I should've read your email before I sent my previous message...

Graham Percival wrote:
> Most of the people who have been working on the website, including
> me, are fed up with it.  I'm ready to shovel this out the door
> just to get rid of it... not particularly the best frame of mind
> to be introducing a major change to our users' experience, but
> hey, that's life in open-source projects!  If you feel at all
> enthusiastic about the new website, please consider helping.

I'd like to help, though I realize it's quite late in the game for me to
get up to speed on the environment you're using. One major area I see is
the editing environments page (which, as far as I can see, doesn't
currently exist). If it would be useful, I'd be willing to put together
a page containing links to all of the various programs, categorized by
type (text editor vs. point-and-click), OS, etc.

> Make sure you check out the alternate CSS style #2.  This has
> fancy gradient-shaded menu bars, which could be a great hit.  It's
> /much/ easier to see which item you have selected.  If you like
> it, make sure you let us know, so that it can be added to the
> default layout.

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the different menu bar. I would like
it more if it were green instead of brown (though I'm a Ubuntu user, so
I'm sick of brown by now<g>), but the gradients also make it look less
clean to me. I really like to solid green of the default style. Perhaps
something else could be done to make the current selection more evident
(perhaps a darker green background with white text?).

Thanks for all your hard work on the new site. It really does look quite
stunning, and is clear and easy to use as well.

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

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