Re: A snippet for editing Beams using the mouse

2019-12-16 Thread mason
f are there volunteers to fix > that and re-post the snippet (I see correct indentation if I paste the > code to any online js editor) Hi Paolo, I haven't yet had time to thoroughly read your recent threads, but at first glance what you're working on seems very cool, and I look forwar

Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.1 has been released!

2019-12-27 Thread mason
hat can I do? The first version of Ubuntu to package qtwebengine was 18.04 Bionic.[1] Is upgrading an option for you, or do you need to stick with 16.04? Mason [1] signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.1 has been released!

2019-12-28 Thread mason
hese PPAs[1] install newer versions of Qt > to /opt, so that they do not conflict with the version of Qt already on > the system. This may be sufficient for Frescobaldi. > > Mason > > [1] signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: QtWebEngine vs. Ubuntu 16.04

2019-12-28 Thread mason
t messy. You might try this PPA,[1] which installs newer Qt versions to /opt without conflicting with the version already on your system. I haven't tested it, but it may work for Frescobaldi. Mason [1] signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: Question about GPL license

2019-12-28 Thread mason
Frescobaldi under the terms of the GPLv3. > I just saw this article about the bad sides of this license: > > This is unfounded FUD. You can ignore it, or search the archives for prior discussion of it. Mason [1] https://www.gnu


2019-12-28 Thread mason
he > snippet published a few days ago for the tuning of curves through the mouse > > Very cool! I'm excited to try it. Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: QtWebEngine vs. Ubuntu 16.04

2019-12-28 Thread mason
On 12/29, Simon Albrecht wrote: > In case you have an immediate idea why the machine might fail to boot > into a live USB stick, please let me know—I’m going to try enabling USB > legacy support in BIOS right now… Was the USB not detected in the boot menu at all, or was it detected but failed at s

Re: license question

2020-01-21 Thread mason
> I have a question concerning the GPL. Is it permissible for an app > under a GPL-incompatible license to provide output in LilyPond code? > For example, could Finale provide a Finale->LilyPond converter even > though the mechanics are shrouded in mystery? IANAL, but I don't think this would be

Re: openLilyLib website

2020-02-21 Thread mason
On 02/20, Urs Liska wrote: > What I really *want* to have but have no idea so far how to achieve is > additional code/API documentation retrieved from the actual source > files. There should be a tool to retrieve that from comments (or actual > signatures?), resulting in either HTML or Markdown doc

Re: openLilyLib website

2020-02-23 Thread mason
On 02/22, Urs Liska wrote: > Am Freitag, den 21.02.2020, 18:52 -0800 schrieb > > Do you want something similar [Sphinx][1] or [Doxygen][2]? > > Yes, something similar, but IISC these tools (which I had of course > taken notice of earlier) are limited to their set of language

\startStaff after clef change in other staff

2019-07-30 Thread mason
rable in general, but in the context of my score (not necessarily in this MWE) it looks odd. Is there a way to override this behavior so that the staff begins on the barline? Thanks, Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-use

Re: \startStaff after clef change in other staff

2019-07-31 Thread mason
ike that neither requires manual tweaking, and I like that the Option 2 seems to not be specific to clefs, which is good since there are also some places where grace notes have a similar effect. However, the version in your earlier email does produce a better result, in that it changes where the staff be

hide barline when \startStaff coincides with system break

2019-08-02 Thread mason
\repeat unfold 6 { c4 c c c } } >> } %%% end MWE %%% Thanks, Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: hide barline when \startStaff coincides with system break

2019-08-04 Thread mason
y \startStaff: > \once \override Staff.BarLine.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #f) > or > \once \override Staff.BarLine.break-visibility = #center-visible > > If a \startStaff occurs at the end of a line, no barline will be drawn. Perfect! Toine and Pierre, thanks for your help.

python-ly, ly.indent

2019-08-16 Thread mason
order to follow what's happening, which is deeper than I want to go to indent a string of Lilypond code. Is there a simple way to use ly.indent similarly to `ly "indent"`, or would I be better off invoking `ly "indent"` externally with

