On 06/27, Ben wrote:
> Mason,
> Does that mean for every piece of yours you have separate dynamic contexts
> for every single instrument? I'd imagine that could possibly clutter up your
> score a bit, no?
> To have many dynamic context variables mapped to all their appropriate
> instruments, just curious how you manage it all? Do you only pick a few
> dynamic contexts for main instruments, or really all?
> Interested to hear more :)

I try to avoid clutter by breaking my project into many .ily files, each either 
containing one kind of information or fulfilling one role in piecing together 
the project. For example, each instrument has one file containing all of its 
notes and one file containing all of its dynamics. These files are included in 
another file defining that instrument's staff, which looks like this:

\new Staff { \include "../music/instrument-name/notes.ily" }
\new Dynamics \with {
  \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #UP 
} { \include "../music/instrument-name/dynamics.ily" }

This file is in turn included in another file that puts together that 
instrument's part, like this: 

\score {
    \include "../staves/instrument.ily"
  \layout {}

as well as the file that puts together the score, which contains something like 

\score {
    \include "../staves/instrument.ily"
    \include "../staves/another-instrument.ily"
    \include "../staves/a-third-instrument.ily"
    \include "../staves/etc.ily"
  \layout {}

As an example of how I organize all this, here's the project setup for the 
piece I'm about to start engraving: 

This isn't the final setup. I'll make the score and part generation more 
modular and give instruments edition-mods.ily files once all the notes are in 
and I start tweaking and creating editions for different paper/tablet sizes.

I'd be interested to hear about other approaches. How do you normally manage 
your projects with respect to dynamics and in general?

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