sometimes it can be a little too verbose when you don't want it to be.
On Nov 7, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> Marlaina,
> Why would you want voice-over to "shut up"? Would that not defeat the reason
> for having voice-over?
> Aloha,
> Charlie
> Our new book "YO
Hi Mike,
This sounds very interesting. How would I go about sharing the drive on my
macbook, so that an air could use it to install its OS?
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Arrigo"
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 4:31 AM
Subject: Re: accessibility of MacBook Air
You can share t
Hi do you guys know of any safari extensions that are accessible?
I' m looking for a weather and radio one.
i currently have the weather channel but can't find the weather conditions.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To p
On 11/8/10, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
> Hi folks.
> Ok, I'll stop loving my Air and start learning again from so many of you who
> are so kind to give your time and knowledge. I have a few situations using
> apple mail I'd love to fix. Here goes.
> 1. When I open mail, it
Sometimes it's a little thing that has a dramatic impact.
On Nov 5, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Joshua:
> Ok I just finally got the filter thing going right, and when I checked your
> message from the first of November came up. I replied without checking the
> date.:) But,
I am not sure about Crazy Eights or Life, but I'd be very interested what
mudding clients, if any, people are using on the Mac.
On Nov 7, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there an accessible version of either Crazy Eights or Life for the Mac?
> Courtney
> --
> Y
notetakers have their place. you just have to remember what you want to do. for
example, if i want to load a bible on a notetaker to take to church or sunday
school, and pull up the verses, reading them in braille i can do that. that
would be a cumbersome process on a macbook air or any othe
At risk of getting of us topic for this listserv, may I ask what is NDVA?
I've not heard of this screen reader -- is it one of the systems access
Brian Miller
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nektari
n NVDA is a free screenreader.
- Original Message -
From: "Brian Miller"
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 7:40 AM
Subject: RE: accessibility of MacBook Air
At risk of getting of us topic for this listserv, may I ask what is NDVA?
I've not heard of this screen reader -- is i
in case its not been mentioned, the new Air comes with a USB memory card 8Gb
which has the OS on it for reinstall purposes.
On 8 Nov 2010, at 09:12, Paul Erkens wrote:
Hi Mike,
This sounds very interesting. How would I go about sharing the drive on my
macbook, so that an air could use i
Hi all, I have to say that I really do enjoy the mb pro along with the i-pad
and the i-phone aswell. for about 10 years or so I had mostly used windows
computers and had come into contact with many problems such as, viruses,
computer always freezing up and locking on me along with the computer
I have to say having used both blind note takers and the mb pro/ the i-phone
3gs. I have found the mb family of products to be much more accessible to me
as a vi person then the blind note takers. I still also have my original qx
400 pac mate and let me tell you!. I cannot stand that damn not
I have used a pacmate too, I hate it, it is heavy. But I am so happy to use my
IPhone/Ipod together with my focus 40 blue braille display. I also use my
braille display on my mac computer, it really works great.
Best regards Annie.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
> I ha
Thanks to all those who answered my question about the voice on the iphone.
i'm going to take a look at the 3gs at the local phone store where they won't
know a lot about the Mac OS. Could someone please advise me on how to change
the voice on the iphone?
Thanks again,
You received thi
Thanks to all those who answered my question about the voice on the
i'm going to take a look at the 3gs at the local phone store where
they won't know a lot about the Mac OS. Could someone please advise me on how
to change the voice on the iphone?
Thanks again,
NVDA is a free screenreader for the windows opperating system! Does not
Compare to the voice over for the apples! Heather
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Can a Macbook air now replace a Macbook pro and if not why? and if so, at what
cost in speed, memory etc?
8 nov 2010 kl. 01.46 skrev Marlaina Lieberg:
> Yah; I never said it was inexpensive, smile. I sold my iPad to get it. It
> does for me what I
> had hoped the iPad would do.
