sorry sarah,
just one thing i forgot to ask, would i just create a normal mailbox
for the rule or would it have to be a smart mailbox?
sorry again and thanks
On 11/8/10, Sarah Alawami <> wrote:
> I'm putting your reply below your question.:
>>> Hi all. I was just wondering, is it possible at all to do something where
>>> by I could set up something in apple mail where I could create separate
>>> places for messages that come from lists such as this one to go? What I
>>> want to have is something where there is a separate mailbox where for
>>> example only mail from a certain email address goes, and I can choose to
>>> read emails or not, I want this mail only to go to only the mailbox that
>>> was created for it, so when I open mail I don't have to wade through a
>>> load of mailing list to find a mail from a friend who's writing to say
>>> hi. Is it possible to do all this using voice over?
>> Would really love to get this set up so any help greatly appreciated
>> and thanks.
>> Kerie
>> --
> Hello. go to prefs when a  message is open and go to rules and then go to
> add. The reason I suggest that is some of the info is already filled in such
> as the too and other fields you might want. Follow the prompts. what I
> usually do is this.
> name of rule: what ever you want.
> contains
> subject, or for this list to which is already filled.
> move to what ever folder you want. create the folder before you create the
> rule though.
> hit ok and if asked apply the rule.
> Hope this helps.
> --
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