Spacing between author's name and first staff

2014-03-29 Thread Son_V
Hi, I've fought to find in the documentation how to add more space after the \header and the first staff, but I wasn't successful; can anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks. -- View this message in context:

"warning: decrescendo too little"

2014-03-29 Thread Son_V
The exact expression in Italian is: "attenzione: decrescendo troppo piccolo r2 a2 \> \mp | % 7" The code: r2 a2 \> \mp | % 7 a2 \! b4 c4 | % 8 If I delete the "\mp" command, the correct > symbol is inserted (thougt I would preferred it ending on the a2 note. What can be done? Thanks

Re: Spacing between author's name and first staff

2014-03-29 Thread Son_V
Thanks for the fast answer, but I wasn't able to use your information. It seems to me that I should use the command "markup-system-spacing", but where have I tu put it in \paper { system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20 score-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 13) (minimum-

Re: "warning: decrescendo too little"

2014-03-29 Thread Son_V
THANKS! That solved. :-) -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

Re: Spacing between author's name and first staff

2014-03-29 Thread Son_V
Many thanks to you and to Federico (ciao). At last (at last, at last ...) I figured how to obtain what I asked for. Have a nice Sunday. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User ma

Re: Arabic Template

2014-03-29 Thread Son_V
Hi you can get a 10/8 just by using PartPOneVoiceOne = \relative f' { \clef "treble" \key f \major \time 10/8 f2 g2 c4 ~ | % 2 (it's just an example) I usually use MuseScore to insert all the music and dynamisc, text etc. and at the end I export the file in .xml format, that I can open on F

OT? Error importing Organ xml files made in Musescore

2014-06-24 Thread Son_V
Hi all, can't understand why I can't import Organ xml files that I make in Musescore (I find it a lot esaier to write with a direct reading of what I' doing, then to load the xml files in Frescodaldi to get the graphical output). I get this error message: The file couldn't be converted. Error mess

Re: OT? Error importing Organ xml files made in Musescore

2014-06-26 Thread Son_V
Here it is ... I can't see no more to do than a copy and paste; in Denemo, or in Frescocaldi choosing "insert from file" I can get the score, but without the text and without the brackets. %% File LilyPond generato da Denemo versione 1.1.4 %% \version "2.18.0"

Humble question, text at the second note in a ligature

2014-07-05 Thread Son_V
Sorry but I'm tiry after looking at all the choices I had, and so I'm a bit lost: in a line e1 ~ | e2 r2 | I want on e1 "mi" (as text), and on e2 "bien". It's surely a humble question but I hadn'found the way to solve it an now I' tired. May you please help? Thanks. -- View this message in

Re: Humble question, text at the second note in a ligature

2014-07-05 Thread Son_V
:-( didn't work - I'm sure it should be a simple thing, but after a lot of work on the score I'm going out of my head ... It's one note that lasts 4 + 2 beats, the word "Mi" is on its own place, but "bien" isn't on the 2 beats note Thanks. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.

I was unable to import an xml ogan file from Musescore - update

2014-07-10 Thread Son_V
Hi, some days ago I posted a message to say that I couldn't import an xml organ file made with Musescore; yesterday I installed Forte 5 basic took from GAOTD, and at my surprise it read perfectly the xml files I couldn't made Lilypond read . At this point i could think there is a problem in the Lil

Re: I was unable to import an xml ogan file from Musescore - update

2014-07-10 Thread Son_V
Well, the file produced by Musescore: and the same file imported in Forte Premium demo and re-exported in an xml file: But what messes me is that the first file, the one produced by MuseScore, can be imported in Denem

Re: I was unable to import an xml ogan file from Musescore - update

2014-07-10 Thread Son_V
Ok, but how can Denemo load the file that LilyPond can't open, and so makes Forte? -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at __

Re: I was unable to import an xml ogan file from Musescore - update

2014-07-10 Thread Son_V
Sorry but I can understand what a "tiny example" is, but I'm not able to make one ... and, about the "hand edit the XML source to get rid of the error in the PartGroupInfo section" ... what could i do??? :-( Thanks. -- View this message in context:

Re: I was unable to import an xml ogan file from Musescore - update

2014-07-12 Thread Son_V
> it's tedious as it sounds :-(( -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lily

Fighting with \cadenzaOn (and loosing :( )

2014-08-23 Thread Son_V
Hi all, sorry for my newbyism, maybe I just know about 10% (at most) of LilyPond, but I can't leave it because of the wonderfful graphical output ... I made a score of a Gregorian chant as I've seen on the web using modern notation; using Musescore it was easy to say that a beat should not be 4/4

In wait for a subsequent word (sorry how can I put it)?

