disappeared in Mavericks. The French voice Sébastien
has gone and the new voice Aurélie has been added. I have no idea why this has
been done.
On 26 Apr 2014, at 18:51, Mary Otten wrote:
> Those voices do not appear to be available for downl
I personally use a Fujitsu ScanSnap document scanner.
I purchased mine on Amazon for $250, which came with a very small scanner
that has an attached document feeder (10 pages), and AbbyFineReader.
Note: this will not scan textbooks, but it is merely for letters, postal
mail, and business
When apps like Roboform are installed in Windows, its easy enough to
find the documentation in the Programs menu.
On the Mac, where are they found and accessed? I cannot seem to
find what I need on the Roboform site and cannto find the answers I need
as well.
Roboform is installed
I'd be curious to know what models others are using. I've liked Fujitsu
scanners in the past, and just figured out that the Epson Workforce scanner
I've got hooked up to my PC doesn't work with my Mac. I'd like a Fujitsu
that's more designed to scan books than the one Emilio describes below.
I don't know how many people use the Amazon app on their I phones, but ever
since the new IOS, I have difficulty using the Amazon app as I think things
move on it. Is that so? I actually find even on Youplayer things seem to move
as the screen always refreshes on the I phone and perhap
Just installed Adobe Flash Player 13 and it was not hard at all. Now I can
listen to BBC programs without having to wish I had a Windows machine for that
purpose well, that is not strictly true, I love my stable I Mac.
Seriously, I have one question, was I meant to keep the file that I dow
Thanks. I have not gotten back to this yet but will. I have been
texting on the iPhone and when I have opened the conversation, I only
need to get to the edit field and type in it. It does not work like that
in Messages? When you say I interact with the table and select the one I
Yes, you can delete the file. it's just an installer file, similar to the .exe
in Windows. You have already installed it. the installed application is in the
apps folder now.
"The golden age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete graham
On Apr 26, 2014, at 1:03 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
Hi Robert,
It only gets stuck in repeat until some responds! :)
Do you know the answer?
I figured that this list would have several experts that could say yes it does
and what they were.
Or no just "j" K" L" exists for now!
BTW if you have any Pro Tools questions fire away! ;)
Call if you want I'm
This is so wonderfully generous. Thanks for this. And the instructions are
perfect too.!
On 26 Apr 2014, at 13:42, Nicholas Parsons
> Hi all,
> Attached is a very simple little AppleScript to speak the word count of the
> selected text in any application. It's great f
Well, thanks, Anne. At least it isn't me, and I'm not crazy. I was really
surprised about Samantha, because she is the U.S. English voice for IOS still,
and Milena is the Russian voice for IOS. Go figure. Honestly, my real hope, and
I am not holding my breath for it, is that the Ivona tts will b
I'm also interested in the scanner question. The scansnap scanners look good;
some are rather pricy, and I was turned off of them in the past because they
required the use of proprietary software on the Windows side and, I thought,
the Mac side as well. If these scanners work directly with Abbyy
I don't use the IPhone app much so can't remember if it does that or not, but
I've had that issue on the Mac which I reported to customer service but must
have talked to the wrong department sense obviously nothing's changed.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 26, 2014, at 3:37 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu w
Sorry Chuck I do not know. And when I do not get answers to my
questions I dont keep sending the same post over and over. ;)
Quote of the nanosecond . . .
Half the people you know are below average.
--Steven Wright
Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
On 4/26/2014 1:2
Hi all:
I have thousands of picts and videos uploaded in iPhoto. I want to make an off
site backup in to dropbox because we are supposed to have really bad weather.
How can I do this?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubs
I listened to a podcast on mail and making signatures on Macfortheblind. I can
put in signature 1 and signature 2, but when I go to write a ;message I see the
pop up button to get the list of signatures but when I enter the pop up there
is no list just none and edit signature. What am I m
Did you make sure you made the signatures with your account selected? If they
are under "all signatures" they won't work.
