is there a possibillity to use lilypond with a smartphone...

2005-11-25 Thread chris
ompose but no software... thanks for your answer! greets chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

LilyPond 1.5.28 burps on rh7.3, fixed it!

2002-05-19 Thread Chris
[Chris@w1 Chris]$ ly2dvi -P Running LilyPond... -I /home/Chris -H dedication -H title -H subtitle -H subsubtitle -H footer -H head -H composer -H arranger -H instrument -H opus -H piece -H metre -H meter -H poet -H texttranslator -H language -H linewidth -H latexpackages -H

Lilypond-book does not run

2012-11-27 Thread Chris
k.lytex I get the help. Starting with --verbose I get an Exeption in line 114 Is there a incompabiliy with Windows 8? Do I have an error in the command? Thanks! Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists.gnu.o

Re: Lilypond-book does not run

2012-11-28 Thread Chris
> >I switched to Windows 8 and > > installed the actual stable lilypond Version (2.16.1). An actual MikTeX > > Installation did run (pdfLaTeX works). > > Lilypond.exe runs well, lilypond-book does not run correctly. > > To have a simple test I used the example of the documentation > > (http://

Re: Lilypond-book does not run

2012-12-10 Thread Chris
> \begin{lilypond} > \relative c' { > c2 e2 \times 2/3 { f8 a b } a2 e4 > } > \end{lilypond} > Options are put in brackets. > \end{document} The above code is not running with Lilypond-book 2.16.1 (XP and Windows 8) The same example is running with Version 2.16

Changing staff size

2010-02-10 Thread Chris
Hi! Is it possible to change the staff size? I found in the documentation only a command to change the note size. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Chord Charts - rhythm and chords

2008-07-02 Thread Chris Gray
ld be useful, but both simultaneously isn't really necessary. Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Chord Charts - rhythm and chords

2008-07-03 Thread Chris Gray
ead in the first measure. Carl was just illustrating that pitch changes don't affect note head vertical positions. The best practice, I assume would be to use the root note of the chord rather than random notes and the accidentals shou

Beaming sixteenths sandwiched in a triplet

2008-07-14 Thread Chris Canipe
I'm struggling in my attempts at beaming two sixteenths in the middle of a triplet. Is this possible with automatic beaming, or must one result to beam counts? I've attached an example showing my current output and my desired output; code follows: \paper{ ragged-right=##t } \relative c'' { \t

\textLengthOn - choosing which note to lengthen

2008-08-12 Thread Chris Snyder
an example of what's going on: Thanks in advance. -Chris Snyder ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \textLengthOn - choosing which note to lengthen

2008-08-13 Thread Chris Snyder
ff contains quarter-notes, the space will be added between the first and second quarter-notes of the measure." If that (or a variant of it) is at all useful, please feel free to use it in the docs. -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list l

Re: \textLengthOn - choosing which note to lengthen

2008-08-14 Thread Chris Snyder
t;and second beat, even though this text" "is attached to the whole-note." } } >> } -- end documentation snippet -- Thanks! -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Score with large empty section at the top

2008-08-14 Thread Chris Snyder
Dominic Neumann wrote: I think it is standard behaviour. I remember there was a command to let LilyPond display all the spaces it uses and its names. But I don´t remember the command and couldn´t find it by searching ... Take a look at Notation Reference 4.6.1: "Displaying spacing.&quo

Re: \textLengthOn - choosing which note to lengthen

2008-08-14 Thread Chris Snyder
he example I provided; your version is easier to understand. Thanks for taking the time to work with me on this. Your attention to detail on even such a minor element is appreciated. -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list ht

Re: doc work

2008-08-15 Thread Chris Snyder
DI output" comment on the previous line. That way, it's obvious where to put it, and it receives even more attention than it does now. -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Automatic accidentals across staves

2008-08-15 Thread Chris Snyder
show what I'm doing. I've created my own custom accidental rules, but the problem also occurs with the standard piano automatic accidentals.

