Frankly, no offense, but what did you find on the mobile side of the web
site to be screwed up? I use it all the time on Windows with both JAWS, and
NVDA and find it works great, but that isn't for this list. As for the Mac
side of it, I'm used Chrome, and Safari both. I've even used Chromevo
Frankly I don't know what you all's issues are with FB. OK, I'll admit that
the regular web site is sheer shit, but even it! is somewhat!
doable as long as you really! and I mean really! know what you're doing.
The mobile site though in conjunction with the directions I just wrote
Hit it again. That locks your mouse button down. It's an old way of
performing drag/drop before they implemented vo+comma and vo+period,
although I never got that method to work. I always have to do it the old
way with vo+command+space, and even that! is often very flaky.
Chris Gilland.
You kno what... Harry's exactly right. I mis-spoke. Sorry about that. The
command I'm thinking of is vo+command+shift!+space. Sorry to be misleading.
It's been a long morning thus far. LOL!
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
E-mail: ch...@clgproductions
And trust me, I've used Facetime on my mac as well as on I O S, and on the
mac side, it works very very! well.
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard
You know, I should reinstall that. I tried it for a short time, and I don't
remember exactly, but I do remember having an issue with the accessibility.
Granted is was doable, but it did take some rooting the mouse, and literally
clicking, etc. It was kind of a pain in the kneck.
I'd be willi
You wrote:
Some times, edit fields show as combo boxes. When that happens and you want
to write something there, go to textedit or other editable area, type what
you want, copy to the clipboard and then come back and paste it to your edit
box on facebook. No voice over feedback on that
Apple TV, definitely not. As for an accessible TV guide, do you use Time
If so, I can provide you with a really really really really! nice
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
What's the issue with typing into certain text areas? You got me really
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and hol
Oh, shoot! That was actually an app I was considerring getting, so yeah, if
anyone knows, let us know, please.
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standar
Oh, yeah... I forgot about that. Good point, tim. Yeah, you do have to have
VLC, and if you have the 32 bit version of Handbreak, then you also have to
have the 32 bit version of VLC. Same goes if you have the 64 bit versions,
which being now that O S X is more X64 driven, I'd really hope yo
Awesome, I will check oin both of these and see if they have trials and if I
like them any bit more.
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time exce
Technically, it's both.
In the true deffinition, an app is! a program just as a program is
technically an app, so yes and yes.
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.
I have both of these programs, but can't figure out how to get the settings
right so the sound and picture comes out right. Can you lend some assistance?
This is the first time I've tried ripping a dvd and all help would be
May and Prince Noah
ok, but it mightn ot be the latest beta nightly build which fixes a lot of
possible speed and more issues. I'm still very curious what was meant by
certain edit fields having issues. Can someone be a bit more specific?
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Is Carbinite all that good? I thought about using it.
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Messag
I've been having these problems too. But to me there seems to be too separate,
though perhaps connected, problems.
First is a problem I only have at the login screen. This problem occurs even
though I'm not using a bluetooth headset. On awaking from sleep or prolongged
inactivity VoiceOver
For OS X. It's in the Mac App Store.
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Hi William,
What happens when you try to change one instance of a repete event?
Without knowing more, at this stage I can suggest the following:
• Edit some detail of a repete event, such as the time;
• Once you have tried to do this, perform a two finger double tap
I gotta say, this is wonderful news! Firefox actually finally has gotten rid
of the busy busy messages!
I just used it over here to download a book from the nls bard web site, and
even text entry as some of you said could be quirky is working fantastically!
Granted, I am not using v19 beta, n
Cool. Thanks for this. I really need to spend more time learning Apple Scripts.
It's just one of those things I keep putting off.
Just a question, did you mean to write "the" twice in the second line (e.g.
"the the front document"), or was this a typo?
You received this message b
I've really been loving the native Facebook app for iOS of late. It works
really well and easily for me. Only problem is, it lacks a few features of the
full website. Also, after the most recent update in the last day or so I've had
some problems pasting text, but I'm sure I'll work out how to m
I agree it's great news that we now have more choices. However, I'm curious,
does it do anything that Safari cannot or work with VoiceOver better than
Safari does? I'd happily take a more accessible, though slightly slower,
browser. I don't find Safari on my Macs particularly slow. It might be w
in case webvisum works it definitely is worth it especially because its free.
i will keep using safari but have firefox as backup.
