
Thanks very much! This is very helpful indeed.


At 22:58 31-01-2002, Peter Bieringer wrote:
>--On Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:46:22 PM +0100 Peter Termaten
> > Is there somebody who succesfully uses Lyx to build Docbook
> > documents?
>Yes, me, the Linux+IPv6-HOWTO.
>Hint: use fix4, there are some bugs in previous version regarding the
>generated SGML code (e.g. "colspec" tag and "<" chars in
>code-formatted lines).
> > And with documents I mean not only following the
> > template included in Lyx, but the whole thing: prefaces,
> > appendices, FAQ's, etc. Maybe someome can point me to some examples?
>LyX file is available at (there are also some Perl tools there):
>and the exported SGML:
>and the LDP generated HTTP:
>Current pitfalls:
>* left/right quoutes must be converted to normal quotes in SGML (Perl
>tool available)
>* URL encoding do not handle "&" chars proper, see posting to LyX
>maillist yesterday. -> has to be fixed manually.
>         Peter

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