Re: Aligning multiple verses to alternative notes in the melody

2012-12-18 Thread Frederick Bartlett
4 a'4 a'4 a'4 > } > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Upper" { a b c d e f g h } > \new Voice = "Lower" { > s4 s4 \voiceTwo a'8 a'8 a'4 > a'4 a'8 a'8 a'4 a'4 > } > \new Lyrics \

Re: Aligning multiple verses to alternative notes in the melody

2012-12-18 Thread Frederick Bartlett
-- Forwarded message -- From: Frederick Bartlett Date: 18 December 2012 11:25 Subject: Re: Aligning multiple verses to alternative notes in the melody To: Phil Holmes Phil, I guess I'm not being clear. And it can confuse the unwary singer! Imagine that there are substa

Overlapping ties in different voices

2014-10-07 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Hi! I'm trying to set selection from Saint-Saën's Oratorio de Noël for my choir. In the Gloria in altissimis (p9 in the IMSLP PDFs), I found an odd combination of ties: \relative c''' { << { s1 | b1 ~ | b2 cis } \\ { a1 ~| a2 s2

Re: Overlapping ties in different voices

2014-10-07 Thread Frederick Bartlett
\ > > { a1~ | 2 4 | 1 } > > \\ > > { \voiceTwo r2 a,~ | } > > >> > > > > Trevor > > > > - Original Message - > *From:* Frederick Bartlett > *To:* LilyPond Users > *Sent:* Tuesday, October 07, 2014 8:57 PM > *Subject:* Overlapping

Re: Overlapping ties in different voices

2014-10-07 Thread Frederick Bartlett
2 4 | 1 } > > \\ > > { \voiceTwo r2 a,~ | } > > >> > > > > Trevor > > > > - Original Message - > *From:* Frederick Bartlett > *To:* LilyPond Users > *Sent:* Tuesday, October 07, 2014 8:57 PM > *Subject:* Overlapping ties in different

Re: Overlapping ties in different voices

2014-10-08 Thread Frederick Bartlett
ng about clashing > note columns if the notes were actually too far apart to clash, as > they are here. In 2.18 either use voice 4 rather than voice 3 (just > insert another \\) or add \voiceFour to remove the warning. > > Trevor > > - Original Message - > *From:* F

Still confused about horizontal shifts in NoteColumns

2014-10-08 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Running 2.18.2 under Linux, I'm looking to duplicate this: [image: Inline images 2] I currently have this: [image: Inline images 2] I would like to shift the first quarter note a bit to the right, about half as much as the third, but force-hshift and the various \shiftOxxx commands have no effect

context-sensitive or redefinable variables

2011-10-24 Thread Frederick Bartlett
In setting an a cappella SATB piece and the (generated) rehearsal piano part, I would like to create two PDF files with different linebreaks. Each part has many occurrences of a variable "midBarBreak" defined as { \bar "" \break } so as to break up the vocal lines at the end of the lines of the se

How does lilypond choose fonts?

2011-11-07 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Hi! I'm using lilypond 2.14.1 under CygWin 2.7, and have a large number of fonts I've accumulated over the decades. I have set up my lilypond files to use fonts I like in \paper: #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "Centaur MT" "ITC Eras"

Why can't I force an hshift?

2011-11-21 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Hi! I'm setting part 2 of BWV142 in a piano-vocal version (Petrucci PDF, p. 3), and am having trouble getting the voices to print correctly in the piano part when they change staves. In 'bassOneMusic' below, the g at t

Attaching fermata to whole rest gives programming error

2013-06-26 Thread Frederick Bartlett
All, I'm using 2.16.1 on Linux, writing in 3/4, and trying to attach a fermata to a whole rest. That is, r4\fermata is no problem, but R1 * 3/4\fermata generates the following message on compilation: programming error: Object is not a markup. continuing, cross fingers This object should be a mark

Windows registry, Python, and LilyPond

2013-09-12 Thread Frederick Bartlett
All, I just installed LilyPond on a new laptop (same OS -- Windows 7 -- as before), but this time the registry entry HKCR\Python\shell\open\command\(Default), which is set to C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\python.exe , interferes with my path to my Python installation in C:\Python27. There