Re: python-ly, ly.indent

2019-08-17 Thread mason
' { c4 c c c } | >>>''' d = ly.document.Document(music) c = ly.document.Cursor(d) i = ly.indent.Indenter() c.select_all() i.indent(c) print (d.plaintext()) %%% end %%% $ python3 \new Staff << \relative c' { c4 c c c } | >>> Best, Mas

Re: python-ly, ly.indent

2019-08-17 Thread mason
he risk of discrepancy between the two versions due to human error. Mason [1] [2] On 08/17, Urs Liska wrote: > Hi Mason, > > great that it really worked how I thought it should :-

frescobaldi extensions [was: python-ly, ly.indent]

2019-08-17 Thread mason
Ideally I would write this as a Frescobaldi extension from the beginning, but it's unfamiliar territory for me and for now I need to make something usable for my next Lilypond project before spending a lot of time learning new skills. In addition to being unfamiliar with Frescobaldi, I have nev

collision between beam and lyrics when using \change Staff

2019-08-19 Thread mason
foo bar foo } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" \relative c' { \override Beam.direction = #UP s4 c'8 c' c' c, } \new Staff = "down" \relative c' { \clef bass \time 3/4 c,,8

Re: frescobaldi extensions [was: python-ly, ly.indent]

2019-08-19 Thread mason
On 08/18, Urs Liska wrote: > Hi Mason, > > 18. August 2019 01:05, schrieb: > > > On 08/17, Urs Liska wrote: > > > >> ... > > > > Thanks. While I personally prefer command line tools, I would consider > > turning this

workflow advice: avoiding wrong octave errors?

2019-08-23 Thread mason
relative notation and throw an error if the octave is wrong, similar to \barNumberCheck. Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: workflow advice: avoiding wrong octave errors?

2019-08-23 Thread mason
"Octave checks" occurred to me while I was writing. I should have thought to RTFM before sending... Mason On 08/23, wrote: > I typically make few errors while inputti

Re: workflow advice: avoiding wrong octave errors?

2019-08-23 Thread mason
n how that goes I might try out absolute or MIDI entry next. Mason [1] signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: workflow advice: avoiding wrong octave errors?

2019-08-23 Thread mason
f octavation errors via copy-and-paste, etc.), I moved > to absolute, and within about 6 months, I was shocked that I ever > worked any other way. > > > What's your experience with MIDI entry? > > In Frescobaldi, it is quite smooth — essential to my workflow, really. Thanks, Whe

Re: Musicology with Lilypond (and now correct attachments ;-)

2019-10-28 Thread mason
ly, also the > home page of openlilylib is forthe moment more a frame than an > information source. Where can I get such a tutorial? Yes, the website is empty, but there is a lot of information in the Github repositories[1] and their wikis. I suggest starting here.[2] Mason [1] https://gi

Re: Musicology with Lilypond (and now correct attachments ;-)

2019-10-28 Thread mason
On 10/28, Klaus Blum wrote: > AFAIK, the public domain licence also applies to anything published on > the LY mailing list. I hope that I'm not wrong as I don't intend to > "steal" other people's code... I don't think that list users agree to a CLA or otherwise give anyone else the ability to deci

Re: Musicology with Lilypond (and now correct attachments ;-)

2019-10-29 Thread mason
On 10/29, Urs Liska wrote: > Well, the LSR website explicitly states that it's contents is in the > public domain. If I read correctly your email this would have to be > considered illegal, especially given that many snippets there are > uploaded not by their original authors but by someone who use

Re: LilyPond, LilyPond snippets and the GPL

2019-10-30 Thread mason
he license was probably chosen correctly. On 10/30, Karsten Reincke wrote: > I regret to be the messenger of bad news. But there is a simple > solution: Don't use GPL licensed LilyPond snippets, if wou want to > keep you rights. And perhaps convince the OpenLilyLib developers to >

