Whats the difference between an dvd and an external drive? They serve the same
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
On Jun 6, 2011, at 8:18 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> There are some good new features. What concerns me though is
You can always just use a time machine back right?
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
On Jun 6, 2011, at 8:20 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
> Wow, if I'm missing something, the new reinstall process will remind one a
> lot of Microso
OK, it's official, I gotta turn my head away or I'm gonna be ruinning my
keyboard from the fact of me salivating.
This, is awesome!
- Original Message -
From: "Søren Jensen"
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 3:05 PM
Subject: Sending WWDC 2011 for those who didn't followed it o
We know july, but do we specifically know yet the exact date it'll be
available for non developers as myself?
- Original Message -
From: "Søren Jensen"
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 4:23 PM
Subject: All the new features in Lion
You can already see the new features in
Well, yeah, but do we know specifically when in July?
- Original Message -
From: erik burggraaf
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Bulk] regarding Apple's announcement
Erik Burggraaf
User support consul
Am I understanding correctly that we'll soon be able to read iBooks on
the Mac? If iCloud is going to be synching all devices, then a book I
purchase on my iPod Touch would be available on my Mac, too, no? I'm
hoping so.
-- Howard
You received this message because you are subscribed to
They said nothing about iBooks coming to the Mac. He said your iBooks will be
synced across your IOS devices.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:23 PM, Howard Dupuis wrote:
> Am I understanding correctly
I don't believe so. There was no exact date mentioned in the keynote.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> Well, yeah, but do we know specifically when in July?
> Chris.
Is there anything that you liked imparticular? On IOS, I was pretty interested
in the wifi syncing with iTunes, the new notifications system, and iMessage. I
wonder how they will be with voiceover.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
He did say that a mac or pc would be treated as a device so I can see
why you might think so, but he didn't mention that *exact* feature.
Hopefully you will be able to do this though.
On 07/06/2011, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> No,
> They said nothing about iBooks coming to the Mac. He said your iB
Ray, Accessibility is absolutely not going to be effected. Booting off of a
recovery partition will be no different than booting off of the install Dvd.
Windows laptops have come with recovery partitions for years, and they usually
have an applet that will make a set of backup DVD's for you i
Yes, I have used it, but since I now have DocuScan Plus I think I would opt
for DocuScan Plus and if you want the digital camera you could get the Hover
Cam. If you get both the DocuScan Plus and the HoverCam you will still pay
a lot less than Eye-Pal and be able to do much much more than you c
Hi David,
My current scanner is a Fujitsu FI4220C. It scans approx 1 page every 5-7
seconds. I tend to scan books, rather than single page documents. What's the
speed like with DocuScan? Also, what scanner are you using?
On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:41 PM, David Tanner wrote:
> Yes, I h
Hi Chris,
I do believe Keynote will open .ppt files. Whether its support is good enough
to handle all the advanced features your slideshow apparently has I don't know.
This is yet another example of the assumption most businesses seem to still
have that Microsoft software in one form or anothe
If you can deal with recognition over the internet I really would choose
DocuScan Plus over your other choices. Your options are many more with
DocuScan Plus, and if you want to use Braille it is definately there with
VoiceOver. And, it works really well with VoiceOver. I have it and
Hi Ricardo,
I agree, those items you listed definitely intrigue me. MOre over, I like the
idea of iCloud in general. The way they describe it makes things seem so
seamless and as if they'll just work. Remarkable stuff.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 6:31 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Is there
I am intrigued by the references to the gestures in Lion and wondering how all
this will play out with trackpad commander and VO. With all the emphasis on
Pages and the cloud, I wish they'd come out with a new version that fixed the
problems noted by people on this list as it relates to voice ov
Hi Mary,
Unless I miss my guess, a new version of Pages to integrate iCloud
functionality will have to come out. Here's hoping they do fix some VoiceOver
related issues as well. Personally, I've found Pages quite adequate for my
word processing needs once I got used to its interface.
this all sounds great. good thing voiceover has some new features.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Hi.
> You can already see the new features in Lion at the following link:
> http://www.apple.com/macosx/whats-new/features.html
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> s
Hi Ray and all,
Isn't there an option on the Mac where you can make the cursor movement
act just like it does in Windows?
On 6/1/2011 4:38 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
Here's something that might prove a big help to you. Where-as in windows, the curser is directly beneath each character yo
All that does is cause Voice Over to always show you what is to the right of
the curser. It WILL, NOT, make the Mac curser move like the windows curser.
