You can go to Document > Parameters > Text Layout and there, you can put
global listings parameters.
The dialog helps you by giving some of the the possibilities.
( my GUI is in french so these commands are approximate ...)
Hope it helps.
In this case, I use the listings package (Insert > Listings). There are
two possibilities : inline or separated.
The main advantage for me is the syntax highlighting and a lot of other
possibilities (frames, captions ...).
There's a very good documentation.
Hope it helps.
I work on Windows XP pro with the last version 1.6.5 from the alt installer.
Here what I did :
Lyxserver :
In JabRef :
There's a button to configure the lyx server
I put
The \\.\pipe\lyxpipe is a notation in
how do I generate a group definition such as
{ x | x > 0 }
with variable height braces? I can create the outside braces using left\{ and
right\} (or matching braces from the braces menu) but the central one doesn't
fit it, and if I add a | with a matching empty left or right element the sizes
I have no problem compiling to PDF the UserGuide on LyX 1.6.4
System Windows XP pro, Alt Installer, MiKTeX 2.7 installed with LyX.
( this is the version of the UserGuide distributed with LyX, french
version ).
I use the spellchecker on LyX 1.6.4 on Windows XP pro without any
problem (in french !).
Perhaps it is a problem of the langage of the document which isn't well
defined (Document->Preferences).
You must also have the dictionary for this langage.
My problem is that the file does not load completely
Did you try to look at the LaTeX code ( Visualize -> Show LaTeX Code )
to see where LyX stops the import ?
Alternatively, try to export back to see where the import stops.
Have you tried File -> Import-> LaTeX (plain) or something like that (my
LyX is in french !).
Hi Uwe,
I think the problem is that there isn't any updater for the normal
there isn't any Lyx-1.6.3-1-Installer-Update.exe
And, yes I think Lyx must have been installed with the alt installer to
use the alt installer update.
Did you try the csv format (coma separated values ) ?
In fact it is indicated in the status line : "Language : french" or
something like that...
In the Document > settings, I changed the margins
Top 6 cm
Headings 4 cm
I obtained this :
Hope it helps,
Maître de conférence à l'INSA de Rouen
Fax. 33 (0)2 32 95 37 94
Tél. 02 32 95 37 46 (CORIA)
There is an excellent manual in the latex distribution
file beameruserguide.pdf
LyX usage is described in this manual.
Maître de conférence à l'INSA de Rouen
Fax. 33 (0)2 32 95 37 94
Tél. 02 32 95 37 46 (CORIA)
02 32 95 97 76 ( INSA )
Université de Rouen
Site Universitaire du Madrillet - BP 12
76801 Saint
Since I often have this problem, I've found a workaround ( not a nice
one, but it works when the formats aren't too different).
I simply change the number of the LyX format.
Open your file with a text editor and see the second line e. g.
\lyxformat 276
Change this number to match the number used
File > Export > Lyx 1.4.x
Hope it helps
with LyX 1.6.1 and unicode I obtain this :
it's character U+0113 ( e macron )
I used the character table on Windows ...but on LyX you can use Inser
> Special characters > Symbols
and the extended Latin A
Hope it helps
Siegfried MEU
Hello Jess,
\guilsinglright and \guilsinglleft
Hope it helps,
For me it's OK :
Windows XP pro with LyX 1.6.0
I use Edit>TextStyle>customize to change the language of a piece of text.
( The menus can be different, mine are in french ! ).
Hope it helps.
Yes, if you choose a fixed length font like Courrier, the layout of the
listing is left as in your text editor, with the possibility of syntax
highlighting, line numbering and a lot of other possibilities.
For me it works very well : I teach Fortran and I use a lot of program
extracts i
The solution with LyX Code produced a good rendering of the directory
tree on the PDF output.
Maître de conférence à l'INSA de Rouen
Fax. 33 (0)2 32 95 37 94
Tél. 02 32 95 37 46 (CORIA)
02 32 95 97 76 ( INSA )
CNRS UMR 6614 -
You can use the listings package ( Insert > Listings ).
If you right-clic on the listing insert box, you can choose the language
you use and the syntax will be highlighted.
In the listings manual there are many options, so I suppose you can
change the colors if you really want.
Hope it
I'm on Windows, so what I say must be adapted to linux.
On Windows the command is tree and I used it and suceeded to import my
tree in LyX using either LyX Code or listings.
The pdf looks OK, so everything seems to work. Here's what I did :
With LyX Code
I switch to LyX Code environnem
You can change the temp directory to point to your working directory (
Tools -> preferences -> Directories ).
Is it what you want ?
You can use \fcolorbox{border color}{ inside color}{ content }
in ERT with the package color
See the Embedded Objects manual section 5.7.1
You can try colored boxes (section 5.7 of the Embedded Objects manual ).
I often import big LaTeX tables in LyX ( I generate them with Fortran
codes ), without any problem.
I import the LaTeX file in a LyX file ( File import Latex ) and then I
copy the table in my document.
Hope it helps.
What do you mean by "nice result". On my Windows XP, I get exactly what
I expected : my piece of code typeset in a type-writer font
( I use Plain text to keep all the line breaks of my code ) .
If you want something like syntax highlighting, try Inser > listings.
This package enables you tho hav
I tried this and it works with an excellent quality (vector format). It
seems that it doesn't work with excel 2007.
Copy the graph as an image ( press shift and go in the edit menu then
choose something like save an image ).
You'll have a little dialog where you choose the appearance like in p
It isn't a bug, it's the way it works, I suppose it is a way to
emphasize the header line.
You can modify easily your table : select the first line and remove the
bottom border ( there is a button in the table tool bar ).
Hope it helps.
JabRef is highly customizable as far as the key generation is concerned.
