Re: GPLv2 / GPLv3: are there plans to change LilyPond licensing?

2007-07-04 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/4, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: This is a question for the -devel list, where (a brief) discussion is already occurring. You got me; I've just suscribed to the -devel list. Thanks V.Villenave ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond

Nested \includes in different subdirectories?

2007-07-05 Thread Valentin Villenave
Hello everybody, Is it possible (and is it a good idea) to include a by specifying its path, then in the include another with a different path, and so on? a few days ago, I downloaded Nicolas Sceaux's amazing editions of French baroque operas, (by the way, her

Re: Tweaking individual notehead's size in a chord: fixed

2007-07-06 Thread Valentin Villenave
The snippet has been added to the LSR ;) (don't check the "Standalone snippet" box unless your score is several pages long!) thank you very much Daniel Valentin 2007/7/6, Daniel Tonda Castillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Valentin Villenave escribió: > Can you please sen

Re: new markup doc

2007-07-06 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/6, Germain G. Ivanoff-Trinadtzaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: does anyone understand this section: "12.4.3 New markup command definition" ? If I understand correctly, this section explains the possibility to define your own markup commands using Scheme. I can't complete myself the smallcap d


2007-07-06 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/6, Bainos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I found this solution in the snippet repository. i give you the link I updated the snippet to emphasize the described tweaking. I don't know very much About latex.. I read in the manual that it is possible to inclu

Re: Nested \includes in different subdirectories?

2007-07-06 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/6, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: perhaps this _should_ become an official feature request after all. Thank you Graham; I guess my idea isn't silly after all :) What is the protocol? Should we forward it to the -devel list? What makes a feature request "official"? (by the way, -

Re: odd staff spacing on 2nd page

2007-07-07 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/8, Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: On Sunday 08 July 2007 07:47, Jay Hamilton wrote: > The space between the staves on page one are quite wide but ok however the > second page they are considerably closer together. Is this correct? Or > did I do something to cause this? I suspect it is

Re: lyrics above the staff

2007-07-09 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/9, Eric Knapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I would to place some text as lyrics above a staff. I'm doing this for vertical alignment. I am reading everything I can find about lyrics and can't find it. See "Moving objects" in the manual; you can get what you want by adding (for example) \overri

Re: Centered short staff

2007-07-09 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/9, Norman Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I'm putting together an instructional method book and I need to make a heading which contains a single labeled note. Here is what you need: Regards, V.Villenave

Re: lyrics above the staff

2007-07-09 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/9, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: No no, don't use extra-offset! The most convenient solution is to use the alignAboveContext property. Oh, yes, I forgot about this one. My bad. this is much, much better than overriding the #'direction property. Cheers, Valentin

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-10 Thread Valentin Villenave
Dear "sdfgsdhdshd", :-) I assume, seeing your mail address, that you're French -or at least French-speaking- ; did you know that there is a special mailing-list for French-speaking LilyPond users? We'd be glad to see you there: Besides, thi

Re: Note spacin with proportionalNotationDuration

2007-07-10 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/10, Bainos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I have a problem in notes spacing.. I would like to have every first note in 1/4 to be under each other I can't understand why you would need to use proportionalNotationDuration; if you want your satves to be synchronized, why don't you put them in a same

Re: Note spacin with proportionalNotationDuration

2007-07-10 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/10, Bainos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I try this solution but when i use << >> it automaticly puts sets staffs together with vertical lines. Is there a way to have these lines transparent? Bainos, did you try to compile my snippet? It won't connect the staves together vertically, unless you

Re: Note spacin with proportionalNotationDuration

2007-07-10 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/10, Bainos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: In my snippet I added only the \score block as your advice but i have lines.. did you change something else? Not at all. That's weird; can you post your modified snippet? ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypon

Re: Note spacin with proportionalNotationDuration

2007-07-10 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/10, Bainos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Don't know if Your are interested, but this is a goal for me!! Writing drumm stuff with lilypond is GRATE! Hmm, maybe you mean "Great"? Anyway, I'm sure lots of people here agree with you :) PS.: Is there a way to write code instead of quote? thanks!

