I'm slowly getting a handle on edition-engraver, largely thanks to this[1] 
guide, which very clearly explains basic usage for a single edition. However, 
neither the guide nor the usage examples in the repo demonstrate the use of 
multiple editions, and I'm confused as to how that would be done in a useful 
way. For example, these two snippets

\version "2.19.82"

\include "oll-core/package.ily"
\loadPackage edition-engraver

\addEdition first
\editionMod first 1 0/4 the-staff.Voice ^\markup { 1 }
\editionMod first 1 2/4 the-staff.Voice ^\markup { 2 }

\consistToContexts #edition-engraver Staff.Voice

\score {
  \new Staff \with { \editionID the-staff } {
    \relative c' {
      c d e f

\version "2.19.82"

\include "oll-core/package.ily"
\loadPackage edition-engraver

\addEdition first
\editionMod first 1 0/4 the-staff.Voice ^\markup { 1 }

\addEdition second
\editionMod second 1 2/4 the-staff.Voice ^\markup { 2 }

\consistToContexts #edition-engraver Staff.Voice

\score {
  \new Staff \with { \editionID the-staff } {
    \relative c' {
      c d e f

produce identical output, so, in the way I've been using edition-engraver so 
far, defining multiple editions does not appear to have a different effect from 
placing all edition-mods in one edition. It is true that I could put the 
edition-mods for each edition in a separate .ily file and only include the one 
I want to use when I compile, but even then there is no reason that the edition 
in each file could be called "first" instead of giving the editions different 

My expectation would be that there is a way of specifying which editions(s) 
should have their edition-mods observed and which should be ignored, but I 
can't find any information about this. Can anyone provide an example of correct 
usage of edition-engraver to maintain multiple editions?



[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2018-01/msg00603.html

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