2014-09-07 Thread Son_V
Sorry for the uncomprehensible subject - the question: it's easy when you have a word hyphenated between some notes - like "San __ \skip4 ctus"; but if you have a word that's finished but must be sung for some other notes, like "ctus" that must be sung for say other four notes, I usually leave no "

Re: In wait for a subsequent word (sorry how can I put it)?

2014-09-07 Thread Son_V
Thanks Phil, for your answer - but I usually (is it right?), as in your example, write "Sanc __tus" and if "tus" must be sung for say other four notes I do not add anything after "tus" . But it could be miserunderstooding for who plays the score. But I wonder if there is a RULE for those situations

Re: In wait for a subsequent word (sorry how can I put it)?

2014-09-07 Thread Son_V
I must understand. Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user maili

Re: In wait for a subsequent word (sorry how can I put it)?

2014-09-09 Thread Son_V
Well, I now include an image; I usually write a "long underscore" when there is something that lasts in a next syllable; like in the example, "Sa -- cra -- men __ tum" (here you can see what i mean in "men __ tum", or "to __que"). I do not give trace about the syllable to be sung after "cer -- nu -

Another humble question, this is about \skip

2014-09-13 Thread Son_V
Hi, first I want to thank all that have answered to my latest message (I've ordered on Amazon "Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide to Music Notation", to have an authoritative source). I have encountered a problem with a test score that I'm unable to solve. I attach an image:

Printed manuals, why not?

2014-09-19 Thread Son_V
Hi, I would be glad to have the option to buy printed manuals for LilyPond; I thought of making it from some printing service, but for a 834 page book I should pay 40 Euro, something like 55USD. It could (maybe) be something to have a contribution. Has no one thought about this? Thanks. -- View

Multi line text with a common text

2014-09-27 Thread Son_V
Sorry for the unclear subject. I found a score I've put on LilyPond (Messaus - Dies est laetitiae); the original score had three lines of text, but at beat 7 there is just ONE common text. The original score had a curly bracket after the three lines and the "common text" aligned with the centre of

A help document i would like to have

2014-09-27 Thread Son_V
Hi all, when asking questions here I had often the problem on "how to say" a term that maybe (or not!) I just knew in Italian. I've found an interesting site that COULD answer the question: . But it's only in English (I've bought the

Re: A help document i would like to have

2014-09-27 Thread Son_V
Thanks Knute for your answer, and for your offer, bur if someone who doesn't speak English (like me) wants to put a question in this forum, first he shoul know what is the name for the thing he's questioning for. And in general it could be necessary to know what is the name for a GRAPHIC SYMBOL (th

Re: A help document i would like to have

2014-09-27 Thread Son_V
Thanks Tao, but I'm talking of something completely different: a VISUAL MULTILINGUAL dictionary of the musical symbols / notation. If you look at the link I've posted you will see an example; but it's a web app (I would like a pdf file) and only in English. It'not an instrument for looking at a sym

Re: A help document i would like to have

2014-09-27 Thread Son_V
Hi Noeck, you've got closer to my idea. Your pf file is too much crowded, I'm thinking of something like the link I've posted before, , where it's possible to look to a notation symbol and to know what's its na

Re: Multi line text with a common text

2014-09-28 Thread Son_V
Thanks Phil, but it's about just one voice, and I'm trying to apply it to an already made SATB score; I have tried to work your example on my score, but I felt in a maze (really). I can't actually make it work. -- View this message in context:

Re: A help document i would like to have

2014-09-28 Thread Son_V
> \version "2.18.2" \paper { Hi Joram, I think you've got what i meant. Unfortunately, to work on this file is Far off of my capabilities. :-( I coul try to make an example with LibreOffice. I will put it here. Thanks. -- View this message in context:

Re: A help document i would like to have

2014-09-28 Thread Son_V
Another example of a VISUAL dictionary: It lacks the MULTILINGUAL side. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive

Re: Multi line text with a common text

2014-09-28 Thread Son_V
Here it is: The example you posted is just a one voice with more lines of the (same) lyrics. I'm in trouble in an already made score (Musescore > XML > LilyPond). -- View this message in context: http://lil

About a RULE I hadn't found in the Bible (Beyond bars)