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-10 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/10, Paul Harouff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: If you move the discussion to another list, how do the rest of us benefit from the discussion? Thank you for asking; of course if we come up with anything interesting on the French list, I'll translate it here, modify the documentation or add it to t

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, Paul Harouff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The biggest pain which made me give up was \markup is assumed to be associated with the score after it. The vertical spacing and page breaks don't allow you to end a page with a \markup block. It always moves to the next page with the \score. I can't

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, sdfgsdhdshd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The text after the scores is not near the score. Is it possible to put it nearer? sure: \paper { ragged-bottom = ##t } at the top of your file Regards, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing l

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, sdfgsdhdshd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I added this to the snippet above; i generated the pdfs with and without, but there seems to be no difference. So i moved this ragged-bottom after the \book { => nothing. So i put this ragged-bottom on both places, with no success.

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, sdfgsdhdshd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Valentin Villenave wrote: > > > Gmail - Merging scores in one pdf Oooops ; I meant ___ lilypond-user mailing lis

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, sdfgsdhdshd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: My initial question was: is it possible that the text after a score can be nearer the score? i mean nearly touching the note heads. Maybe you mean something like \score { \new PianoStaff { \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, sdfgsdhdshd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Your lilypond version is 2.10.12. Nope, this is the LSR LilyPond. Mine is 2.11.27 too. :) We're obviously off-topic now, so we'd better start a new thread (either on -user-fr or on this list; maybe -user-fr would be more convenient so we can speak

Re: lyrictext and votabracket

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, Bainos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi Jacopo > I'm trying to write left and right hand on a drumstaff > I'm using \Lyrics and it works fine. > I'm wondering if is it possible to have liric under the voltabracket > I try movin the voltabracket above the lyrictext and viceversa but it > doesn

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, sdfgsdhdshd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: :,( The address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] I've just opened a thread: -- Forwarded message -- From: Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 11 juil. 2007 17:29 Subject: Insérer et positionner des blocs \marku

Re: Aligning relative to page

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, Paul Harouff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Your question is also related to the discussion near the end of the "Merging scores in one pdf" thread which just moved to the French LilyPond user discuss list. Where the discussion in the other thread was headed was that when we inexperienced user

Re: Aligning relative to page

2007-07-11 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/11, Rune Zedeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: In this example, the text ends up in the left margin. Yes, I am indeed wrong about the \*-align commands. However, the \justify-string and \wordwrap-string commands print text on the entire page. So the main issue is about the right aligned text...

Re: Aligning relative to page - Use OOoLilyPond

2007-07-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/12, Paul Harouff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Valentin, I'm not trying to start an email flame war. But it really bothers me when programmers get condescending with users, implying that we are stupid if we can't understand the documentation, or if we don't have all hundreds of pages of snippets u


2007-07-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/12, sdfgsdhdshd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: In this link, i read "how many systems you want before each fragment". What does "system" mean? This word is present several times in the main lilypond doc, but i can't figure its meaning related to lilypond. I found this definition on Google (it exp

Re: Trying to create a custom markup command

2007-07-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/12, Carl D. Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I hope this has been helpful. I was about to add it to the LSR when I realized it only works when your score contains only *one* note... Try adding a few more notes before the c'1, and you'll see it doesn't work any longer. What has to be done?

Re: Ugly volta brackets

2007-07-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/12, Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi again, Hi Dominic, I´m still searching for a way to solve this problem. Is there anyone who has an idea how to tweak lilypond? I tried the snippet you posted, and as you can see the result doesn't look ugly at all. Have you tried with the

Re: Ugly volta brackets

2007-07-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/12, Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Valentin, I get the output from Dominic's code which he complains about: (LP 2.10.25) Yes, I can see that, but it doesn't collide here on 2.11.27 (linux32). This might have been fixed with the new spacing code or something, which is why I asked Do

Re: LilyPond Odd Jobs (mostly docs)

2007-07-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/13, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Lilypond Odd Jobs - Thank you Graham. - create example for automatic accidental examples that demonstrates everything OK, I'll take this one. - special markup command examples (note head styles, rotation, etc: complicated st

Re: Trying to create a custom markup command

2007-07-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/13, Romel Anthony S. Bismonte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I'll bother some other list about how to make it work in IE. ^_^ Yep; I bet MS guys will be thankful if you send them a patch :) Greetings, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-

Re: Semicircle (or fermata w/o dot)

2007-07-13 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/13, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: (It works here, but not with all PDF software; does anyone knows how to produce "sane" PostScript output? Version 2.0rc1! a-\markup { \postscript #"2 6 moveto 1 6 1 0 180 arc 0.2 setlinewidth stroke" is

Re: Semicircle (or fermata w/o dot)

2007-07-13 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/13, Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi, Hi Bert, I'm transcribing some early Gregorian-like music, and I need a symbol denoting some small augmentation: it should be a small semicircle or a fermata symbol without dot. Have you tried something such as: a-\markup { \postscript #"0

Re: Math mode in lilypond?