Re: ver. 2.11.56 problems

2008-08-19 Thread Chris Snyder
uting system-supplied software. Well, that explanation was longer than I thought it would be. Hopefully it's useful, or at least interesting. -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: transparent background in lilypond generated png's

2008-08-29 Thread Chris Snyder
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: How does IE deal with pngalpha images today? According to the top Google hit I came across for "png alpha ie," IE7 does support PNG alpha ( -Chris ___ lilypond-user ma

Re: transparent background in lilypond generated png's

2008-08-29 Thread Chris Snyder
for users that need it. -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: welcome, helpers!

2007-09-24 Thread Chris Sawer
first published before 1923 to ensure that it is out of copyright in the USA. See the Wikipedia Public Domain page for more info: Regards, Chris -- Chris Sawer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mutopia team leader Free sheet music for all at: http

Re: searching score

2007-10-13 Thread Chris Sawer
Phil Raynaud wrote: I have it done and ready for Mutopia (it is the version for voice and piano from Peters Band 1 you can find here : ). Now online at: Regards, Chris -- Chris

Re: use the feta font in GIMP

2008-03-05 Thread Chris Snyder
suggestion about the choice of tools. GIMP is not well-suited for working with vector images (such as PDFs). You'd probably be better off using a desktop publishing program, Scribus being an open-source option. -- Chris Snyder Credo Music Publishing +1 616-828-4436

Re: multiline footer in Postscript backend

2005-07-17 Thread Chris Sawer
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #""; } } } } The reference (Mutopia-20050704-000 in th

Re: Installation de lilypond sous FC4

2005-11-08 Thread Chris Sawer
Mais il y a aussi une liste française : (je suis desolé, je ne peux pas vous aider avec ce problème-là) Chris On 8 Nov 2005, at 10:40, Maurits Lamers wrote: Victor, C'est plus facile si vous parlez anglais. Je pense plus de 95

Finding note coordinates in output

2005-11-09 Thread Chris Snyder
Is there a way to find out what the coordinates are of notes in scores generated by Lilypond? For instance, is there a way to get the data needed to generate an image map to go with a PNG file and allow notes to be clicked on? Thanks in advance. __

Re: Installing 2.8 after many other releases

2006-04-12 Thread Chris Leyon
binary. Check that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is correct and also examine the output of ldd on the binary. Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond store?

2006-07-09 Thread Chris Sawer
ed, please let me know. I would personally be very disappointed if someone were to "fork" Mutopia. Chris -- Chris Sawer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mutopia team leader Free sheet music for all at: ___ lilypond-us

adding fingering diagrams

2006-11-18 Thread Chris Capoccia
is it possible to place fingering diagrams in the score like this: the solid holes are closed finger holes. the open holes are not covered by the finger. the cracked closed hole is the one used to make vibrato. i don't need to reproduce the diagr

Re: adding fingering diagrams

2006-11-21 Thread Chris Capoccia
Chris Capoccia> writes: > > the tin whistle fingering tips might be helpful: > > using the idea from the tin whistle fingering discussion, i was able to come up with something that i think will wor

Re: adding fingering diagrams

2006-11-21 Thread Chris Capoccia
Mats Bengtsson> writes: > > If you want to save some typing, you can define macros for these > patterns, like > fingerD = \markup{\column{◍ ● ● }} > > and then use them like d16^\fingerD > >/Mats > i like the idea of using a macro, but there is more space in the vertical direct

Re: adding fingering diagrams

2006-11-22 Thread Chris Capoccia
> is there a way to make the circles closer in the macro definition? > i overrode the baseline-skip property, and now the circles are closer together. fingerD = \markup{\override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \column{◍ ● ● }} ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypondtool conf

