On 08/06, liebre...@grossmann-venter.com wrote: > Sure, but from a programming point of view it is better to have all > characters the same size, then if in the exponent or subscript then shrink > them.
That makes sense when rendering characters in general, which is what \markup is for and how it behaves. What we're discussing is a tool for roman numeral analysis, and in roman numeral analysis the diminished and half-diminished symbols are always superscripts. The syntax is well-optimized for normal usage. I wouldn't want to have to specify that half diminished symbol as a superscript when the superscript position should be the default placement. > It is my personal choice to use it like that regardless of what the > Conservatoire requires. > I sometime need the half diminished and diminished as the only character Then it's a good thing that David shared his code as free (as in freedom[1]) software, so that it can be modified for your unique use case. Even without understanding Scheme, it wasn't too hard for me to copy/paste/modify the functions for "h" and "o" to create "H" and "O" which produce larger versions of the symbol while leaving "h" and "o" intact for normal usage. If you wish, you can tweak the size of the symbols further by experimenting with the numbers in the paragraphs beginning with "#(define (make-diminished-large-markup font-size)" and "#(define (make-half-diminished-large-markup font-size)". The modified file is attached, and example usage is below. ----------------------------------------------------- \version "2.19.82" \language "english" \include "roman_numeral_analysis_tool.ily" bassline = \relative c' { \key c \minor \clef bass c, b c d | ef f g c, | } analysis = \lyricmode { \markup \rN { i } \markup \rN { O 7 } \markup \rN { i } \markup \rN { V 6 4 } \markup \rN { i 6 } \markup \rN { H 6 5 } \markup \rN { V } \markup \rN { i } } \score { \new Staff << \new Voice = "bass" { \bassline } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bass" { \analysis } >> } ----------------------------------------------------- Mason [1] https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% A function to create Roman numerals for harmonic analysis. %% %% Syntax: \markup \rN { ...list of symbols... } %% %% List symbols in this order (as needed): Roman numeral (or note name), %% quality, inversion figures from top to bottom, "/" (if a secondary %% function), Roman numeral (or note name). Usually, you can skip unnecessary %% items, though a spacer may be needed in some cases. Use "" instead of the %% initial symbol to start with the quality or inversion, for example. Elements %% must be separated by whitespace. %% %% Notenames are represented by their English LilyPond names. In addition, you %% may capitalize the name for a capitalized note name. %% %% Preceding a string representing a Roman numeral with English alterations %% (f, flat, s, sharp, ff, flatflat, ss, x, sharpsharp, natural) %% will attach accidentals, for example, "fVII" -> flat VII; "sharpvi" -> sharp vi. %% You may precede inversion numbers with alterations, though "+" is not %% presently supported. %% %% Qualities: use "o" for diminished, "h" for half-diminished, "+" for augmented, %% and "f" for flat. Other indications are possible such as combinations of "M" %% and "m" (M, m, MM7, Mm, mm, Mmm9, etc.); add, add6, etc. %% %% To scale all numerals: \override LyricText #'font-size = #2 %% or \override TextScript #'font-size = #2 %% To scale individual numerals: \markup \override #'(font-size . 2) \rN { ... } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE APPROACH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% In our approach, a Roman numeral consists of %% 1. A "base". OPTIONAL. This may be a Roman numeral (some combination of I, i, V, %% and v, unenforced); a note name; or some other string. Roman numerals may be %% preceded by an accidental, and a note name may be followed by one. %% 2. a quality indicator. OPTIONAL. Eventually, this will simply be something to %% set as a superscript following the base, whether or not it is actually a %% indicator of quality. %% 3. A single inversion number, or more than one, to be set as a column. OPTIONAL. %% An initial accidental is supported. (This will be extended to "anything you want %% to appear in a column after the quality indicator.") %% 4. "/" followed by a "secondary base" for indicating tonicization. OPTIONAL. %% As with 1. this may a Roman numeral or note name, and may include an accidental. %% The input syntax is chosen to be friendly to the user rather than the computer. %% In particular, the user usually need only type the symbols needed when %% reading the analytical symbol aloud. This is not perfect: spacers %% may be necessary for omissions. Additionally, we try to interpret symbols %% without requiring extra semantic indicators: i.e., figure out whether a string %% represents a Roman numeral or a note name without the user adding an extra sign. %% In the future, indicators might prove necessary to resolve ambiguity: along with %% a flag to distinguish Roman numeral from note name, braces to enclose inversion %% figures may be useful. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INPUT FORMATTING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The user's input is available as a list of strings. Here we convert this %% list into a nested list which describes the structure of the input. #(define (split-list symbols splitter-list) "Split a list of strings by a splitter which is a member of a list of potential splitters. The splitter may be alone or part of a string. input is split into @code{(( ...strings up to splitter... ) ( ...strings beginning with splitter... ))} This function is Used to split notation for secondary chords and to isolate inversion numbers." (let loop ((sym symbols) (result '())) (cond ((or (null? sym) (find (lambda (y) (string-contains (car sym) y)) splitter-list)) (list (reverse result) sym)) (else (loop (cdr sym) (cons (car sym) result)))))) #(define numbers '("2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "11" "13")) #(define qualities ;; only to allow omission of base when quality is alone ;; TODO--combinations of M and m, add, ADD . . . '("o" "+" "h" "O" "H")) #(define (base-and-quality arg) (let ((len (length arg))) (cond ((= 0 len) '(() ())) ((= 1 len) (if (find (lambda (y) (string= (car arg) y)) qualities) (list '() (list (car arg))) (list (list (car arg)) '()))) ;; TODO figure out which is given ((= 2 len) (list (list (car arg)) (cdr arg)))))) #(define (base-quality-figures symbols) ;; given (vii o 4 3) --> ((vii o) (4 3)) --> ((vii) (o) (4 3)) ;; (4 3) --> (() (4 3)) --> (() () (4 3)) ;; () --> (() ()) --> (() () ()) (let* ((split-by-numbers (split-list symbols numbers)) (b-and-q (base-and-quality (car split-by-numbers)))) (append b-and-q (cdr split-by-numbers)))) #(define (parse-input input) (let (;; (vii o 4 3 / ii) --> ((vii o 4 3) (/ ii)) (split (split-list input '("/")))) ;; --> ( ((vii) (o) (4 3)) (/ ii) ) (append (list (base-quality-figures (car split))) (cdr split)))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTE NAMES / ACCIDENTALS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Formatting the input into interpretable lists continues here. We are now %% concerned with distinguishing Roman numerals from note names, and with representing %% the presence and position of accidentals. %% If a string belongs to the list of possible English notenames, we assume that %% it is a note name. The note name will be typeset as uppercase or lowercase depending %% on the capitalization of the input string. %% If a string is not a note name, we look for an alteration prefix, never a suffix. %% The procedure parse-string-with-accidental breaks a string into a list representing %% initial/terminal alterations and what is left. %% Notenames and names of accidentals are based on English names. Other %% languages may be used by adding variables modeled after english-note names and %% english-alterations, and changing the definitions of note names and alterations to %% point to these new variables. #(define english-note-names (map (lambda (p) (symbol->string (car p))) (assoc-get 'english language-pitch-names))) #(define note-names english-note-names) #(define (note-name? str) (let ((lowercased (format #f "~(~a~)" str))) (list? (member lowercased note-names)))) %% Groupings sharing an initial character are arranged in descending length so there %% is no need to search for longest match in parse-string-with-accidental. #(define english-alterations '("flatflat" "flat" "ff" "f" "sharpsharp" "sharp" "ss" "s" "x" "natural" "n")) #(define alterations english-alterations) #(define (parse-note-name str) "Given a note name, return a list consisting of the general name followed by the alteration or @code{#f} if none." (let* ((first-char (string-take str 1)) (all-but-first (string-drop str 1)) (all-but-first (if (string-prefix? "-" all-but-first) (string-drop all-but-first 1) all-but-first)) (all-but-first (if (string-null? all-but-first) #f all-but-first))) (list first-char all-but-first))) #(define (parse-string-with-accidental str) "Given @var{str}, return a list in this format: (initial-accidental? note-name-or-figure-or-RN terminal-accidental?) If an accidental is found, include its string, otherwise @code{#t}." (if (not (string-null? str)) (if (note-name? str) (cons #f (parse-note-name str)) ;; Is it a Roman numeral or figure preceded (or followed) by an accidental? (let* ((accidental-prefix (find (lambda (s) (string-prefix? s str)) alterations)) (accidental-suffix (find (lambda (s) (string-suffix? s str)) alterations)) (rest (cond (accidental-prefix (string-drop str (string-length accidental-prefix))) (accidental-suffix (string-drop-right str (string-length accidental-suffix))) (else str)))) (list accidental-prefix rest accidental-suffix))))) %{ #(define (inversion? str) "Check to see if a string contains a digit. If so, it is an inversion figure." (not (char-set= char-set:empty (char-set-intersection (string->char-set str) char-set:digit)))) %} %% We need to add extra space after certain characters in the default LilyPond %% font to avoid overlaps with characters that follow. Several of these kernings %% don't seem to be necessary anymore, and have been commented out. #(define (get-extra-kerning arg) (let ((last-char (string-take-right arg 1))) (cond ((string= last-char "V") 0.1) ((string= last-char "f") 0.2) ;((string= last-char "s") 0.2) ; sharp ;((string= last-char "x") 0.2) ; double-sharp ;((string= last-char "ss") 0.2) ; double-sharp (else 0.0)))) %% Create accidentals with appropriate vertical positioning. #(define make-accidental-markup `(("f" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-flat-markup))) ("flat" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-flat-markup))) ("ff" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-doubleflat-markup))) ("flatflat" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-doubleflat-markup))) ("s" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-sharp-markup))) ("sharp" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-sharp-markup))) ("ss" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-doublesharp-markup))) ("x" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-doublesharp-markup))) ("sharpsharp" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-doublesharp-markup))) ("n" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-natural-markup))) ("natural" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-natural-markup))))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BASE MARKUP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #(define (make-base-markup base scaling-factor) (let* ((base-list (parse-string-with-accidental base)) (init-acc (first base-list)) (end-acc (last base-list)) (extra-space-right (get-extra-kerning (second base-list)))) (cond (init-acc (make-concat-markup (list (make-fontsize-markup -3 (assoc-ref make-accidental-markup init-acc)) (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor)) (second base-list)))) (end-acc (make-concat-markup (list (second base-list) (make-hspace-markup (* (+ 0.2 extra-space-right) scaling-factor)) (make-fontsize-markup -3 (assoc-ref make-accidental-markup end-acc))))) (else (if (> extra-space-right 0.0) (make-concat-markup (list base (make-hspace-markup (* extra-space-right scaling-factor)))) base))))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% QUALITY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Symbols representing diminished, half-diminished, and augmented qualities are %% drawn to rest atop of baseline (alignment direction = DOWN), and moved by %% make-quality-markup to their final vertical position. They are tailored to %% the font-size (-3) of the ultimate caller (\rN -- default font-size = 1). %% These symbols are drawn from scratch to allow for customization. should we %% simply use symbols from a font? #(define (make-diminished-markup font-size) "Create circle markup for diminished quality." (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size)) (r (* 0.48 scaling-factor)) (th (* 0.1 scaling-factor))) (make-translate-markup (cons r r) (make-draw-circle-markup r th #f)))) #(define (make-diminished-large-markup font-size) "Create circle markup for diminished quality." (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size)) (r (* 0.7 scaling-factor)) (th (* 0.1 scaling-factor))) (cons r r) (make-draw-circle-markup r th #f))) #(define (make-half-diminished-markup font-size) "Create slashed circle markup for half-diminished quality." (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size)) (x (* 0.56 scaling-factor)) (y (* 0.56 scaling-factor)) (r (* 0.48 scaling-factor)) (th (* 0.1 scaling-factor))) (make-translate-markup (cons x y) (make-combine-markup (make-draw-circle-markup r th #f) (make-override-markup `(thickness . ,scaling-factor) (make-combine-markup (make-draw-line-markup (cons (- x) (- y))) (make-draw-line-markup (cons x y)))))))) #(define (make-half-diminished-large-markup font-size) "Create slashed circle markup for half-diminished quality." (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size)) (x (* 0.8 scaling-factor)) (y (* 0.8 scaling-factor)) (r (* 0.7 scaling-factor)) (th (* 0.1 scaling-factor))) (cons x y) (make-combine-markup (make-draw-circle-markup r th #f) (make-override-markup `(thickness . ,scaling-factor) (make-combine-markup (make-draw-line-markup (cons (- x) (- y))) (make-draw-line-markup (cons x y))))))) % Noticeably thinner than "+" from font -- change? #(define (make-augmented-markup font-size) "Create cross markup for augmented quality." (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size)) (x (* 0.56 scaling-factor)) (y (* 0.56 scaling-factor))) (make-override-markup `(thickness . ,scaling-factor) (make-translate-markup (cons x y) (make-combine-markup (make-combine-markup (make-draw-line-markup (cons (- x) 0)) (make-draw-line-markup (cons 0 (- y)))) (make-combine-markup (make-draw-line-markup (cons x 0)) (make-draw-line-markup (cons 0 y)))))))) %% TODO: more "science" in the vertical position of quality markers. #(define (make-quality-markup quality font-size offset) (cond ;; The quantity 'offset' by itself will cause symbol to rest on the midline. We ;; enlarge offset so that the symbol will be more centered alongside a possible ;; figure. (Topmost figure rests on midline.) ((string= quality "o") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) (make-diminished-markup font-size))) ((string= quality "O") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) (make-diminished-large-markup font-size))) ((string= quality "h") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) (make-half-diminished-markup font-size))) ((string= quality "H") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) (make-half-diminished-large-markup font-size))) ((string= quality "+") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) (make-augmented-markup font-size))) (else (make-raise-markup offset (make-fontsize-markup font-size quality))))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIGURES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #(define (make-figure-markup font-size) `(("f" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-flat-markup)))) ("ff" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doubleflat-markup)))) ("flat" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-flat-markup)))) ("flatflat" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doubleflat-markup)))) ("s" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-sharp-markup)))) ("x" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -1.9 (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doublesharp-markup)))) ("ss" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -1.9 (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doublesharp-markup)))) ("sharp" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-sharp-markup)))) ("sharpsharp" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -1.9 (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doublesharp-markup)))) ("+" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -1.5 (make-augmented-markup (+ font-size 2)))) ("n" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-natural-markup)))) ("natural" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-natural-markup)))) )) #(use-modules (ice-9 regex)) #(define (hyphen-to-en-dash str) (string-regexp-substitute "-" "–" str)) %% Regular expression for splitting figure strings into words, digits, and connector characters. #(define figure-regexp (make-regexp "[[:alpha:]]+|[[:digit:]]+|[^[:alnum:]]+")) #(define (format-figures figures font-size) (let ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size))) (map (lambda (fig) (let* ((parsed-fig (map match:substring (list-matches figure-regexp fig))) ;; Conversion causes character encoding problem with Frescobaldi ;; if done before applying regexp (parsed-fig (map hyphen-to-en-dash parsed-fig))) (reduce (lambda (elem prev) (make-concat-markup (list prev elem))) empty-markup (map (lambda (f) (let ((alteration (assoc-ref (make-figure-markup (- font-size 2)) f))) (make-concat-markup (list (if alteration alteration (make-fontsize-markup font-size f)) ;; TODO: don't add space at the end (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor)))))) parsed-fig)))) figures))) #(define (make-figures-markup figures font-size offset) ;; Without offset the column of figures would be positioned such that the ;; topmost figure rests on the baseline. Adding offset causes the upper figure ;; to rest on the midline of base. (let ((formatted-figures (format-figures figures -3))) (make-override-markup `(baseline-skip . ,(* 1.4 (magstep font-size))) (make-raise-markup offset (make-right-column-markup formatted-figures))))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SECONDARY RN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #(define (make-secondary-markup second-part scaling-factor) (make-concat-markup (list (car second-part) (if (string-null? (cadr second-part)) empty-markup (make-concat-markup (list (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor)) (if (car (parse-string-with-accidental (cadr second-part))) (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor)) empty-markup) (make-base-markup (cadr second-part) scaling-factor))))))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SYNTHESIS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #(define-markup-command (rN layout props symbols) (markup-list?) #:properties ((font-size 1)) "Create a symbol for Roman numeral analysis from a @var{symbols}, a list of strings." (let* ((parsed-input (parse-input symbols)) (first-part (car parsed-input)) (second-part (cadr parsed-input)) ; slash and what follows (base (car first-part)) (quality (cadr first-part)) (figures (caddr first-part)) ;; A multiplier for scaling quantities measured in staff-spaces to ;; reflect font-size delta. Spacing between elements is currently ;; controlled by the magstep of the rN font-size. (scaling-factor (magstep font-size)) (base-markup (if (or (null? base) (string-null? (car base))) ; "" used as spacer #f (make-base-markup (car base) scaling-factor))) ;; The height of figures and quality determined by midline of base. If ;; there is no base, use forward slash as a representative character. (dy (* 0.5 (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent (interpret-markup layout props (if (markup? base-markup) base-markup "/")) Y)))) (quality-markup (if (null? quality) #f (make-concat-markup (list (make-hspace-markup (* 0.1 scaling-factor)) (make-quality-markup (car quality) -3 dy))))) (figures-markup (if (null? figures) #f (make-concat-markup (list (make-hspace-markup (* 0.1 scaling-factor)) (make-figures-markup figures font-size dy))))) (secondary-markup (if (null? second-part) #f (make-concat-markup (list (if (= (length figures) 1) ;; allows slash to tuck under if single figure (make-hspace-markup (* -0.2 scaling-factor)) ;; slightly more space given to slash (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor))) (make-secondary-markup second-part scaling-factor))))) (visible-markups (filter markup? (list base-markup quality-markup figures-markup secondary-markup)))) (interpret-markup layout props (make-concat-markup visible-markups)))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KEY INDICATIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #(define-markup-command (keyIndication layout props arg) (markup?) #:properties ((font-size 1)) "Create a key indicator consisting of a English note name followed by a colon. Whitespace after the note name will be included in the returned markup." (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size)) (divide-at-spaces (string-match "([^[:space:]]+)([[:space:]]+)$" arg)) (base (if divide-at-spaces (match:substring divide-at-spaces 1) arg)) (trailing-spaces (if divide-at-spaces (match:substring divide-at-spaces 2) empty-markup))) (interpret-markup layout props (make-concat-markup (list (make-base-markup base scaling-factor) (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor)) ":" trailing-spaces))))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SCALE DEGREES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #(define (parse-scale-degree str alteration-list) "Given @var{str}, return a list in this format: (name-of-alteration-or-#f degree)." (if (not (string-null? str)) (let* ((alteration (find (lambda (s) (string-prefix? s str)) alteration-list)) (rest (if alteration (string-drop str (string-length alteration)) str))) (list alteration rest)))) #(define (hat font-size) "Draw a caret for use with scale degrees." (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size)) (x (* 0.25 scaling-factor)) (y x) (th scaling-factor)) (make-override-markup `(thickness . ,th) (make-combine-markup (make-draw-line-markup (cons x y)) (make-translate-markup (cons x y) (make-draw-line-markup (cons x (- y)))))))) #(define-markup-command (scaleDegree layout props degree) (markup?) #:properties ((font-size 1)) "Return a digit topped by a caret to represent a scale degree. Alterations may be added by prefacing @var{degree} with an English alteration." (let* ((scale-factor (magstep font-size)) (caret (hat font-size)) (degree-list (parse-scale-degree degree english-alterations)) (alteration (car degree-list)) (number (cadr degree-list)) (alteration-markup (assoc-ref make-accidental-markup alteration)) (alteration-markup (if alteration-markup (make-fontsize-markup -3 alteration-markup) alteration-markup)) (number-and-caret (make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-override-markup `(baseline-skip . ,(* 1.7 scale-factor)) (make-center-column-markup (list caret number)))))) (interpret-markup layout props (if alteration-markup (make-concat-markup (list alteration-markup number-and-caret)) number-and-caret))))
Description: PGP signature
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