2014-09-28 Thread Son_V
I found a score where there are three lines of lyrics (1,2, 3) and then, after beat 7, there is just ONE (common) line of a common lyrics. like the example below: lyrics for first stanza| lyrics for second stanza | lyrics for third stanza | common endin

Re: Multi line text with a common text

2014-09-30 Thread Son_V
Hi, thanks to you and Phil in the first place ... then, I've tried to use your example And I got VERY close to the result I wanted! Just one problem: I think it would be preferable that the curly bracket starts from the rest; like in the jpg file i've posted before; is it possible? Have a good nigh

Re: Multi line text with a common text

2014-10-01 Thread Son_V
> PS. The case not covered is the one with an even number of stanzas… but > I don’t have a good idea for that, either. Hi Simon, I had an idea, don't know if it could be useful: if we have four stanzas, like 1. when good. 2. If . maybe. 3. Sometimes ... well. 4. So

Re: Multi line text with a common text

2014-10-01 Thread Son_V
> I know nothing more intelligent than \once\override StanzaNumber.extra-offset = … Hi Simon, where shoud be put this command, and what numerical value to try? Just found old posts while searching ... And a strange behavior; as can be seen in this image,

Re: Multi line text with a common text

2014-10-01 Thread Son_V
Just to add other oddities, I first extracted just the Soprano voice to test the 'curly bracket' problem. Looking back at this, now i recognize that the just one voice got the curly bracket correctly aligned with the rest, but with a wider space between the stanzas:

Re: A help document i would like to have

2014-10-01 Thread Son_V
Well, I've made a VERY, very UGLY document just to try what I meant: Hope that could be as an inspiration. -- View this message in context:

losing a bar number when the first beat is irregular

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
Hi all, as I have said i use Musescore to write down the notes and lyrics, then I export to .xml to import the file in Frescobaldi. I encounter a humble problem. If the score I'm transcribing has just one note in the first beat, to have a correct visual correspondence with the original score, I mus

Re: losing a bar number when the first beat is irregular

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
Thanks Simon (for your patience, in the first place). Well, it's an anacrusis, I forgot to say it. And MS can handle a correct numbering. What I'm not able to do is to make LilyPond to understand that the fist beat, the anacrusis, should be numbered as "beat 1". If I use \clef "treble" \key es \ma

Re: Overriding header fonts in a template

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
Shoudn't it be a work for programs like Textreme, , or SCR ? HTH -- View this message in context: Sent from the User m

Re: losing a bar number when the first beat is irregular

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
Yes ... bar numbering. I used it in the subject of the post, but misspelled it here. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _

Re: losing a bar number when the first beat is irregular

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
Sorry, I wasn't unable to make your examples to work. :-( -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at

Re: remove first empty staff and ambitus

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
Hi, I removed the first empty staff from a chorus score, but I don't know what an "ambitus" is, nor I found it in "behind bars" (and I'm just a beginner). So I don't expect this could be useful, but at least ... In my scores, that I write whit Musescore and then I export to an xml file that I impo

Re: remove first empty staff and ambitus

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
"putting in a \layout that I already found in the file produced "via" MuseScore" I forgot to say, at the end of the file. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at

Re: losing a bar number when the first beat is irregular

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
2.18.2, the stable one. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user mailing

Re: losing a bar number when the first beat is irregular

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
But I've made no copy or paste. And this is just the first time I post the question; I've had that problem any time I had an anacrusis. May I post my file? I can't see how to solve this little but annoying problem. -- View this message in context:

Re: losing a bar number when the first beat is irregular

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
you can put \set Score.currentBarNumber = #2 in the first full bar to cause this to be numbered as bar 2. MANY THANKS. That solved. -- View this message in context: Sent from the U

Re: losing a bar number when the first beat is irregular

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
Sorry, I can't understand; with MuseScore I see the bar numbers as "correct", as far I can understand. The first beat, that have just one note, is not numbered, but the following one is labelled by the number "2". I thought that this was correct. In Lilypond, the bar numbers are all a -1 in respect

Re: losing a bar number when the first beat is irregular

2014-10-04 Thread Son_V
> If a piece starts with an incomplete measure this measure doesn't have a number Well, thanks. I've searched on "beyond bars" 2011 ed. but I wasn't able to find a reference to this problem. Nor I was able to found a way in the index: no "irregular beats". Maybe it's hidden in another chapter. But

A sign I can't understand ...

