Re: default beat groupings

2009-04-23 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 24.04.2009 um 01:15 schrieb Anthony W. Youngman: In message , James E. Bailey writes Did the default beat groupings change? I thought I remembered that in 3/4, three eighth-note triplets followed by an eighth note and an eighth rest would not beam the eighth note to the triplets. In

Re: Bug report: initial grace note causes redundant clefs and time signatures

2009-04-29 Thread James E. Bailey
{ f32[ g] } a2. } \score { << \new Voice = "mel" { \autoBeamOff \melody } \new Staff = "low" { \lower } } How is this different from the Known issues and warnings on grace note usage? James E. Bailey ___

horizontal alignment suggestions

2009-05-03 Thread James E. Bailey
accomodate the instrumentName. Essentially, I'd like the instrumentName to not be calculated as part of the system width. Is this possible? Where would I find out how to do this? Or, is there another way that I'm just not aware of? Thanks for

Re: horizontal alignment suggestions

2009-05-03 Thread James E. Bailey
\score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Instrument Name" } { a4 g a f } \layout { indent = 0 } } } } \markup { \fill-line { \score { \new Staff { a4 g a f } \layout { indent = 0 } } } } James E. Bailey ___

Re: horizontal alignment suggestions

2009-05-03 Thread James E. Bailey
workaround: \version "2.12.2" \paper { line-width = 8.5\in indent = 0 } \layout { \context { \Staff \override InstrumentName #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0) } } music = \relative { a4 g a f } Thanks, I think this may be just what I needed! I'll let you know how this

Re: horizontal alignment suggestions

2009-05-05 Thread James E. Bailey
ative part of the score markup's horizontal extent, the easiest workaround is to remove it from the score's bounding box. Regards, Neil Brilliant! I could never have come up with that on my own, but I am very grateful to you two for helping me, and for the wondeful solutio

vertical spacing between scores

2009-05-05 Thread James E. Bailey
If I have multiple scores on a single page, how can I control the vertical spacing between them. Currently it's a bit larger than I'd like it to be. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://lis

Re: Cant get my MAC to run lily

2009-05-07 Thread James E. Bailey or you can get there from James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: vertical spacing between scores

2009-05-07 Thread James E. Bailey
o decrease the spaces between multiple \score blocks in a single \book block. I don't know if \bookpart allows that, but I haven't had much success with \bookpart in general, so I haven't been to eager to try again. James E. Bailey

Re: [LilyPond] Unequal line spacing in columns

2009-05-07 Thread James E. Bailey
columns, you should get the results that you want. I.e., instead of having a column that has stanzas 1-9 and another column that has stanzas 10-18, try using a column of lines where each line is stanzas 1 and 10, then 2 and 11, and so on. Description: Binary data stanzas.pdf Description:

Re: Typesetting a 17th century music example.

2009-05-10 Thread James E. Bailey
m I would use markup, i.e: \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \override Staff.Clef #'text = \markup \column { \raise #1.0 {\musicglyph #"clefs.C"} \raise #0.0 {\musicglyph #"clefs.C"} \raise #-1.0 {\musicglyp

Re: Newbie Question -- verse and chorus

2009-05-10 Thread James E. Bailey
Lyrics \lyricsto Verse \lyricmode {} chorus = \context Lyrics \lyricsto Chorus \lyricmode {} Some prefer to use \skip1*32 (or appropriate). And some prefer a similar method to skip, but a little easier on input, \repeat unfold 138 {_} James E. Bailey

Re: Newbie Question -- verse and chorus

2009-05-11 Thread James E. Bailey
u already understand. The lilypond documentation really isn't the kind of documentation that you can go to when you want to know how to do something. It's designed to teach you how to use the software. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-u

Re: Newbie Question -- verse and chorus

2009-05-11 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 11.05.2009 um 17:18 schrieb Graham Percival: On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 05:11:53PM +0200, James E. Bailey wrote: The lilypond documentation really isn't the kind of documentation that you can go to when you want to know how to do something. It's designed to teach you how to use th

