Hello all,

I'm pretty new to this list, but not new to owning a Mac. I bought my iMac in May, and since then I have also bought an iPod Touch 4G. However, I haven't been able to totally switch over to Mac. One of the very few reasons I haven't been able to stop using a Windows 7 VM constantly is iTunes. Compared to Winamp, iTunes just seems horribly bloated and complicated. For example, if I want to create a temporary playlist of only a certain subset of my music, movies or TV shows, I have to create a new playlist and add all of the files I want, whereas in Winamp, all I have to do is brows to the folder I want to listen to, turn shuffle play on if I want to, and play it. The other thing is terminal applications. Especially when a lot of text comes through, for example if I'm trying to use TinTin++, whenever new text comes in, if Voiceover is already speaking, the speech is interrupted and the new text is spoken. I'm just trying to figure out how to make this work, so any help anyone can give me is greatly appreciated.


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