Sounds good, Chris. You might still consider "paying it forward" with a license that respects your software's users' freedom <> as Lilypond respects yours. If not for your EULA I'd happily engrave for your business and recommend your product to performers and composers, but I won't press you further on the issue.
Best wishes and happy engraving. Mason On Sun, 2017-09-17 at 12:00 -0700, Chris Crossen wrote: > > > > Do you engrave the Lilypond scores with several different page > > dimensions in advance and upload them to your app as images, or does > > your software use Lilypond to render them dynamically? Depending on the > > extent to which Lilypond is a component of your software, you might want > > to make sure that your EULA <> doesn't > > violate GPLv3. > > Mason, > > We do not render scores dynamically with LilyPond in our app. LilyPond is not > a part of our app. LilyPond is one of the tools we use to generate image data > that is processed into the format our app uses. > > We also use Finale and Sibelius if that is the source provided by our > clients. We prefer LilyPond for scores we engrave from scratch for quality > reasons. > > Chris > _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list