Re: Newbie Question -- verse and chorus

2009-05-11 Thread James E. Bailey
arning)M" discussion. We don't think of documentation as a means to learn something, documentation is now "help", in that, like the microsoft office assistant, you ask it a question, and it tells you the answer. This example, simplifie

Re: Newbie Question -- verse and chorus

2009-05-11 Thread James E. Bailey
at. Am I going to have to learn more scheme, or am I getting at the bar number in the wrong way? -- Tim Rowe I would just not use partial. You know that you can put in a bar line even if the measure isn't complete. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-u

Re: gs doesn't handle unicode-filename

2009-05-11 Thread James E. Bailey
using unicode filenames. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyric problem when alternative begins with a rest

2009-05-12 Thread James E. Bailey
er mailing list James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

writing chords

2009-05-12 Thread James E. Bailey
c:94 \break c:m4 } } James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: writing chords

2009-05-12 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 13.05.2009 um 01:59 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen: On 5/12/09 12:41 PM, "James E. Bailey" wrote: I will be the first one to admit that I don't work with chords frequently. I'm also trying to understand them. I understand that I can enter c:7 and lilypond will reco

Re: printing rest in ChordNames context

2009-05-13 Thread James E. Bailey
} I've never seen something like that. What this rest in chords should mean? For chords stop usually the following sign is used: ¬ -- I don't do much with chords, but I would imagine it means "don't play a chord here". James E. Bailey

Re: printing rest in ChordNames context

2009-05-13 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 14.05.2009 um 07:08 schrieb Brett Duncan: James E. Bailey wrote: Am 13.05.2009 um 23:07 schrieb Stjepan Brbot: Simon Bailey-2 wrote: hi zoli, Zoltan Kota wrote: Is it possible somehow to display rest symbols in a ChordNames context? yes. use: \score << \context Chor

Re: Hiding Time signature

2009-05-16 Thread James E. Bailey
x27;d have a hard time finding a better place for it. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Special markups

2009-05-18 Thread James E. Bailey
MIDI instrument anyway. I would need the sounds of knocking and tapping on the harp body. And I would like to set the instrument for the other notes to "harp" (MIDI channel 146). Regards, Helge You could probably make those changes in a midi editor. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Compiling problems without error message

2009-05-19 Thread James E. Bailey
it's related, but ghostscript (which is the program that makes the final output file) has problems with accented characters in the path. I would suggest simply not having accented in the path or filename of anything you plan to run lilypond on. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \partial at start, but want whole bar at end

2009-05-22 Thread James E. Bailey
e opposite! How is lilypond insisting? Can you make a two or three measure example that shows what you mean? James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \partial at start, but want whole bar at end

2009-05-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.05.2009 um 18:21 schrieb Paul Hodges: --On 22 May 2009 18:02 +0200 "James E. Bailey" wrote: I've never seen this, in fact the opposite! How is lilypond insisting? Can you make a two or three measure example that shows what you mean? Sorry, I missed out what turned ou

Re: good free midi player?

2009-05-27 Thread James E. Bailey
players with other soundfonts installed by default, but there are other soundfonts available, if you can get them installed for your midi player. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: emacs lilypond-mode

2009-05-28 Thread James E. Bailey
ppets in hybrid HTML, LaTeX, texinfo or DocBook document. Examples: ... Compilation exited abnormally with code 2 at Thu May 28 21:26:46 - the lilypond part of my .emacs file looks like that: Have you copied the file to an appropriate directory? James

Re: emacs lilypond-mode

2009-05-29 Thread James E. Bailey
exiting abnormally. cheers thomas Mehr Sicherheit und Datenschutz - der neue Internet Explorer 8 für MSN Jetzt sofort kostenlos downloaden! James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: emacs lilypond-mode

2009-05-29 Thread James E. Bailey
ce, anything windows-related is quickly ignored by me. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems with Piano Staff Template

2009-06-01 Thread James E. Bailey
inimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1) } % modify PianoStaff context to accept Dynamics context \context { \PianoStaff \accepts Dynamics } } } \score { \new PianoStaff = "PianoStaff_pf" << \new Staff = "Staff_pfUpper" <

