te Handout document class. One advantage of this is that
>> footnotes are displayed as margin notes. If a note is added near the bottom
>> of the page, though, this causes the note text to extend beyond the lower
>> edge of the main text column. Obviously, the note should eithe
On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 8:44 AM R. H. van der Gaag
> I write most of my longer copy using the (beautiful and eminently readable)
> Tufte Book and Tufte Handout document class. One advantage of this is that
> footnotes are displayed as margin notes. If a note is added nea
I write most of my longer copy using the (beautiful and eminently readable)
Tufte Book and Tufte Handout document class. One advantage of this is that
footnotes are displayed as margin notes. If a note is added near the bottom of
the page, though, this causes the note text to extend beyond the
> lasgouttes.lyx@free.fr wrote:
> > Le 16/07/2022 à 22:00, Ehud Behar via lyx-users a écrit :
> >
> > > No, it completely removes and overrides the existing figure from
> > > stdfloats.inc. I want to have both figure and margin figure.
> >
- Original Message ---
On Saturday, July 16th, 2022 at 9:04 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> Le 16/07/2022 à 22:00, Ehud Behar via lyx-users a écrit :
> > No, it completely removes and overrides the existing figure from
> > stdfloats.inc. I want to have both figure and
Le 16/07/2022 à 22:00, Ehud Behar via lyx-users a écrit :
No, it completely removes and overrides the existing figure from stdfloats.inc.
I want to have *both* figure and margin figure.
I would need a complete example to proceed. The best is to create a
document and add your layout code in
No, it completely removes and overrides the existing figure from stdfloats.inc.
I want to have *both* figure and margin figure.
--- Original Message ---
On Saturday, July 16th, 2022 at 8:51 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> Le 16/07/2022 à 21:47, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a éc
Just tried it. It effectively sets the new Style a counter of its own,
indifferent to what is the chapter or section or any other parent counter. That
is: Margin figure 1, margin figure 2 in chapter 1, margin figure 3 in chapter 2
--- Original Message ---
On Saturday, July 16th
Le 16/07/2022 à 21:47, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
Did you try "NumberWithin none" like other floats in layouts/stdfloats.inc?
I would also use "Type figure" to convey that your marginfigure is just
a figure.
lyx-users mailing list
Le 16/07/2022 à 21:03, Ehud Behar via lyx-users a écrit :
I want to define a new float in my document - margin figure.
I defined a new float using a module file with a Style:
Type marginfigure
GuiName MarginFigure
NumberWithin figure
I want to define a new float in my document - margin figure.
I defined a new float using a module file with a Style:
Type marginfigure
GuiName MarginFigure
NumberWithin figure # <
RefPrefix fig
more commands etc.
The document class is book, and inside chapter 1, as you can see
Am Samstag, den 08.02.2020, 07:08 + schrieb John Beattie:
> When I create a margin text on the same line as a labelling
> environment, the
> document will not compile. This happens with lyx 2.3.3 on Windows
> and with lyx
> 2.3.1 on linux mint 18.2. Details of the two environ
When I create a margin text on the same line as a labelling environment, the
document will not compile. This happens with lyx 2.3.3 on Windows and with lyx
2.3.1 on linux mint 18.2. Details of the two environments are below.
The mwe is attached and the picture shows the error which the
t me know.
> Much appreciated!
> Isaiah
> On Sun, Dec 29, 2019 at 10:34 AM Axel Dessecker wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2019, 16:28:29 CET schrieb Isaiah Turk:
> > > According to my understanding of:
> > >
> > > Help,
> > > Embedded
Am Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2019, 16:28:29 CET schrieb Isaiah Turk:
> According to my understanding of:
> Help,
> Embedded Objects,
> 4.3,
> Margin Notes
> more than one Margin Note within the same paragraph are always placed on the
> same side of the document; eith
According to my understanding of:
Embedded Objects,
Margin Notes
more than one Margin Note within the same paragraph are always placed on the
same side of the document; either right or left for single sided documents and
either inner or outer for double sided documents.