You must remember, even if you choose this option, the Mac curser is still the
Mac curser.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Hello Ray and all,
There's another option. One could sit on Snow Leopard for a while and give Lion
a chance to work out the bugs
- Original Message -
From: Ray Foret Jr
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Bulk] Inser
I find myself having to look at tables quite a bit, and the work around
involving numbers that Anne has talked about seems like a hassle. So I just
keep using MS Word. Most people with whom I share documents still use that
program. It and scanning are the two things I still need a pc for, and of
What, pray tell, has that to do with the curser position and movement? It must
be remembered, (for the benefit of y'all who are or may perhaps still be new to
the Mac world), that the Mac curser itself moves in a different way to the
windows curser. See my earlier message for an analysis.
I think to do those gestures, you will need to turn trackpad commander off.
They would surely conflict with the voiceover gestures.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:08 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> I am intrigue
Right now I am using a Canon Lide 200, and a almost 3 year old MacBook Pro.
And, I am happy enough about the speed with those, but my employer will be
buying me a new MacBook Pro come October with me supplying them with the
specs that I want.
If you have not heard a demo/review of DocuScan Plu
What are you talking about? the way voiceover treats the cursor by default is
not a bug.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:27 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
> Hello Ray and all,
> There's another option. One could sit on
I wish they would at least put out some notes about voiceover when they put out
the features list for the new OS. I don't expect Apple to devote time to
Voiceover in the keynote of course but, I don't think it should be much trouble
to mention new VO features on the site.
Ricardo Walker
Hi David,
Thanks for all this. I wasn't taking DocuScan that seriously, but after
reading your messages, I'll give it a closer look. My MacBook Pro is two years
old, and the thing that's prompting all this is that I need a new scanner,
because Fujitsu hasn't written Windows 7 drivers for my c
You do have a point there. I was meaning to comment upon the Lion issue and I
let those messages get away from me.
And yes, the Mac cursor does react differently. Sometimes I am not sure if I am
at the end of the line or two cells from it.
- Original Message -
From: Ray Fo
Hi, I have a mac mini, if I get lion on it, will I have to have a trackpad, or
can I go without?
On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:11 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi Mary,
> Unless I miss my guess, a new version of Pages to integrate iCloud
> functionality will have to come out. Here's hoping they
I believe I heard it was only going to be available through the Mac App store,
and one would have to burn their own backup cd. Either that, or given your
Apple Id and password, iCloud could do the reinstall.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 5:50 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> They're giving you a resto
I'm pretty certain you can go on using your mac with just the keyboard. These
multi gesture features they were talking about seemed to be more geared for the
sighted user.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
On Jun 6, 2011, at 11:
Don't know about reading on the mac. If the files ae in pub format, and even
if they're PDF, at least currently, they can't be read. ICloud is just the
storage device. They wold have to make some major changes in iTunes to be able
to erad them on the mac. imho
On Jun 6, 2011,
Hi Ricardo,
They do mention VO on both the Lion and iOS 5 sites, as a matter of fact.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> I wish they would at least put out some notes about voiceover when they put
> out the features list for the new OS. I don't expect Apple to devot
Remember you can download DocuScan Plus from the Mac App store for free and
sign up for a free 7 day test drive. Frankly, that is probably what I would
do if I were you. That way you get the chance to try it on your machine,
with your scanner, and decide for yourself after trying it whether i
Actually, docuscan plus works on the mac quite well, assuming you have a
scanner or camera that works with the mac
On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:29 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> I find myself having to look at tables quite a bit, and the work around
> involving numbers that Anne has talked about seems like a h
You don't need a track pad, you can continue to use the keyboard in the usual
On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
> Hi, I have a mac mini, if I get lion on it, will I have to have a trackpad,
> or can I go without?
> Courtney
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:11 PM, Zachary Kline w
I wonder how such a backup DVD might work for people with multiple Mac
machines, right now I have the iMac, Air and Mini, each of the recovery DVD's
has different components, some give me Garage Band free others don't, the two
desktops have printer drivers in the setup options, the Air does not,
So what features will be found in voiceover on Lion and IOS 5?
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
On Jun 7, 2011, at 12:49 AM, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> They do mention VO on both the Lion and iOS 5 sites, as a matte
Hi Zack,
I am seeing text in the HTML area. The problem is I am only seeing a what's new
page and no way to go to other topics in the manual.