2014-10-15 Thread Son_V
Hi all and excuse me; I found this symbol, parenthesis before and after a note added to a 2/4 beat: here it is; that should be a note inserted when singing for the second time the beat. How can I insert in in the score? How ca

Re: A sign I can't understand ...

2014-10-16 Thread Son_V
> isn't that indicating that in a second (or later) verse there are two syllables? Yes. Sorry ... I've been too stingy. :-) Here is a larger view: Note that the "comma" on the right should be a breath > the notation of

A solution I've invented for a SATB choir

2014-10-17 Thread Son_V
Hi, I made a score for a SATB choir; I had two choices: to make it in a single page, but really crowded ... or to make it in two pages. I choose another way; I divided it in SA and TB voices. I made the Soprano+alto part whit single staff and grouped the TB voices WHITHOUT words; and for the Tenor+

Re: A solution I've invented for a SATB choir

2014-10-18 Thread Son_V
> interesting idea. Thanks! This is how things appear for the page for Soprano and Alto: And this is the page for Tenore and Basso: Of course the c

Re: A solution I've invented for a SATB choir

2014-10-18 Thread Son_V
Hi, tanks for your answer. Yes, my goal was to make a score with lyrics for every voice. But I had to choose to make all in a single page but crowding too much the voices, or to make it in a more legible two page. Using this solution I was able to give to S, A, T, B just one page. I saw the file yo

Sorry ... text under melismata

2014-10-19 Thread Son_V
Hi, sorry for this question that I think is another humble one, but I've lost a lot of time working on it; I want to transcribe, for the amateur choir where I sing, this: What I get is this one

Two voices ending score

2014-10-25 Thread Son_V
Hi all, I’m transcribing a score that have two voices in the end, as you can see here: as I have said before, up to bore everyone, I have used Musescore to make an xml file and imported it in Frescobaldi. I get this result, were I

Re: Two voices ending score

2014-10-25 Thread Son_V
And WHY i get this ghost beat 71? How can I get it away? (always thanks ...) -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _

Text uder the score

2014-11-03 Thread Son_V
Hi, I should put some instructions at the bottom of a score; I found at how to write some text, but I wasn't able to find HOW to work with the text, how to put it on the left or right or at the center of the page, how to make spaces,

Re: Where to Download the New Music Fonts?

2014-11-04 Thread Son_V
Shouldn't the name of the last font in the page be "SCARLATTI"? -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _

Re: Text uder the score

2014-11-05 Thread Son_V
Ciao Federico, > Where do you want to put this information? At the bottom of the score ... I've put in capital letters what I'm not able to get (that's a kind of minimum example, wow) \version "2.18.2" \header { title = "song title" } \score { \new Staff \relative c' { c4 } } % I WOUL

Re: Text uder the score

2014-11-07 Thread Son_V
First, thanks to all that answered. Federico: I saw the page: it didn't help me but I missed the link to the page . That is what I was searching for, it doesn't matter it's in English. Now I have to chew it. :-) Greetings. -- View this m

Re: Sorry ... text under melismata

2014-11-07 Thread Son_V
Thanks Kieren, with a lot of delay ... first I wish to complain about handwritten scores (I hope to express myself clearly); it's easy to write without any coherence. Musescore, by his side, it let you write as you want. But LilyPond doesn't let it pass. Back to my first message, I have been said

Hiding empty pentagrams (first message)

2013-11-03 Thread Son_V
Hi all, I'm a beginner in the use of LP; I usually make a score with MuseScore, then I export it to an .xml file and use "musicxml2ly" to get a .ly file and launch it on UbuntuStudio to call Frescobaldi, to have a better output. The problems that I encounter are often due to the fact that I'm not

Re: Hiding empty pentagrams (first message)

2013-11-04 Thread Son_V
On Nov 3, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Son_V <vincenzo.auer@> wrote: > Hi all, [...] Dear Son_V, Please send a tiny example (esempio minimo) showing the problem. For more on what this is, please see: Hi, thanks, I've already understood what a

Re: Hiding empty pentagrams (first message)

2013-11-04 Thread Son_V
2013/11/3 Son_V <vincenzo.auer@> Ciao Vincenzo Ciao Federico why not using Denemo instead of MuseScore? I think that you'll have the benefits of a GUI software and probably a cleaner .ly file (which you can also tweak inside Denemo). I am used to MuseScore that I think is a wonder

Re: Hiding empty pentagrams (first message)