i do, the solution by :
please see attachment
best regards
2016-09-27 21:11 GMT+03:00 Wolfgang Engelmann :
> On 27.09.2016 19:44, edu Gpl wrote:
>> i used layout to adding margin table and margin figure in lyx document,
>> but i got a small prob
On 27.09.2016 19:44, edu Gpl wrote:
i used layout to adding margin table and margin figure in lyx
document, but i got a small problem, the caption came in caption over
not captionLow.
please see attachment and "local layout".
best regards
Can't you just write the caption
i used layout to adding margin table and margin figure in lyx document, but
i got a small problem, the caption came in caption over not captionLow.
please see attachment and "local layout".
best regards
Description: application/lyx
;> there are 3 problem in my book woth note box, after i generated pdf
>> file, i got 3 box in page 14, 44, and 49 over the bottom margin.
>> the book:
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/ohodquizgame/files/Books/
>> Physics.pdf/download
>> the source code:
Hope that helps.
On 18/09/16 08:38, edu Gpl wrote:
Dear Uwe
there are 3 problem in my book woth note box, after i generated pdf
file, i got 3 box in page 14, 44, and 49 over the bottom margin.
the book:
Dear Uwe
there are 3 problem in my book woth note box, after i generated pdf file, i
got 3 box in page 14, 44, and 49 over the bottom margin.
the book:
the source code:
thank you
i used this code:
\newcommand\mymargin[1]{\margin{\raggedright\scriptsize #1}}
2015-07-09 0:04 GMT+03:00 PhilipPirrip :
> On 07/07/2015 11:47 AM, edu Gpl wrote:
On 07/07/2015 11:47 AM, edu Gpl wrote:
thank you Michael but this difficult, i have 60-80 margin note or margin
table in my book.
i want code for lyx preamle.
You can play with this, goes straigth into the preamble
\small% (you only need this line)
thank you Michael but this difficult, i have 60-80 margin note or margin
table in my book.
i want code for lyx preamle.
best regards
2015-07-07 18:45 GMT+03:00 edu Gpl :
> thank you Michael but this difficult, i have 60-80 margin note or margin
> table in my book.
> i want code for ly
On 07/07/2015 11:25 AM, edu Gpl wrote:
Dear lyx users
Please how i can used \small size for the text of margin note ?
Lyx: 2.2dev
Margin note:
- default margin note
- usepackage{capt-of} for figure and table ( margin).
Try this:
Set the cursor inside the text of your marginal note
Dear lyx users
Please how i can used \small size for the text of margin note ?
Lyx: 2.2dev
Margin note:
- default margin note
- usepackage{capt-of} for figure and table ( margin).
Oh I downloaded and installed it with really no problem. It was just that I
thought it should be a document class. Or something :(
On 20 May 2015 at 09:19, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> 2015-05-20 15:16 GMT+02:00 John Kane:
>> Thanks Jürgen,
>> Somewhat OT but I was wondering how it w
2015-05-20 15:16 GMT+02:00 John Kane:
> Thanks Jürgen,
> Somewhat OT but I was wondering how it worked. I combed through the
> Document Class list three times and even Reconfigured looking for it
The layout is not included in the LyX distribution. You need to install it
from an external source
Thanks Jürgen,
Somewhat OT but I was wondering how it worked. I combed through the
Document Class list three times and even Reconfigured looking for it
On 20 May 2015 at 03:28, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> 2015-05-20 9:23 GMT+02:00 Guenter Milde :
>> Is there a chance to load ClassicThesis bef
2015-05-20 9:23 GMT+02:00 Guenter Milde :
> Is there a chance to load ClassicThesis before gemoetry to get a consistent
> behaviour?
Note that we talk of a contributed style, which is not included in LyX.
I think the proper solution would be to make ClassicThesis a class (not a
style). For LyX
On 2015-05-19, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> The crucial difference is probably that while using KOMA, typearea is
> loaded first (by the class), then geometry (by LyX) which does the final
> settings and overrides whatever KOMA sets via typearea.
> With ClassicThesis, the classicthesis package is l
2015-05-19 10:33 GMT+02:00 Guenter Milde:
> Well, in scrartcl.cls, I find
> \RequirePackage{typearea}[\KOMAScriptVersion]
> after a lot of
> \PassOptionsToPackage{...}{typearea}%
Right. I stand corrected.
