Yes, naturally PayPal takes commission. So does your bank, any credit card
provider, WorldPay or Moneygram or any other similar service. However,
PayPal is secure and reliable enough for Amazon and a huge number of online
stores to be happy using it, not to mention charitable organizations that
benefit from it being so convenient for spur-of-the-moment donations!

As I understand it, there are some differences in the commission payable
for sending money to a friend vs buying a thing, but I've not looked into
it for a couple of years. We were investigating it for managing our
orchestra subs - I think it was about £1.30 for a £40 subscription payment.

Sure they do probably evade/avoid tax. I've given up worrying too much
about that, because I don't want to live my life completely off the grid ;-)

I don't work for them or anything, I just don't understand the paranoia.
Your choice as ever whether you use them.

Anyway, this is probably OT.

Cheers, Chris
On 24 Oct 2015 07:21, "Michael Gerdau" <> wrote:

> > I suggest David, or one of the other project owners set up a Paypal
> > account that we can easily fire money off to from anywhere in the world,
> > anonymously.
> Paypal ?
> I would NEVER pay via Paypal unless it would be absolutely crucial for
> me and there were no other options.
> For once to my knowledge Paypal does take a huge amount of the paid
> money. I've been told it is 1/3 on small amounts but that is only
> hearsay, albeit I've been told this by a person to whom I once tried
> to send money via Paypal. In the end we worked out something different.
> The other thing is payment definitely is NOT anonymously.
> Last not least at least in europe they try to escape normal banking
> regulations by cherry picking their business site, evading national
> legislation etc.
> Ever tried to sue Paypal from Germany because you felt they are doing
> you wrong ?
> Good luck - they are based in Luxembourg. You've got to sue them there.
> Paypal ? No, Never.
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> --
>  Michael Gerdau       email:
>  GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver
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