Is it possible to paste the current date and time at the cursor location in
Text Edit?
John S
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Hi everyone,
I thought I'd chime in here. Having used the BrailleNote, BT32, Pacmate, and
now Braillino I have to say if I were going to college now, what I would use
is the Iphone for notes or my Macbook combined with the Braillino as a Braille
display. I hope the Braillino will be supported
You mean a usb memory stick? I saw the Macbook Air and I saw no place for a
card. I only saw two usb ports, one on each side.
- Original Message -
From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav"
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: accessibility of MacBook Air
Hi chenelle,
I share the same elation you do with the Macbook. My friend switched to a
Macbook and absolutely hated it, but I don't think she gave herself enough time
to get used to it. It's really different from WIndows, but not if you think of
it intuitively. I never realized how unintuitive
Hi Mark,
I have the Iphone 3GS and i love it. Here's how you change the voice, I haven't
done this in a while, so if I'm missing a few steps, please correct me. Oh, I
almost forgot when you look at the Iphone see if you can get someone sighted to
turn VoiceOver on. You can do this from the Mac
Cursor tracking is most definitely on.
On Nov 7, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
Ok Is yoru curser tracking on. I don't know if that would make a difference but
I was able to get to that menu. I'm jsut thinking out loud here.
On Nov 7, 2010, at 9:50 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
> I
I was just familiarizing myself with Itunes and I was wondering about
the following. Let's say I have an album with 16 tracks, but I only want
to listen to two of these tracks. How do I go about deselecting the
other tracks after I have selected them? I think it would get rather
Well, I was tired when I sent that reply to you last night.
I knew the command but I got mixed up. Sorry. I was gld to correct myself when
you said something.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> Hay Chantel, no worries. It's frustrating me to bits that I can't get this
> wo
Exactly. I usually hit the control key but most of the time I'm interacting
with the table and only the subject column and most of the time I still am
there so I just down arrow and hear the subject of the message.
Maybe this might help.
good luck.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 12:16 AM, Eric Oyen wrot
I'm putting your reply below your question.:
>> Hi all. I was just wondering, is it possible at all to do something where by
>> I could set up something in apple mail where I could create separate places
>> for messages that come from lists such as this one to go? What I want to
>> have is some
that I don't know. you have to hit vo space on the check box but there is to my
limited knowledge a way to do this, I mean deselect the check boxes more then 1
at a time.
that would be nice.
Oh wait. I just realized. you can select the ones you don't want and hit vo
shift m after you interact
I like the youtube to html5 extention. that one is wonderful!
On Nov 8, 2010, at 1:16 AM, chad baker wrote:
> Hi do you guys know of any safari extensions that are accessible?
> I' m looking for a weather and radio one.
> i currently have the weather channel but can't find the weather condition
Ah, I didn't think of the context menu., but that works quite well. At
least it makes it faster to get to the actual listening and enjoying bit.
-- Ruud
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Yeah but a $300 netbook won't help you pick up chicks. An Apple Air definitely
On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:39 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
> Hate to say this, but that $300 pc NetBook becomes $1300 when you add the
> price of Accessibility. For $1000 you get not only a nice performing
> computer but
The Asus E series have almost instant powerup.
On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, Apple's
> doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook thing. Of
> course, one could argue that it's a simila
Or install over the network.
On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:
> So when the next OS after Snow Leopard comes out, you could ask for the OS on
> a USB flash drive instead of DVD?
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 8:36 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> comes with a usb drive with the os on it for re
I think that's putting too much on Apple.:)
If you can't get 'em in the first place, an Apple macbook Air won't help.:)
Really, I know they're like magic. But, c'mon!:)
On Nov 8, 2010, at 11:16 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Yeah but a $300 netbook won't help you pick up chicks. An Apple
Well, if I hooked up my apex to the Air, I'd be dealing with 2 separate
devices. And when I am quickly needing to find an item in a list of 80 items
so I can edit it on the fly during a live event like our convention, I need
speed and absolute accuracy. With the apex, my fingers are all on one
hey one stupid question i think I asked but I can't remember. lol. How would
you share your dvd drive from your mbp and if you have a mini or imac or mac
pro could you do what ever you do with the mini to do that? I'm assuming you
launch one of the devices in to target mode but I'm new at this.