> However, the geometry package seems to override the typearea settings.
On 2015-05-18, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]
> Am Montag, 18. Mai 2015 schrieb Michael Berger :
>> thank you for your input. With time constraints in the neck and almost no
> LaTeX knowledge I switched to Document Class KOMA-Script Article.
>> I
Am Montag, 18. Mai 2015 schrieb Michael Berger :
> thank you for your input. With time constraints in the neck and almost no
LaTeX knowledge I switched to Document Class KOMA-Script Article.
> I can now set the page margins as needed. :-)
> This seems to be contradicting with your above explanation
On 05/14/2015 04:12 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Classicthesis internally loads typearea (from the KOMA bundle), so you
need to use the commands of that package to change the layout:
As opposed to geometry (which is used by LyX), you cannot alter the
margins directly
On 05/14/2015 04:12 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2015-05-14 16:00 GMT+02:00 Michael Berger :
Hi Richard,
I add the tex file as well.
classicthesis-article is an example document from within André
Miede's 'classicthesis-Lyx-v4.1' collection.
None of the two allows for changin
2015-05-14 16:00 GMT+02:00 Michael Berger :
> Hi Richard,
> I add the tex file as well.
> classicthesis-article is an example document from within André Miede's
> 'classicthesis-Lyx-v4.1' collection.
> None of the two allows for changing the page margins.
> While that was never necessary to do in
On 05/14/2015 02:45 PM, Richard Heck wrote:
On 05/14/2015 06:17 AM, Michael Berger wrote:
Dear Lyxers,
I am using a LyX example document where the Page margins are ticked
as 'Default'.
I can untick and then enter new values for the margins.
However, I can see no change in the PDF document.
On 05/14/2015 06:17 AM, Michael Berger wrote:
Dear Lyxers,
I am using a LyX example document where the Page margins are ticked as
I can untick and then enter new values for the margins.
However, I can see no change in the PDF document.
Has anyone an idea why?
What document class a
Dear Lyxers,
I am using a LyX example document where the Page margins are ticked as
I can untick and then enter new values for the margins.
However, I can see no change in the PDF document.
Has anyone an idea why?
Michael Berger
Ok, I think I found a solution. I added '\setlength{\tabcolsep}{4pt}LyX
Document ' in an ERT directly before the table envorinment.
greetz - Tino
Am 23.04.2015 um 21:27 schrieb Langer, Tino:
is it possible to change the margin in table cell using lyx? If found
the LaT
is it possible to change the margin in table cell using lyx? If found
the LaTeX-command
, but I don't know where to insert it in lyx using the table
functionallity. It seems the command has to be used inside the
Eduardo Bologna wrote:
> Thanks to all.
> Both "insert URL" as "\ usepackage [hyphens] {url}" in the preamble, work
> well. But the first change fonts in the URL, the latter seems preferable.
You can customize the font. E.g.
after the "usepackage" line.
Note, h
Thanks to all.
Both "insert URL" as "\ usepackage [hyphens] {url}" in the preamble, work
well. But the first change fonts in the URL, the latter seems preferable.
2015-03-02 22:40 GMT+00:00 Gordon Cooper :
> Hi Eduardo.
> In, Document>Settings>PDF Properties, on the Hyperlinks Tab,
> you cou
Hi Eduardo.
In, Document>Settings>PDF Properties, on the Hyperlinks Tab,
you could check 'Break Links over Lines' box.
Tauranga N.Z.
On Monday, March 02, 2015 16:47:26 Eduardo Bologna wrote:
> Everything goes OK, but when it finds URLs, it does not make a separation,
> and the line continues beyond the margin, and it cuts off.
you could try in the preamble
William Seager
On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Eduardo Bologna wrote:
> Hi list, I´m using Lyx 2.1.2 in windows 7, my document is article
> (standar). I´ve adjusted margins to 2.5cm.
> Everything goes OK, but when it finds URLs, it does not make a separation,
> and the line continues beyond
Hi list, I´m using Lyx 2.1.2 in windows 7, my document is article
(standar). I´ve adjusted margins to 2.5cm.
Everything goes OK, but when it finds URLs, it does not make a separation,
and the line continues beyond the margin, and it cuts off.
