hello list,
sorry, i guess this must be in the docs somewhere, perhaps it has been
discussed in the list before, but i can't really find a solution...
when writing irregular 16th-note quintuplets (one 8th-note and three
16ths) i get incorrect beaming groups, depending where the 8th note is
El Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:09:23 +1000
"Matthew Rowles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> 2008/6/9 Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > This is a bug that has been fixed in git. Please try 2.11.49 when
> > it is released.
yesterday i wanted to send a big thank you note to all who responded
to my questio
hello list,
i'm using an example from the learning manual to write a chord with an
augmented unison:
naturalplusflat = \markup { \natural \flat }
\relative c'' {
\once \override Accidental
#'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override Accidental #'text = #natu
El Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:29:02 -0400
Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> heck, it's often extremely difficult to get two *humans* to agree on
> the analysis of a given musical passage!
you're right. that's why it would be a good idea to let the computers
do the job... :-)
El Wed, 11 Jun 2008 11:26:30 -0700
Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> But that analysis software would be programmed by humans. :)
( the joke was supposed to lie there... :-) )
lilypond-user mailing list
on 2008-06-19 at 16:21 Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
>Actually, adding different flags in lilypond is quite simple:
great, actually i've been wanting to ask this for a long time, but not
related to old notation styles but rather to more "contemporary"
practices. it has been quite common for the las
on 2008-06-20 at 00:59 Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>Usually yes. If you find good values, we can still check that later
>on to parameterize if needed.
thanks for your hints, werner, i'll try to find values to get as close
as possible to the scores of composers like stockhausen and boulez. if
i come u
on 2008-06-28 at 14:53 Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
>In your original images, the slant is somewhere betwen 40 and 45
>degrees... But I agree, that large slant does not look good. I prefer
>something like 30 degrees.
>About the length: I also agree that they look too short.
>I'll try to come up wit
hello list,
i'm trying to draw a slash across the stem of the first of a group of
beamed notes, to indicate that they are to be played as fast as
possible (see the attached image). searching the manual i found
\override Stem #'stroke-style = #"grace", but i could only make it work
with an unbeame
on 2008-07-07 at 02:23 luis jure wrote:
>i'm trying to draw a slash across the stem of the first of a group of
>beamed notes,
(answering myself) i guess i can use a postscript markup, but i still
would like to know if there is a lilypond function to a
on 2008-07-07 at 12:30 Stefan Thomas wrote:
>do You need the slash for a tremolo? If this is the case, postscript
>is much to complicated. You should have a look in the user guide, the
>chapter concerning repeats.
danke, stefan, but what i need is different from the tremolo slash.
it's thinner,
hello list,
i'd need to place brackets around a rest in the score. something like
\parenthesize but square brackets [ ].
i tried using a \markup, but no matter what i try, i found no way to
place the brackets in the staff around the rest. i tried every tweak i
could find in the manual, but it s
on 2008-07-11 at 18:53 Jonathan Kulp wrote:
>I got the brackets to go inside the staff with this code. If you
>fiddle with the markup (change font size, spacing, whatever) and the
>values inside the parentheses you can probably get it to look like you
that's truly great, jon, thank you
on 2008-07-12 at 10:19 Damian leGassick wrote:
>i use this snippet:
thank you very much damian. in fact, i had found this snippet searching
for "bracket" in the lsr, but it's different from what i was looking
for. the bracket crosses the whole staff an
on 2008-07-14 at 23:20 Trevor Daniels wrote:
>> Non-command-line people should be using jedit anyway
>No I shouldn't. I have a text editing environment that has all the
>features I need for editing all my text files, and I have no intention
>of learning to use another just so I can turn off po
on 2008-07-15 at 09:52 Palmer, Ralph wrote:
>Also, I hope the tenor of the discussion stays civil.
i'm sure we all wish the same.