On 2011-06-05, at 8:34 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> THe manual is in the HTML content area, not the toolbar. You can navigate
> the cont
Hello all,
I am a litle bit playing with macports and ofcourse, I make some mistakes ;)
I have installed a program that has dependents with qt4mac, I suppose a kind of
graphical ui so, useless for us as vo-users I think?
I would like to know which dependenties a package has and how big is the
Hi Brianna,
Your third choice was the correct one. You route your mouse cursor to your Vo
cursor with vo-command-f5. Then you physically click with the mouse. Like you,
I have had instances where this command does not work, and this has not only
occured in Pianopub. My suggestion to you would be
Hi Ezzie!
There should be quite a lot about this in the archives you can make your own
for non Iphones but I think you have to pay for Iphone ones!
On 6 Jun 2011, at 06:07, Ezzie Buenito wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I believe its possible to make ringtones on a Mac. Can I send those to any
Hi Doug,
Apologies. This is what I get for not triple checking myself before I post
something. It turns out the contents of the manual is in a drawer which is
just next to the HTML content area. You can interact with it and click on one
of the links in there to change what's viewed in the mai
I have been able to click with the trackpad. Make sure the trackpad commander
is turned off and that the mouse cursor follows the VO cursor. Also, be sure
to give it a double click.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
> Hi Brianna,
> Your third choice was the correct one.
OK, lets get the essentials outta the way first. We're dealing with a white
parlicarbon stocked mid 2010 macbook running 10.6.7 Snowleopard, 2gb ram, 13
inch display, 250GB hard disk, etc. It's totally stocked, no
customizations. Absolutely none.
OK, so now that you know what system precise
I downloaded the X-Lite voip software and installed it on my iMAC but
when I call somebody the other part hears a popping sound which
accompanies my voice, is there anyway to get rid of this annoyance? I
hear the person I am calling very well, regards.
Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE
Hi all,
I have to make a decision about what I'm going to do to upgrade my scanning
setup. As I recall, when last discussed, the consensus seemed to be that
Abisee wasn't quite ready for prime-time. Just wondering if anyone is using
it, and if they are happy with the product?
Thanks in advan
Hi Zack,
I found it now. Thanks for pointing this out.
On 2011-06-06, at 8:51 AM, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Apologies. This is what I get for not triple checking myself before I post
> something. It turns out the contents of the manual is in a drawer which is
> just next to the
Hi Donna,
as you are a braille user, Eyepal may not be the best option for you right now.
Although you can work around it, the loss of braille has crippled the product
considerably. When I wrote that it wasn't ready for primetime, I was using old
hardware and software. I'm more than happy to
Hi Erik,
thanks for giving such a detailed response. could you say more about a couple
of the things you mentioned?
I've been doing a lot of thinking re what I want in terms of braille. One
thought that has occurred to me is that I can translate a txt file into brf
format on my BSP, so perh
Hello Donna,
I am a user of DocuScanPlus and I have also used EyePal for Mac with varying
amounts of success. Unfortunately, I can't say that I enjoy using either
solution since they both have tremendous drawbacks. Although DocuScanPlus has
some nice features, it requires an internet connection
-Original Message-
From: Gail the U. S. Male [mailto:gailcrowe1...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 8:40 AM
To: 'aiph...@yahoogroups.com'; 'viph...@googlegroups.com';
'macvisionar...@google.com'; 'mac4thebl...@freelists.org'
Subject: Live coverage of the WWDC keynote
Hi Listers, I
Good day all! Upon reading this thread, I have downloaded PianoPub myself. I
do not currently have an account, therefore I visited http://www.pandora.com to
register. However, I have been unable to locate a "register" link or button as
suggested in the FAQ. Am I just missing something, or is
Hi Donna, It sounds like you could get by without braille support since you
don't need it to drive the application as some of my clients would. As soon as
you save your scanned document as a text file your access is complete for your
purposes. I'm happy enough with this arrangement myself bu
Hmm. Interesting. It sounds like the keystrokes are based on their physical
location on the keyboard, rather than on a letter-word association. I can see
where that would be awkward for some. I wonder if it was a way to avoid having
to create different keystrokes for different localizations.
thanks for sharing your thoughts. This is really the only area where I have to
say that the Mac is truly lacking. I'm also thinking about giving ABBYY Fine
Reader a shot, but it sounds like it's awfully fiddly.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:38 AM, Hai Nguyen Ly wrote:
> Hello Donna
Hi all,
One of the scanners I'm looking at purchasing comes with ABBYY Fine Reader. I
am assuming it comes with the full version. Does anyone know the differences
between the full and the express versions, and whether the full version is as
accessible as the express version is?