For example, this is what I write in lyx:
(vídeo 9
Dear Emile,
Thanks a lot for your help!!
2014-10-20 16:21 GMT-02:00 emile lunardon :
> An example :
> 2014-10-15 3:27 GMT+02:00 Eugenio Eduardo de Oliveira <
> oliveireuge...@gmail.com>:
>> Dear Emily,
>> Thanks for your prompt answer!
>> But could you please provide me mo
An example :
2014-10-15 3:27 GMT+02:00 Eugenio Eduardo de Oliveira <
> Dear Emily,
> Thanks for your prompt answer!
> But could you please provide me more details how to do it?
> What I afer is something like the example of page that is in the
> attached file!
Dear Emily,
Thanks for your prompt answer!
But could you please provide me more details how to do it?
What I afer is something like the example of page that is in the attached
file! The specific paragraph margins is that one that begins with:
"dissertação apresentada ao curso de mestrado ..
You can use the adjmulticol package to set margins (and also if need be the
number of columns).
2014-10-14 22:54 GMT+02:00 Oliveira Eugenio :
> Hi guys,
> I am trying to set up an specific paragraph in a documente where the
> margins has to be totally different from the rest of the document. I
Hi guys,
I am trying to set up an specific paragraph in a documente where the
margins has to be totally different from the rest of the document. I tried
to learn it from the old answers but I did not work.
Can someone help me with that? I need to confess that I am a new Lyx user!
Best regards,
er, which have Hebrew modifications defined for
> them, none of the various 'book' layouts do. I need the chapter headings
> provided by the book layout. A number of problems occur, examples of
> which are shown in the attached documents:
> 1. The chapter headings in the top page m
f problems occur, examples of
which are shown in the attached documents:
1. The chapter headings in the top page margin are displayed reversed
(LTR), although when displayed at the beginning of the chapter and in
the table of contents they are correct
2. English text included in the chapte
uudruid74 wrote:
> I'm doing a document with lots of small margin notes. However, the system
> never puts the margin notes next to my floats. In a couple cases, I want
> the margin note to go with what's in a floating table. LyX won't let me add
> the margin note t
I'm doing a document with lots of small margin notes. However, the system
never puts the margin notes next to my floats. In a couple cases, I want
the margin note to go with what's in a floating table. LyX won't let me add
the margin note to the float. Is there some way to do t
pale | |
Tel. (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12 | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
189A, avenue Maurice Schumann | | 59140 Dunkerque, France
> Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 at 5:31 PM
> From: "Pat
I have a small issue with a paper. Formula spreads in right margin.
Is there a way to prevent such a result?
I am attaching an example.
Thank for your help.
Patrick DUPRÉ
It is often desirable to leave comments in the margins of a document.
The various TODOnotes facilities work fine, but I have now found that
they do NOT work in the abstract environment. Is this a feature or a bug?
Ehud Kaplan,
ng around but only the obvious
inner/outer margin answer appears. Is there any way to handle
this through LyX/LaTeX?
This is a complicated issue. Just figuring out whether you're on
an odd page is complicated. I'd ask on comp.text.tex and see if
anyone has any ideas.
or a complex legal format used in Venezuela, to have
>> different top margins for odd and even pages. I have been googling around
>> but only the obvious inner/outer margin answer appears. Is there any way to
>> handle this through LyX/LaTeX?
>> This is a complicated iss
On 03/07/2012 10:31 AM, Julio Rojas wrote:
Dear all. I need, for a complex legal format used in Venezuela, to
have different top margins for odd and even pages. I have been
googling around but only the obvious inner/outer margin answer
appears. Is there any way to handle this through LyX/LaTeX
Dear all. I need, for a complex legal format used in Venezuela, to have
different top margins for odd and even pages. I have been googling around
but only the obvious inner/outer margin answer appears. Is there any way to
handle this through LyX/LaTeX?
Thanks in advance. Best regards
Am 27.08.2011 05:49, schrieb tim erickson:
I've attached a file that recreates the trouble.
Hi Tim,
the problem is that margin floats do not allow any placement options. I added now a note in the
tufte example files tha
Are you doing something to ensure that the minipages are at the top of the
physical page? The only two ways I know off-hand to do that are to manually
break the page immediately before them or to put them in a float. From your
message, it does not sound as though you are breaking the page.
