Also note that you've misspelled "top-margin".
Yes, thanks for that.
But LP didn't flag it as an unknown thingie in the compilation....
oh well - in this case the fingers were moving faster than the brain. :)
Also - why does shifting the \midi block from inside the \score block to
outside it make a difference to error messages when compiling the
original file?
\midi inside \score :-
Interpreting music...
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
MIDI output to `document.midi'...
success: Compilation successfully completed
\midi outside \score
Interpreting music... [8][8]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 or 2 pages...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `'...
Converting to `./document.pdf'...
success: Compilation successfully completed
I presume that it shouldn't be there in the first place, but???
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