2013-11-05 Thread Son_V
Hy Elge, I see your latest message on my mail but not here, so I replay to your former one; I think it has been made by MuseScore writing the xml file o by musicxml2ly, the multiple rests are written this way: R1 | % 14 R1*7 \break | % 21 R1*5 | % 26 r2 r4 es4 | % 27 there are t

Re: Hiding empty pentagrams (first message)

2013-11-05 Thread Son_V
Hi Helge (and all), I've solved the problem. Maybe it's not the better or more elegant way ... I've noticed that you put your \layout AFTER the \score. In the file (obtained from an xml file as I said) I had a \layout near the beginning of the file (after \paper), but I had another one empty ( \la

"Stanzas" of voice 2, 3 and 4

2014-12-06 Thread Son_V
Hope the subject means something; I'm trying to make a score that should appear as but I get this one: I've made it in MuseScore using voice 2, 3 and four for Z1,

Uncorrect (?) beams

2015-02-15 Thread Son_V
Hi all, I want to make But using \autobeamon, \autobeamoff IO get Where am I wrong? Thanks. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.

Re: Uncorrect (?) beams

2015-02-15 Thread Son_V
I'm using Frescobaldi, so I can't make this kind of mistakes, :-) , I wrote these commands meaning I'm using them in the right way ... I'm writing a score from a printed one made in the beginning of the '900 ... -- View this message in context:

Re: Uncorrect (?) beams

2015-02-15 Thread Son_V
THANKS. What I was missing was to put the note between brackets, like in your example: "[ b]" ... Thanks again. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at __

Frescobaldi CRASHES

2017-12-08 Thread Son_V
I'm no more able to open any .ly file in UbuntuStudio, Frescobaldi crashes in a breath, what can I do? Thanks. -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Frescobaldi 3,.0 CRAHES

2017-12-08 Thread Son_V
It's the second message on the same subject I post, but I don't see the first, in case excuse me... If I try to open a .ly file in Frescobaldi 3.0 (installed blindly as an update) it (Frescobaldi) crashes in a breath. What can I do? Thanks. -- Sent from:

A capo in a subtitle and in the names of instruments

2018-01-24 Thread Son_V
Hi all, I would like to know what is in the subject. The subtitle is very long and I would like to put an A capo somewhere. For the names of instruments, the original score have for the voices "Soprani o Tenori" and "Contralti o Bassi". They are written in a long line. I would like to obtain so

Subtitle is written in bold, how to make it not bold?

2018-01-24 Thread Son_V
As in subject. Thanks. -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A capo in a subtitle and in the names of instruments

2018-01-24 Thread Son_V
That was the answer. Thanks. -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Character for plural Latin, "ae"

2018-01-24 Thread Son_V
As in subject, how can I write the "ae" (latin plural) with a single character? Thanks. -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A capo in a subtitle and in the names of instruments

2018-01-24 Thread Son_V
But still I want to know how to put an "a capo" in a subtitle. The trick for the instruments don't work, the second line do not appear. -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.o

Re: Character for plural Latin, "ae"

2018-01-24 Thread Son_V
Today I use Windows and Frescobaldi 2.18 because on Linux Frescobaldi 3.0 doesn't work. Thanks. -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Verical spacings in the "header"

2018-01-26 Thread Son_V
Hi all I have, and thanks for you, wrote a score but there is still something to adjust; all the problems are maybe in the "header" side. here is my header: \header { composer = \markup\italic "D. Lorenzo Perosi (1872-1956)" title = "Ave Maria" subtitle = \markup \normal-text \italic \cen

Problems in vertical spacing on header

2018-01-30 Thread Son_V
Hi, thisis if I correctly have inserted it, how the header of my score appear: too much space between the first and the second line in the title, and a too small spacing before the subsubtitle. How can I fix them? Thanks. -- Sent from:

Diminuendo goes over subdìseqyent rests

2017-02-28 Thread Son_V
I mean that the diminu2 \! e4 \< endo goes from the its note through the first rest and its "point" ends on the second rest. I don't think it's correct and the result looks ugly to me. The code (an xml file written with Musescore) at that point is es1 \> \breathe | % 21 R1*2 | % 23 d2 \! e4 \< fi

Re: Diminuendo goes over subdìseqyent rests

2017-03-01 Thread Son_V
Hi Simon, thanks for your answer. I succeeded JUST ADDING "\!" after the rest, so es1 \> \breathe | % 21 R1*2 | % 23 d2 \! e4 \< fis4 | % 24 has become es1 \> \breathe | % 21 R1*2\! | % 23 d2 \! e4 \< fis4 | % 24 That has worked also for some Crescendo I didn't noticed when I posted my quest

