Dear LyX-users,

With the help of my last talks here and elsewhere I have my LyX and LaTeX
installation (see footer) imbedding tufte-latex now spruced up again on
Mac. I breathe a sigh of relief… just before the highdays of the turn of
sun and year! Thanks to Uwe Stöhr and all contributers!

For not to remain alone in the Tufte-style field of LyX, I take the
liberty to promote and propagate the tufte-latex doc classes here. Sorry,
if it bothers someone, but it's not commercial and I am just a thankful
user of it.

Since the first LyX layout file for tufte-latex, more than one year ago,
was kindly created by the LyX developers (Jürgen Spitzmüller at that time)
on my demand, almost all documents which I worked out, were created in
tufte-latex with LyX.

It isn't me skirted (escaped), that, on the user-side, I am  a rather
forlorn (unique) or unrivallet with this. Asking myself whyever, the only
plausible answer seems me, that many LyXers who might like the designe and
- for their works - could well use the possibilities bidden by tufte-latex

- especially the broad right margin and extense use of sidenotes (instead
of footnotes) -,

do not know it. With this, the tufte style resumes an good old tradition
of printed books: the marginals, which when reading are much easyer to
access by the eyes than footnotes or endnotes.

Indeed, I would like to see the culture of marginals requicken (revive) in
today's literary world again… and LaTeX and LyX are the only instruments
to realize that.

So if this has awoken your interest, have a look at the produced
sample-pdfs at:

Best regards,
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

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