2007-01-19 Thread Chris Capoccia
> How could I avoid this ? you need to use backslashes before each of the spaces like this: %lilypond %args /home/yoochan/classeur/lilypond/danse\ macabre\ -\ St\ Saens/ > Moreover, I would like to use "evince" instead of JPedal as pdf > reader, does someone have some tips on how to do thi

Mutopia improvements

2007-02-25 Thread Chris Sawer
lly, or to the Mutopia discussion mailing list: Thanks, Chris -- Chris Sawer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mutopia team leader Free sheet music for all at: http://www.MutopiaP

Re: Mutopia improvements

2007-02-25 Thread Chris Sawer
this. It would possibly be a good idea to separate out the modern + classical composers in some way; currently they're all mixed in together. I'll give this some thought for the future. Thanks, Chris Michael David Crawford wrote: Hi, Your contribution guidelines don't se

feathered beams

2004-06-14 Thread Bryan, Chris
Is it possible to do feathered beams in LY? If so, how? Thanks, -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: feathered beams

2004-06-14 Thread Bryan, Chris
lished, let me know. By the way, in my opinion, the coolest LY feature is the automatic midi pitch bends when using microtonal accidentals. It rocks!!! a happy composer, -Chris Bryan On Jun 14, 2004, at 12:13 PM, Peter Lutek wrote: On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 11:16, Bryan, Chris wrote: Is it possible t

choral voice part splitting

2004-06-26 Thread Chris Caudle
sustaining a whole note, while part of the voices sang on a half not rhythm? thanks for any help, Chris Caudle ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chords showing on bottom?

2004-09-21 Thread Chris Morris
this? I've experimented with various groupings, but I'm not sure. % comment line \include "" \version "2.2.0" \paper { raggedlast = ##t } \header { title = "Chords on Bottom example" arranger = "Chris Morris" } \score { \n

Font reference?

2004-09-23 Thread Chris Morris
The help stuff I've seen for lilypond -- Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Font reference?

2004-09-23 Thread Chris Morris
> The help stuff I've seen for lilypond Whoops - let's try that again. Font selection in the help doesn't seem to be helping me. It lists font-encoding, font-family, font-shape & font-series. The example then shows font-name, which confuses me since it wasn't in the previous list ... and then the

Create PDF on Windows without opening it?

2004-09-23 Thread Chris Morris
ically tries to open the pdf. I don't want it to automatically open -- is there a way to control this? The command-line switches don't seem to offer an option for this -- Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTEC

Setting paper size from the command line in Lily 2.4

2004-11-07 Thread Chris Sawer
et-default-paper-size \"letter\")" might work, but I get the following error message. I'm not sure if I'm trying the right approach here, or maybe this is a bug. Are any gurus able to help? Thanks in advance, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/munew/tamb$ lilypond-snapshot -e "(set

Re: Installing on macosx 10.3

2004-12-10 Thread Chris Sawer
t appear in the list, then fink has not been installed correctly. It this case, try adding the following at the top of the .profile text file in your home directory (creating it if it doesn't exist): . /sw/bin/ Once you've done this, start a new terminal window and try LilyPon

Re: MIDI and repeat

2005-01-31 Thread Chris Sawer
. The version for Lily 2.4.2 is online at: Repeats-and-MIDI.html Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list


2005-02-02 Thread Chris Fresolone
ives me the error message "can't find test" I've saved it to the desktop and another one to the C: drive, and I even tried entering lilypond c:test. All to no avail. I'm sure there is something pretty simple I'm missing here.