On Feb 26, 2013, at 5:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons
> I agree it's great news that we now have more choices. However, I'm curious,
> does it do anything that Safar
You know? I never even thought about Web visum.
Let me try it, and will let you know. I just hope I remember my log in! LOL!
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except
I think it's all in your perspective. One person may like Chrome, where
another likes IE, where another likes Firefox, where another likes Safari or
even Lightning. I think if the browser does what you want it to do, then use
it, by all means. As you said, Web Visum is one of the big advantag
The mobile site is quite limited in the respect of the things you mention, but,
for basic things, it works wonderfully.
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except
weekends and
I use it, and think that it is very good… Nicely backing up in the background,
silently standing by to save the day should that day arrive.
I think its very cost effective peace of mind.
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather
TalkNav is a Nuance, C
Well, I knew the service itself was good, but I guess what I meant was how good
is the actual backup Carbinite software from a Voiceover perspective. I know
one person on this list who's name won't be mentioned, who tried it, and told
me that he/she had major major desasterous concequences from
Internet Exploder lol. I actually quite liked it for a number of reasons but
having it crash on me every 10 minutes or so was a bit of a downer. Probably
one of the main reasons that drove me, thankfully, to try a Mac.
Okay, sounds like I'll just have to stop being lazy and try FireFox out mysel
Cool. Good to know. Thanks!
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I hope you all find this podcast episode informative. A lot of you have been
asking about Google Chromevox, so I made a podcast on it's use. Beware that
this file is approximately 230MB in size, so please be patient when
downloading. It is extremely in depth, and I basicly cover literally eve
What version are you folks using? I downloaded the latest Firefox build on the
Mozilla website which is from Feb. 15.
I assume since this thread started this morning there must be a later update
How might someone find it?
On Feb 26, 2013, at 5:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons
> I agr
Since Itunes got updated, when plugging in my I phone in to my I Mac, I tunes
will not open automatically like before. I don't mind but am wondering, is it
like that for anyone else? I rarely sync my I phone to Itunes these days.
You received this message because you are sub
As I already said, go get the version 20 beta from
I don't post links to web site like this for no reason. It's really not that
hard to find. Also, Google is your friend.
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Well I missed your post sorry. I hadn't expected a working firefox so soon so I
might have ignored it.
I won't trouble you with questions any more!
On Feb 26, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Chris Gilland wrote:
> As I already said, go get the version 20 beta from
> I don't
Yes, simply Copy and Paste this script as is. It works great.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On 2013-02-26, at 3:05 AM, Nicholas Parsons
> Cool. Thanks for this. I really need to spend more time learning Apple
> Scripts. It's just one of those things I keep puttin
It comes up for me every time I plug it in. Some times I wish it didn't. lol
Donovan Osborn
On Feb 26, 2013, at 6:51 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello.
> Since Itunes got updated, when plugging in my I phone in to my I Mac, I tunes
> will not open autom
I think you mistakened my tone. I wasn't meaning to be unhelpful or the like.
Nor did I mean to imply I was in your word, troubled… I'd rather you ask
questions and get the help that you need. After all I did provide you the link
again, did I not? If I was really troubled and wanting to be
Yes you did provide the link and thank you for that. You did however come
across as being aggravated at having to do so which is why I said what I did.
I hadn't realized that a new beta had come out. I hadn't been tracking the
betas on Firefox so I thought the quickest way to get the info was to
I think firefox's primary advantage would be in the ability to use the
Webvisum captcha solving plugin.
- Original Message -
From: "Nicholas Parsons"
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: Firefox: Oh wow! it actually? works!
I agree it's great news that we now h
Hey Chris: I have time warner Can yu send me the same suggestion?
Thanks, Regards,
On 2/26/13, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> Apple TV, definitely not. As for an accessible TV guide, do you use Time
> Warner?
> If so, I can provide you with a really really really really! nice
> sug
I don't know if you can use the cat command to join images?