2007-07-13 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/13, Orm Finnendahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Is there a way to get this done? Does this help? Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Semicircle (or fermata w/o dot)

2007-07-13 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/13, Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Thanks for the tip, now I use: semicircle = \markup { \postscript #"1.5 0 moveto 1 0 0.5 0 180 arc 0.2 setlinewidth stroke" } and a^\semicircle Does this sign have an "official" name? If so, I could add it to the LSR in case someone else could

Re: Semicircle (or fermata w/o dot)

2007-07-13 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/13, Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Why not using the `semicirculus' glyph from the parmesan font? I think this is better than using explicit PS code... AFAIK, the \semicirculus is upside down compared to what Bert's looking for; so in that case one would have to rotate it by 180°

Re: TesxtSpanner

2007-07-13 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/14, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: from the lilypond documentation i got this: \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #0.3 4 4 2 | d'4\rest 2 4 % 3 d\rest 2 | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = "II " And now? H

Re: TextSpanner

2007-07-14 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/14, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Okay thank, but it still remains the same. Snippit: d\rest 2 | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left 'text = #"II " \startTextSpan fis2''-1 g-3\stopTextSpan Course it does! -you forg

Re: Math mode in lilypond?

2007-07-14 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/14, Orm Finnendahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: No. On your recommended webpage it reads: "You can embed Tex commands in your score. !Beware: This feature is no longer implemented. This snippet needs either complete rewriting, either deletion -vv" I guess, that's related to a rewrite of lilypon

Re: Semicircle (or fermata w/o dot)

2007-07-14 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/14, Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: It is also too small. I find it much easier to include explicit postscript. However, I anyway feel need for more symbols in the Feta font and/or a ps symbol repository. If in some time I have enough Postscript-related snippets, I'll ask Sebastiano

Re: minimal distance between \markup-s

2007-07-14 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/15, Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I have lot of \markup-s outside of scores in a book. I'd like to keep them at a minimal distance, because lilypond tends to move them too close to each other. Is there a way to achieve this? There's precisely been a discussion about this subject f

Re: bends before notes... how to?

2007-07-14 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/15, Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: where the specific values are adjusted to your taste. It would be better if this could be used as many times as one wants without having to tune it everytime... I wrote a small code (my first try with Scheme!) to get an automatic \bendBefore com

Re: bends before notes... how to?

2007-07-14 Thread Valentin Villenave
Unlike \bendAfter, you have to use with curly braces: Nope, it even works without it! So you can use \bendBefore exactly the same way you use \bendAfter Hope this helps! Valentin %% snippet %% #(define (make-bend x) (make-music 'BendAfterEvent 'delta-step x)) bend =

Re: bends before notes... how to?

2007-07-15 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/15, Daniele Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Not bad! But, I was interested in a different type of bend, much more short, like this (see attachment) Here is a new command : \bendStart it needs two arguments : \bendStart #number {ghostnote} the ghostnote will not be printed; its only purpose

Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007-07-15 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/15, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: A minor comment on your example below: I hope you know that the explicit \book{...} block isn't necessary here, see section "Multiple scores in a book". Yes; realized that after having already sent it. Well, I guess anyway LilyPond's genuine logic


2007-07-15 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/16, Mischa Falkenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Trying to do a piece with 6 seperate voices. The first 4 measures look fine, but I'm not able to go any further! Sounds interesting; can you please post some of your code? Regards, Valentin ___ lil

Re: MediaWiki extension?

2007-07-16 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/16, Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I remember there was a MediaWiki extension for lilypond. Does that exist currently? I'm creating a wiki site for some music and would like to use mediawiki along with this extension. You're refering to Johannes Schindelin's Wikitex extension: http

Re: Tremolo won't produce desired output

2007-07-16 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/16, Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: \version "2.10.25" \paper { ragged-right = ##t } \relative c' { \time 3/8 \repeat tremolo 6 { c32 e32 } } This snippet should show a tremolo consisting of two dotted crotchets separated by a triple beamed tremolo mark, whereas I'm currently


2007-07-16 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/16, Mischa Falkenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I have a feeling, right off the bat, that there's probably too much "here" here, so any tips on less code would be appreciated also. You'll find a few below. 1 \parallelMusic is useless here 2 manual a[b] beaming is not needed here (I removed