Tjere might be a better method but yeah I forgot about that until I was typing
that at you all. lol!
On Nov 8, 2010, at 10:07 AM, Ruud Bemelmans wrote:
> Ah, I didn't think of the context menu., but that works quite well. At least
> it makes it faster to get to the actual listening and enjoy
Hi folks.
In fact, this can't be done without any tweaking(third party apps.
Have any one of you copied/moved files from your iPods/iPhones to the Mac?
I've seen this one: but don't know how well it
works. Anyone tried it?
Other alternatives that works better maybe?
I like the notetakers because they give you a one-piece unit with braille. I'm
a voracious reader, and I'd always rather read myself than hear a book read out
loud, so for me a notetaker serves a real purpose. I find having two
different pieces cumbersome when you're reading while traveling a
Sent from my iPhonehi Brian miller,nvda is an open sourced screen reader for
windows computers. You. Can use it on your computer like jaws but it does more
things as far as reading text in pages that you want read. It won't everything
on the page like jaw does. Yu download to your hard drive o
It is a USB stick, yes.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 9:09 AM, ISAAC OBIE wrote:
You mean a usb memory stick? I saw the Macbook Air and I saw no place for a
card. I only saw two usb ports, one on each side.
- Original Message - From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav"
Sent: Monday, Nove
Hello Chenelle,
Your messages start out with "sent from my iphone" then the message is run
together with sent from my iphone. I just thought you'd like to know this.
- Original Message -
From: "Chenelle Hancock"
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 2:04 PM
Subject: Re;what is n
Yeah, that's another advantage of the Air. So, for $900, you get Style, solid
performance, *and* a free screenreader, and magnification program.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 12:16 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Yeah but a $300 netbook won't help you pick up chicks. An Apple Air
> definitely will!
> On
It's a thousand bucks! I priced it last week! that $900 figure is
missleading. It's a thousand bucks. It's $999.
It's a neat little package! I want one.
- Original Message -
From: "Pete Nalda"
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: accessibility of M
Hi all,
My oldest daughter is coming to be with me this sumer.
She is low vision and uses Magnification software on her PC.
She want to see Magnification on a Mac.
How do I turn Magnification on?
Thank you for any help.
You received this message because you are
Hi Tim, I'm not sure how to test this without sighted assistance, but if it's
true, it's a bug.
on the other hand it makes a bit of sense. I think I remember reading
somewhere in this thread that Marlena had 800 contacts and then somewhere else
that the IC was only showing 40 items or some s
Hi Marlena.
You wrote.
Thank you again for all you are doing. Your tutorials are wonderful, and
may I suggest you consider sending them into ACB Radio's Main Menu where
this weekend, all things iPhone will be discussed.
You're welcome and I'm happy you enjoyed it and found it helpful. I make
You could also try your public library. I don't know about yours, but I can
use my library card to read things like ORily online.
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
Hi, What about utorrent or shakespeer?
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
On 2010-11-06, at 5:54 AM, chad baker wrote:
> Hi does anyone know of any accessible
I successfully installed Fusion, and created a virtual Win XP Machine. (I only
wanted it for purposes of gaming and SAMNet.) How do I interact with the
virtual machine? All the keystrokes I can think of only affect Fusion specific
commands, not commands for my virtual machine.
you could check in to course smart
very good for mainstream textbooks especially for college
and you only pay 1/3 of the price your paying for a print book
and get a fully accessible marked up pdf
I am sorry buts that all I know as of now!! for people I have spoken with
they say its nice!!