>I'm on a PC running XP SP3 now, others are on Macs, and many seem to
>be running some version of Linux, so I would assume that not all
>software is useable by all o
dear list,
i'm trying to resolve a tricky passage involving double stop glissandi
spanning several measures. i found a solution involving three different
voices. the difficult part is that due to music spacing, i need a line
break in middle of the glissando. this works well with parallel
t problems
with the svg output. any updated info about this?
on 2008-07-17 at 19:10 luis jure wrote:
>dear list,
>i'm trying to resolve a tricky passage involving double stop glissandi
>spanning several measures. i found a solution involving three differe
hello list,
i need to break a decrescendo hairpin across a line break but i can't
find a way, although i think i saw once a solution for this. any help
_greatly_ appreciated.
thanks in advance,
lilypond-user mailing list
on 2008-07-20 at 20:04 luis jure wrote:
>i need to break a decrescendo hairpin across a line break but i can't
>find a way, although i think i saw once a solution for this.
ugh... i kept on searching, and of course \remove
Forbid_line_break_engraver does the trick...
sorry fo
on 2008-07-20 at 20:54 Neil Puttock wrote:
>Have a look at NR Section 6.7.2, `Difficult tweaks' for some
thanks neil, i'll try to study the code and see if i can find a way
to adapt it to my needs, but i think it's still a bit over my head.
hello lilyponders,
is there a way in LP to insert a markup as a footnote? i mean, i want to
append a markup to a note in the score, and i'd like the text to appear
at the bottom of the corresponding page. is it possible with lilypond?
hello list,
please excuse if this is obvious, but is there a way to force a fixed
number of systems per page?
lilypond-user mailing list
glad to see this important thread revived.
on 2008-07-24 at 08:14 madhg wrote:
>1) personally I like the flags in the first row of my June 17 message
>in this thread. As you say it's a matter of taste.
i'd like to promote the inclusion of TWO new flags, something like
straight-ancient and str
on 2008-07-24 at 19:33 Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
>I think the angles (different angles for up/down stems!) and the
>lengths are okay, although they might still be fine-tuned a bit more.
i agree with both statements, IMHO it would be great if this patch
could be merged in upcoming releases.
dear list,
i'm mostly finished with the lilypond part of my first LP project, but
i need to add a few graphics with an external program (i gave up trying
to use LP for this).
i'm on linux and i tried both inkscape and scribus, but after fighting
the whole weekend i really can't find a way. inksc
on 2008-07-28 at 09:16 Stefan Thomas wrote:
>on linux, there is the program pdf-edit available. You can add there
>simple graphice.
thanks for your suggestion, stefan. i did try pdfedit, but i couldn't
make anything useful with it. the buttons to add graphics were grayed
out and i didn't spend t
on 2008-07-29 at 04:38 Frederick Dennis wrote:
>Have you tried turning your pdf into bmp's using GhostScript?
not bmp's but png's, and it works, of course. but i'd like to edit the
files in a vector graphics format, if possible. i'm trying to avoid
going to bitmap graphics.
>ps have you noticed
on 2008-07-29 at 11:31 Matthieu Jacquot wrote:
>when you've got your .pdf output from lilypond, to "print in a file" to
>generate a .ps usable in scribus.
it's funny, i tried what you suggest and the file opens, but some
elements are displaced: some noteheads, accidentals and the like are
hello list,
i'm a beginner at lilypond, i know enough to enter music in a simple
way. i still don't know enough of the language to try elaborate tweaks,
but i find that usually lilypond is smart enough to produce good output
for music that's not too complex.
but i suspect that automatic beaming
hello list, more doubts from a beginner...
attached is an image of what i want and the snippet of code i came up
with to get it.
the problem was the clash between a and a-flat in the two voices. by
default lilypond merges the two noteheads, even if they have different
accidentals. first i found
thanks mats and valentin for all the information. it seems i stumbled
upon a known issue... but at the same time, i'm rather proud to have
been able to find a good solution all by myself!
by the way and for what it's worth, i think that for chromatic clusters
(i. e. two notes in a chord, sharing
El Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:30:07 +1100
Peter Chubb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> The artemis orchestra competition has specified Lilypond as
> its input format
since the subject of "better midi" on lilypond has surfaced, i'd like
to take the opportunity to express a wish|request|suggestion that,
hello list,
i can't say i find learning lilypond very easy, but it sure _is_ fun!