Re: Windows registry, Python, and LilyPond

2013-09-12 Thread Frederick Bartlett
es > > > > ----- Original Message - > *From:* Frederick Bartlett > *To:* > *Sent:* Thursday, September 12, 2013 2:32 PM > *Subject:* Windows registry, Python, and LilyPond > > All, > > I just installed LilyPond on a new laptop (same OS -

Re: Windows registry, Python, and LilyPond

2013-09-12 Thread Frederick Bartlett
ommand line, and have > LilyPond's python run the script. > > -- > Phil Holmes > > > > - Original Message - > *From:* Frederick Bartlett > *To:* Phil Holmes > *Cc:* > *Sent:* Thursday, September 12, 2013 3:16 PM > *Subj

Re: Windows registry, Python, and LilyPond

2013-09-13 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Thanks for the information, everyone I think what I'm looking for is a Windows installation whereby LilyPond's python scripts are run by its own python.exe, while all other python scripts are run by the system's python. This is likely not possible under Windows. *sigh* However, since the py

Re: Windows registry, Python, and LilyPond

2013-09-15 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Eluze, When I try midi2ly under Windows 7, I get the error "No module named midi". While I see a midi.dll in LilyPond\usr\bin and LilyPond\lib\lilypond\current\python, I don't have anything at all under \Python27. But, as I said, it works fine on my Linux box ... so I assume I'm missing some Wind

Odd \time and \appoggiatura interaction

2013-11-09 Thread Frederick Bartlett
I'm running Lilypond 2.16.2 inside Frescobaldi 2.0.10 on Fedora 19. This gives two 'C' time signatures, one before and one after the appoggiatura: \version "2.16" \book { \score { \new Staff = "treble" << \new Voice = "treble1" << \key c\major \time 4/4 \relative c''' { << { \appoggiatu

Re: Odd \time and \appoggiatura interaction

2013-11-09 Thread Frederick Bartlett
ogramming error: Object is not a markup. continuing, cross fingers I guess I should look up debugging options Thanks again, Fred On 9 November 2013 14:23, Urs Liska wrote: > It is a common problem. > You have to put an appogiatura with spacer rests in all voices. > &

Re: Odd \time and \appoggiatura interaction

2013-11-09 Thread Frederick Bartlett
eOne g4) (c8 g) a4 (b) } \\ { \appoggiatura { s8 }2 4 } >> where the \voiceOne is need to prevent warnings about too many clashing note columns (which I also don't understand, but it does work, more or less). Thanks, Fred On 9 November 2013 15:38, pls wrote: > > On 09.11.2013, at 21:06

Scores for the visually impaired

2013-12-03 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Now that I'm *cough, cough* an expert LilyPond user, I want to explore something really difficult. My wife, a voice teacher, suffers from macular degeneration. Before her vision degrades so much that she can no longer read printed scores, I'd like to cobble together a system that - scans piano

Re: Scores for the visually impaired

2013-12-08 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Hi, Janek Thanks for those terrific tips. Once I know enough to have questions that require only two-sentence answers, I'll be sure to contact you. Thanks again, Fred On 8 December 2013 06:17, Janek Warchoł wrote: > Hi Frederick, > > 2013/12/3 Frederick Bartlett : > >

Re: Scores for the visually impaired

2013-12-08 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Curt, I had no idea such a thing existed. It looks terrific! thanks for the tip. Fred On 8 December 2013 14:41, Curt wrote: > I wonder if you could get some ideas from the python scripts that convert > lilypond files into scrolling videos... > > On Dec 3, 2013, at 8:09 AM, Freder

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 228, Issue 42

2021-11-09 Thread Frederick Bartlett
Well, rats. I just tried it (fedora 35, frescobaldi 3.1.3) and had the same result. I had to kill -9 frescobaldi. While my user account uses anaconda python at 3.8.8, the system python is 3.10.0. Fwiw, the other big problem with this release is a malloc bug in glibc 2.4.3 which renders CUDA 11.5

Re: Terminology question

2021-11-13 Thread Frederick Bartlett
'Copying,' and those who do it are 'copyists' (sometimes 'music copyists').