Crescendo in the first beat misaligned to the others

2017-03-01 Thread Son_V
That happened when I added \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t) so the score changed to } PartPOneVoiceOne = \relative g' { \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t) \clef "treble" \key es \major \time 2/2 | % 1 et cetera. Se

Re: Crescendo in the first beat misaligned to the others

2017-03-01 Thread Son_V
I mean the vertical misalignment that can be seen in this screenshot: PS how to put "Adagio" above the staff? -- View this message in context:

RE: merging different voices (Federico Camara Halac)

2017-03-01 Thread Son_V
This is the kind of things that Musescore can make in a snap, and one of the reasons why I will continue using it for writing scores (the main is my ignorance in LP). -- View this message in context:

Re: Crescendo in the first beat misaligned to the others

2017-03-07 Thread Son_V
Well, I've tried to make a minimum exaple: \header { title = "Test crescendo vertical alignment" } \layout { \context { \Score skipBars = ##t \dynamicUp } } PartPOneVoiceOne = \relative g' { \clef "treble" \key es \major \time 2/2 | % 1 g2 ^"Adagio" \p \< g4 \! g4 |

Re: Crescendo in the first beat misaligned to the others

2017-03-08 Thread Son_V
Well, I know it's not a good example of a minimum example, but it's the closest thing I am able to do... Now the code is \layout { \context { \Score skipBars = ##t \dynamicUp } } PartPOneVoiceOne = \relative g' { &\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)

Add more spacings...

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
After the headers; and between the staves. Sorry for the humble questions. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-use

Re: Add more spacings...

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
Am 25.03.2017 um 17:46 schrieb Son_V: > After the headers; > and between the staves. > > Sorry for the humble questions. They are not so much humble as they are unclear. Well, If I compile an xml file, add the composer, the poet, the staves are too close to them. I would like to hav

Re: Add more spacings...

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
> Well, If I compile an xml file, add the composer, the poet, the staves are > too close to them. I would like to have more space after the headers and > the > subsequent staves. > > And the space between the subsequent staves seems too tight, IMHO. OK, so actually isn't a question but a statemen

Re: Add more spacings...

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
Thanks. That was the answer. Thanks again and be patient with a dumb newbie. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lily

A "phylosophical" question

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
Sorry for the subject, I wasn't able to choose a better one. I usually try to put in a beautiful way scores that came fro copy to copy. So I try to be loyal to what I find; but I got a score, see below, that Lilypond writes differently,

Re: A "phylosophical" question

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
Manually beam the notes, e.g.: g8[ ais] b[ cis] d2 Thanks a lot. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

Re: A "phylosophical" question

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
Yes, you're right. But I left writing scores for a lot, and now I'm still in the position I were then: a newbie to Lilypond. That I love for the wonderful typographical engine, otherwise I could happily stand with MuseScore (oh if they made MS a frontend to LP!). -- View this message in context:

Re: A "phylosophical" question

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
If just I could understand that the question I have is about something that is called "beaming" in English... -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at

Re: A "phylosophical" question

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
Many thanks for your answer, I'll need to learn (starting from the difference 'tween beams and slurs). -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

Now I post again a proposal... A multilingual GRAPHICAL dictionary;

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
That is, to make a graphical multilingual dictionary for the musical elements. That is missing; I have a dictionary but just for words, so I can find that the Italian "legatura di fraseggio" is what in English is "phrase mark", in Deutsch "Phraseriunsbogen" and in French "signe de liaison du phrasé

Re: Now I post again a proposal... A multilingual GRAPHICAL dictionary;

2017-03-25 Thread Son_V
I'm not capable of such a work, that I think should be very useful and is ABSOLUTELY MISSING. something like Imagine it for all the musical elements (among them from a former questiion, "beams and slurs"); Shouldn't it be like a "Rosetta

\RemoveEmptyStaves don't work as I would to

2017-03-28 Thread Son_V
neither \\RemoveAllEmptyStaves .. This is my try for a Minimum example, sorry if I failed to make it smaller: \version "2.19.26" \layout { \context { \Score skipBars = ##t %\RemoveEmptyStaves } } PartPOneVoiceOne = \relative g' { \clef "treble" \key c \major \numericTimeSignatu

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