BTW, i notice a _huge_ improvement in the documentation compared to the
last time i tried to learn the language. congratulations and a big
thank you to all the people involved. i wish i could contribute
somehow, ho
El Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:03:44 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> I hope you have browsed through the examples in the LSR.
being a newbie, a find the LSR a very valuable source, together with
this mailing list, an indispensable complement to the documentation.
but i'm under the i
El Thu, 13 Mar 2008 10:16:02 +
Mark Knoop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> Attached FYI is the source for some excerpts from the second movement
> of Opus Contra Naturam...
thanks for sharing this excerpt, i found many things to learn.
but could you please clarify this part of the code? :
El Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:21:43 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> See
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2007-08/msg00533.html
> with all follow-ups for the discussion behind this LSR example.
thanks for the link. my problem was that i had found this (user
hello list, i found a problem i can't solve by myself.
i'm writing a string quartet with a section where the four instruments
play in free rhythm, independently from each other. the cello plays a
melody and the three other instruments play whole notes with fermatas,
all of them freely.
the ge
El Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:09:25 +0100
Ole Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> this may be serve as a model (fractional arithmetic...)
thanks a lot, ole. with your help and a few hints i found in a previous
thread (thanks, mats) i've been able to solve the problem quite
satisfactorily. i used a l
El Thu, 27 Mar 2008 22:10:59 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> Instead of repeating this for every Voice in the score, it's easier
> to redefine the default definition of Voice contexts, by adding
> \layout{
> \context{
> \Voice
> \remove Forbid_line_break_engraver
hello list!
i need to adjust the horizontal placement of the accidental of a note
in a chord.
i know that in this case \once \override AccidentalPlacement
#'right-padding doesn't work, i need to use \tweak.
but i cant find the name of the corresponding layout_property. any
El Wed, 2 Apr 2008 16:36:13 +0100
"Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> \once \override Staff.AccidentalPlacement #'right-padding = '1.0 or
> whatever spacing you need.
thanks for your answer, trevor, but from what i understand from the
documentation this is _not_ the way to change a n
in the manual i find: "Objects may be parenthesized by prefixing
\parenthesize to the music event." but when i compile the example in
the manual i get no parenthesis. the following code gives the output
\version "2.11.43"
\layout {
ragged-right = ##t
\relative c'' {
El Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:13:50 +0200
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> Waiting for 2.11.44, you can still use \parenthesize the same way as
> in earlier versions, namely for notes within a chord:
yes, this works!
thank you, and waiting for 2.11.44...
hello list, i'd like to add vertical text after the final bar line,
like in the image attached. i guess i can do that using postscript
code, but i'd like to know if there is a property in LP to control
that. i haven't been able to find one in the manual so far.
hello list,
i'm new to lilypond and this is my first message to the list. first of
all, a big thank you to all the developers and contributors for this
great software.
i've been reading the documentation and i've been able to begin
typesetting a simple piano piece in traditional notation. there
thank you very much mats for your prompt and detailed answer! i'll try
to upgrade soon to 2.10.3 (out yesterday!) and look at the examples you
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> It seems that all three of your problems would classify as bugs or at
> least as requests for e
hello list,
i can't compile either 2.10.2 or 2.10.3 on my gentoo linux (everything
went fine with 2.8.8). the problem is that configure doesn't detect
correctly the versions of guile and mftrace. configure stops thus:
ERROR: Please install required programs: guile-config >= 1.6.7
(installed: 1.
El Thu, 21 Dec 2006 16:50:00 -0600
Quentin Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> I found this problem in my attempt to upgrade the lilypond available
> with Fedora 5 to 2.10.2. It seems there was a change in the configure
> script between 2.10.0 and 2.10.1.
yes, i also diff'ed the files and
El Thu, 28 Dec 2006 16:29:38 -0600
Daniel Tonda Castillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> Professional musicians in Mexico usually refer to "Clave de Sol"
> meaning G clef. In popular slang, people refer to the "Llave de Sol",
> meaning G Clef. So as to not alienate anyone, initially I thought
El Fri, 29 Dec 2006 16:57:41 -0500
"Christopher A. LaFond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> What I'm saying is that most people in the Spanish-speaking world (at
> least according to online results) seem to be using "nota sostenida",
> not "nota sostenido" for "sharp (note)".
yes, i can confirm
please excuse my ignorance, but are the authors of the lilypond plug-in
for openoffice monitoring this list?
i visited http://ooolilypond.sourceforge.net/ but i couldn't find the
names of the developers or how to contact them.