Re: partcombine/instrumentName problem

2009-06-01 Thread James E. Bailey
rumentName = "Eb Clarinet" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Eb Clar." \clarinetInEb } ___________ lilypond-user mailing list James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Question from a mac user

2009-06-04 Thread James E. Bailey
? ___ lilypond-user mailing list James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: question re: changing color of notes and lyrics

2009-06-04 Thread James E. Bailey
ics.LyricHyphen #'color = #(x11-color 'maroon) \override Lyrics.LyricExtender #'color = #(x11-color 'maroon) _______ lilypond-user mailing list James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Mac OS X LilyPond & Terminal install problems.

2009-06-05 Thread James E. Bailey
w and decided to see if double-clicking the LilyPond icon could accomplish anything new. A blank, Untitled window appeared that I was able to type in and save(!), but again, no way to compile it and no menu of anything to access. So what's going on? Please assist. _______

Re: R1*3

2009-06-11 Thread James E. Bailey
properly when I render this using version 2.12.2 James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Different colours in a single word

2009-06-11 Thread James E. Bailey
looks like it does not understand the command \concat it says error: unknown escape string: '\concat' Thank you very much, Andrea That looks like the \markup before the \concat is missing, i.e., commented out. And lilypond doesn'

Re: G_8 not complete in a small eps file

2009-06-11 Thread James E. Bailey
#x27;s the same for 2.13, but in 2.12, your command would be lilypond -dbackend='eps' -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts hth James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: G_8 not complete in a small eps file

2009-06-11 Thread James E. Bailey
ls you how to produce eps for use in other programs. That's interesting, I used lilypond -dhelp and chapter 3 of AU, which is about normal lilypond, AU 4 is on lilypond book. But AU 3 covers command line options, which succeded for my purposes.

Re: G_8 not complete in a small eps file

2009-06-11 Thread James E. Bailey
and i suggested to use a newer version! anything wrong about that? 2.13 is the development release, not the stable release. The syntax may change, and additional bugs may be introduced. Like eighth note beaming? :P James E. Bailey ___ lilypond

Re: Time signature and bar engraver workarounds

2009-06-17 Thread James E. Bailey
/lilypond- learning/Vocal-ensembles#Vocal-ensembles Is there a tweak for adjusting when the bar engraver works or not? Yes, you'll want to see in the Learning Manual on how to make objects invisible. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing

Re: Compiling on MAC OS X 10.5.7

2009-06-18 Thread James E. Bailey
iling lilypond 2.11 on 10.5.4. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Time signature and bar engraver workarounds

2009-06-18 Thread James E. Bailey
of \remove. Is there a way to turn on and off the \remove function within the music? On Jun 18, 2009, at 12:12 AM, "James E. Bailey" wrote: On 18.06.2009, at 03:30, Kalen Mercer wrote: I am working on a piece with no time signature or bar engraver. However, I do want to hav

Re: Menu bar

2009-06-19 Thread James E. Bailey
l options for macintosh users. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MacOS X 10.5 GUI

2009-06-23 Thread James E. Bailey
LilyPond binary does not do. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MacOS X 10.5 GUI

2009-06-23 Thread James E. Bailey
NHOME…" error messages. Also, what's with the ? you have a python there? James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MacOS X 10.5 GUI

2009-06-26 Thread James E. Bailey
On 26.06.2009, at 22:25, Patrick McCarty wrote: On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Christian Hitz wrote: Am 24.06.2009 um 09:24 schrieb Patrick McCarty: On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 05:40:59AM +0200, James E. Bailey wrote: Granted, I'm on 10.4, but I've never had the "

lsr item 391: Lyrics above the staff they are assigned to

2009-06-28 Thread James E. Bailey
In the process of answering someone's question, I stumbled across this. It works, but shouldn't alignAboveContext be used to do this instead? I can prepare a minimal snippet and even post it to the lsr. James

Re: new website: draft 3

2009-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey
questions would you propose? My idea is that the FAQ should contain 4-10 questions. Currently, we have 1: Why do you change the syntax? 2: Something isn't working! 3: Where is the app (_maybe_) Well, if they are the most frequently asked questions… I mean, a quick look at bug