The examples given by Jeremy ( Nahm1996 or Nahm1996a ... ) are in fact
JabRef's default.
You can describe your pattern with markers like [auth:lower] if you want
the name of the first author all in lowercase.
There are mor
I can add that many bibliography sites give bibtex descriptions of the
You can copy these bibtex information in a text file with a .bib extension.
I use the text style dialog and it works : I select the text in the
table and I change the font size...
(Works on 1.5.5 on Windows XP )
Hope it helps.
When you use a label to cross reference a float, in fact it is only used
to identify the float you want to use. The reference will by default be
printed as the number associated with the float ( figure number, table
number ... ).
Remember that those numbers are generated by LaTeX and not known w
I have a little problem with listings on my LyX 1.6 ( on Windows XP )
If I inser a listing ( Insert > Listing ), type a short piece of code in
the box, then I click with the right button to have the listing dialog
and I change some properties ( langage = Fortran 95, font = small,
typewriter ),
You can find the answer in the math manual section 18.1.4
You must use the vphantom space in order to make the second part of your
equation believe it has also an integral in it ...
Hope it helps
I suppose it is Document > Settings and choose Float placement
( I translate from french ... sorry ).
Hope it helps.
Inkscape works very well on Windows ( at least on my XP system ...)
I also use a java implementation of xfig : jfig
I have the problem you describe with the 1.6svn : I can't open files
saved with an other version of LyX, even the doc files.
Since I have Inkscape, I copied the three files you mentioned ... to no
Up to now, if I want to open files from the 1.6 but not from my version,
I must change the v
You don't have to alter the preamble of this document. If you can't
visualize a PDF output of this manual, it's because you don't have the
LaTeX hyperref package in your LaTeX installation. I don't know what's
your configuration, but you must have a way to add a package.
If you use windows and
I don't know if it can help, but I tried your file on my LyX 1.5.4 on
Windows XP and checked DVI, PDF and PS output and it is nearly OK.
Only a very little difference in the lengths in the PDF output. But
nothing like your DVI ...
I didn't change anything in the file.
Hope it can help.
I reported this bug (4633) 1.6svn seems to be incapable to read 1.5.x
files (on my Win XP Pro system).
I often use the GMANE site at
You can see older messages sorted by subject (threads).
I tried your files on my Windows XP LyX 1.5.4 and it seems OK.
The PDF file obviously used a vector version of the picture ( I tried
6400% magnification).
Hope it helps.
I agree completly with Alan : most of the PowerPoints aren't compliant (
PowerPoint don't enforce the tagging of the images ...).
I understand that a converter can be a solution to convince somebody,
but it is a false one because I doubt the converted PDF will be more
compliant than the original
Another solution is to make de PDF accessible, see this document :
I don't know if Powerpoints are by themself more accessible than PDF. I
think that the above document can give arguments to show that a given
document conform
For long equations, you can use specific environments for multiline formula.
You can find a lot of informations on the new Math.lyx manual :
or in PDF
In the new manual Math.lyx, there is a solution (section 15 Functions )
: As an example, if you want to define the sgn function, you put this
lines in the LaTeX preamble :
Then you can use \sgn in your formulas.
Hope it helps.
To change the horizontal position of a float, I position the cursor
inside the float and I use the menu Edit>Paragraph Settings and I choose
the position.
Hope it helps.
César Vasques wrote:
I am using LyX version 1.5.2 and I haven't been able to make the
command "\includeonly{file1.lyx,file2.lyx,...}" placed in the
preamble work.
I use it to make LyX only to include some of the chapter files of
a master document with entries "\include{*.lyx}".
Can anyb
Uwe wrote :
"The complete installer variant of this release comes with the brand new
MiKTeX 2.7 that was also released today. It will only be installed if
neither MiKTeX 2.6 nor 2.5 is installed on your system. As always with
brand new major releases, don't update to MiKTeX 2.7 when you are
You can use the listings LaTeX package : it has automatic breaking of
long lines, and it is fully integrated in LyX.
Confirmed here : it crashes ...
Windows XP pro with LyX 1.5.2 (french version)
To specify the viewer, I think you can go to
Tools > Settings > Output > File formats
where you have a Viewer field ...
( sorry, I translate from my french interface !)
The shortcuts do exist :
Ctrl-D to view DVI (compile)
Shift-Ctrl-D to update DVI
You can see then in some menus.
There are also
I've seen that in the FAQ ( in LyX help, section 6.1.6 ) :
to the preamble :
and optionnally
I've seen in the Beamer documentation that there is a package called
This package can be used to embed movies and sounds in pdf documents.
There is a good presentation in the beamer manual, and they say it can
be used without beamer.
You need the color LaTeX package.
The documentation of this package is very well done : see at
You can find the complete explanation in the manual
Embedded Objects section 5.6.1 Preventing Hyphenation
After a crash ( electrical problem ... not LyX ! ).
LyX correctly asked if I wanted to load the saved version and I accepted.
But when I asked to save the file, I had the message :
"The document was modified by an external application... do yo really
want to overwrite this document ?"
( t
You can use the possibility to view the LaTeX code and copy back from
the code window into the lyx window if you want to edit the latex code.
I tried it on Windows XP, and it works ( ctrl-c -> ctrl-V to
copy-paste the LaTeX code and ctrl-M to convert it into math.
A possibility is to use the "short title" to give the label used in the
TOC and give an empty title to the section if you really don't want any
section header.
Liviu Andronic a écrit :
On 11/3/07, Wolfgang Engelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Could one of the French people of this list tell me whether it is
practice in French to leave space before ?, !, :, ; such as:
Use in the Preamble:
I've seen exactly the same type of problems when a change of langage
messed with a short title in a section heading.
In your case the problem seems to occur just before the ] of the option
part of this item.
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