i wanted to report that i couldn't make the plug-in work with
hello list, apologies in advance if this is silly or obvious, but i've
been away from lilypond for some time.
i realized that by default lilypond puts dynamic marks aligned at the
top, resulting in poor alignment of pianos and fortes. for example, this
\relative c'{ d'2\fp d2\sfp d2\f d\p
on 2009-09-27 at 08:02 Carl Sorensen wrote:
>The autobeaming behavior (and the documentation) have been fixed in
i find a regression in 2.13.4 with respect to 2.13.3.
i recently updated to 2.13.3 and i was very happy to see that the
automatic placing of beams had improved greatly compa
thank you carl for your answer. i still think that 2.13.4 has some
beaming issues.
>We've had a serious discussion about whether eighth note beams should
>end on every beat or only on beats 2 and 4.
>We came down on the side of ending eighth note beams on 2 and 4,
>because it seemed to fit Sto
on 2009-09-29 at 22:25 luis jure wrote:
>now, 2.13.4 correctly beams every quarter note when 16th notes are
>present, **except in one case:** a 16th rest followed by a dotted 8th
>(see second bar in the attached image).
on 2009-09-30 at 10:12 Carl Sorensen wrote:
>There's actually another case that can lead to failure. That is when
>the 16th notes come in the 2nd or 4th beat of the measure,
yes, i see. i think this has been reported by valentin more than a year
ago here:
on 2013-03-23 at 07:24 Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
> Hi all,
> Frescobaldi 2.0.9 has been released in the wild.
yay! right in time for my project... i was virtually waiting by the
computer for this new release, since i was badly hit by the problem with
PyQt-4.9.6. i can confirm that 2.0.9 compil
on 2013-03-24 at 23:56 Janek Warchoł wrote:
> Could i ask you to write a function that would print a red dot on top
> of a grob's refpoint? (the image i've attached was made with GIMP,
> and it would be better to have it in lily code.
hey, i was trying to find somewhere in the docs how to get
hello list,
i have just discovered that you can save music events to a file with
event-listener.ly. this is an incredible feature for what i'm trying to
do, that is generate csound scores from lilypond files. i managed to do
that from the midi file generated by lilypond, using a very simple pytho
on 2013-03-25 at 09:29 Graham Percival wrote:
> Unfortunately you'll need some scheme knowledge, but if you can
> get the general idea of the below function then you should be
> fine:
thanks for the thorough explanation, graham, you just ruined my easter
holidays... ;-)
first i need to finish h
on 2013-03-25 at 22:05 Phil Hézaine wrote:
> Today, after the same discovery I was wondering the same question than
> Luis but for drum-types (in \drummode, ie: sna, wbl... )
funny, i was intending to use it for a drumstaff also...
on 2013-03-26 at 20:12 Phil Hézaine wrote:
> You're right. Though it was not evident at starting it was not so
> difficult to solve the problem. Thanks for your clarification.
> I paste for Luis and others my solution.
this is great, phil, thank you.
i must be missing something, though, becau
on 2013-03-26 at 16:04 Graham Percival wrote:
> I'm quite curious about this -- do drum events not have
> point-and-click info?
BTW, i was quite curious myself about why the point-and-clik info was
included in the first place. i thought it was only useful for pdf files.
is this information used
on 2013-03-27 at 18:35 Phil Hézaine wrote:
> @ Luis
> In MY OWN & PERSONAL...etc... I have added a context for a DrumVoice
> which was absent.
wonderful, phil, it works to perfection now. a million thanks!
lilypond-user mailing list
on 2013-03-27 at 14:13 Graham Percival wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 08:21:53AM -0300, luis jure wrote:
> > BTW, i was quite curious myself about why the point-and-clik info was
> > included in the first place. i thought it was only useful for pdf
> > files. is this
on 2013-03-28 at 20:09 Phil Hézaine wrote:
> And what about the conversion of drum notes to midi pitches?
mmm... i wonder if that's strictly necessary? once you get the correct
text output, as you do now, it's trivial to convert the drum notes names to
pitches with whatever program you're using
on 2013-03-30 at 12:44 Federico Bruni wrote:
> Apparently it has a very different meaning in spanish:
> http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semifusa
i don't know if the is relevant to the thread, but that's right, in
spanish fusa is 1/32 and semifusa 1/64.