Re: Tremolo won't produce desired output

2007-07-16 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/16, Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Following that rule, though, my example shouldn't have a beam - it's longer than 1/4. Ooops! that's true; I corrected the snippet; now it says: Short tremolos (involving eighth notes or shorter durations) can be obtained; etc. Thank you Valentin


2007-07-17 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/16, Mischa Falkenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: OK Valentin, I tried it (first) totally as you wrote...this did NOT generate a .pdf file for me(or anyone else) to see :-( . You must have forgotten some brace when copying/pasting. But, using some of what you've shown me...but keeping my { }

Re: lilypond to midi

2007-07-17 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/17, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Your FAQ describes a number of ways to use midi as an input method. I wonder if one can go the other way and generate a midi file from a lilypond document? This can be achieved very easily:

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-17 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/17, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Tried already many things from the documantation from this, every time i run stuck. Then i start al over and try again. Where's the problem precisely? I want to have two bars for guitar 1 and guitar 2, each guitar has 3 voices. It must also prod

Re: long \mark with whole rest

2007-07-17 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/17, Neil Thornock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Thought I'd forward Kieren's response to the list, as I couldn't find her fix for the problem anywhere else. Not only can you forward it to the list, but you should also consider adding a snippet to the LSR in such a case...

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/18, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Th shipped jedit version was 4.2 (does not work for the lilypondtool) and no upgrade for rpm there. I converted a .deb package to .rpm but the tool has problems, it cannot run the lilypond command (gives java errors). No! There's a java installer

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/18, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: \relative c' { << < a cis e > < cis e a' > < d' gis > b | \\cis d e fis | \\fis gis a b | >> \bar "|." } That's because you have to enclose each simultaneous voice with braces: \relative c' { << { <

Re: copyright symbol

2007-07-19 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/19, Cesar Penagos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Dear Sirs: Can you tell me how can I put a copyright symbol (You know the c inside a circle) into the titles, in the copyright section? Just try something like \header{ title = "" composer = "" opus = "" piece = "" copyright = "(c) Cesar Penagos"

Re: copyright symbol

2007-07-19 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/19, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: copyright = "(c) Cesar Penagos" Of course, I meant: copyright = "(c) Cesar Penagos" (Gmail can't reproduce these characters when in "Text" mode) Regards, Valentin _

Re: Copyright symbol / corrective message

2007-07-19 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/19, Ledocq-Boccart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: There's also the HTML code © :) If you run a Mac or Linux, I cannot tell you. Mac: try Alt+c or Shift+Alt+c (i don't remember which one) Linux: Shift+AltGr+c works here; I guess it depends on your distro. Seems like three (!) different threads

Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

2007-07-19 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/19, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hoping that noteedit wil come with a upgrade to better compatibillity with lilypond. NoteEdit is no longer developed! Its developers are now working on a rather exciting project: Canorus score editor It's in active de

Re: Page layout - move score blocks

2007-07-19 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/18, Charlotte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi all, Forgive a newbie's potentially stupid question. This is my first excursion into Lily, or Scheme, or LaTeX etc. - or in fact anything remotely Unix. I'm running LY on both my Windoze XP machine, and my OSX Mac. I'm using LP to typeset a set of Pr

Re: PDF Problem

2007-07-19 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/20, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Because your on-screen PDF viewer lies to you. Particularly on windows. Yes, this is something I noticed. On windows for example, the JPedal viewer which is included in LilyPondTool produces awfuls results ; Adobe is not very good either. I used

Re: PDF Problem

2007-07-19 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/20, Steve Schow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Unfortunately I can't, which is why I am now reduced to begging, pleading, groveling and anything else that will influence the developers of Lilypond to consider fixing it. For what it's worth, here's my screenshot of the same snippet (Linux64). It's

Re: Creating music with Scheme - can this be done in a simpler way?

2007-07-21 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/21, Alard de Boer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I added my original music function to the LSR; it's not the most beautiful code but it is the easiest to use I think. Thanks; approved. Regards, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gn

Re: Tip: defining new contexts ... starting from existing contexts

2007-07-21 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/21, Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The following is a short write-up on how to define new contexts starting from existing contexts. The tip augments 9.2.7 "Defining new contexts" which explains how to define new contexts starting from scratch. Looks great (I've often been looking for

Re: glissandi for chords

2007-07-22 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/22, Siska Ádám <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: P.S. I used \hideNotes and \unHideNotes instead of the overrides, as I had some problems with some dotted chords. I added it to the LSR; can you please post your code here (if you think it's simpler) so I can correct the snippet? http://lsr.dsi.unimi

Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

2007-07-23 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/24, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: PS: does anyone know how to prevent lilypond from making a .ps file?, i only want the midi and the pdf. There was a discussion about that a few months ago; maybe we should talk about it again...