Re: LilyPond, LilyPond snippets and the GPL

2019-10-30 Thread mason
l "lose their rights" if they use a GPL'd snippet. > it is complete misleading if you say that I > > a) want to enforce Urs to relicense his work I'm not sure how else to interpret a call to "perhaps convince the OpenLilyLib developers to relicense their work." Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: beta 0.91 released

2019-11-11 Thread mason
On 11/10, Karsten Reincke wrote: > I've just tried to test your version. But it does not work, because my > LilyPond version 2.18.2, offered by Ubuntu 19.10, does not contain a > function \overlay. I have the hope, that the coming LTS Ubuntu version > 20.04 will contain the newer 2.19.x - LilyPond

Re: beta 0.91 released

2019-11-11 Thread mason
lypond …, > you can have several versions available. Yes, this is probably the easiest way to install 2.19 without going through the package manager. Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: In other news ...

2019-11-12 Thread mason
this project publicly available anywhere? I would be interested to see how you structured and organized your work. Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: How to proofread?

2019-11-30 Thread mason
at kinds of errors I am most likely to make and to miss while proofreading, such as octave displacement, and I look specifically for errors like those. Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: Poster for music engraving conference

2019-12-05 Thread mason
I'll let you know if I think of anything else. I wish I could help a little more directly, but I'm in the middle of a few very busy weeks. I would like to be involved in some way next year. Best, Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: Poster for music engraving conference

2019-12-06 Thread mason
On 12/06, Werner LEMBERG wrote: > Well, we need all posters approximately one week before the conference > starts so that they can be plotted in time. In other words, we need > something until Jan 9th, which gives us more than a month. Okay, I have some work to wrap up, but when I have time I'll

Re: [Frescobaldi] MIDI playback setup

2018-08-06 Thread mason
d what seemed to be the simplest instructions: installed fluidsynth, > qsynth, and the soundfont, started the Qsynth GUI, selected pulseaudio as > audio driver – but the result is the same: apparently no MIDI output port is > visible to Frescobaldi. > > What can I do? > > Thanks i

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-06 Thread mason
imilar to what you're going for? Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-06 Thread mason
it is used in the snippet. However, to avoid cluttering your Lilypond file I would put the scheme code in a separate file and include it using "\include" as explained here: Mason signature.asc Descriptio

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-06 Thread mason
d in the manual, but the symbols are listed in the comments at the top of the snippet. However, David's version looks better. It's what I'll be using from now on. Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-user mailing li

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-06 Thread mason
On 08/06, David Nalesnik wrote: > Speaking of this snippet, I'll point you to the vastly reworked version here: > This looks great. Thank you! Mason signature.asc Description: PG

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-06 Thread mason
_analysis_tool.ily" in your lilypond file after your version statement. > and then find > it is not what I need. Having already started using it, I'm pretty sure it's what you want. It does everything the lsr snippet does and adds some additional functionality. Maso

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-06 Thread mason
} \markup \rN { V } \markup \rN { i } } \score { \new Staff << \new Voice = "bass" { \bassline } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bass" { \analysis } >> } - Mason [1] %%

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-07 Thread mason
\clef bass > c, b c d | > ef f g c, | > } > > analysis = \lyricmode { > \markup \rN { i } > \markup \rN { O 7 } > \markup \rN { i } > \markup \rN { V 6 4 } > \markup \rN { i 6 } > \markup \rN { H 6 5 } >

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-07 Thread mason
On 08/07, wrote: > The problem has been solved by Mason The problem was pretty much entirely solved by David N. I'm glad that the very minor change I made got it closer to what you need, but you should thank him for writing the excellent \include. S

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-09 Thread mason
On 08/09, wrote: > Mason, > Although, you indicated you dont intend to continue with your code which is > a pit, it is what I will have to use in the man time. Are you referring to the first link I shared? That was to a snippet from the LSR. See here[1]