On 26/02/2013 01:52, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
Hi all,
The Hovercam Express app is indeed accessible with VO; thanks to Matthew for
bringing t
Hello I don't want keep pressing vo Kees every time I need to be like free
Sent from my iPhone
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to macv
You just made my Tuesday! This is some of the best news I have received in a
long time! I am very excited!
Related to individuals who are questioning the uses of Firefox versus Safari,
from what I noticed I always have at least Safari, chrome, and WebKit installed
on my Mac. Firefox will
In a broader sense, Firefox's main advantage is the huge ecosphere of
plugins. Safari supports plugins but either Apple hasn't promoted it or
there are some other hurdles which has made the plugin selection weak.
Hope the VO accessibility in Firefox will extend to the plugins as well.
Only one
First, the mac is completely different from windows; some things work better,
some things do not. You cannot come to the mac expecting it to be just like
windows, or you will be disappointed and frustrated.
That said, you do not need to press the vo keys as often as certain podcasts
lead you to
I enabled skype to show Mac contacts in System Preferences > Security and
privacy > Privacy. My problem is that skype is only showing one phone number
for each of my Mac contacts when there is definitely more than one phone number
for a contact. I googled this and saw this problem with the iPad
Oh, Firefox is *much* better than it used to be. I'll be using it with WebVisum
from now on, and doing some more playing. There are little glitches, of course,
which we'll need to report, but it has come a long way. Kudos to everybody who
worked on its accessibility with VO. Fantastic work!
If you have your phone connected to your Mac with iTunes open, action
the iPhone popup button, interact with the scroll area and in the
Options section there should be a checkbox checked saying "Automatically
sync when this iPhone is connected". From then on iTunes should launch
when you connec
If they would stop fighting like a couple of spoiled, bratty children, the
problem would be solved as well.
Sent from my iPad
On Feb 24, 2013, at 9:03 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
> perhaps apple should break loose of some of their huge sums of spare cash and
> simply buy out Samsung completely (its
Hey all,
Not sure if anyone else has this problem. I am having problems signing
into certain websites, mainly Citibank, which I find hilarious as
there is an accessibility link on their site. Anyway when I go to the
user name form VO tells me it is dim. I am using the latest version of
safari. I t
I like the NUM pad commander. It really cuts down on keystrokes. I use the DAS
Multi media keyboard for Mac and love it
Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any spelling errors.
On 26/02/2013, at 11:09 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> First, the mac is completely different from wi
I don't have an account there but I went and looked. If you open voiceover
utility and change web > navigation > navigate pages by to "grouping items" I
think you will find that the username box will be undimmed and you will be able
to type in it.
May the words of my mouth
NP, and again, I apologize for maybe coming across rudely. I admittedly wasn't
in a very good mood this morning, due to family situations which I'm sure you
all've been made aware. With my uncle just passing last week, things have been
really hectic around here, so if I do seem a bit under the
I tried installing Web Visum, but it didn't really seem to want to install.
I can't figure out why not, but when I click the link to install, nothing
from a Voiceover standpoint seems to be happening. I think it may have said
once that Firefox had a new window, but my window chooser revealed no
OK, Ernest,
So what you need then to do, is go to
Sign up for My Services to access your account online. You might have to
get sighted help doing that part, as you'll need your account number from
your bill, and you also will need your 4 digit pin on your bill.
I have tryed several times to download this file, but I keep getting
an error message (indicating the process has timed-out or the URL
cannot be found).
however, when launching the file in Safari I can listen to the file,
but I want to actually download the file for later listening.
If this
Did you get Web Visum working? If so, I'd be interested from how to get it up and running, as I can't figure it out. Yes, I
do have a login on the site, and yes I do know it.
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Ripit is the easiest. Just take the defaults and you should be fine. I don't
change much in ripit.
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 26, 2013, at 1:21 AM, May and Noah wrote:
> I have both of these programs, but can't figure out how to get the settings
> right so the sound and picture comes out rig
Hi, Paul.
If you aren't using the Mac version of pocket money, how are you backing up the
data? I hear the Mac version isn't very good.