Unless something has changed in the last few days or so, only the express
version will run on OS X.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of the scanners I'm looking at purchasing comes with ABBYY Fine Reader.
> I am assuming it comes with the full vers
On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:50 AM, Gail the U. S. Male wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: Gail the U. S. Male [mailto:gailcrowe1...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 8:40 AM
> To: 'aiph...@yahoogroups.com'; 'viph...@googlegroups.com';
> 'macvisionar...@google.com'
Just called ABBYY, nothing's changed. Thanks for pointing that out.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Dan wrote:
> Hello,
> Unless something has changed in the last few days or so, only the express
> version will run on OS X.
> Dan
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Donna Goodin
Someone offered:
"I have successfully installed macports and as test, I installed lynx, te
browser. Perhaps useless with vo in the terminal but it's a test and I can
remove it."
Lynx works perfectly with full function, just as in any unix/linux shell.
Hello Chris:
Regardless of which Mac system you're working on, the trackpad anomalies can
occur. Most of the time, I use the keyboard, and keep the track pad commander
turned off. Then if I need it, I employ it and turn it back off before doing
any major writing again.
I've never, on the oth
Hello Donna and List,
Hey Donna, thanks a bunch for checking out the version info, much appreciated.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:14 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi,
> Just called ABBYY, nothing's changed. Thanks for pointing that out.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Dan wrote:
Hi Erik:
Well, I couldn't resist a bit of folly. Just tell them the controls are within
a pinky-promise! A-Q-Z all in the pinky.
With the shift to clinch the promise.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:01 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi Donna, It sounds like you could get by without braille supp
Hi Donna:
I don't have Abbyy, and messed up my rial period of it. But, people have had
good luck pairing it with iPhoto or vuescan. Vuescan works with more scanners,
but I never got really comfortable with it's setup.
I'll be interested to see what works well for you.
On Jun 6, 2011,
Is anyone able to listen to this? I can't get it to play either on my Mac or
my PC.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Maccessibility
> Date: June 6, 2011 12:33:39 PM EDT
> To: nore...@maccessibility.net
> Subject: [Mac-cessibility News] Mac-cessibility Live Coverage of WWDC Keynote
> Ad
Mac-cessibility Live Coverage of WWDC Keynote Address
At 10:00 AM PDT, Apple wil be holding its World Wide Developers Conference
Keynote address. Hosted by Steve Jobs, Apple will be pulling the wraps off of
iOS 5, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, and its new iCloud service. You can listen to the
Hi Donna:
I didn't get there in time. But if you go to Mac Rumors, there's some great
coverage of what's being shown. Someone's an awesome notetaker.:)
On Jun 6, 2011, at 11:15 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Is anyone able to listen to this? I can't get it to play either on my Mac or
> my
Thanks, Carolyn!
On Jun 6, 2011, at 1:30 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Donna:
> I didn't get there in time. But if you go to Mac Rumors, there's some great
> coverage of what's being shown. Someone's an awesome notetaker.:)
> Carolyn
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 11:15 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
Hi Carolyn,
I'll keep you posted. Honestly, I'm kind of on the fence. I can't decide
whether to shell out the $$ for EyePal, or deal with the headaches of ABBYY.
I'd like ABBYY a lot better if I didn't need one app to scan and another to
recognize. My other alternative is to just upgrade my
Hi, all,
Is the Mail helper in Time Machine accessible to VO? I only find the options
for choosing the date very briefly when I close the helper app. Is there any
way to access this?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
The subject says it all. I hope it's okay to paste it here.
Only one comment: I'm amazed! What an epic WWDC!
Live Coverage - Worldwide Developers Conference 2011
This page will update automatically, no need to reload.
The keynote is due to start in 2 minutes.
The keynote is due to start shortl
As far as I know, the pandora site is not accessible. I created my account
using the iPod app.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:58 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
> Good day all! Upon reading this thread, I have downloaded PianoPub myself.
> I do not currently have an account, therefore I
You can already see the new features in Lion at the following link:
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Aghch! from the looks of it they didn't fix braille input. That is appalling
if true.
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
On 2011-06-06, at 4:23 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Hi.
> You ca
Hi, anybody know if we're going to have access to screen sharing? That's a
cool feature. So is the file merging. That's been a pain in the neck for too
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
Hi all,
One of the new features in Lion is the ability to sort email messages by
conversation. Would this replace Mark's procedure for viewing messages by
Christopher Wright - music composer, arranger, audio producer and performer
Phone: 914-664-5014
email: chri...@bestwe
Any idea when Lion is coming out?