Re: Removing Piano Staff Temporarily Under Flute Part

2009-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey
part on about a half a page, and then resume the printing of piano staff there after. Hi. You'll want to look at the various options under 1.6.2 Staff symbol and Hiding staves. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond

Re: Removing Piano Staff Temporarily Under Flute Part

2009-07-03 Thread James E . Bailey
part on about a half a page, and then resume the printing of piano staff there after. Hi. You'll want to look at the various options under 1.6.2 Staff symbol and Hiding staves. Totally forgot. This is in the Learning Manual of the current stable, 2.12 version. James E. B

Re: cipher music

2009-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey
te to the most current version. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Removing Piano Staff Temporarily Under Flute Part

2009-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey
This is in the Learning Manual of the current stable, 2.12 version. James E. Bailey Dangit, I meant to say Notation Reference instead of Learning Manual. Also, there are several options for hiding staves. You just have to play around (read) and find the one that works best for

Re: Removing Piano Staff Temporarily Under Flute Part

2009-07-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Score’. By default, this command hides and removes all empty staves in a score except for those in the first system. Note: A staff is considered empty when it contains only multi-measure rests, skips, spacer rests, or a combination of these elements. James

Re: Transpose Command

2009-07-06 Thread James E. Bailey
; a' { \relative { \key b \major ... } } You should get what you're looking for. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \mark beneath instead of above

2009-07-06 Thread James E. Bailey
staff above, and another below. If I understand correctly what you want, you need to move the Rehearsal mark engraver to the staff context, remove it from the score context, and then change the direction. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user m

A minor change in LM 2.2.2

2009-07-07 Thread James E. Bailey
er reference to specific usage of the pedals other (that I could find) than this, and it makes it quite clear which command is meant (since the command was changed from "up" to "off" anyway) James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mail

Re: Shifting down-stemmed notes rightwards

2009-07-09 Thread James E. Bailey
both set the voice to \voiceFour and then manually shift the notes to the right: g \change Staff = rh \voiceFour \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.0 f' e' \change Staff = lh \voiceOne \revert NoteColumn #'force- hshift g That should get you considerably closer to

Re: difficulty implementing grob-suicide! for spanned bendAfter

2009-07-09 Thread James E. Bailey
On 10.07.2009, at 06:47, Mark Polesky wrote: 5) The \layout block goes *inside* the \score block. Not necessarily, one is global for every \score in a \book, and one only applies to a single \score in a \book. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond

Re: basic questions

2009-07-10 Thread James E. Bailey
LilyPond. And while searches in the Notation Reference are considerably more effective, they benefit from having read through the Learning Manual at least once to become familiar with the terminology that LilyPond uses. James E. Bailey ___ l

Re: Reading the LM

2009-07-11 Thread James E. Bailey
thing? E, that's rather annoying. It would probably be added to list of problems with grace notes, but to workaround it, put the grace note before the partial (and you don't need to turn auto-beaming on, since it's on

Re: Saving

2009-07-12 Thread James E. Bailey
at • (click on the link "Where is the app") - Windows • - Mac OSX 10.5 • - Li

Re: solving dynamics clash

2009-07-14 Thread James E. Bailey
shift = \once \override DynamicText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 s2 \shift s2\mp s2 s2\mf James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to add a utf-8 character to the title

2009-07-19 Thread James E. Bailey
e would be: Sinte' Intro All you need to do is type it in, Sinté( or Sintè) Intro. See section 3.3.3 of the Learning manual for more info. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: formatting question

2009-07-19 Thread James E. Bailey
? James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.13.3 docs emacs mode documentation AU 2.2.1 out of date?

2009-07-22 Thread James E. Bailey
esn't find an install target rule. Am I missing something or are the docs behind? Thanks, Paul Scott That only applies if lilypond-mode isn't installed on your platform (first paragraph, last sentence). Usually you can just move the files to where they need to go and ammend

Re: 2.13.3 docs emacs mode documentation AU 2.2.1 out of date?