On Nov 6
Hi all,
Anyone done this recently? I just got my Alva back from being serviced, and
I'm having no luck getting it paired.
thanks in advance for any help.
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Hi DOnna,
I don't have an Alva but I did have to pair my Braillino. I went through VO
utilities and it refused to pair. It kept saying that there was a driver issue
or something like that. I found the best way to pair was to go to bluetooth
settings by pressing VO shift M as in mary twice. THe
Perhaps someone already said this. To turn off a bunch of the "blank blank
blank" when reading mail:
1. Hit Vo-M and go to the View menu.
2. Arrow down to the Columns submenu.
3. Hit the right arrow and you will see checkboxes for all the things it can
show. Uncheck any that don't seem relevant.
Hi Louie,
The magnification feature built into OSX is called "Zoom." You can turn Zoom on
in System Preferences / Universal Access, or use the following key combinations:
To toggle Zoom on and off, press Command + Option + 8
To zoom in, press Command + Option + =
To zoom out, press Command + Optio
Hi Allison,
thanks. I'm thinking the code may be the problem. On my Mac, running Snow
Leopard, there is no radio button to check that allows me to input the pairing
Anyone know where I might locate this?
On Nov 8, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi DOnna,
Hi all,
It's been so long since I've done this that I forgot that I needed to do it
from within the Braille tab of the Vo utility. All is working fine now.
Allison, thanks for your message.
Take care,
On Nov 8, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi DOnna,
> I don't have an Al
I just want to add that since version 4, you can change voices without
changing the international settings.
In the voiceOver part of settings, scroll down to language rotor. Find each
voice you want and double tap it. When you selected all the voices you'd like
to use, close the settings
Has anybody tried deleting the DropBox application from the MAC yet?
When I go to the application in the applications folder and choose the
"move to trash" option, I get the message that the program is open so it
can't be trashed.
Now, when I go ahead and do a cmd+o to open it, I get th
Hi Donna,
I'm glad you got it working yay! You didn't need my instructions after all.
Good job that VO Utilities pairs your Braille display. It is finicky about mine
for some reason. But I have paired the Handytech via bluettoth and it works. I
hope you are having a wonderful day.
Good afternoon Daniel,
In order to remove the dropbox application, you will need to first stop the
running process, since Dropbox is a service that runs in the background.
To do this, navigate to the utilities folder from the finder by pressing
Next, navigate to the activity mon
The shortcut for quit process at least in snl is cmd option q. I forgot where I
got that piece of info but there ya go. Good luck in uninstalling.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 2:52 PM, Hai Nguyen wrote:
> Good afternoon Daniel,
> In order to remove the dropbox application, you will need to first stop t
Hi Dean and Brian,
I haven't wanted to weigh in with a suggestion for a Spanish
translation app, since I have only rudimentary knowledge of Spanish,
but if you're looking for a translation app that runs through Google
Translate (with all the usual limitations and caveats about machine
If you're still having problems, perhaps we can hop on skype, and I'll see what
I can do to help you.
On Nov 7, 2010, at 10:03 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> Ok, that works but once I hear it say to, I can't vo
> space because it just beeps; if I add the shift, as I've sa
You'll get there, take your time, you don't ahve to everything in one day, make
the switch a little at a time, and eventually it will become second nature. The
mac and voice over do things differently than windows and the windows screen
On Nov 7, 2010, at 10:08 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrot
Pres command option enter for full screen then move around normally or I
believe it's command g to enter in a subset of the screen.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 12:55 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
> Hello,
> I successfully installed Fusion, and created a virtual Win XP Machine. (I
> only wanted it for purposes
Right, it
s not as good as the Mac Book Pro for the chick application but it definitely
On Nov 8, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
> Yeah, that's another advantage of the Air. So, for $900, you get Style,
> solid performance, *and* a free screenreader, and magnification program.