1/128 is garrapatea and 1/256 is semigarrapa
hello list,
i created a custom drum staff, where the bass drum uses the laThin note
head (simplified example, not my actual staff):
\version "2.17.14"
#(define mydrums '(
(bassdrum laThin #f -1)
\new DrumStaff \with {
\override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #2
drumStyleTable = #(
on 2013-03-31 at 03:04 Thomas Morley wrote:
> It sets 'duration-log 0 if the NoteHead is 'laThin _and_ if it is caused
> by using 'bassdrum.
hi, thank you very much for your code, this is a much more clever solution.
unfortunately, when i try to run it with LilyPond 2.17.14 i get this error
on 2013-03-31 at 13:05 Thomas Morley wrote:
> I downloaded 2.17.15 this morning and tried to compile my code, again: no
> problem.
> Perhaps some copy/paste error?
> To be sure, I've attached the file.
thanks for the trouble! i'm afraid i still get the same error (i had
double checked for possib
on 2013-03-31 at 16:50 Neil Puttock wrote:
> This should just be `0'.
hi neil,
i'm sorry, but i don't quite understand how to modify the function
suggested by harm to address the problem you mention.
lilypond-user mailing list
on 2013-04-01 at 08:20 Marc Hohl wrote:
> the rest of the function remains unaffected.
ok, now i see. for the benefit of the archives, i confirm that the full
example below works to perfection with lilypond-2.17.15. no errors, and
the output is exactly what i wanted.
thank you all!
hello list, i have yet another question regarding the definition of a
custom drumstaff, and it is how to add a custom articulation.
it's actually two questions, the first one is how to make custom
articulations available inside #define mydrums().
i managed to do that adding a custom articulati
on 2013-04-01 at 14:33 Thomas Morley wrote:
> Though, while compiling the code with this built I couldn't reproduce the
> error Luis reported.
> What am I missing?
i'm afraid i can't be of much help, i'm building lilypond on a gentoo
linux using an ebuild (a script used by gentoo to fetch source
on 2013-04-02 at 00:01 Thomas Morley wrote:
> below my approach.
> Several comments in code, file and png attached.
like wow, this is indeed terrific! thank you! it'll take a while before i
understand the code enough to adapt it to my needs, but this is a great
> Hope there are no proble
hello list,
with the help of the code provided by harm, i've been able to create my
own custom articulations, but i still have some problems i haven't been
able to solve on my own. the two more important right now are:
studying script.scm i see that in the definition of each articulation
on 2013-04-05 at 00:50 Thomas Morley wrote:
> Quoting script-interface.cc:
> Stencil
> Script_interface::get_stencil (Grob *me, Direction d)
> {
> SCM s = me->get_property ("script-stencil");
> assert (scm_is_pair (s));
> SCM key = scm_car (s);
> if (key == ly_symbol2scm ("feta"))
on 2013-04-05 at 00:58 ArnoldTheresius wrote:
> in the LSR "bold tenuto" (http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=858) you
> will find the exapmple of a global override of Script #stencil
great link, thank you, i hadn't checked the LSR.
i can't use this function in my case (at least i don't see ho
on 2013-04-13 at 02:23 Thomas Morley wrote:
> Ok, I'll try, though, please remember I'm not a programmer. My
> explanations may be not complete.
excellent tutorial, thank you. i found it very instructive.
lilypond-user mailing list
on 2013-04-30 at 13:56 Carl Peterson wrote:
> I could be wrong, but I would think that the primary motivation for
> specifying the same time signature a second time is to have it displayed
> a second time? The only time I can think of it not being intended this
> way is that if someone has serial
on 2013-05-12 at 16:45 Sarah k Alawami wrote:
> Ok. can someone please go over the score and correct what I missed?
I found many errors when compiling of different kinds, mainly: lilypond
syntactic errors, bar check errors, and octave errors.
I don't know how to proceed. I could try to identif
on 2013-05-12 at 21:49 Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
> Frescobaldi 2.0.10 is out,
i'm glad to report that it compiled without problems and is running fine
here on gentoo linux.
thank you for developing frescobaldi, and congratulations for the new
dear list,
the output of the following code is shown in the first attached image:
\version "2.17.17"
\score {
\new Voice \with {
\remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"
\override Beam.breakable = ##t
\relative c'' {
\repeat unfold 5 { c2. \repeat unfold 2
on 2013-05-17 at 00:40 Thomas Morley wrote:
> Meanwhile you may want to use the function below.
