After several messages you wrote
"since the page is headed with /Manuals for LilyPond 2.16.0/ for me it's
clear that /docs/ are referenced."
The page doesn't make it clear that the pdf files are hidden in the
"details if xxx" links.
Perhaps that could be made more obvious?
I hope
Hi Adrian,
You wrote
This is probably a dumb question, but can someone please tell me where
to find info/examples on (or explain how to) increasing the
system/system spacing.
Try Notation Reference
Section 4.1.4
a search for "system-system" will help, may
Hi Keith,
you wrote:-
The first one I ran across is getting alignment correct for a flexa on a
single syllable.
\version "2.16.0"
\score {
\new VaticanaStaff
\new VaticanaVoice = "Hymn40" {
e' e' \[\melisma d'
HI keith,
You wrote:-
Now I just have to conquer where to but the \relative c' statement so
that it applies to the entire voice.
This is how I would set it out.
Note the use of 'variables' to store the music and words and how they
Hi Keith,
You wrote:-
as an aside, I don't know if you reply all as a matter of style or
It seems that the List etiquette is to reply to the List as well as to
the sender of the message - that way everyone who might be interested
From the NR LilyPond version 2.17.13
Known issues and warnings
Multiple footnotes for the same page can only be stacked, one above the
other; they cannot be printed on the same line.
Footnotes cannot be attached to MultiMeasureRests or automatic beams or
Greetings David,
I have fiddled a bit with your code
\score {
{ c'4 c' c' c' }
{ \footnote #'(-2 . -2) \markup "text"
\markup Mu- sic is nice }
and have come up with this:-
\version "2.17.12"
music = \relative c'
c d e g
f g g a
b c2.
words = \lyricmode {
I've been tinkering with your piece and have produced the following,
which compiles with 0 errors but might not reflect what you actually
intended... however, I hope it is of some help.
Some of your original error messages seemed to be as a result of '{' or
'}' in the wrong places...
If you move the opening curly brace to below the \relative line
and remove the \new Staff line altogether the result should compile with
no bar-check errors and no, possibly unwanted, empty staff lines.
The altered result is below.
I hope this helps.
\relative c'
\key d\minor
You wrote:-
I have a situation here with a few pieces in which I need to 'convert' every
note of these scores into a stemless note. What's the most
efficiently-coded and straight approach for "wrapping" the entire
Hi Martin,
You wrote:-
I have updated/re-written my Python implementation of Mozart's Musical
Dice Game,_K.516f_%28Mozart,_Wolfgang_Amadeus%29
I found the program DiceWaltz interesting and amusing. Many thanks!
However, when I open the
Dear David,
Thanks for the information about the error and its coming fix.
I should have checked with a web search to see if
"" produced anything useful... One becomes somewhat
blinkered at times and it wasn't until I read your response that I had a
look around the web... s
You wrote:-
I am trying to use 2 different fonts for the composter name.
But lilypond doesn't show it the way I would like it to.
composer = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Plantin MT Std Italic") {
Muziek: } %\markup \override #'(font-name . "Plantin MT Std") { John Goss
Greetings Samuel
You wrote:-
I use FOMUS to output data from AC Toolbox (algorithmic composition
to a Lilypond file and a pdf. However, as my data is quite dense, some
are colliding making it impossible to distinguish the independent notes.
I am
not working with Lily
Greetings Carl,
You wrote:-
I think I might have noticed this before, but in the example below, all
the "re" noteheads that are stem up that should be open (half note,
dotted half note) are filled. Whole notes are not affected.
\version "2.16.2"
After watching Sarah K Alawami's work on a score recently on this
user-list, but not having the musical and compositional skills to make
constructive remarks, and after reading the thread entitled 'stylesheet
structure', it occurred to me that an approach might be found which
Greetings Jan,
You wrote:-
> After a lot of fiddling around I came up with this schema:-
That reads much like
what are we missing?
I hadn'
A bit of my LP background - - -
Several years ago I was asked by a local church-choir director to
prepare a couple of pieces for use by other church-groups. He knew that
I had used computers for preparing teaching and publication graphics of
one sort or another, and that I had done a little mu
The following code gives the result I think you require!?!
I'm not sufficiently au fait with the subtleties of Lilypond's syntax to
say 'why' yours doesn't work!
Hope this helps
\version "2.13.10"
{ \clef treble
\time 4/4
\key g \ma
I have been having a problem with certain SVG files failing to open in
The attached file compiles correctly and produces the expected PDF
result but when generating an SVG file the result seems to be corrupt
and won't open in Inkscape.
However, after some considerable time
A possible solution using a markup, I guess, although it is a somewhat
messy solution requiring a bit of fiddling with the numbers indicated.
The numbers chosen depend on the length of the required staff-name in
the markup. If the X value doesn't move the markup far enough to the
Greetings Federico,
You wrote
I'm writing a legenda for tablature and I'm using \markup over each bar
to explain the notation. As you can see in the attached example, the
markup blocks are moved vertically to avoid collisions. I'd like to
stretch the bars so that there's enough room for ma
Hi Federico,
You wrote:-
I want to use \center-column.
The problem is the different alignment of rehearsal marks and markup:
- in my first example I used rehearsal marks, which are aligned to the
bars: I like them because they use all the space available over the bar
- in the second example I
Greetings Ahley,
You wrote
I teach drum kit, and I've started using Lilypond to produce short
examples of
various beats. I'm attaching my first attempt: a single sheet, in PDF
format. . snip
Perhaps the following might be of help?
Greetings Jay,
You wrote:-
I'm setting a group of hymns and I'm using the page turn breaker.
