2007/7/12, sdfgsdhdshd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

In this link, i read "how many systems you want before each fragment".
What does "system" mean? This word is present several times in the main
lilypond doc, but i can't figure its meaning related to lilypond.

I found this definition on Google (it explains it better than I would ever do):

Multiple staves that are held together with a bracket or brace are
often just called a "line", but this term can be confusing, so the
term "system" is preferred, although this is not in very common usage.
For example, if a choir leader or conductor refers to the "second
line", it is not necessarily clear whether he/she is referring to the
second stave or the second system (counting from the top of the page).

(ugly, but very good indeed)

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