2009-07-23 Thread James E. Bailey
On 23.07.2009, at 07:16, Paul Scott wrote: James E. Bailey wrote: On 23.07.2009, at 04:20, Paul Scott wrote: Hi, I'm resurrecting a laptop whose hard drive died. I'm trying to set up Emacs lilypond-mode. AU 2.2.1 tells me to do a 'make install' in the elisp direc

Re: How do you move a note horizontally?

2009-07-29 Thread James E. Bailey James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: First Lilypond Score

2009-07-31 Thread James E. Bailey
continue to use it and learn more. A couple of read-throughs of the Learning Manual to familiarize yourself with the various existing options, and you should find using LilyPond a lot easier, although I must say, if you can construct your own macro, you're far better off than a lot of

Re: tie over time signature

2009-08-01 Thread James E. Bailey
signature? Thanks, Jonathan ___ lilypond-user mailing list this is addressed in the Learning Manual under "Real music example&qu

Re: Aphex Twin deathWaltz

2009-08-01 Thread James E. Bailey
file ;-) ___ lilypond-user mailing list Wow, this is kind of the last place I'd expect an Aphex Twin reference. Oh, and I remember first seeing this in my 10th grade orchestra class. James

Re: cannot end slur

2009-08-03 Thread James E. Bailey
parenthesis, and that would show that there is none. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: French accents

2009-08-03 Thread James E. Bailey
For example, é is option-e-e and è is option-`-e. These can all be seen in the keyboard viewer, which can be accessed from System Preferences in the Input Menu of the International preferences. Also, if you're on a macintosh, your editor supports U

Re: Using dynamics in lyrics

2009-08-05 Thread James E. Bailey
consists "New_dynamic_engraver" } } } -- Dr Peter Chubb peterc AT ERTOS within National ICT Australia ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-u

Re: Beam direction with \new Voice

2009-08-07 Thread James E. Bailey
section 1.5.2 of the Notation Reference, Multiple Voices. HTH, James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \context for named Staff

2009-08-07 Thread James E. Bailey
__ lilypond-user mailing list James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problems with learning lilypond

2009-08-08 Thread James E. Bailey
Why do you want to change the value of "\aVariable"? That doesn't make any sense to me. I think the corollary to this would be, "why not simply define two variables in the beginning?" James E. Bailey ___ lilypond

Re: roman numeral chord notation below staff with pivot chord brackets?

2009-08-09 Thread James E. Bailey
horizontal, not vertical, like they should be. Is there a way to get something that looks like this? thanks for your time. -lelangir I would use markup in a lyrics context.

Fwd: roman numeral chord notation below staff with pivot chord brackets?

2009-08-09 Thread James E. Bailey
I think this was sent only to me and not to the list. Begin forwarded message: From: Hugo Leonardo Ribeiro Date: 9. August 2009 21:06:06 MESZ To: "James E. Bailey" Subject: Re: roman numeral chord notation below staff with pivot chord brackets? Did you look at this? http://lis

Re: Decrescendo

2009-08-09 Thread James E. Bailey
lypond code you used that was unsuccessful? What you've described should work, so perhaps there's something that's preventing the output you want. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: non overriding \clefs

2009-08-10 Thread James E. Bailey
ext-interface::print \override Staff.Clef #'text = \markup { \raise #-2.0 {\musicglyph #"clefs.G"} \raise #0.0 {\musicglyph #"clefs.F"} \hspace #0.1 } \clef bass \key c \minor \time 3/4 b as g } James E. Bailey

\cadenzaOn question

2009-08-11 Thread James E. Bailey
y understand the logic behind it, but I couldn't find anywhere that this was explained. Perhaps it is implied in the notation reference, but it really only mentions bar lines and bar numbers, but not how cadenzas fit into multi-staff music. James E. Bailey ___

Re: staves with example notes, ancient and modern

2009-08-11 Thread James E. Bailey
don't know if you know about it, but there is a french speaking mailing list for lilypond users. It's at http:// James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://l

