Greetings David,
I have fiddled a bit with your code
\score {
{ c'4 c' c' c' }
{ \footnote #'(-2 . -2) \markup "text"
\markup Mu- sic is nice }
and have come up with this:-
\version "2.17.12"
music = \relative c'
c d e g
f g g a
b c2.
words = \lyricmode {
\footnote #'(-0.1 . 0.0000001) \markup "Brewed, not 'manufactured'!"
%If the second value is set to 0 the footnote marker is centred
%vertically on the line of lyrics. ie 1 B...
%I haven't found a value which will set it between there and where it
%is now.
Beer- is quite nice but whis -- ky is bet -- ter!
%This works, but removing the - makes an error
%Beer is quite nice but whis -- ky is bet -- ter!
%This doesn't work
%I haven't been able to figure out how to include a further footnote
%relating, for example, to 'whisky'
\score {
\new Staff
\override Score.FootnoteItem.annotation-line = ##f
\new Voice = music \music
\new Lyrics \lyricsto music \words
\layout { }
Evidently the - immediately following the first syllable is necessary
but the reason for it is not obvious.
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