Re: ps and pdf (was Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.)

2007-07-24 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/24, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I absoluteley agree with graham, most people never need the .ps files. The .ps file is just a temporary file. I wouldn't put it that way (to me it is an essential fact that l

Re: Information on Lilypond

2007-07-24 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/24, Skippy G. Mardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hello, Welcome on the list :) I am checking out different types of music notation software. When I am trying to read about Lilypond, the language switches from English to German, and then 2 times it switched from English to French. This is w

Re: Microtone accidentals

2007-07-25 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/26, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: What about the following trick? (It looks ugly on screen, but fine when printed) [snip] I forgot to mention that it will only work with 2.11 (the syntax has changed since 2.10). Since you're running 2.10, you may have t

Re: grace note leading to chord

2007-07-25 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/24, jazzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: In a piece I am engraving with lilypond I have an acciaccatura leading to a chord. The acciaccatura should actually lead to a specific note in that chord (the highest one in my case). Do you mean something like that? %%%snippet \new Staff { <<\

Re: grace note leading to chord

2007-07-25 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/26, Gilles THIBAULT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Yes, i tried something like that but as you can see, the \acciaccatura is very far from the note c''. I wouldn't say *very* far; of course it helps if you add \layout { ragged-right = ##t } It is because the hide note c'' is next to the c'' o

Re: Microtone accidentals

2007-07-25 Thread Valentin Villenave
gsave 0.17 setlinewidth -1.4 0.5 moveto -1.4 2 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.1 setlinewidth -1.7 1.4 moveto -1.4 2.18 lineto -1.1 1.4 lineto stroke grestore"} $note #}) \relative { a b d \upp gis } %%% Regards, Valentin Villenave ___

Re: all sharps ?

2007-07-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/26, Vasil Kadifeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: And by the way, is there a way to play the tunes from a .ly file ? Sure: Regards, V.Villenave ___ lilypond-user mailing li

Re: Can I have my own custom LilyPond?

2007-07-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/26, Tao Cumplido <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The only problem is that I can't find a way to place the chords above the staff now. Any solutions? If I remember correctly, this is something like: \new Staff = mystaff { \new Voice = music {%add notes here... }} \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveCon

Re: grace note leading to chord [solved]

2007-07-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/27, Gilles THIBAULT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Yes, perfect solution Maybe this could be added to the LSR; or do you prefer to wait until someone writes a Scheme function? By the way, I would be interested in that too; I wonder how one can extract a note from a chord using Scheme... Or maybe

Re: Spacing problem

2007-07-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/26, Siska Ádám <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I've sent the score to the list a few time ago, but it didn't arrive for me, although normally I get a copy of my own messages posted to the list. Did it arrive, or is there some restrictions for attachment type and/or size on this list? AFAIK, the ma

Re: set-global-staff-size causes weird printing

2007-07-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/26, Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: strange ... on my 2.10.25 system i get output in both variants (13 or 14). there are some errors but this could also come from using a 2.10 version instead of 2.11. OK, I made some tests It works with 2.10.25 It works with 2.11.28 It *doesn't* wo

set-global-staff-size causes weird printing

2007-07-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
Hello everybody, I'm typesetting a large, large orchestral score; I've always used a small global-staff-size and it worked very well. However, I've just discovered that when I specify a different global-staff-size, the compilation goes fine, no error messages... but the .pdf (as well as the .ps)

Re: metric modulation?

2007-07-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
26 Jul 2007 21:00:59 +0200, Arvid Grøtting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: \version "2.11.28" % should work on versions all the way back to 2.8 looksFaster = #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?) (let ((new-music (ly:music-deep-copy mu

Re: Microtone accidentals

2007-07-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/26, Siska Ádám <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: BTW, could you explain a bit (maybe in a private mail) how actually it works? I would like to adopt the sign to be able to create the down-arrowed accidentals too, and to be able to attach them to natural signs also, but unfortunately I know nothing abo

Re: LilyPond extension/plugin for MediaWiki software

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
> Mark Dewey wrote: > > > I've heard tell that there is a LilyPond extension or plugin for MediaWiki > > (that's the software they use with Wikipedia). I have a wiki > > ( that uses LilyPond files quite a bit . . . so, I'm > > interested in finding out what the plugin is for, what it

"insane spring constant" error

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
Hello Joe, hello everybody, I noticed a discussion on -devel recently about that; I don't know if this is related, or if I'm doing something wrong. I'm getting a weird "insane spring constant" error message with lilypond 2.11.28 using the following minimal code: %%%snippet%%% \version "2.11" \

Re: beginning-of-measure padding value?