Re: Mac/Safari question-

2005-02-19 Thread Chris Sawer
how Firefox shows the images, but this would appear to be a bug in the website, rather than in Safari. [the 2.4 Tips and Tricks page displays fine in all browsers] Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Feature request - extended ties

2005-02-20 Thread Chris Sawer
) Yes, see for example the 3rd movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, available at Mutopia: (around bar 164 - they're 32nd notes in this case. In my Berners edition they're certainly not

Re: MacOS X native packaged (was Re: lilypond install mac os x)

2005-03-01 Thread Chris Sawer
er, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference... Chris On 1 Mar 2005, at 09:58, Mats Bengtsson wrote: And my idea was that a copy of jedit with lilypond preinstalled might be a good candidate to include in this environment. :-) /Mats __

Disabling point & click

2005-03-27 Thread Chris King
Hi, Is there a way to disable point & click in the PostScript backend of 2.5.16, so as to decrease the size of the resulting PostScript and PDF files? Thanks, Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Failure to run Lilypond

2002-01-05 Thread Chris Paradine
thing that corresponds to the blobs for notes.   I've also run both under bash and as a direct Windows program and I get the same results. (Incidentally bash does not work properly on XP - I cannot execute built-in commands like DIR or COPY).   Any ideas as to what's wrong?   Chris Paradine

Mutopia announcement mailing list

2002-02-08 Thread Chris Sawer
n the previous month, and any other Mutopia news. If you would like to join the list, please send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the phrase "subscribe mutopia-announce" in the subject line or body of the e-mail. Thanks, Chris -- Chris Sawer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mutopia M

Artificial string harmonics question

2002-02-20 Thread Chris Lipe
ehead. I'm currently using Lilypond 1.4.8. Thanks. -- Chris Lipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] It takes a very brave man to make a deal with the devil, but it takes an even braver man to just straight up rip t

Chord spanning two staffs

2002-04-10 Thread Chris Jackson
I'm happy with automatic and manual staff changes for voices in piano staffs, but is it possible to typeset a single chord, with notes on both staffs, whose stem spans the two staffs? -- chris ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Chord spanning two staffs

2002-04-11 Thread Chris Jackson
On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 09:11:05AM +, David Raleigh Arnold wrote: > Chris Jackson wrote: > > > I'm happy with automatic and manual staff changes for voices in piano > > staffs, but is it possible to typeset a single chord, with notes on both > > staffs, wh

Weird beaming problem with major seconds

2002-04-21 Thread Chris Lipe
beats the resulting harmony between the two is a second. This produces some very odd beaming results. I've attached a sample measure so you can see. Do you know a) if this is a bug and b) if there's a workaround? Thanks, Chris Lipe FluteI = \notes { \clef treble \relative c

spectacular ly2dvi failure

2002-05-04 Thread Chris Lipe
get enough output out of ly2dvi to figure it out. Both the .ly file involved and the log of error messages are rather lengthy; I can provide them if necessary. Does anyone have any ideas to help me out? Thanks. Chris Lipe -- NOTICE: I have a new personal email address. It is: [EMAIL

Re: First edition of famous unpublished works on Mutopia?

2002-05-23 Thread Chris Sawer
something along the lines of the LaTeX footnote feature - maybe even using it, since LilyPond uses LaTeX? Thanks, Chris -- Chris Sawer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mutopia Maintainer Free sheet music for all at Mutopia: ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: First edition of famous unpublished works on Mutopia?

2002-05-25 Thread Chris Sawer
hin LilyPond (using ly2dvi rather than lilypond-book), then we'd be very grateful. I've CCed this to Erik Sandberg who has also expressed an interest in having footnotes in LilyPond to see if he has anything extra to add (I'm not sure if he's on any of the LilyPond mailing lists).

Re: other_brackets

2002-06-30 Thread Chris Jackson
#'(0.0 . -3.0) [ e16 \arpeggio e e \property Staff.Arpeggio \override #'direction = #1 e \arpeggio ] } } -- chris Index: ChangeLog === RCS file: /home/lilypond/lilypond/ChangeLog,v retrieving re

Multi-measure rests

2002-10-03 Thread Chris Jackson
It doesn't seem to be possible to attach articulations to multi-measure rests. Is this by design? Although it is possible to work around this by using skips. \score { \notes { \time 3/4 R2.^"Allegro" | | r2.^"Allegro" } } ___ L

Re: Fwd: 8va

2002-10-08 Thread Chris Jackson
d to: [ b'! \spanrequest \start "text" b,!] [bes'! bes,! \spanrequest \stop "text" ] or [bes'! bes,! \spanrequest \start "text" ] [b'! b,!] [bes'! bes,! \spanrequest \stop "text" ] Or alternatively use \commandspanrequest instead of \spanrequest, but I'm not sure how the internals work here. -- chris ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to lengthen the arpeggio...

