on 2008-07-14 at 23:20 Trevor Daniels wrote:

>> Non-command-line people should be using jedit anyway
>No I shouldn't.  I have a text editing environment that has all the
>features I need for editing all my text files, and I have no intention
>of learning to use another just so I can turn off point and click.  It
>is silly to suggest it.

thank you, trevor, i was afraid no-one would speak with the voice of
reason... :-)

now, seriously, i agree with trevor that it's not the right approach to
say that we should all use editor X, or that we should restrain
ourselves from suggesting possible improvements to the lilypond syntax
because you can do that with tool Y.

i'm a newcomer to LP, but i'll voice my opinion anyway: i'm all for
adding more predefined commands and functions to the language, like we
already have \stemUp and \stemDown, \autoBeamOff an On, \slurUp and
Down, etc.

this point and click thing in particular worries me little, after all
it's something we use just once in the score. but there are many
commands that we use very often, and i suspect most of us have one or
more include files with lots of them predefined. i for one think that
it would be a good thing if more of them were - judiciously - included
in the LP syntax.

having said that, i _did_ use lilypondtool, and it's really impressive,
congratulations to the author and thank you for developing such a great
tool. i even use it for short snippets when i want to test a tricky
tweak. but no, i wouldn't use it regularly, i use vim and i won't
change it. i seriously doubt that any user of vim (or emacs, or any
other "power editor") would change.



PS. the "judiciously" part is a jest...

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