I've been tinkering with your piece and have produced the following, which compiles with 0 errors but might not reflect what you actually intended... however, I hope it is of some help. Some of your original error messages seemed to be as a result of '{' or '}' in the wrong places... and timing errors due to not explicitly stating note durations... Note also that Lilypond doesn't seem to like variable names containing numbers ie violin1 isn't liked. NB also that variable names are different from Instrument names! :) It might pay to re-read the Learning and Notation Manuals' section talking about voices! :)
Please do a close comparison with your original... :)
I hope all this is of some use.
\version "2.16.0"

{ title = "score assignment 1" }

global= {
  \time 4/4
  \key c \minor
violin =
%\new Voice
\relative c' {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin 1 "
 g4 aes g8.( f16) ees4 |
 ees4 f ees8.( des16) c4 |
 d4 e! g8.( f16) ees4 |
 d4 g b8.( a16) g4\fermata |
 ees' ees d d |
 c d b8.( a16) g4 |
 c' aes g8.( f16) ees4 |
 ees f ees8.( d16) c4 |
 ees' ees d d |
 c d b8.( a16) g4 |
 c' aes g8.( f16) ees4 |
 ees f ees8.( d16) c8\fermata r8\fermata |
c''1\fermata |

violinb =
%\new Voice
\relative c' {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin 2 "
 % from measures 1-4 << { \voiceOne ees ees  ees8. d16 c4 |
c4 des c8. bes16 c4 |
b c c c |
c c fis d |
% from measures 1-4   \new Voice { \voiceTwo c c b8. d16 c4 |
c des c8. bes16 aes4 |
b c c c |
c b d  d |
g fis  g  g |
g c  d c |
{ \voiceOne c des b c | }
\new Voice { \voiceTwo aes aes g c | }
g fis  g  g |
g c d c |
{ \voiceOne c des b c8\fermata r8\fermata | g1\fermata | }
\new Voice { \voiceTwo aes4 aes g c8\fermata r8\fermata | c1\fermata \bar"|" }

viola =
\relative c' {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Viola "
  \clef alto

 c4 aes,  g  ees |
ees f << { des c } \\ { ees  ees } >> |
<< { d  e  aes  g } \\ { f  g  aes  g } >>  |
fis  g  c' b |
% bridge first time
r4 r r r |
 r4 r r r  |
c4  aes  g g |
ees f f ees |
% bridge second time with ending
%r4 r r r |
 %r4 r r r  |
c4  aes  g g |
ees f f ees8\fermata f8\fermata | <c, c'>1\fermata
  \bar "|."

cello =
\relative c' {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Cello "
  \clef bass
  c4  f g <g c> |
aes des  ees aes |
  g c  f c |
 <a d>  g,  d  g|
%b section first time through c' c'' b bes |
 a aes g f |
 ees  f b, c |
 aes des g c, |
%bridge second time through with ending
c' c'' b bes |
 a aes g f |
 ees  f b, c8\fermata r8\fermata |
 aes4 des g c, |<c' g>1\fermata

  \bar "|."

bass =
\relative c {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bass "
  \clef bass
    c4  f g <g c> |
aes des  ees aes |
  g c  f c |
 <a d>  g,  d  g|
%b section first time through c' c'' b bes |
 a aes g f |
 ees  f b, c |
 aes des g c, |
%bridge second time through with ending
c' c'' b bes |
 a aes g f |
 ees  f b, c8\fermata r8\fermata |
 aes4 des g c, |<c' g>1\fermata

  \bar "|."

  \bar "|."

\new StaffGroup
\new Staff = musica \violin
\new Staff = musicb \violinb
\new Staff = musicc \viola
\new Staff = musicd \cello
\new Staff = musice \bass

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