> Comments in code, if something isn't clear, shout.
brilliant, as always...
thank you very much! i can't say i understand the code, but it works
flawlessly. it resulted to be a more complicated prob
on 2013-05-17 at 01:21 Thomas Morley wrote:
> Rereading the code I'm not convinced about my brilliance:
well, i was referring to the results, which seem to be perfect indeed.
of course i can't evaluate the coding style...
lilypond-user mailing
hello list,
i wanted to include in my score a reference timeline with a tick at every
beat. the code below is the best i could come up with:
\version "2.17.18"
\new Staff = "timeline" \with {
\remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\remove "Clef_engraver"
on 2013-05-20 at 21:04 David Nalesnik wrote:
> The only way I know to do this is to create your own filled box to
> replace the stem. You can incorporate the following override, which
> specifies a rounded box with no rounding of the corners:
> \override Stem.stencil = #(lambda (grob)
on 2013-05-20 at 21:14 David Nalesnik wrote:
> Just a thought: have you tried using grid lines?
> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.17/Documentation/notation/outside-the-staff#grid-lines
mmm... doesn't seem to be what i wanted to get (which is something like
the attached image).
now thanks to
on 2013-05-21 at 07:02 Helge Kruse wrote:
> At page 13 we read that letters are notes. At page 20 letters migrate to
> pitches. I think the latter is correct.
i disagree. letters are notes, not pitches. in lilypond, letter c is note
C (do, ut, whatever), and letters cis are note C sharp. the pit
on 2013-05-21 at 13:18 David Kastrup wrote:
> It would seem that you associate the term "pitch" with physical
> frequency.
no, it's not me, it's the standard meaning of the term as used in music
theory, psychoacoustics, musical acoustics, music cognition, and all the
disciplines i know that deal
on 2013-05-21 at 09:26 PMA wrote:
> I think a serious go at terminological precision
> would note the distinction: pitch vs pitch-class.
indeed. that's why in my first mail i said that pitch involves a specific
octave. but i thought the intention was not covering the whole theory of
music, but r
on 2013-05-21 at 17:04 David Kastrup wrote:
> Sure, but I'm afraid that your perceived lack of precision is something
> that it is hard to find Florian at fault for since he is working with
> the terminology employed by LilyPond.
of course! it was not my intention to imply otherwise. what i was
>From: sib...@major2nd.com
> mup (http://www.arkkra.com), which is my favorite notation program.
not knowing mup, i visited the site to learn something about it.
although it seems to be very basic compared to LP, i found this among
its features:
· Cross-staff stems.
el 2010-06-15 a las 09:23 Stefan Thomas escribió:
> this a great.
> I think this should be mentioned in the documentation for percussion
> instruments!
lilypond-user mailing list
on 2011-05-06 at 13:02 m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
wow, that's great! i had no idea footnotes had been introduced in lilypond.
> you'll see some files that'll give you a sense of how to use them.
yes, sort of...
i found that this can be very useful:
\override FootnoteItem #'annotation
on 2011-05-08 at 15:35 Heather W. Reichgott wrote:
>1. Is the choice of soundfont a property of the MIDI file itself, or a
>property of the playback software? (Or both?)
as far as i know, the midi file itself can only send "program change"
messages on a given channel: select a certain "patch" nu
hello list, i'm here again after a long time without using lilypond
(meaning that i'm already forgetting the little i ever managed to learn
about it...)
i'm using the sostenuto sign (c--), but for my taste the default placement
is too close to the head of the note. i'm trying to include a global
on 2011-09-23 at 13:40 eluze wrote:
>i think it's called tenuto in lilypond
of course! [in lilypond and elsewhere :-), i just had a lapsus...]
> and it belongs to the Script objects. you could change the distance to
> the notehead with
>\once \override Script #'padding = #.75
this works! a
on 2011-09-25 at 20:27 David Nalesnik wrote:
>Good idea.
like wow, i couldn't expect that my original post would trigger all this
thread (most of it way over my head, i'm afraid...)
thank you all!
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