I'm running Lilypond 2.16.2 inside Frescobaldi 2.0.10 on Fedora 19.

This gives two 'C' time signatures, one before and one after the

 \version "2.16"

\book {

\score {

\new Staff = "treble" <<

\new Voice = "treble1" <<

\key c\major

\time 4/4

\relative c''' {

<< { \appoggiatura { g16 ([a] } g1) } \\ { <g e>1} >> |




\layout {




If I comment out the \time 4/4, I get only one 'C', in the usual place.

If I change the \time to 3/4 (and the note values to 2.), then I get a 'C'
before the appoggiatura and a '3/4' after.

Is this a known bug? I couldn't find it, though I did see discussions of
problems with appoggiaturi and bar lines in general ...


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