Ah, I understand. nano loads a config file when it starts, so if a
file's extension matches any of the ones defined in the config file,
it then loads the appropriate syntax.
As to what I decided to hilight. That was a completely personal
issue, and since it was my first (and only) attempt at using regex,
I'm sure it could be improved. But, I limited myself to the following
(in increasing order of importance, since if something fits two
definitions, nano will use the one defined later in the config file:
• expressions within curly braces
• chords (expressions within angle-brackets)
• simultaneous expressions (expressions within double angle-brackets)
(note, these last two don't really work very well together,
apparently I'd need a parser in order to separate something like <<
<> >> which can exist and quite often does exist in a lilypond file.
It was enough for me to simply have them colored differently so I
could see them easily.)
• slurs and phrasing slurs
• articulations
• music functions (anything starting with a leading \ )
• note names
• dynamics
• notes beamed together
• anything within quotation marks
• Scheme expressions
• comments
You may find different things important to you. My regex is far from
perfect, but, it exists, and it means that I don't have to learn
another editor. And if something doesn't please me in the way the
syntax hilighting works, I know how to change it.
On 19.08.2009, at 18:22, -Eluze wrote:
James E. Bailey-3 wrote:
No searching, or maybe I misunderstand what you mean.
i guess you had to apply this regex to a file or files - were these
lilypond (program-) files or did you go thru the docs or what?
an additional question of course is, if you found *all* lilypond
expressions, functions or whatever - how many results did you get?
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