Here's another clue that might help you go through email faster, perhaps ou
already do this, but, in the inbox, interact with the messages table, and place
the voice over cursor on the subject column. Now you can just arrow up and down
and hear the subject of each message without all the extra i
In system preferences, there's an option to share the DVD drive, I think once
that's done, you can access it like any other network drive, I've never tested
this though.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> This sounds very interesting. How would I go about sharing the
Hmm. I'l have to play with that if the time ever comes. lol!
On Nov 8, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> In system preferences, there's an option to share the DVD drive, I think once
> that's done, you can access it like any other network drive, I've never
> tested this though.
> On Nov
I am definitely still having problems; I do not have skype on my Air, but I can
do it on my windows machine and have my air right with me.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
If you're still having problems, perhaps we can hop on skype, and I'll see what
I can do to help y
Hi Ester,
Thank you so much for this side-by-side-by-side review of the three apps.
I really appreciate the effort you put into this.
I think you are right that I translate and I speak will likely suit my needs
well. I am actually a fluent Spanish speaker, but sometimes there are words
that e
On 11/8/10, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I'm putting your reply below your question.:
>>> Hi all. I was just wondering, is it possible at all to do something where
>>> by I could set up something in apple mail where I could create separate
>>> places for messages that come from lists such as this one
sorry sarah,
just one thing i forgot to ask, would i just create a normal mailbox
for the rule or would it have to be a smart mailbox?
sorry again and thanks
On 11/8/10, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I'm putting your reply below your question.:
>>> Hi all. I was just wondering, is it possible at
hey all,
how do you boot from the memory stick with the OS on if you need to
reinstall? and is this as was the case with the disk accessible using
voice over? does the memory stick have the capability to provide that
spoken feedback during instalation?
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but figure
Hi Marlaina and all,
I have successfully set up the weather app. I don't know if you are the
Marlaina I'm thinking of but there was a woman on ACB Radio I believe a long
time ago that spelled it the same way you do. I'm not sure if you are the same
person, so if i have gotten you confused, I ap
Hi Marlaina,
I have enjoyed reading your views. I am in your camp I believe as I still use
the Braillino's note taking capability at work just because if I need to take
down dictation fast, I'm much quicker typing in Braille than I am at the
computer keyboard. I can type pretty quickly on the k
I also have a braillenote and I like my mac as well. I was so happy when I
got it, I was speechless after I set it up with no sighted assistance. I
have not obtained my I phone as sprint is taking it's sweet time of getting
I phones. I cant wait to get rid of my q9c. My plan is up in dec so
Well, the thing of it is this. You need to get to the Drop Box preferences.
To do this, you'll need to go in to your status menu, and then, use
VO+simicolon, lock your Voice Over keys. Now, move your mouse in a straight
line to the left while using F5 to tell you where your mouse is. When yo
Hello all,
I'm pretty new to this list, but not new to owning a Mac. I bought my
iMac in May, and since then I have also bought an iPod Touch 4G.
However, I haven't been able to totally switch over to Mac. One of the
very few reasons I haven't been able to stop using a Windows 7 VM
Hi all.
I was really disappointed to learn that Duxbury does not make a version for
Mac. Is there a way to send files to my Juliette? I suppose drivers are
required and of course I don't have them since they are contained within
Duxbury for Windows.
Thanks folks.
You received
Carrie, I CREATED a normal mailbox, since I do not know what the heck a smart
mailbox does or when I want it.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 5:49 PM, Kerie Doyle wrote:
sorry sarah,
just one thing i forgot to ask, would i just create a normal mailbox
for the rule or would it have to be a smart mail
Hi Marlaina,
I think I remember asking this a while back on this list. Hmm, now that I think
of it a while was only like a week ago. There is a gentleman named Erik and he
told me of a free Braille translation program for the Mac called Louis I think
it is. I haven't googled it, but I think Eri
Hi Jason,
I can at least give you an answer for your first question. I use VLC media
player. It can handle winamp playlists, and it can also be set as your default
media application. It works very well, and is quite accessible.