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 25, 2013, at 1:35 PM, "Paul Hunt" wrote:
> Paul, you don't need a mac version of Pocket Money. A Mac version exists but
> it's in
In Safari, go to
Find my entry by heading navigation for the podcast episode. When focused
on the link to download the file, rather than hitting vo+space, or just
hitting return, try hitting option+return. It will appear that nothing
happened, but then, hit com
I see you are using an iPhone. So you can also use the gestures to which
you are familiar, providing you have a magic trackpad.
On 26/02/2013 16:39, wrote:
Hello I don't want keep pressing vo Kees every time I need to be like free
Sent from my i
One of the things about Handbreak that turned me off was the inability to
rip a DVD directly into an audio format like mp3, or M4A, etc, thus making
me then have to use Switch, or something to convert the movie file to a
plain audio file with no video included. Will ripit let me do all this fro
Hi, Chris,
I did get it to work with the Nightly build, and then it ported over to the
beta version just fine. Sometimes the Firefox dialogs don't come up speaking,
so you have to explore a bit. You might look at your downloads folder too, and
your installed extensions. The dead giveaway is if
Cheree Heppe here
It's about market share and accessibility, not childs play at all.
Cheree Heppe
Sent from my IPhone 4S
On 26/02/2013, at 10:27, Carlene Knight wrote:
If they would stop fighting like a couple of spoiled, bratty children, the
problem would be solved as well.
Sent f
Nope just tried that. Here is what I get when I get to the user name
field it says user ID clickable text then when I get to the field
where you would type your user name it says dim dim . Not sure what
happened as I used to be able to log in no problem. Any other
suggestions would be greatly appre
I was able to successfully download this file, what I did is I highlighted the
link in Chris's original email. Press control, shift, option, you, and then
immediately pressed control, shift, option, see. And then I opened Safari,
pressed command L, pressed Command V, and then held the option key
And, if I would have been thinking, I would have done it that way. A lot
faster! LOL, thanks Chris.
Note: this message likely dictated, however not proofread on my iPhone.
Check us out online:
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 26, 2013, at 1:11 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
LOL! It's no problem. It happens. I just had a well duh moment myself, but
that's for another post. LOL!
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except
weekends and holidays
Wo! I didn't know that you could even hit option+return when typing in the
address bar. That's cool.
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except
weekends and holidays
Well, upon going to:
and looking around, I find that Teresa is quite correct. The general browsing
experience seems more or less okay: however, entering text in to the boxes
which require information to request an invitation is a bit hit and miss. Once
you figured it
Sorry to hear about your Uncle and your other family problems.
It's over and done as far as I'm concerned (the little disagreement I mean).
On Feb 26, 2013, at 2:38 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
> NP, and again, I apologize for maybe coming across rudely. I admittedly
> wasn't in a v
I'm having difficulty installing Webvisum for some reason. I can't seem to
activate the allow button, plus that window is completely inaccessible. what
version of Firefox is best for this? I know it's still not completely
accessible yet, but any help would be nice.
You received this
My guess, since I haven't gotten that far yet, would be that it's something you
have to interact with and calls itself something it's really not. There seems
to be a bit of play in some of those areas yet. See my first feedback on
Firefox for more about this. I'd guess that it's a group or li
Hello Chris and Mike,
I have been able to successfully download the file on my iMac.
I was trying to download the file on my iPhone using Filer, DL
Dropbox, ans Safari Download Manager (JBT), but none of these options
Thank you for the option-enter tip.
You received this message beca
I'm having the same issue.
On Feb 26, 2013, at 3:37 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having difficulty installing Webvisum for some reason. I can't seem to
> activate the allow button, plus that window is completely inaccessible. what
> version of Firefox is best for this? I know
Yes, tha check box is checked and still the phone will to sync automatically.
On 26 Feb 2013, at 18:16, Chris Blouch wrote:
> If you have your phone connected to your Mac with iTunes open, action the
> iPhone popup button, interact with the scroll area and in the Options section
> there should
Other forums suggest there is a problem with the iTunes helper app.
Recipe for fixing is described as:
"unchecked auto open itunes on my iphone screen in itunes, closed
itunes, went into users, applications, deleted itunes helper, reopened
itunes, connected phone, selected auto open when phone
No problem at all. I'm glad I was able to help.