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/27, Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Final (?) note/tip on this: if anyone else finds Lilypond's default > beginning-of-measure spacing too small in general (i.e., even without > "modifiers" like accidentals and arpeggios), you can add a little > more space using: > > \override

Re: set-global-staff-size causes weird printing

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/27, Ledocq-Boccart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I have just done a "cut and try" test as I (i.e. newbie) cannot do > otherwise as yet. Thank you for testing. Everything works fine since I installed 2.11.28 (maybe it was a .27 bug, or something in my previous installation was corrupted...). Re

Re: Stem length

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/27, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > i tried: > > \once \override Stem #'length = #4 > > g8 [ a ] > > > > This does not have any effect. Apparently this override doesn't work when using manual [ ] beaming. Why? V.Villenave ___ lilypond-

Re: "insane spring constant" error

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
Gosh! I'm getting the same message again! (in another score) This time, it disappears if I remove the Time-signature-engraver (but as it happens, I don't want to remove it...) Can anybody tell me what's "insane" about the following snippet? \include "" \layout { \context { \St

Re: Why will this tie not work?

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/27, David Fedoruk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > First, I'd like to thank the Lilypond programmers for a great job! I > finally finished typesetting two of these Scsarlatti Sonatas, one of > which was from the ubiquitous Longo edition. I didn't know this sonata; it looks awesome! Do you plan to po

Re: Why will this tie not work?

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/27, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > yes indeed; why don't you just add an invisible second voice? Here's a > version that works: Oh, and by the way I would add a natural d! at bar 67 (left hand)... Regards, V.V. ___

Re: "insane spring constant" error

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/27, David Griffel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Yes I get the same message with many of my scores since installing 2.11.28. > It took a while to realise that the score was in fact compiling OK despite > the alarming message. Yes; I reinstalled 2.11.27 and everything is fine. V.V. _

Re: set-global-staff-size causes weird printing

2007-07-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/27, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > (maybe it was a .27 bug, or something in my previous installation was > corrupted...). It's definitely a .27 bug; I was able to reproduce it with another installation of .27, on a d

Re: grace note leading to chord [solved]

2007-07-28 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/28, jazzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > As you can see I haven't hidden the beses note so you can clearly see it > does not blend with the chord, even though I have overridden the NoteHead > X-extent. You can fix it by changing the priority of your voices (dirty, dirty hack, but at least it wor

Re: Formatting the piece header

2007-07-28 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/28, Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > So, what is the correct definition to specify the font size / variation / > weight for the piece header? I want to put that definition into a > so that every piece automatically uses that font size. Hello Reinhold, I don't know a

Re: Formatting the piece header

2007-07-28 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/28, Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I was looking for the lilypond variable / property that defined the font of > the piece headings, so that I set this property once and it is automatically > applied to all my scores that include the file. Actually this is exactly

Re: "insane spring constant" error

2007-07-28 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/28, Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > That's funny, I can't reproduce it (with or without the > Time_signature_engraver). Do you have another example that causes the > problem? Jean-Charles has encountered problems too when compiling the Documentation (he says almost every snippet produced

Re: SOLVED: Formatting the piece header

2007-07-29 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/7/29, Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Thanks a lot for the tip. After digging a little deeper into the lilypond > code, I finally found that its easiest to simply redefine scoreTitleMarkup in > the \paper section (see the for the original function). Your hack is far

Re: Double-flats used by Lilypond after transpose

2007-08-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/8/1, Jon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Hi there guys, > > I've been writing out a part for B-flat sax. I've written out the music in > concert pitch and so am using \transpose to display it in the right key for > the > B-flat sax. The part I'm writing is in E-major when in concert pitch, so this > b

Re: Whatis on the fly

2007-08-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/8/1, Francois Planiol-Auger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Yes I know, its a newby question. And I found nothing really helpful that > defines it in relation with lilypond. > Can somebody explain? If I understood correctly (English is not my native language), something you can change "on the fly" is

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