There are a few check boxes that aren't labeled, but one's an EQ, one
Hello all,
About a month ago someone wrote how to switch from 64 to 32 bit mode on a
macbook pro. Can someone please re post these instructions?
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvi
Ok guys, problem here and its never happened. So i was using safari
and going to google and every time i typed in something for search, it
wuld freeze then a few seconds later voiceover would say "welcom to
mac OS 10" And then i will have t shut down safari. It only does this
with google. Anyone av
This 9s a well known problem.
Simply download webkit from and use that to browse instead. It's
more recent updates to safari and wha safari is pulled from during the dev
cycle. Many of the voice over bugs are fixed and you don't lose any
On Nov 8, 2010, at 9
Boot holding down the 3 and 2 keys simultaniously while booting.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hello all,
> About a month ago someone wrote how to switch from 64 to 32 bit mode on a
> macbook pro. Can someone please re post these instructions?
> --
> You r
Honestly, thisis my own personal take and I hope I don't offend anyne but I
don't like a lot of things about blind notakers so I tend towards the off the
Being so grossly over charged for a device which is basically a mid
1990S pocket PC or at best a dead windows mobile platform
This whole solid state storage thing amazes me!
I've heard that some systems are the same speed as regular disks and others are
vastly faster. Mine honestly feels damn speedy! What happened? Does anyone
else remember digital electronics class or was that sort of storage not
supposed to be po
I had to find the google page that is accessible. So it would not do what you
are saying.
Here is the link.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 11:00 PM, Blake Hardin wrote:
> Ok guys, problem here and its never happened. So i was using safari
> and going to google and every t
Hi Scott and all,
I agree with you to some extent. I know what you mean but I can't be without my
Braille display. I know what you mean about the price of access technology. BUt
I just love my Braillino so much but more for it's display and ease of use of
notes on the fly. But this can also be
Why would one wish to boot into 32-bit mode instead of 64-bit mode?
On Nov 8, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hello all,
> About a month ago someone wrote how to switch from 64 to 32 bit mode on a
> macbook pro. Can someone please re post these instructions?
> --
Hi Chris,
Thanks a lot... I'll definitely take a look at that.
On 11/8/2010 10:17 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
Hi Jason,
I can at least give you an answer for your first question. I use VLC media
player. It can handle winamp playlists, and it can also be set as your default
media applicat
Now that we are talking about 32-bit and 64-bit, I know that regular Macbooks
cannot boot into 64-bit mode. It also sounds like there is some confusion.
No Mac, Pro or otherwise, boots into 64-bit by default. You either have to set
it, or hold down 6 and 4 during startup. This is the kernel
I do the normal mail boxes on the imap server but you can create them on your
mac as well.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 5:49 PM, Kerie Doyle wrote:
> sorry sarah,
> just one thing i forgot to ask, would i just create a normal mailbox
> for the rule or would it have to be a smart mailbox?
> sorry again a
I boot holding down the 6 and 4 and find I get a very slight boost if any. I
understand it's between 3 and 10% but anything I think I feel I honestly
believe is the placibo effect.
My VM seems a little snapper as well but again that could be my experience
playing tricks on me.
On Nov 8, 201
Oh really? I'll have to try that as when I hit return I hear system ui server
has no windows. I'll have to try this.
upon doing this there is no prefs window to speak of in the window chooser or
in th eapplication chooser. it's as if the application disappears.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 7:18 PM, Ray
I'm like flying straight through buttery network bliss here with my new macbook
air. And when i check my mac mini's twin mechanical heap of heat, it makes me
wince. Wish ssd's would dramatically drop in prices so i can RAID 1 those bad
boys into new read and write performance Peaks. Until light
Hi Scott
Thanks a lot for that. I didn't think it'd be such a terrible boost, either,
but I was very curious to know. What about incompatibility?
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