One k
Is it possible to change the top margin for one page only in lyx/latex?
I googled and found package(s) changepage/chngpage. But this seems to
allow changing the side margins only as I understand correctly. Also found that
the \newgeometry command of the geometry package can be used. But
Am 19.05.2011 22:15, schrieb StarKid:
I have LyX 2.0.0rc3 on Xubuntu 11.04 x64.
It is highly recommended to use LyX 2.0.0 final.
I'm working with the tufte handout
document class, and I am receiving two errors when I insert the marginfigure
environment around a graphic (from the Insert menu,
I have LyX 2.0.0rc3 on Xubuntu 11.04 x64. I'm working with the tufte handout
document class, and I am receiving two errors when I insert the marginfigure
environment around a graphic (from the Insert menu, not as ERT):
Missing number, treated as zero,
Illegal unit of measure (pt) inserted.
Am 31.10.2010 um 19:16 schrieb S Nedunuri:
> hello, how do you find out the default margin (left, top, etc.) settings for
> a given document class? Page Margins under Doc Settings just allows you to
> change the defaults but doesn't show what they are. The following a
hello, how do you find out the default margin (left, top, etc.) settings for
a given document class? Page Margins under Doc Settings just allows you to
change the defaults but doesn't show what they are. The following article
http://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/PaperLayout says "Then open in you
e into the left margin, or use a
> positive length to move into the right margin.
> (Insert->Formatting->Horizontal Space). Set the type
> to "custom". That lets you type in a custom length.
> 3. After the horizontal space, insert a minipage. (Insert->Box)
> In
se the package in LyX [2]. Maybe that would help. Otherwise,
sorry for the noise.
Thank you Julien for the prompt reply.
I have read your documentation.
Your package does allow figures to move into the margin and captions to
be placed on either side.
But it does not appear to tackle the major p
have a look at the sidecap package [1]. I wrote a minimalistic module
>> to
>> use the package in LyX [2]. Maybe that would help. Otherwise, sorry for
>> the
>> noise.
>> Thank you Julien for the prompt reply.
>> I have read your documentation.
help. Otherwise, sorry for the
Thank you Julien for the prompt reply.
I have read your documentation.
Your package does allow figures to move into the margin and captions to be
placed on either side.
But it does not appear to tackle the major problem, which is:
How to get figures (of all
Am 31.05.2010 03:06, schrieb george legge:
It is the outer edge of this (marginparsep + marginparwidth) region which I
attempted to justify my figures to.
My requirement was that the outer edge of a figure line up with the outer
edge of the marginpara,
I expect that you need low-level TeX prim
Sorry Uwe, I forgot to add that the geometry package allows me to set up
exactly what I need in the way of margins.
It can set:
paperwidth = inner + width + outer [I am calling them inner and outer
rather than left and right, because it is double sided]
where inner and outer are true margins, not
> This is against usual typesetting rules and therefore not supported by
> LaTeX. I showed you 2 tricks to overcome this and I don't see other ways.
> But you should have a very, very important reason to print something in the
> page margin. Because in case that you prin
Am 30.05.2010 23:22, schrieb george legge:
Thank you Uwe, but that merely enlarges the image and extends it into the
It does not MOVE the image. An overhang moves the image across into the
margin which is what I need.
This is against usual typesetting rules and therefore not
ne this for a box.
> regards Uwe
Thank you Uwe, but that merely enlarges the image and extends it into the
It does not MOVE the image. An overhang moves the image across into the
margin which is what I need.
Think of it this way:
I wish to have an image (of any desired
Am 30.05.2010 05:45, schrieb george legge:
Thank you Uwe. "Overhang" is exactly what I need.
However, I do not want wrapping, and "overhang" seems to be offered only by
Wrap Float.
I don't think a plain Figure Float recognizes "overhang".
Is there an easy way to insert an "overhang" command into
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 29.05.2010 01:04, schrieb george legge:
> But it does not appear to tackle the major problem, which is:
>> How to get figures (of all widths) to justify to a boundary several cm
>> outside the text edge.
> Use a wrapped float. Its
is a LyX example file.