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-09 Thread mason
On 08/09, wrote: > If you still remember, what is the name of the snippet? The name is "Roman numerals for analysis" and this[1] is the link, although I can't promise that it will work any better with lyluatex. Mason [1]

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-09 Thread mason
On 08/09, wrote: > You are right, the snippet is public domain and I rather follow that path > than getting involved in mysterious MIT licenses. There's nothing particularly mysterious about the license. It is not a copyleft license, so unlike the GPL it does not en

Lilypond won't float

2004-09-29 Thread Jack Mason
I followed the test procedures to a t, but got this error over and over: Now processing `' Parsing... error: unknown escaped string: `\notes': \score { \notes { c4-( c4-) } } error: syntax error, unexpected STRING: \score { \n

Re: Lilypond won't float

2004-10-01 Thread Jack Mason
g-LilyPond.html#Running%20LilyPond On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 14:21, Alexandre Beneteau wrote: > Jack Mason wrote: > > I am running Linux, Fedora Core 2, Lilypond 2.3 > > > > What do you mean run convert-ly on > > > > When I run convert-ly I get: > > >

Re: Lilypond won't float

2004-10-01 Thread Jack Mason
-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.3.19 Processing `' ... /usr/bin/convert-ly: can't determine version for `' /usr/bin/convert-ly: skipping: `' Thanks for your help On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 14:35, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > On 29-S

Re: Avoid accidentals in cadenza

2018-10-07 Thread Mason Hock
On 10/07, Helge Kruse wrote: > I am trying to typeset the Fantasia (op.35) of Louis Spohr. > ( > > > There is a cadenza starting at page 8 (excerpt attached) with a lot of > tight notes. I would like to avoid

Re: Avoid accidentals in cadenza

2018-10-07 Thread Mason Hock
On 10/07, Noeck wrote: > Hi, > > Am 07.10.2018 um 19:01 schrieb Mason Hock: > > \override Voice.Accidental.stencil = ##f > > % music that doesn't need accidentals > > \override Voice.Accidental.stencil = ##t > > While you can omit accidentals with the first

Re: Tips and Tricks on making Vim a good environment for Lilypond?

2019-01-21 Thread Mason Hock
kefiles. > I have the above template in a separate file, we will say > this file is called "", and when I need this template > I execute in vim: > > :r Nice. Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-us

Re: LilyPond 64-bit version for a Mac

2019-03-04 Thread Mason Hock
On 03/02, Carl Sorensen wrote: > We cannot use our regular build system to create LilyPond binaries due to > Apple’s restrictive licensing on the OSX SDK. Could you explain briefly or link to why this is? I understand that the App Store's restrictions would violate the GPL, and that Apple avoids

Re: LilyPond 64-bit version for a Mac

2019-03-07 Thread Mason Hock
On 03/07, Karlin High wrote: > Okay, probably not. Apple and GPL-maker the Free Software Foundation seem > pretty uninterested in each other's goals. > > > >

Re: Openlilylib edition engraver guide

2019-03-14 Thread Mason Hock
On 03/14, Urs Liska wrote: > I have now placed the "rundown" at > This looks great! Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-us

Re: LilyPond 2.20 or 2.21 for Linux

2019-03-30 Thread Mason Hock
-dev" suffix). If you get stuck, "apt-cache search [what you thought the name was]" can help. Repeat until completes without errors. Then, $ make all Wait for Lilypond to build, and $ sudo make install Good luck! Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: LilyPond 2.20 or 2.21 for Linux

2019-03-30 Thread Mason Hock
: $ wget $ tar xf lilypond_2.18.2.orig-guile18.tar.gz $ cd guile-1.8-1.8.8+1.orig/ $ ./ $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install Mason [1]

\magnifyStaff for dynamics?

