On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 14:31:36 -0700 wrote Mario Parra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> I guess nobody knows about this problem cause it's been a few days
> and got no replies. It is a pitty, I really liked lyx but this is a show
> stopper.
> My boss uses latex so I need to go back and forth and if I can't then
> that's
> it, I'll have to write my Ph.D. thesis in latex.

Export from LyX to LaTeX is no problem at all (obviously clear, as otherwise
you could not print nor see the *.dvi)

Reimport is more tricky, especially if you have non-standard settings or
layout. E.g. some settings you can do in the Layout->Document popup will go
to the Layout->LateX-Preamble, other stuff will come out as ERT even if it
was LyXish before, and some finetunings will be lost. However, in general
the reimported document will look silly in LyX but print fine.

I got this problem when working on an article together with a colleague that
uses plain latex. We solved it by splitting the file in two parts: the main
file was done in LyX (and worked on by me) where the sections that the
colleague was working on went to a latex file I included in the LyX
document. We sent the updates as latex (i.e. I did Export->LaTeX) and both
could compile and print.

However, if all parts of your thesis will be evaluated and changed by your
boss, you such a splitting will not help. You can decide either 

   - to live with the On-Screen-Oddities (TM) after reimport (maybe the
     whole still looks better than a raw latex file),
   - import your boss's changes by drag and drop,
   - resort to raw latex (at least for this work)
     Still it could be sensible to use LyX for the first draft (especially
     with lots of math, you see far better what is on) and only convert to
     latex when it is "ready to be shown upstairs".
   - convince your boss of LyX.  



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