Kent Kostuk wrote:
> I have a figure overlapping a table and can not figure
> out what would be causing the problem (and of course how to resolve it).
> I have placed a ps copy of the offending page at the address below.
seems to be a p
Peter Clark wrote:
> Except that centers the whole box in the center of the page. Is there anyone
> to keep the box left- or right- aligned on the page, but also have the lines
> centered over the box?
I had the same problem as you. I used something like:
./configure --prefix=/home/lyx --with-extra-lib=/usr/site/xpm/lib:/home/xfor
ms/FORMS --with-extra-inc=/usr/site/xpm/include:/home/xforms/FORMS
I.e., separate the lib and include path to solve it.
Bo Peng
> -Original Message-
> Fro
Hi all,
I've been trying to compile 1.1.6fix4 but can't get ./compile to
successfully complete. It dies after telling me it can't find forms.h.
But I have forms.h in /usr/include/ (and have successfully compiled fix3
on this LinuxPPC box using this setup.)
I've tried using the various configure
I have a figure overlapping a table and can not figure out what would be causing the
problem (and of course how to resolve it).
I have placed a ps copy of the offending page at the address below.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
a little query, can Lyn run under SCO OS5.x ? If yes
which realise and where and how i can get it ?
Thanks in advance for the help
Dillo con una cartolina!
On Friday 01 February 2002 03:51 pm, you wrote:
> something like this:
> \begin{center}\rule [1mm]{4.5cm}{.2mm}\\
> \fbox{\parbox{5cm}{%
> Just some filler text to keep things interesting%
> }
> }
> \\\rule [-1.2mm]{4.5cm}{.2mm}\end{center}
Except that centers the whole box in the cen
Peter Clark wrote:
> I'm playing around with boxed text, and in an effort to spice up the
> appearence of the box, tried to place horizontal lines above and below the
> box, just for added visual interest. Here's what I have:
> \rule [1mm]{4.5cm}{.2mm}
> \fbox{\parbox{5cm}{
> Just some
I'm playing around with boxed text, and in an effort to spice up the
appearence of the box, tried to place horizontal lines above and below the
box, just for added visual interest. Here's what I have:
\rule [1mm]{4.5cm}{.2mm}
Just some filler text to keep things inte
Remzi Seker wrote:
> Not in between but both tables seem to be long table
Not in between but both tables seem to be long table
- Original Message -
From: "Herbert Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Remzi Seker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: table numbering
> Remzi Seker wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
Giovanni Biczó wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have to emphasize some words in my documents by shrinking them, ie
> increasing the kerning of it's characters. is there a way to do this, or
> do I have to insert "\kern+1en" between every character of such words?
you can write a latex function which ca
Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> Hmm...the code shown in
> results in a compilation error for me. When I run tex2pdf, the compilation
> error is not there, but I do not see the desired effect, that the bookmarks
> link to the correct place.
do you
--On Friday, February 01, 2002 10:17:23 AM + Jose Abilio Oliveira
Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> manual replace of "&" with "&"
> The correct fix is to escape all the chars inside the url,
> usually the only one that gives trouble is &, as I don't expect <
> and > to be present in
Remzi Seker wrote:
> Hi,
> I got a document from a colleague and interestingly enough the tables are
> numbered like 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 instead of 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc...
> I checked the preamble but there is no \newcommand, or \renewcommand
> contained. The document was written in Lyx1.1.6fix
Thanks very much! This is very helpful indeed.
At 22:58 31-01-2002, Peter Bieringer wrote:
>--On Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:46:22 PM +0100 Peter Termaten
> > Is there somebody who succesfully uses Lyx to build Docbook
> > documents?
>Yes, me
Hi all,
I have to emphasize some words in my documents by shrinking them, ie
increasing the kerning of it's characters. is there a way to do this, or
do I have to insert "\kern+1en" between every character of such words?