For more infos about wrapped floats have a look at sec. 3.2.2 "Wrap Floats" of the EmbeddedObjects
manual that you find in LyX#s Help menu.
regards Uwe
Description: application/lyx
Thank you Julien for the prompt reply.
I have read your documentation.
Your package does allow figures to move into the margin and captions to be
placed on either side.
But it does not appear to tackle the major problem, which is:
How to get figures (of all widths) to justify to a boundary several cm
On 28/05/2010 5:09 PM, george legge wrote:
In LyX memoir class, 2-sided, single column, how can I place figures so that
their outer edges line up with the outer edge of a wide (outer margin)? With
figures 1.2cm from the edge of the page, they then visually define the wide
outer margin. I want
In LyX memoir class, 2-sided, single column, how can I place figures so that
their outer edges line up with the outer edge of a wide (outer margin)? With
figures 1.2cm from the edge of the page, they then visually define the wide
outer margin. I want the captions (without caption numbers printed
Joe(theWordy)Philbrook writes:
> However what I don't understand why, whether LaTeX can properly
> justify typewriter font or not, surely such a powerful typesetting
> system could detect that the line was going to exceed the intended
> margin, and at least adjust "
he link, and the suggestion on left justification. I'll
have to experiment...
However what I don't understand why, whether LaTeX can properly
justify typewriter font or not, surely such a powerful typesetting
system could detect that the line was going to exceed the intended
margin, and at
On Saturday 03 April 2010 02:48:12 Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> I get similar, but slightly better results from setting the environment to
> quotation. Like verse, the righthand margin appears the same for both the
> leftside and rightside pages. But with quotation it's s
On Saturday 03 April 2010 02:48:12 Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> I get similar, but slightly better results from setting the environment to
> quotation. Like verse, the righthand margin appears the same for both the
> leftside and rightside pages. But with quotation it's s
Seems to be a "quirk" of LaTeX specific to typewriter font. Since
typewriter font is intended to have fixed spacing, LaTeX can't justify
things evenly. There's a fix at
that works on your document if you don't mi
"leftside page" normally gets a larger righthand
margin to leave room for binding the pages together. Which is fine with me.
But I have a short section* (about a page and a half with an 8.5" x 11"
page size and a base size of 14) that I wanted typeset just a little bit
18.12.2009, 22:09 Uhr, I wrote in this thread:
For not to remain alone in the Tufte-style field of LyX, I take the
liberty to promote and propagate the tufte-latex doc classes here.
to to make sure, that those, who do not follow the thread "Tufte layout?"
do not miss the necessary informa
Am 19.12.2009, 20:03 Uhr, schrieb John Kane :
I can get Handout to work okay but for some reason if I switch the same
file to Book(tufte), I lose the title in div with an error about "Not
all fonts not be loaded" in YAP
Salve John,
at least someone else interested in tufte-latex!
s to imply that I am missing a MiKTeX font.
The Doc > Properties message seems to read that MiXATeX could not open some
local application.
Any suggestions?
LyX 1.6.5 XP Home Edition
--- On Sat, 12/19/09, John Kane wrote:
> From: John Kane
> Subject: Re: pro culture of margin no
useful. So, off to experiment!
--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Joachim Osnabryg wrote:
> From: Joachim Osnabryg
> Subject: pro culture of margin notes
> To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> Received: Friday, December 18, 2009, 4:09 PM
> Dear LyX-users,
> With the help of my last
lf whyever, the only
plausible answer seems me, that many LyXers who might like the designe and
- for their works - could well use the possibilities bidden by tufte-latex
- especially the broad right margin and extense use of sidenotes (instead
of footnotes) -,
do not know it. With this, the t
> >> Unfortunately nothing changed, still no notable optical
> >> margin alignment, although the factor of 1000 is the
> >> maximum. Could it be, that the microtype-package is not
> >> properly installed? How could I check this?
> >>
> >> Thanks a
\setmonofont[Mapping=tex-text]{Courier New}%
Thank you!
Am 20.09.2009 um 00:05 schrieb Marcelo Acuña:
Unfortunately nothing changed, still no notable optical
margin alignment, although the factor of 1000 is the
maximum. Could it be, that
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