Re: problems with learning lilypond

2009-08-12 Thread James E. Bailey
ple do to save typing. In fact, I'm of the opinion that there's no need to use Scheme, it's just there if you know how to use it. So, if you take Scheme out of the lilypond learning curve, it's actually not that difficult. James E. Bailey ___

Re: staves with example notes, ancient and modern

2009-08-12 Thread James E. Bailey
columns. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problems with learning lilypond

2009-08-12 Thread James E. Bailey
On 12.08.2009, at 19:33, Mark Polesky wrote: James E. Bailey wrote: Personally, I think this is an area where knowing too much gets in the way. I, for example, have no clue about Scheme. Scheme is, as far as I'm concerned, what other people do to save typing. In fact, I'm of t

Re: problems with learning lilypond

2009-08-12 Thread James E. Bailey
On 12.08.2009, at 20:41, Mark Polesky wrote: James E. Bailey wrote: Really? What can't you do without Scheme? Algorithmic music. - Mark Surely the calculations can be performed outside of lilypond, and then simply input into lilypond for a score, right? Or am I missing some

markup help

2009-08-13 Thread James E. Bailey
"scripts.four" \musicglyph #"scripts.five" \musicglyph #"scripts.six" \musicglyph #"" \musicglyph #"scripts.eight" \musicglyph #"scripts.nine" } Can someone help me with what I've misunderstood, and wha

Re: markup help

2009-08-14 Thread James E. Bailey
On 14.08.2009, at 07:52, Mark Polesky wrote: James E. Bailey wrote: Reading the documentation, I don't understand why this doesn't work: \version "2.12.2" \markup { \musicglyph #"" \musicglyph #"" ... } The glyp

Re: markup help

2009-08-14 Thread James E. Bailey
On 14.08.2009, at 19:11, Carl Sorensen wrote: On 8/14/09 9:54 AM, "James E. Bailey" wrote: Though I reorganized them for 2.13. Hopefully you'll find this version easier to read: - Mark Thank yo

complex time signatures: scheme help

2009-08-14 Thread James E. Bailey
num) grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:override '(baseline-skip . 0) #:number (#:line ( (#:column (one num)) #:vcenter "+" (#:column (two num ))) Can someone just do that

Re: complex time signatures: scheme help

2009-08-14 Thread James E. Bailey
bit I don't understand. (#:column (one num)) would be the equivalent of \markup \center-column { one num }, right? How would I do \markup \center-column {\line {one + two + three} num }? 4) decide if you want to keep the #:vcenter command Probably no

Re: complex time signatures: scheme help

2009-08-14 Thread James E. Bailey
(my initial attempt) Neither of which moves the Time signature to adjust for the wider space of "3+3+2". So, is there a better way of achieving this? James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: complex time signatures: scheme help

2009-08-14 Thread James E. Bailey
On 15.08.2009, at 00:46, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Freitag, 14. August 2009 23:13:18 schrieb James E. Bailey: Look at that, even I need scheme. I wanted to have the time signature be 3+3+2 8 Apparently this is where Scheme is

Re: multistaff use of rhythm mark snippet

2009-08-17 Thread James E. Bailey
any thanks. Qian Li ___ lilypond-user mailing list I think you want Notation Reference section 1.8.1 Text > Text Marks > (Selected Snippets) Printing marks on every

Re: Lilypond language definition for Notepad++

2009-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
m the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user mailing list James E. Bailey ___ lilypond

Re: Lilypond language definition for Notepad++

2009-08-19 Thread James E. Bailey
I looked in the nano documentation on how to create a syntax definition. It said that it was all regex. Then I went to wikipedia and read how to do regex. That's it really. No searching, or maybe I misunderstand what you mean. On 19.08.2009, at 01:25, -Eluze wrote: James E. Bai

Re: Lilypond language definition for Notepad++

2009-08-19 Thread James E. Bailey
pond - User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user mailing list James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Naturals & Accidental_engraver

2009-08-20 Thread James E. Bailey This should be very straightforward. What have you tried and what hasn't worked? Could you show it in one measure? James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://lis

<    2   3   4   5   6   7   8   >