2017-12-20 Thread Mason Hock
\f} >> } gives In procedure ly:context-property in expression (ly:context-property Staff (quote magnifyStaffValue)): /home/mason/.guix-profile/share/lilypond/2.19.63/scm/music-functions.scm:2513:19 <1>: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting Context): #f Exited with return

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 181, Issue 111

2017-12-21 Thread Mason Hock
;' { c4 c c c} \new Dynamics \with { fontSize = -3 \override Hairpin.height = #(magstep -3) \override Hairpin.thickness = #(magstep -3) } { s4\p\< s s s\f } >> but I was hoping to use 2.19's \magnifyStaff to simplify this. Mason Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 21:27:38 -0500 F

Re:\magnifyStaff for dynamics?

2017-12-21 Thread Mason Hock
(magstep -3) } \relative c'' { c4 c c c} \new Dynamics \with { fontSize = -3 \override Hairpin.height = #(magstep -3) \override Hairpin.thickness = #(magstep -3) } { s4\p\< s s s\f } >> but I was hoping to use 2.19's \magnifyStaff to simplify this.

edition-editor usage

2017-12-23 Thread Mason Hock
ic syntax and what is extending it. Thanks to anyone who can clarify. Mason ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: edition-editor usage

2017-12-26 Thread Mason Hock
I'd be happy to help out with the documentation. Mason Jan-Peter Voigt: > Hello Mason, > > it is possible to use \shapeII with the edition-engraver :-) > And it sounds like this is the use case the EE is originally meant for. > > Yes, the wording is a bit inconsistent and/or

Re: edition-editor usage

2017-12-27 Thread Mason Hock
sible for partial-complication use breaks defined with edition-engraver? Thanks, Mason ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: edition-editor usage

2017-12-27 Thread Mason Hock
Urs Liska: > > > Am 27. Dezember 2017 18:32:00 MEZ schrieb Mason Hock : >>> I usually use the EE to >>> set the needed breaks: >>> \editionModList breaksForTargetX sing.with.bach.Score \break 5,9,13,17 >> >> Thanks, Jan-Peter. This works well, e

Re: edition-editor usage

2017-12-29 Thread Mason Hock
Mason Hock: > Urs Liska: >> >> Actually I do not see why any of this should be incompatible. Both >> page-layout and partial-compilation *use* the EE. Maybe it is a naming >> conflict somehow. > > Here's a reduced example of what I have. Can you sp

independent horizontal spacing between staves

2018-01-14 Thread Mason Hock
s has changed by now. Thanks, Mason ___ lilypond-user mailing list

how to donate to lilypond and/or openlilylib development?

2018-02-10 Thread Mason Hock
? Thanks, Mason ___ lilypond-user mailing list

2.19.81 tarball updates?

2018-02-18 Thread Mason Hock is working again, and the mirrors they host including Lilypond's are back up. However, the newest version up there is still 2.19.80. When will 2.19.81 be added? Thanks, Mason ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond

Re: 2.19.81 tarball updates?

2018-02-18 Thread Mason Hock
This link doesn't work for you? Mason On 02/18, Ben wrote: > > On 2/18/2018 2:42 PM, Mason Hock wrote: > > is working again, and the mirrors they host > > including Lilypond's are

Re: Force Lilypond to preserve vertical order of TextScripts?

2018-02-18 Thread Mason Hock
ore is better off done globally, in a separate file from those containing content. Mason > (who plays first, then instrument changes, then technical instructions, > then style of expression), similar to the conventions for score order. You > don't want a "solo" indication bu

Re: The search for an API

2018-04-11 Thread Mason Hock
Is this the sort of thing you're looking for? Mason On 04/10, Felix D. wrote: > Hello Lilypond-Fans, > > I have a question: Does Lilypond have an API that can be simply called from > other programs to render some markup (stored as a string) into a

Re: The search for an API

2018-04-11 Thread Mason Hock
On 04/11, Johan Vromans wrote: > On Wed, 11 Apr 2018 07:07:10 -0700, Mason Hock wrote: > > > Is this the sort of thing you're looking for? > > > > > > When looking for an API that makes detailed handling of scores possible, > yes