2002-10-19 Thread Chris Jackson
#'transparent = ##t \property Thread.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t } \score { \notes \relative c' \context Voice { } > } } The stem length also needs shortening here, but you get the general idea. -- chris ___ Lil

Re: Can't get the thing to compile...

2002-10-29 Thread Chris Jackson
ound (I haven't tried this myself). -- chris ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Centering text spanners under a note

2002-10-30 Thread Chris Jackson
tely centered (p) for me: \score { \context Staff { \notes \relative c' { \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'(-0.7 . 0) c1_#'(columns (large "(") (dynamic "p") (large ")")) } } } To create a text spanner see Expressive mark

Slurs in lyrics

2009-01-26 Thread Chris Snyder
s over the lyrics if possible. Does anyone know of a way to do this? My hunch is that there isn't a way to do it without modifying the code, but I figured I'd check first. Thanks. -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.or

Re: Slurs in lyrics

2009-01-27 Thread Chris Snyder
! I'll put together a snippet for the LSR when I get a chance. -Chris Mats Bengtsson wrote: > Here's one possibility. Since you can redefine contexts, you can add the > slur engraver to the Lyrics > context. However, it turns out that slurs need to be attached to note > heads,

Re: problem with installing frescobaldi

2009-02-24 Thread Chris Snyder
r sources.list. If anyone does use this archive, I'd appreciate feedback. Thanks. -Chris Snyder ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problem with installing frescobaldi

2009-02-25 Thread Chris Snyder
oblems than it was worth. I never really pay attention to those categories anyways... -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Mutopia Project site down

2009-03-15 Thread Chris Sawer
esend any e-mails that bounced. Best regards, Chris -- Chris Sawer - - Mutopia team leader Free sheet music for all at: ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Frescobaldi] ANN: Frescobaldi 0.7.8 released

2009-03-20 Thread Chris Snyder
ome package conflicts in the Jaunty repositories are resolved. If you added my PPA (csnyder) in the past, please switch over to the Frescobaldi PPA. Thanks, -Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Overlong extender

2009-03-25 Thread Chris Snyder
d=331> I recently submitted a patch that fixes this issue. It was just accepted within the past few days, so it's not in any release builds yet (it will be in 2.13.1). I tried your score in a version with the patch, and the extender is the correct length, so you'll be fine with 2.13.1.

Re: LilyPond, Finale and Sibelius (was Review of Valentin's Opera)

2009-04-02 Thread Chris Snyder
- but LilyPond gives me an excellent starting point, a very intuitive interface, and the ability to modify absolutely anything if I want to take the time. I'm convinced that no commercial product can come close. -Chris -- Chris Snyder Adoro Music Publishing 1-616-828-4436 x800 http://www.ador

Re: new website, draft 7

2009-08-11 Thread Chris Snyder
used to be (using Linux or Firefox as examples seems to help) but it's still difficult to explain. Also, I'm never sure how to promote LilyPond to technical illiterates who are used to a point-and-click interface. I usually end up giving LilyPond a glowing review, but cautioning that it requi

Re: new website draft 8: almost giving up

2009-08-11 Thread Chris Snyder
really like to solid green of the default style. Perhaps something else could be done to make the current selection more evident (perhaps a darker green background with white text?). Thanks for all your hard work on the new site. It really does look quite stunning, and is clear and easy to

Re: new website draft 8: almost giving up

2009-08-12 Thread Chris Snyder
just what it does - for example, has been very valuable), but I think it's unrealistic to expect potential users to adopt this mindset overnight, without anyone personally helping them in the process. Chris Snyder Adoro Music Publishing 1-616-828-4436 x800 http:

Re: new website non-git help

2009-08-12 Thread Chris Snyder
ancing at the Features page, I also just noticed a typo under "Excellent support:" s/documetation/documentation/ -Chris -- Chris Snyder Adoro Music Publishing 1-616-828-4436 x800 ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: website menus: gradient vs. solid

2009-08-13 Thread Chris Snyder
7;s right at the top, > bold and underlined. It probably doesn't matter that much, though. > Either way, it's a great improvement over the current page! +1 (to both the solid preference and the positive review of both options) Chris Snyder Adoro Music Publishing

Controlling MIDI output and chords

2009-10-28 Thread Chris Angelico
Hi! Apologies for using the list for something that's probably clearly described on page 32767 of the docs, but I've been searching around and can't find it among the massive amounts of information there!! :) I'm using Lilypond to create both MIDI and PDF scores. What I hope to achieve is a printa

Re: Controlling MIDI output and chords

2009-10-28 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 4:41 PM, James E. Bailey wrote: > You'll probably want to create two \score blocks, one for layout, with the > chords, and one for MIDI, without the chords. > James E. Bailey Ahh. Is there an easy way to macrofy that? My file currently looks like this: \version "2.10.33"

Re: Controlling MIDI output and chords

2009-10-29 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:26 PM, madMuze wrote: > > It's not clear how you removed the Note_performer; have you tried: > >        \midi { >                \context { \ChordNameVoice \remove Note_performer } >        } > > ? > This has worked for me. Ah. I was doing: \midi { \context { \ChordName

Re: Mailing list strangeness

2009-10-29 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Frank Steinmetzger wrote: > Hi, > > not Lilypond-specific, but about the mechanisms of the mailing list: > > During the last days I asked two questions on the list, and both Kieren and > Neil wrote their answers with To:my address and a copy (CC) to the list. The >

Scheme code snippet: lyric newlines/paragraphs

2009-10-30 Thread Chris Angelico
Peer review requested! I've added a snippet to LSR, showcasing my absolute brilliance in coding Scheme (hey, it's the first thing I've ever done in the language - gimme a break!!), to solve a problem between vanBasco's Karaoke Player for Windows, and the printed score. Am I going about things enti

Coloring note heads by pitch

2009-11-02 Thread Chris Angelico
I've spent some time trying to figure this out, and I'm certain it's possible; the only question is, what's the cleanest way to do it? I want to print out score with each note color coded (middle C in red, D in orange, E in green) to match a set of bells. Currently, I have a fairly straightforward

Re: Coloring note heads by pitch

2009-11-02 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 6:27 AM, Trevor Daniels wrote: > Hi Chris > > Does the example in the Learning Manual help? I think it does exactly what > you want. See section 4.6.6. > > Trevor Strange. I just looked up the manual, and it doesn't HAVE a section 4.6.6... and th

Re: A must-see for anybody on this list

2013-02-10 Thread Chris Mear
> might be possible. > > Neither with MusiXTeX nor with Sibelius I could find a reference to MIDI > keyboard input. Could it be Amadeus? It's difficult to find information on the web about this program today, but here's an interview with someone who use

Re: Extract notes from chords, with silence when there are none

2015-09-16 Thread Chris Yate
Just to clarify, in the case of 3-voice music, how would you expect it to deal with a 2 note chord? One note to Treble, one to Bass, or one in Treble, one in Alto, or... what? Chris On 16 September 2015 at 13:07, wrote: > I'd like to take a passage of music that contains chords with d

Re: Violin notation advice requested

2015-09-19 Thread Chris Yate
No, It's quite common to indicate the string by Roman numerals. Printed music would hardly ever indicate position, but it is normal to see either "sul G" or "IV". On 19 Sep 2015 12:31, "Ralph Palmer" wrote: > On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Michael Gerdau wrote: > >> > No, both are fingerings.

