Hi Keith,
you wrote:-
The first one I ran across is getting alignment correct for a flexa on a
single syllable.
\version "2.16.0"
\score {
\new VaticanaStaff
\new VaticanaVoice = "Hymn40" {
e' e' \[\melisma d'\flexa c'\melismaEnd \] d' e' f' d' d' \divisioMinima
d' d' f' e' c' d' f' \augmentum e' \divisioMaior
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Hymn40" {
O Christ who art the Light and Day, thou driv -- est dark -- some night
a -- way!
I think if you put the first \melisma 'after' the note instead of before
it it might give what I think you want.
e' e' \[ d'\melisma\flexa c'\melismaEnd \] d' e' f' d' d' \divisioMinima
d' d' f' e' c' d' f' \augmentum e' \divisioMaior
Hope this helps
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