Re: Lilypond interfaces

2018-04-17 Thread Mason Hock
On 04/17, Amir Teymuri wrote: > Hello, > > does anyone knows about interfaces and/or notation systems written in other > programming languages which use lilypond as backend? GNU Denemo is a graphical frontend to Lilypond. Mason > Two examples of such > in

Need edition-engraver-compatible extended glissandi, will pay for solution if necessary

2018-05-19 Thread Mason Hock
, please let me know approximately how many hours of work you would expect it to take and what you would consider fair compensation for the amount of time spent. Thanks, Mason [1]

Re: Need edition-engraver-compatible extended glissandi, will pay for solution if necessary

2018-05-20 Thread Mason Hock
On 05/20, Urs Liska wrote: > Hi Mason, > > I'm not *fully* clear what you want to achieve, but the attached is > something Piaras Hoban once shared with the list. Thanks for your response, Urs. This looks very close to what I need. If I can modify the solution so that the gli

Re: Need edition-engraver-compatible extended glissandi, will pay for solution if necessary

2018-05-20 Thread Mason Hock
On 05/20, Urs Liska wrote: > I will find the code when I'm back home - and Piaras won't be faster ... Great! Thank you, Urs. Mason > Am 20. Mai 2018 18:49:28 MESZ schrieb Mason Hock : > >On 05/20, Urs Liska wrote: > >> Hi Mason, > >> > >> I'

reference for well-shaped slurs

2018-06-11 Thread Mason Hock
tors do you consider when shaping a slur (collisions, contour of noteheads, etc.)? - In what sitations do you use polar vs cartesian coordinates? - Any general advice on predicting how changes to control points will affect certain details of a slur apart from trial and error? Thanks,

Re: reference for well-shaped slurs

2018-06-11 Thread Mason Hock
, or am I doing something wrong? Do you have a fix or workaround? Thanks, Mason --- \version "2.19.81" \language "english" \include "oll-core/package.ily" \loadModule bezier.shapeII \relative c' {

proper use of segno with multiple instruments

2018-06-16 Thread Mason Hock
hat I'm on the wrong track completely. Guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks, Mason [1] signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-user m

Re: Reusability of lilypond code?

2018-06-27 Thread Mason Hock
On 06/27, wrote: > But I have one issue with the reuse of my work. My last score e.g. has > four voices (T1, T2, B1, B2). I assign music and lyrics for each voice > to a variable and combine them info a choir staff. So for our > rehearsal, everybody can see all the vo

Re: Reusability of lilypond code?

2018-06-27 Thread Mason Hock
On 06/27, Ben wrote: > Mason, > > Does that mean for every piece of yours you have separate dynamic contexts > for every single instrument? I'd imagine that could possibly clutter up your > score a bit, no? > > To have many dynamic context variables mapped to all their

glissando or something similar in drummmode

2018-06-27 Thread Mason Hock
ent pitches? Thanks, Mason \version "2.19.82" = #'cymbal = #'brakedrum = #'tom = #'rototom drumPitchNames.rt = #'roto

edition-engraver: multiple editions

2018-06-30 Thread Mason Hock
out this. Can anyone provide an example of correct usage of edition-engraver to maintain multiple editions? Thanks, Mason [1] signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypon

Re: edition-engraver: multiple editions

2018-07-01 Thread Mason Hock
On 07/01, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote: > Hi Mason, > > thank you for the hint what has to be explained more concisely in the > docs that are still waiting for there incarnation. > > In you examples activation of the editions is done with > `\addEdition first`. To only apply edi

Re: Interactive PDF Link to Notes in Preview

2018-07-07 Thread Mason Hock
On 07/07, Zone Dremik wrote: > Click-to-View was such a valuable feature. I could click on notes, chord > symbols or lyrics, and the URI link would open the correct .ly file and > highlight the exact text-code. (My oldest files date from 2009. I've been > enjoying this feature a long time, and r

how to refer to partial first bar using edition-engraver

2018-07-22 Thread Mason Hock
8 d8 | d4\mark "mark4" d d d | d d d d } >> \layout { indent = 18\mm \context { \Score \editionID score } } } -- Thanks, Mason signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to refer to partial first bar using edition-engraver