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except
weekends and holidays
On Feb 26, 2013, at 4:48 PM
I'd have to agree with you Ray. If you figure out how to do it, let us know;
I'd be curious.
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except
weekends and holidays
E-mail: ch...@c
Stupid question, but I wonder if either command+A or option+A when the window
is supposed to come up might do it, to allow.
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except
Likewise, and thank you for your condolences. They mean a lot.
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except
weekends and holidays
On Feb 26, 2
I am downloading the file now. This is also testing my new internet service
speed. I'm getting good service here. Just saying the file is downloading
here with no problem.
On Feb 26, 2013, at 2:53 PM, Emilio wrote:
> Hello,
> I have tryed several times to download this file
Hello all,have got ClamXap from the site and installed it .
with all the extras.
Does Clamx sentry automatically start each time you turn on the computer?
Thanks for another pointer.
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I'm so glad that all of you are interested in this recording. I worked very
hard to make it. I hope that it proves to be informative. I welcome any
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M
True, if you have a Macbook with the right trackpad (anything made within the
last three or four years will). If you have a desktop, you will need the Magic
Trackpad ($70 from Apple). Some gestures are not the same, however, and the Mac
includes many gestures that the iPhone does not. Have a loo
Hmm, I don't remember having trouble with that but I'd have to look back on my
post about it to see.
May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
On Feb 26, 2013, at 4:51 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
well, could it be that your username is already saved and that's why it's
dimmed? I do know for certain that when I changed navigation from dom to
groupings that the box became undimmed; I even typed a username in it and I did
it more than once. So either your username is already saved or there
Well, just to see what would happen, I revisitied the Webvisum page for asking
for an invitation. This time, No matter what I did, I simply could not type in
to the text areas-not at all. As for going to:
All I got was "busy busy busy". So, nope. Not just yet.
Sent from my mac
OK, this is craziness! I have a playlist which I have called Transfers. I
have my IPhone 5 set to sync music only from that particular playulist. One of
the things which I have in the playlist is the entire discography of the
Beatles. One thing I notice is every cotton pickin time that I syn
I don't have a chace credit card, but I know someone who does. Want me to have
them test it with Voiceover and see if they get the same results?
Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard
Hello, A few months ago someone posted the keyboard command to add an
application to the dock. I should have written it down. Can anyone refresh
my memory ?
Thanks, Ben
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The command is cmd-shift-t. It will work on applications, files, folders,
anything you want really.
On Feb 26, 2013, at 7:51 PM, N2KPV wrote:
> Hello, A few months ago someone posted the keyboard command to add an
> application to the dock. I should have written it down. Can anyone refresh my
Hello Paul. I backup and restore my data with a wifi transfer. When I run the
backup option the IPhone becomes a small server that lets me download my data
to my mac. The same applies for restores. You also have IVloud backups so you
have plenty of redundancy. You can use your mac for backups bu
Well, that's great ,thanks again.
Ben Constantini
Sent from my Mac
On Feb 26, 2013, at 7:59 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> The command is cmd-shift-t. It will work on applications, files, folders,
> anything you want really.
> On Feb 26, 2013, at 7:51 PM, N2KPV wrote:
>> Hell
There are still a few oddities with Firefox. Edit fields are one area.
Some tables don't allow you to navigate them nor read properly compared to
However, version 17 is a serious step forward and the developers should be
commended for their continued efforts to include VoiceO
Hi Chris, Though not with the same songs, I am having a similar problem when
transferring from my mac to the iphone 5. In my case, I seem to get the same
Christmas songs and radio shows transferred. As you stated, it doesn't matter
how I transfer the songs. I have tried through the cloud and wi
Hi John and others,
I got beta version 20, which seems to be an improvement over 17.
On Feb 26, 2013, at 5:12 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> There are still a few oddities with Firefox. Edit fields are one area.
> Some tables don't allow you to navigate them nor read properly compared
Ok, well sense all of a sudden, you're suddenly wanting to start bashing us,
let's talk about the IOS app for a moment, sense you brought it up. I enjoy
using it for the most part, but can't stand the fact that after I've confermed
a friend, when I find the "people you may know," option, unlike
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