2007/7/14, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Okay thank, but it still remains the same.


        d\rest <g-0> <a,-0>2 |
        \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left 'text = #"II "
        fis2''-1 g-3\stopTextSpan

Course it does!
-you forgot a # before 'text (but I can see from your error message
that was not the issue)
-you have to start your TextSpan object *after* a note:
do not write \startTextSpan alone, but g\startTextSpan for instance.
-anyway, your snippet contains a (if you don't mind) stupid mistake :)
fis2'' is incorrect: you have to put first the pitch, then the duration:

I still have a lot of problems with other things, trying find relief in
working with denemo but this software is crashing too often. And i don't
know if this would be of any help.

Your best option is, by far, to use jEdit text editor, and install
Bert Fodor's wonderful LilyPondTool, which will incredibly help you
not to make syntax mistakes.
see http://lilypondtool.organum.hu/87.0.html


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