Often two hymns are set on facing pages with the second hymn being
broken over the page. If the second would fit on a page by itself I'd
prefer it to not be broken up a
On 17/05/12 02:42, Jay Anderson wrote:
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 2:01 AM, wjm wrote:
Taking on board your last statement "I'd like each score to be on a page of
its own." Try
\score { \staves }\pageTurn
\score { \staves }\pageTurn
\score { \staves }
and remove page-breaking
On 17/05/12 16:41, Jay Anderson wrote:
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 2:42 PM, wjm wrote:
I had the impression that you were starting out on a project.
You have over 300 hymns in separate Lilypond files already?
If that were so then it might be a time to use a document processor like
scribus, or
Signature #'style = #'mensural
\override NoteHead #'style = #'baroque
\override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
\override TupletBracket #'transparent = ##t
On 30/05/12 00
Hi Marcel,
You wrote...
The only problem I have now is when one or two voices ends (|.) and
the other have || bar lines, the lowest |. is repeated between all
staves. For instance, look at page 2, bar 25 of
You wrote:-
the slurs in bar 2 and 3 are a bit unaesthetic, in my opinion.
Is there a possibility to get a better output whithout tweaking every
single slur?
You could try:-
\new Staff { \clef bass
\time 3/4
8( g e'2) |
Greetings Marcel,
You wrote:-
In this piece, I want to add bar lines between staves where bar line
is "||" or "|.", but not when bar lines are "|" or ":".
A bit
I hope these might help with where you're going - I think the second
makes more sense! :) but then, I'm not a composer but a mere part time
singer :)
\relative c' {
\key ees \major \time 2/2
r g'
Hi Jay,
I think you need to set a \paper section to contain your page margins bits.
The NR says
"The \paper variables that can appear in a \layout block are:
line-width, ragged-right and ragged-last (see \paper variables for
widths and margins)
indent and short-indent (see \paper variables for
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 4:56 PM, wjm wrote:
Hi Jay,
I think you need to set a \paper section to contain your page margins bits.
The NR says
"The \paper variables that can appear in a \layout block are:
line-width, ragged-right and ragged-last (see \paper variables for widths
and margins
Also note that you've misspelled "top-margin".
Yes, thanks for that.
But LP didn't flag it as an unknown thingie in the compilation
oh well - in this case the fingers were moving faster than the brain. :)
Also - why does shifting the \midi block from inside the \score block to
Hi Jay,
The following gives what I 'think' you want, but why it does what it
does I have no idea. I thought that LP would choke on two 'title'
statements in the header, and why the \title in the markup refers back
to the first 'title' eludes me, and why it doesn't cause an infinite
loop... ??
Moving the Glissando and TextScript overrides to just before the
relevant note seems to do the job, I think.
Note the variation of offset values to suit
You might have to set flag transparency where appropriate if/when you
move to a newer version of LP
Hope this helps
> On 22 Jul 2012, at 03:53 , wjm wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Moving the Glissando and TextScript overrides to just before the
>> relevant note seems to do the job, I think.
>> Note the variation of offset values to suit
>> You might have to set flag
You wrote:-
I am interested in controlling the vertical spacing
within systems.
I recently migrated from 2.12.2 to 2.15.39 .
In my one lilypond score, the spacing between
systems changed greatly between the PDFs built with
these two versi
You wrote
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \symbols {
\clef "bass_8"
\new TabStaff \symbols {
\clef moderntab
\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #bass-tuning
From the Notation Reference - slightly e
You wrote:-
> Hi, as a songwriter that sings/plays, I often want to put together
> rough lead sheets that communicate chords/lyrics/structure as a
> memory aid, or to give to backup musicians.
Hi Curt,
After a bit of tinkering with
You wrote:-
I would like to ask for some advice on writing functions using Scheme.
I'm looking to have a up fermata object with parenthesis,
At the risk of seeming naive, I ask whether you are reinventing the
wheel with this particular example?
You wrote:-
Hi, I am trying to make a decrescendo end in a subito dynamic for the
next note. .
Given that sfz is equal to subito-forzando
and from the NR
Absolute dynamic marks are spe
From your reply...
> Given that sfz is equal to subito-forzando
> (see
That page at is incorrect (and silly). sfz is not
equal to subito forzando; it seems that the English
On 23/08/12 00:36, Phil Holmes wrote:
- Original Message - From: "wjm"
To: ; "Lilypond-User List"
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: subito dynamic after hairpin
From your reply...
> Given that
On 23/08/12 17:06, Tiresia GIUNO wrote:
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 07:35:51 +1200
wjm wrote:
On 23/08/12 00:36, Phil Holmes wrote:
- Original Message - From: "wjm"
To: ; "Lilypond-User List"
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: subito dynamic after h
Hi David,
note the spelling correction:-
to markups --- two markups.
% this snippet is useful to put a hairpin between to markups i.e.
parentheses or slash
% or any other text
% this snippet is useful to put a hairpin between two markups i.e.
parentheses or slash
% or any other t
You wrote:-
I am a little confused about the documentation for v2.16.0. It seems
completely different from the documentation available for previous version.
Have I missed an explanation of the docs for v2.16.0? Are the pdf files
available somewhere? Where?
You wrote:-
Is there a way to control the vertical spacing between the lines of the
I want to reduce the spacing slightly between the lines to see if I can
get a
piece to fit on one page. I tried playing with these but to no
you wrote
How can I change the vertical order of articulation marks?
See the notation Reference Section 1.3.1
Expressive marks attached to notes
and pla
You wrote:-
Is there a way to ignore descenders (q, g, y, etc.) in lyrics? It messes
up base lines and line spacing and makes for a very unattractive
misalignment. I think this was briefly discussed back in 2.13, bu
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