
Thanks for that; I have been putting spacers everywhere. But now I have a
new problem: My wife just asked me (she's the musician, I'm just the
engraver) to transpose the piece up a half step. So, I put a \transpose c
des {} around every voice and changed the \key in my \global to des\major.

Now, in my first bar (which has an appoggiatura), the key signature shows
up on the third beat (literally 'on': it's superimposed over the notes),
even though I have the spacers everywhere. This snippet shows most of the
problems, though not the superimposition, and the key signature comes after
the appoggiatura instead of on the third beat of the measure:

 \version "2.16"

\book {

\score {

\new Staff = "treble" <<

\new Voice = "treble1" <<

\key des\major

\time 4/4

\transpose c des { \relative c''' {

<< { \appoggiatura { g16 ([a] } g2 g ) } \\ { \appoggiatura { s8 } e2 e} >>




\layout {




While the snippet shows the problem it doesn't show the rather
uninformative message I get when engraving the larger piece:
Preprocessing graphical objects...

programming error: Object is not a markup.

continuing, cross fingers

I guess I should look up debugging options ....

Thanks again,

On 9 November 2013 14:23, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

>  It is a common problem.
> You have to put an appogiatura with spacer rests in all voices.
> Hth
> Urs
> Frederick Bartlett <frederick.bartl...@gmail.com> schrieb:
>> I'm running Lilypond 2.16.2 inside Frescobaldi 2.0.10 on Fedora 19.
>> This gives two 'C' time signatures, one before and one after the
>> appoggiatura:
>> \version "2.16"
>> \book {
>> \score {
>> \new Staff = "treble" <<
>> \new Voice = "treble1" <<
>> \key c\major
>> \time 4/4
>> \relative c''' {
>> << { \appoggiatura { g16 ([a] } g1) } \\ { <g e>1} >> |
>> }
>> >>
>> >>
>> \layout {
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> If I comment out the \time 4/4, I get only one 'C', in the usual place.
>> If I change the \time to 3/4 (and the note values to 2.), then I get a
>> 'C' before the appoggiatura and a '3/4' after.
>> Is this a known bug? I couldn't find it, though I did see discussions of
>> problems with appoggiaturi and bar lines in general ...
>> Thanks!
>> Fred
>> --
>> “To my knowledge I have no knowledge.” -- John Kerry, the Secretary of
>> State of the United States of America, in response to Senator Barbara
>> Boxer, 3 Sep 2013
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“To my knowledge I have no knowledge.” -- John Kerry, the Secretary of
State of the United States of America, in response to Senator Barbara
Boxer, 3 Sep 2013
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