Re: Frescobaldi creates the pdf but doesn't export it?

2015-10-10 Thread Chris Yate
; folder you would expect... And one possibility of this occurring seems to be if the target file was open in another PDF reader (some -- Adobe for example -- locks the file. Very annoyingly. ) Chris On 10 October 2015 at 10:57, Luca Danieli wrote: > Hello all, > > in these last 2 days I h

Re: My finances for working on LilyPond

2015-10-23 Thread Chris Yate
up a Paypal account that we can easily fire money off to from anywhere in the world, anonymously. Chris ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: My finances for working on LilyPond

2015-10-25 Thread Chris Yate
paranoia. Your choice as ever whether you use them. Anyway, this is probably OT. Cheers, Chris On 24 Oct 2015 07:21, "Michael Gerdau" wrote: > > I suggest David, or one of the other project owners set up a Paypal > > account that we can easily fire money off to from any

Re: How Beautiful Upon the Mountains by Stainer

2015-12-03 Thread Chris Yate
It's available at CPDL, did you look there? On 3 December 2015 at 15:18, Gregory Citarella wrote: > Hello: is there anyway I can get a pdf of the choir anthem that I see on > you tube of How Beautiful upon the mountains

Re: How Beautiful Upon the Mountains by Stainer

2015-12-03 Thread Chris Yate
Sorry, I see that's an arrangement for ATB On 3 December 2015 at 15:44, Chris Yate wrote: > It's available at CPDL, did you look there? > > > > > On 3 December 2015 at 15:18, Gregory

Adjusting a slur after line break

2015-12-19 Thread Chris Yate
's a thing called "alterBroken" but I can't work out how to use it. Hopefully someone can help! Thanks in advance, Chris \version "2.19.33" \language "english" right = \relative c''{ \time 6/8 \oneVoice r4. d,16 (f af cf af bf |

Re: Adjusting a slur after line break

2015-12-19 Thread Chris Yate
h; there are too few examples at present! Chris On 19 December 2015 at 22:46, Urs Liska wrote: > I'm only on the phone right now. But wirh \shape you can pass overrides > for multiple parts of a broken curve. > > Am 19. Dezember 2015 23:39:15 MEZ, schrieb Chris Yate >: &

Re: Adjusting a slur after line break

2015-12-19 Thread Chris Yate
On 20 December 2015 at 00:41, Simon Albrecht wrote: > On 20.12.2015 00:45, Chris Yate wrote: > >> I can't get /alterBroken to work properly at all on control points. >> >> When I try the "tweak" version, that I assume would look like: >> >> >

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Chris Yate
Your 3rd full bar has only 5 quavers. It should be a partial, if that's what you want. On 23 December 2015 at 11:47, Robert Blackstone wrote: > Dear all, > > In one of the pieces that I'm presently typesetting there appears, near > the end, after a repeat, a barline that should not be there. (Se

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Chris Yate
On 23 December 2015 at 12:03, Chris Yate wrote: > Your 3rd full bar has only 5 quavers. It should be a partial, if that's > what you want. > Erm. I may be wrong... ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists.g

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Chris Yate
Just checked. As I said -- you may want another partial bar \relative c { \clef bass \key c \major \time 6/8 \repeat volta 2 {\partial 8 c'8 c4. c | c c | * \partial 8*5* c r4| } c4.~ c \bar "|."

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Chris Yate
On 23 December 2015 at 12:55, Robert Blackstone wrote: > > On 23 Dec 2015, at 13:44 , Chris Yate wrote: > > Just checked. As I said -- you may want another partial bar > >\relative c { >\clef bass >\key c \major >\time 6/8 > >

Strange beaming error

2016-01-06 Thread Chris Yate
3's -- and the middle of the second group was getting a spurious semiquaver beam. I seem to fixed it, though I'm not sure what the cause was. Thanks in advance, Chris [image: Inline images 1] ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

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