Well, I know it's not a good example of a minimum example, but it's the closest thing I am able to do... Now the code is
\layout { \context { \Score skipBars = ##t \dynamicUp } } PartPOneVoiceOne = \relative g' { &\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t) \clef "treble" \key es \major \time 2/2 | % 1 \tempo "Adagio" g2 \p \< g4 \! g4 | % 2 bes2 \> bes2 | % 3 es,2 \! \< es4 f4 | % 4 g2 \! \> f2\! \breathe \bar "|." } PartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne = \lyricmode { A -- ve Ma -- ri -- a gra -- ti -- a ple -- na } % The score definition \score { << \new Staff << \set Staff.instrumentName = "Soprano" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "S." \context Staff << \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceOne" { \PartPOneVoiceOne } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "PartPOneVoiceOne" \PartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne >> >> >> \layout {} } If you uncomment the "\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)" you will see the difference, and you will see the misalignment I am talking of. Can it be eliminated? Thanks. -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Crescendo-in-the-first-beat-misaligned-to-the-others-tp200612p200906.html Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user