Dear Jim,

Customization.lyx tells in Chapter 6:
 * A document class is a LaTeX file (usually ending in .cls
   or .sty) which describes the format of a document such as an article,
   report, journal preprint, etc. and all the commands needed to realize
   that format. 

 * A layout file is a LyX file which corresponds to a LaTeX document
   class and which tells LyX how to "draw" things on the screen to make the
   display look something like the final printed page. 

 * A template file is simply a LyX document which contains a set of 
   predefined entries for a given document class which are generally
   required for that class. Templates are especially useful for things like
   journal manuscripts which are to be submitted electronically.

(BTW: Dear LyX-ocumentators, could you make the definition on top of 
 chapter 6 a list (itemize or description)?

So, if you want to have a new document class, you need the corresponding
latex *.cls file and the *.layout file. (And BTW, did you realize that
myclass is just an example to be replaced by the actual name of the class
you want to install? --- I suppose you will not find myclass.cls on CTAN)

So there are two reasons to create a *.layout file:

1. You have a *.cls latex document class that is still unsupported by LyX.
   (may be you found one interesting class at CTAN or your university offers
   a class for writing a thesis ...)

2. You want some modifications to an existing latex document class without
   writing a new latex *.cls file.

3. You want to change the way LyX displays the document on screen.

With 2. and 3. you don't need a new latex class (this is obvious for 3. but
holds also for 2. as the *.layout file can set options or load packages that
differ from the default and can even be used to define new environments)

Example: you want to have a LyX Textclass for article with sans-serif as
default font, then you can copy article.layout to your layout dir, rename it
to article_sf.layout, say and do
      \DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{article (sans serif)}
plus the appropriate changes.
(An existing example is my  "article (koma with roman headings)")

On the other hand, changes that you want to have in all documents of the
latex-class (or in really all documents, as a different fontsize in
comments, say) could be implemented by copying the appropriate *.layout file
from LyX's standard layout directory to ~/.lyx/layout and doing the changes
there. Lyx will alway take the privat version of a *.layout if it exists.



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