On 11.06.2009, at 21:41, Graham Percival wrote:
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 08:48:15PM +0200, Alexandros Droseltis wrote:
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 09:23 -0700, -Eluze wrote:
Alexandros Droseltis-3 wrote:
[I am using GNU LilyPond 2.10.33 and I am a new user.]
In the result, the 8 under the clef is cut. I could not find how
I could
solve this problem niftily. I would be grateful for any idea.
for me it looks ok with version 2.13.1 - maybe you should upgrade
to a newer
Thank you for the answer. I updated to 2.13.1 and I find out, that
is no option -b eps any more! Now I cannot create the small eps
image at
all. [Of course, the pdf and the ps file looks fine, they looked fine
with the older version too; what happened to eps? :( ]
First, I recommend that you use 2.12, since 2.13 is the unstable
development version. Note to other people who answer such emails:
let's not suggest that new users try the devel releases.
Second, please read the NEWS document for 2.12. That will tell
you what you need to to other than -b eps. You may also want to
look at AU 3.something (I think?)... it's the chapter about
lilypond-book. At the end, it tells you how to produce eps for
use in other programs.
That's interesting, I used lilypond -dhelp and chapter 3 of AU, which
is about normal lilypond, AU 4 is on lilypond book. But AU 3 covers
command line options, which succeded for my purposes.
James E. Bailey
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