> --
> Cheryl
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash!
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His
Hi there
I am not sure if I made my question clear. You know, all Braille displays have
buttons on them so that you can move the Braille back-and-forth. Does your
Braille display let you type Braille on it? That is what I meant by input keys.
If your Braille display will let you type input Brail
Thanks for the help with the signatures. Sure enough, I was not on my account.
(smiles) Ah learning! Anyway, everything is; fixed with my signatures, but now
I want to find downloads and delete the old Adobe files from applications
folder. I read somewhere that when a new version of Adobe is
nope, i dont think i can't type on my display braille, i have the manual for my
display braille but in the manual there's no instruction how to use it on the
mac,. my mom read it for me, and there's all instruction to use this display
braille for all screen reader except for voice over,
Il gior
can somebody help me about my internet connection, because everytime i open up
my computer, i am not connected to my wifi. i think there's no problem with my
router because when i open up the wifi extra menu, i cant find any internet
connections. this only happens when my bluetooth is on when i
I think you would be better off to seek local assistance to learn to
use this display. It does not appear to be supported by Apple.
Quote of the nanosecond . . .
I never apologize. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am.
--Homer Simpson
Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
Yes. Mavericks uses the new Vocalizer Expressive engine so the old voices that
you're used to like Jill are no longer in the list. Jill is replaced by a girl
called Ava. As for Samantha, don't know why she's not working for you.
Sent From My White MacBook
On Apr 26, 2014, at 11:51 AM, Mar
I can't see any good reason why a Bluetooth keyboard should cause you problems
with your WiFi connection. Apple usually sells the wireless keyboard by
default with most iMacs and other Desktop units so you'd think that they would
have noticed that sort of error. Regarding whether you see
The files that you download from the Internet are not downloaded directly to
the Applications folder. When you download something, it is placed in the
Downloads folder of your Home directory. This is found by going to the Finder
or Desktop, pressing cmd-shift-h then navigating to the Down
Thanks, Andrew--glad it's of use.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group,
Hi. if you go to system preferences and then network, under wifi do you see
your wifi connection there?
maria and Joe chapman
Email, iMessage & fb: bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
On 27 Apr 2014, at 11:58 am, Dionipher Presas Herrera
> can somebody help me abo
Hi all, I cannot work this out.
Lately, I'm unable to eject my iPod Nano 5th gen. This error comes up:
The iPod "" cannot be ejected because it contains files that are in use by
another application.
Along with this, not everything on the iPod has voice labels.
Any ideas? Also, do you guys use
Hi. how does a person tell if a particular scanner will work with the mac? I
would like something that books can be scanned on as well as letters etc.
Warm regards and blessings
Maria, Joe and FurBabies
Email: iMessage:bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
On 27 Apr 2014, at 12:31 am, Kaare Dehar
Hi. it turns out i do have a dvd drive on the laptop, i just didn't know. lol
maria and Joe chapman
Email, iMessage & fb: bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl
On 25 Apr 2014, at 2:21 pm, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> If it is a MacBook Pro from before the Retina Display mode
hello, tim, on the
wifi prefered control is only for adding new connection on my mac book. or
should i create a network? i cant delete the other connections i've connectedOn
27 Apr 2014, at 05:07 am, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't see any good reason why a Bluetooth keyboard should caus
No, you shouldn't create a new network. New networks that are added will be
placed at the bottom of the list. Your Mac looks at that list, and they are
set in priority order according to their position in the list. So, when your
computer awakens, it activates the WiFi controller and goes
Try quitting iTunes. If that doesn't do it, you may need to force eject it or
check in the Activity Monitor to see if something is accessing it.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Apr 26, 2014, at 9:54 PM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Hi all, I cannot work this out.
> Lately,
To find the Applications folder just press command-shift-a from within
the Finder. To find downloads open the downloads folder with
option-command-l again from within the Finder.
Regards Chris
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth!
On 27/04/2014 01:47, regina alvarado wrote:
59 matches
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