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Jun 6, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Christopher Wright wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of the new features in Lion is the abili
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
On 2011-06-06, at 5:17 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Any idea when Lion is coming out?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very p
Hi guys, I just went to look at my ebay and safari is telling me it can't load
the page because of too many redirects. So, I hit the customer support link to
see if I could find a contact form or troubleshooting page and guess what? the
support page won't load because of too many redirects.
HI Ray:
Think they said July. Via download from mac app store for 29.95 or thereabout.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 3:17 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Any idea when Lion is coming out?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
Can you explain how this works? I'm new to this and would like to know more
about this. How do you find feeds, sign up for them, etc?
Thanks, especially since I am way behind!
Caitlyn Furness
On May 15, 2011, at 12:58 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
> Hello Eric,
> I u
I was on the yahoo groups web site today attempting to add my gmail address to
it so I can use that for my yahoo groups. There was this button which was
labeled as save/cancel and vo said on click or something like that. I tried to
click on it, etc, but nothing seemed to happen and I neve
Hi Eric,
I'd email accessibil...@apple.com about this, but I personally don't know why
you get the impression they didn't fix Braille input. They might have done so
an not noted it on that page, which seemed primarily devoted to new features
rather than bug fixes. More over, the iOS Braille di
Cool; however, suppose you had to do an OS reinstall? Kind uh stuck then aint
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Jun 6, 2011, at 4:57 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> HI Ray:
They're giving you a restore partition which doesn't sit well with me because
I'm an ssd user and space is at a premium. I'm just gonna go buy the CD. Even
though it's a pain in the butt, I like going to the apple store.
Have fun,
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasiona
Hi Eric,
I'm not sure you'll be able to buy a CD, if I understood the announcement
correctly, Lion is available via the app store only. Feel free to correct me
if I'm wrong about this.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 4:50 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> They're giving you a restore partition which d
Frankly, Eric, I'm inclined to agree with you. After all, let's say you have a
fairly major OS crash and you need to do an OS reinstall and have no sighted
assistance. Now, as we all know, one can just put the DVD in and press C right
after pressing the power switch. I fail to understand how
There are some good new features. What concerns me though is that it will only
be available through the app store, there seems to be no way to get an install
DVD. I know it creates a recovery partition on your drive and you can use that
to reinstall, but what happens if your hard drive crashes a
Wow, if I'm missing something, the new reinstall process will remind one a
lot of Microsoft, install the Snow Leopard disk, go get gigs of updates to
bring the system up to the version that has the app store, then go install
Lion. I wonder what new Mac's will come with, SL and a voucher for Lion
Hi Ray,
IN fairness, i's probably easy for them to add another keyboard shortcut to the
system to let you boot off the restore partition. I can see the point about
DVDs being a good idea, and perhaps they'll make one available after all, it
might be a good insurance policy in case the worst doe
So, does this restore partition thing mean my boot camp will be messed up? I
don't know how well Lion can resize NTFS partitions, maybe it would put the
restore partition in the middle, but I'm not sure they just renumber like that.
It'd be nice if the boot camp weren't needed, but certain games
Hi there!
It's been suggested that we might be able to make our own back up dvd!
We will see!
On 7 Jun 2011, at 01:18, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> There are some good new features. What concerns me though is that it will
> only be available through the app store, there seems to be no way to get an
Are they even going to sell the disk? There was no mention of it, if so, that's
what I will do as well.
On Jun 6, 2011, at 6:50 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> They're giving you a restore partition which doesn't sit well with me because
> I'm an ssd user and space is at a premium. I'm just gonna g
Hi there!
It's been suggested that we might be able to make our own backup dvd from the
On 7 Jun 2011, at 01:24, Brent Harding wrote:
> So, does this restore partition thing mean my boot camp will be messed up? I
> don't know how well Lion can resize NTFS partitions, maybe it
you can creat free ringtones or upload clips and make ringtones here.
You can also find free ringtones to download .
Laura Ann
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvis
Guys, I do not own Microsoft Office for Windows, and as you all know, it's
not accessible on the Mac.
I have a job interview this Monday, however one of the requirements prior to
the interview is to review a power point presentation. I definitely have
the file on my drive, and admittedly, hav
quite so. I guess, maybe, that the folks at the Apple accessibility
department, (are whom ever receives our messages when we write apple about
accessibility stuff), {Perhaps they're on this list?}, could still have time to
make Steve Jobs and company aware of this question so we can get an answ
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