2018-07-23 Thread Mason Hock
Thanks for looking into it, and thanks as always for your work on edition-engraver. Mason On 07/23, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote: > Hello Mason, > > once again I have to dive deep into this. It is an issue I thought it > was solved, but obviously it isn't. The right way to ad

aligning dynamics to lowest dynamic mark in system

2017-02-06 Thread Mason Hock
over. Is there a way of automatically aligning all dynamics to the lowest dynamic mark in the system? Thanks, Mason ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: aligning dynamics to lowest dynamic mark in system

2017-02-07 Thread Mason Hock
Thanks, Trevor. Mason On 7 February 2017 at 13:51, Trevor Daniels wrote: > Mason Hock wrote Tuesday, February 07, 2017 12:13 AM > > > I would like to align all dynamics within each system with just enough > padding > > to avoid collisions. I could do this by us

multiple dynamics contexts

2017-02-08 Thread Mason Hock
he staff and the content below it. Is there a way of using multiple dynamics contexts for one staff and/or a better way of achieving the results I'm going for? Thanks, Mason ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists.gnu.

Re: multiple dynamics contexts

2017-02-09 Thread Mason Hock
Thanks, Simon. That worked. << \new Dynamics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN } { % content above staff } \new Staff { % music } \new Dynamics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #UP } { % content below staff } >>

widening feathered beams

2017-05-05 Thread Mason Hock
= #(cons (list ) (list 0 3)) \once \override Beam.grow-direction = #RIGHT c16 \override Stem.beaming = #(cons (list 0 3) (list 0 3)) c c \override Stem.beaming = #(cons (list 0 3) (list )) c \revert Stem.beaming Can anyone suggest a better approach? Thanks, Mason

Re: widening feathered beams

2017-05-06 Thread Mason Hock
This works great. Thank you. Mason On 6 May 2017 at 03:42, Thomas Morley wrote: > 2017-05-06 4:26 GMT+02:00 Mason Hock : > > I would like to increase the vertical space between feathered beams. This > > achieves approximately what I want for left-feathered beaming: > >

intermediate stem length in long glissando

2017-05-06 Thread Mason Hock
n manually determining which hidden note will get it closest? I suspect not, but I use enough long glissandi that I thought I'd ask. Thanks, Mason ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Seeking LilyPond Engravers for Paid Work

2017-09-17 Thread Mason Hock
Chris, Do you engrave the Lilypond scores with several different page dimensions in advance and upload them to your app as images, or does your software use Lilypond to render them dynamically? Depending on the extent to which Lilypond is a component of your software, you might want to make sure t

Re: Seeking LilyPond Engravers for Paid Work

2017-09-18 Thread Mason Hock
mend your product to performers and composers, but I won't press you further on the issue. Best wishes and happy engraving. Mason On Sun, 2017-09-17 at 12:00 -0700, Chris Crossen wrote: > > > > Do you engrave the Lilypond scores with several different page > > dimension

extended glissandi

2017-10-05 Thread Mason Hock
s before engraving the intermediate stems or (b) retroactively adjust the stems after engraving the gliss. Does someone with experience extending Lilypond via Scheme have some advice on where to start? Thanks, Mason -- ___ lilypond-user mailing list lil

non-triplet tuplets collide with staff

2017-10-28 Thread Mason Hock
d collisions with the staff for all tuplets, whether or not they have a bracket? Thanks, Mason ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: non-triplet tuplets collide with staff

2017-10-29 Thread Mason Hock
.18.2. Thanks! Mason On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 2:03 AM, Thomas Morley wrote: Hi Mason, please always state the version you use and a tiny example. Maybe you would have spotted that 2017-10-28 23:38 GMT+02:00 Mason Hock : Lilypond by default seems to place all tuplet numbers/brackets so that they co

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