2007/7/28, jazzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> As you can see I haven't hidden the beses note so you can clearly see it
> does not blend with the chord, even though I have overridden the NoteHead
> X-extent.

You can fix it by changing the priority of your voices (dirty, dirty
hack, but at least it works):


\new Staff {
\time 3/4
\key ees \major
       \relative {
               eeses'4 des des |
       \relative {
              \voiceTwo <ces aes'>8 <ces beses'> <ces beses'> <ces
aes'> <ces aes'> <bes ges'> |
       \relative {
              \voiceOne s4 \slurDown \acciaccatura ces'8
               \once \override NoteHead #'X-extent = #'(0.0 . 0.0)
               \hideNotes \stemUp beses8 \slurNeutral s4. |



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