On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 12:10:01PM -0800, Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
> Next, grab the .src.rpm and do:
> rpm --rebuild lyx-1.1.6fix4-1.src.rpm
Be aware that on slower computer it may take a long time to do it
(on my VERY slow Pentium 120MHz it was six hours, but it is
extreme). There should be co
>>From: Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: 1.1.6fix4 / docbook_template: bug in SGML export on URLs
containing "&"
>>Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:17:23 +
>>On Wednesday 30 January 2002 22:06, Peter Bieringer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> during writ
>>From: dominique bourcart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Euro
>>Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 16:53:02 +0100
>>Sorry about that but I can not figure out how to type the Euro currency
>>Thanks for your time.
Have a look at the list archive if you have a www connecti
Sorry about that but I can not figure out how to type the Euro currency
Thanks for your time.
I got a document from a colleague and interestingly enough the tables are
numbered like 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 instead of 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc...
I checked the preamble but there is no \newcommand, or \renewcommand
contained. The document was written in Lyx1.1.6fix4 and koma-script report
>>Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 12:39:44 +0100
>>From: Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: looking for assistence about the Spellcheker
>>Crlfr wrote:
>>> Please, can someone give some suggestion about the spellchecker ? How can I
Simon Raybould wrote:
> I'm working for a charity which wants to send fax Press Releases and
> the letter templates don't quite do it for us. We need to move the
> addresses around and *crucially* we need to put a logo in the top
> left hand corner of the page. Can someone point me to an *idi
Matthieu Amiguet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was considering using YellowdogLinux, which is a distribution specifically
> targeted for mac hardware, so I thought some things might go better...
> But the number one question is: how difficult will it be to install lyx (it
> seems not to be in
Crlfr wrote:
> Please, can someone give some suggestion about the spellchecker ? How can I
> make it working in English ? And, if possible, but is less important for me,
> also in Italian?
> (for details refer to my previous post, at point 1) ).
the default is that lyx detects your language and
On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 11:18:28AM +, John Levon wrote:
> nobody else has pointed out yet as far as I can tell, that we are crying out
> for active reLyX developers !
Oops.. looks like I missed the original mail.
align and gather (and similar) are not supported in 1.1.6 but they are in
On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 06:37:18PM -0200, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:
> BTW, I know perl and my native language is portugese, so I could
> contribute in reLyX and internationalization. How can I start contributing
> in these fields?
nobody else has pointed out yet as far as I can tell, that
Sorry about the newbieness of this!
Having finally seen the light and ditched Windoze I fallen in love
with Lyx. Sadly I've hit a bit of a snag with templates for a fax. (I
don't need to use Lyx to send them, I use efax very nicely to do
I'm working for a charity which wants to send
Please, can someone give some suggestion about the spellchecker ? How can I
make it working in English ? And, if possible, but is less important for me,
also in Italian?
(for details refer to my previous post, at point 1) ).
On Thursday 31 January 2002 21:58, Peter Bieringer wrote:
> Current pitfalls:
> * left/right quoutes must be converted to normal quotes in SGML (Perl
> tool available)
> * URL encoding do not handle "&" chars proper, see posting to LyX
> maillist yesterday. -> has to be fixed manually.
On Wednesday 30 January 2002 22:06, Peter Bieringer wrote:
> Hi,
> during writing a LDP howto I ran into a strange bug.
> I've subscribed to the users-list because I don't want to get all the
> dev-traffic - hopefully someone can help me here also.
> Version 1.1.6fix4 is rebuilded today from a
On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 14:31:36 -0700 wrote Mario Parra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I guess nobody knows about this problem cause it's been a few days
> and got no replies. It is a pitty, I really liked lyx but this is a show
> stopper.
> My boss uses latex so I need to go back and forth and
Dear Jim,
Customization.lyx tells in Chapter 6:
* A document class is a LaTeX file (usually ending in .cls
or .sty) which describes the format of a document such as an article,
report, journal preprint, etc. and all the commands needed to realize
that format.
* A layout file is a L
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